God’s instruction for an apron was clear. Black with the Beroepsvrou logo embroidered on (not printed). At that time, I had just received the scripture for Beroepsvrou – Proverbs 10:21 and did not have an electronic logo as yet.
I did not understand why it had to be black and tried to reason that black is classy and practical in the kitchen. When I told my husband about the vision that God laid on my heart, he answered by saying that an apron means ministry and to serve others.
I approached Anri Erasmus of Painted Lemons to design a logo for me. I think she did a stunning job, especially if you compare it with the hand drawn logo!
I decided to stop reasoning about the color and to just trust God with that which He placed in my heart. With enough money for ten aprons, I approached a God-sent tannie to make aprons for me.
The tannie’s name is Tersia Borageiro (and no, I also don’t know how to pronounce the surname and everytime I want to type it, I have to get it off my phone). I had the privilege to meet her briefly once and cannot wait for a proper visit over a cup of coffee with her!
From the apron the entire Pink Feathers range was born as it is advertised on my webpage and which I sell at markets. God has, over time, revealed more symbolic meaning behind the apron to me.
I am sure that God is going to reveal more to me about the aprons. As and when that happens, I will add it to this page.
This represents the breastplate of righteousness. This is also something that I stand for – to always be righteous and to do the right thing, even if no one is watching. This ties in so beautifully with the scripture that God has given for Beroepsvrou. The lips of the righteous feed and guide many.
It protects your clothes and you as a person against the dirtiness of life, as well as your heart. We must protect our hearts because from it comes forth all that happens in life. It determines the life we live.
The black color means authority. We stand in authority over everything on this earth and must take back that which the enemy tries to steal. One of the stones on the Priests’ clothes were black – there were 12 stones, one for each tribe of Israel. According to my knowledge an Onyx stone is black, but I have also seen that there are other Onyx stone colors too. I am still investigating this one and will update this one once I have more information about it.
Embroidered and handmade – God made us with His hands, knitted together in our mother’s womb. Every logo that is embroidered is different and unique. Even if all the aprons are made from the same pattern, they differ from each other. All people are also different even if the same blue print was used for us.
Ministry and serving
When you put on an apron, you serve people with food. But also spiritually and emotionally. Is the food that you present (physical, spiritual and emotional) correct, so that those being served can also have Pink Feathers for God? The end product is eternal life.
Black is the key colour
When you print something, you use CMYK. The C is for Cyan, M is Magenta, Y is Yellow and K is the Key colour which is Black. During the printing process, black is added last to finish off the image, so that the end product and results appear perfectly. In the same manner, the Black Apron resembles, in a symbolic manner, the key to that which God plans for us and to finish it off perfectly.