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New Years’ Eve’s day’s training….

Before I even proceed, I am doubting my title. What do you call the day before New year? New Years’ Eve’s day? That just sounds a bit weird and wrong. In Afrikaans we call it Oujaarsdag. Anyway, back to my story. So you guessed it. Like a peanut, I was sitting, doing training the day before new year. Why? you might ask. Well, my career and qualification requires me to do a certain amount of hours for certain things every year. Normally I get everything done throughout the year and I manage to get it done By the hair on my chinney chin-chin so that I do not have to do anything in December about training.

But, the past two years, 2020 and 2021 were DIFFERENT. I did not have enough hours in a day to do everything and every December, it was me staring at my CPD hours. Almost like an old Western movie where the two cowboys have to draw their guns and shoot at each other to survive.

You see, in 2020, the whole world had to homeschool their kids for a certain period of time due to Hard Lockdown. I really do not have to elaborate more about how much washing and dishes we had to do, not even talking about how much we ate and how little work and schoolwork we got done. Everyone was in the same boat and everyone can relate.

OK back to my training. So here I am, sitting on the last day of 2021 with 5 hours of tax training left to do. It does not sound like a lot. But if your whole family is outside in the swimming pool busy having the time of their lives (so it feels) and wanting something to eat every five minutes is seems, because everyone is H-U-N-G-R-Y, then the 5 hours feel like 5 days. Not even to mention the house that cannot seem to keep itself clean!

Systematically I work trough the requirements in my mind. IRBA wants ethics training – I can check that off the list. My Tall Trees training from ProBeta helped to sort out that requirement. I check and double check the list (almost like Santa Clause making his list and checking it twice), the whole time I end up back with the tax hours that I need. I do not have sufficient hours for that. I can almost hear the buzzer going off in my mind, you know, like in the game shows when someone gives the wrong answer and is buzzed out.

For a moment I want to get up and run around like the Sponge Bob & Patrick giff that one finds on Whatsapp, Panic & run and screaming because I am now almost out of time. I wonder if I will hear the buzzer or not…..if I do not have my certificates dated 2021, then it is over. 1 January 2022 does not help me ANYTHING. Then I calm down and pray for help. Then God reminds me of one of ProBeta’s new platforms that they released a year or two ago.

Akhanani (I ALWAYS have to double check this name, because I just cannot remember it and get it right on my own….) is the name of the platform where you can purchase training like you would purchase goods from Take-a-lot. You choose what you want and then you go to the check out, make payment and you are on your way! Your training is there, your assessment that you have to complete to ensure that you did in fact listen (and the golden ticket – the training certificate as proof of your training) are all included in the price. Before checking out and making payment, I remember about two vouchers that I had affording me 50% discount. I sigh a sigh of relief when I see they are still active and working, reducing the costs to an even cheaper price that what I was supposed to pay.

Now I start to work through the training. It is torture but I push through and bear forward. I do the assessment and thankfully I pass it! You must now remember, I am doing this in between marking and labelling school stationery. I am multi tasking like never before. The next two sessions are half an hour sessions and I decide to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen while I listen to Wessel Smit’s voice.

I feel like a champion after obtaining the last certificate, around 5 pm on the last day of 2021. The kids look like they do not have too many emotional scars from me having to do training in between holiday time and marking the stationery. But suddenly I am exhausted and now it feels to me that this was ALL that I had done this past holiday (another lie I know).

A few days after this training, the 3rd of January to be exact, I have a conversation with someone. I explain about this training that I had to do and how hard it was for me, but I managed to get it all done. I close off with “Do you know what? Today, as I sit here, I have to do EVERYTHING all over again. That training that I did a few days ago, helps me NOTHING for 2022!”

It is terrible to think of it like this, starting all over, is it not? The lesson that I have learnt from this whole thing, is to stop Procrastinating about things that are less fun to do (like training – let us admit it, doing training does not get everyone out of bed jumping for joy). Do not leave everything until the last minute. I need to get my act together and start doing things the way I did it before this whole Pandemic started. The Boxwood in me wants to plan and not be caught like this, having to do things on number 99.

The Palm tree in me, on the other hand, is the one that Procrastinates and postpones. The motto is after all, Tomorrow is another day is it not? You see, for 2 years, since the start of the Pandemic, she was placed in a dark box, not allowed to breathe or have a say in anything. But, she managed to work her way into my life and planning somehow….while I am sitting and typing this, I am very grateful and thankful that I managed to meet the deadline and that I did what I had to do by 31 December 2021.

I am also very grateful for my training that teaches me more about myself, how I react in certain situations when life gets too heavy and hard. Also just being able to understand everything and everyone a little bit better. Of course it is easier said than done to do a little bit everyday (like my school teacher tried to teach us – Elke dag se bietjie, elke liewe dag). One nice thing is that everything is available for me to do in my own time (that of course, does not work for the Palm tree in me, by the way).

