Last week I was trying to be super effective. You see with the computer crash the week before, I lost some valuable work time. The documents on the computer are not a big issue, although as time passes by, I realise what I needed and used – mostly templates and control sheets for internal use, thus not really affecting the work output. Although it affects me, as I feel lost without everything that I was used to using on that machine!
So Monday afternoon, I get on our treadmill and I decide today is the day that I am going to exercise WHILE watching some training videos. I could not go to the Cross Fit club as my children were ill. I had to do the responsible thing of being a mother and take care of them and put my own needs aside. You see, I realised that I NEED exercise to stay sane. For years I was praying to God to help me LOVE exercise. Guess what? He came through for me! Now I deter missing a week of exercise!
I am also one of those people who like to think I am effective. A scenario such as the one from last Monday is a typical one. If I can exercise WHILE doing something to take my mind off the walking on the Treadmill, well, then I do it!
I decide to start climbing the mountain of Ethics training that is literally lying in front of me like Mount Everest. You see, since signing up in September, I have not really left the base camp as yet. I try to do what needs to be done and then some or another snow storm hits, forcing me back to pretty much where I started.
I spent a good 30 minutes or so on the treadmill, reading through the first four weeks’ worth of documents that have to be completed and tended to on a weekly basis. Of course I did not do this – complete them as they should have been done. But at least I READ them. That is a start. Now my brain knows what to expect.
Again I had eye-rolling moments reading through the content. I was thinking to myself, how can people not know this? Why do people have to have ethics training? Is it not something that just happens? Well clearly not! I realised that these documents are meant for trainees too – not only for people such as myself with 20+ years experience in the field (now I sound OLD if I look at the number of years’ experience I have…).
Young adults entering our business world, who may not have been brought up in an ethical environment. That is why the layout is the way that it is. I should not roll my eyes at it but rather just roll with it if this makes sense? Just do it, even if I KNOW it, just do it. That is the requirement.
One of the documents catch my eye – learning to say No. This is interesting. A skill I am yet to master. Something I personally struggle with. I read through it and realise that my eye-rolling moments for week one’s training notes should be withdrawn. I can benefit more from this than what I realise!
I then start to watch one of the videos – one of the first ones where Hettie Brittz speaks. I only get up to about 5 minutes into the video and then my time is up. I have to finish on the