I just know, with the Tall Trees Continuous Ethics training that I have access to, as well as Akhanani (that is very cheap and easy to use by the way) I will get my training hours sorted in no time in the new year! I must just DO IT! I just know, deep down inside of me, this is the year that things are going to normalise for us, systematically and gradually. December 2022 I am certainly NOT going to sit catching up on training again! The balance between the Boxwood and Palm tree within me will surely be achieved…….

Ou jaar se opleiding…
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2021 – The Year we get things done

As the heading of this entry confirms, that is how it was to a certain extent for me and my family. As we say farewell to the last day of 2021 for ever, and welcome 2022, one cannot help but think back on the past year.

Yes I know, I sound like an old lady and an LP that is stuck (all at the same time) when I say “Thís year went by QUICKLY.” But, man-o-man, it did go by QUICKLY did it not?

It feels like yesterday that I worked my shoulder into spasm, preparing the kitchen cabinets for painting (that is still not finished by the way, because the absolute desire to paint and do some home reno has not yet overwhelmed me). But, that was last December……..December 2020….

I cannot say that I will be greeting 2021 “until we meet again”. No. It is So Long, Farewell. Cheers. Koebaai. Overs-ke-dovers. Over and out. I am sure you understand what I mean. 2021 is over FOREVER. What a scary thought. But it is what it is.

2021 the year we get things done as I had proclaimed it. Indeed it was like that and also not. New things that crossed my path, like this blog. The Beroepsvrou business that started out of nothing and unplanned.

Yes, the kitchen is still not finished, all the cupboards in my house are waiting anxiously for me to work through them and create order. So I can go on and on about everything that has not happened during 2021.

Why not? Because everything that did happen, took time! And the other time that I had available, I tried (I emphasize this for a reason as it feels to me that I fail at this often) to rest and spend time with my family.

Back to my other statement that I utter often – the one about HOW quickly time flies. I have been thinking about this for YEARS and I think I have it. When you are young, time goes by relatively slowly. You don’t have kids and have very little or no responsibilities.

But then, you have to wee-wee on a stick that produces two little lines and breaks the news. You hear the sound of an LP that is stopped abruptly and tires screeching as the car that you were in, going nowhere slowly, makes a U-turn at 180 miles per hour.

Then it is as if someone bashes on the watch hard and continuously that makes the time go by EVEN faster…..suddenly it is 13 years since you were pregnant with your eldest child and not only a few months. Suddenly you realise the milestones that your baby makes and reaches (even if it felt like forever to get them to the age of 4 or 5 where they function a bit more independently).

Suddenly things just happen and if you do not have your safety belt on, then this thing called time throws you out of the car in a similar way that a Crash Test Dummy without a safety belt on is thrown out a vehicle upon impact.

In the process one (hopefully) becomes wiser. Older and wiser. In Afrikaans we have a saying Wysheid met die grysheid which means that as you age and your hair turns grey, you gain more knowledge. Literally. My husband was very surprised and amazed at the same time the other day when he observed himself in the mirror. “Look how grey my hair has become!” he probably said more to himself than to me.

On the last day of the year I am trying to catch up on my tax training hours, marking school stationery for 2022 in between (because my daughter wants to do it NOW). It is hard, the motivation is pretty much zero. The holiday is shouting and screaming my name, so loudly that I struggle to focus to get this over and done with.

At least I managed to resolve some things for 2022 at the end of this year – the kids’ school things. Stationery and clothes. It already feels to me as if 2022 is trying to infiltrate 2021, pushing and bumping like a buffalo to get the old year out the way.

As I observe everything and try to process everything, I know that everything, even time, is in God’s hands. He wants the best for us. Plans of prosperity and not of hardship.

Here is to 2022! May the year ahead move at a glacial pace rather than the speed of light, giving us all time to gather ourselves after surviving the Pandemic. Just yesterday I was thinking – everyone that is still on earth can say that they have survived a world-wide Pandemic. Wow.

May 2022 be filled with prosperity and favour for everyone. May it be the year that the Pandemic stops just as suddenly as it started. May God hold us (and time) in His hand. May we just move closer and closer to Him daily and may our relationship with Him grow stronger.

So long and farewell 2021 and Hello 2022! I look forward to welcome you with open arms into my life…..

“2021 – The Year we get things done”
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“2021 – The Year we get things done”

Nou ja, soos die opskrif lui en dit bevestig, was dit toe so gewees in ‘n mate vir my en ons gesin. Soos wat ons die laaste dag van 2021 vir ewig vaarwel roep en 2022 welkom heet, kan mens nie anders as om terug te dink aan die jaar wat verby is nie.

Ja ek weet, ek klink soos ‘n ou tannie en ‘n plaat wat vashaak op dieselfde tyd as ek sê “Díe jaar het VINNIG gevlieg.” Maar a-la-mapstieks, hy hét VINNIG gevlieg het hy nie?

Dit voel soos gister dat ek my skouer in ‘n spasma ingeskuur het aan ons kombuiskassies (wat nou nog nie klaar is nie want die oorweldigende lus vir verf en home reno het my nog nie weer oorval nie). Maar, dit was laas Desember……Desember 2020….

Ek kan nie sê ek gaan 2021 groet “tot wedersiens” nie. Nee. Dis vaarwel. Cheers. Koebaai. Overs-ke-dovers. Oor en uit. Ek is seker jy vang wat ek bedoel. 2021 is VIR EWIG VERBY. What a scary thought. Maar dit is wat dit is.

2021 the year we get things done soos ek dit proklameer het. Inderdaad was dit so en ook nie so nie. Nuwe goed het oor my pad gekom, soos hierdie webjoernaal (nee blog klink net beter hier). Die Beroepsvrou besigheid wat uit niks uit en onbeplan ontstaan het.

Ja, die kombuis is nou nog nie klaar geverf nie, al die kaste in die huis wag angstig vir my hande om deur hulle te krap en reg te pak en weg te gooi, en so kan ek aangaan van als wat nie gebeur het in 2021 nie.

Hoekom nie? Want alles wat wel gebeur het, het die tyd opgeneem! En die ander tyd wat ek gehad het, het ek probeer (ek lê klem op dit vir ‘n rede) rus en tyd met my gesin spandeer.

Terug by my ander sin wat ek gereeld uiter oor HOE vinnig die tyd gaan. Ek dink al hieraan vir JARE en ek dink ek het dit. Wanneer jy jonk is, gaan die tyd relatief tot matig stadig. Jy het nie kinders nie met min of geen verantwoordelikhede.

Maar dan pieps jy op die stokkie wat vir jou 2 strepies gee en die nuus breek. Skielik is dit amper asof ‘n plaat krap en bande skree soos wat jou kar waarin jy rustig oppad was na nêrens ‘n U-draai (nee U-turn klink net beter) maak teen 180 myl per uur.

Dan is dit asof iemand die horlosie hard en aanhoudend klap en skud sodat die tyd net NOG vinniger gaan…skielik is dit 13 jaar sedert jy met jou oudste swanger was en nie net ‘n paar maande nie. Skielik kom jy agter hoe gou die baba mylpale behaal en verander (al voel dit vir ewig om hulle tot op so 4 of 5 te kry wat hulle bietjie meer onafhanklik funksioneer).

Skielik gebeur daar net goed en as jou gordel nie vas is nie, gooi tyd jou uit soos wat ‘n Crash Test Dummy sonder ‘n veiligheidsgordel aan, uit ‘n voertuig geslinger word op impak.

In die proses word mens (hopelik) slimmer. Ouer en wyser. Wysheid met die grysheid. Letterlik. My man kyk ander dag verbaas na homself in die spieël. “Kyk hoe grys het ek geword!” Sê hy seker meer vir homself as vir my. Dit gebeur toe nou met almal, nie net met ou mense nie. Want iemand moet weer ou mense word….en dis nou ons beurt….

So op die ou jaar probeer ek die laaste ure se belasting opleidingsure inhaal en gedoen kry EN 2022 se skryfbehoeftes merk want, my dogtertjie wil NOU haar tas pak. Dis moeilik, die motivering is min. Die vakansie skree en roep te hard vir my om doelgerig te sit en dit net oor en verby te kry.

Ek het darem so op die amper ou jaar die kinders se goed vir 2022 uitgesorteer. Dit voel al klaar of 2022 besig is om homself in te wurm in 2021 in en 2021 uit die pad te stamp soos ‘n buffel.

Soos wat ek net alles observeer en probeer verwerk, weet ek net dat alles, tyd ook, in God se hande is. Hy wil net die beste vir ons hê. Planne van voorspoed en nie teëspoed nie.

Hier is op 2022! Mag die jaar net so tritsel stadiger verby beweeg en ons tyd gee om tot verhaal te kom na die Pandemie. Ek staan net gister en dink – ons almal wat nou nog op aarde is, kan sê ons het ‘n wêreld-wye Pandemie oorleef. Wow.

Mag 2022 net goedheid en guns inhou vir almal. Mag dit die jaar wees wat die Pandemie net skielik stop. So skielik as wat hy begin het. Mag God ons (en tyd) styf vashou in Sy hand. Mag ons net nader aan Hom beweeg en ons verhouding met Hom versterk.

Vaarwel 2021 en Hallo 2022! Ek sien uit om jou met ope arms te ontvang en welkom te laat voel in my lewe……

2021 – The Year we get things done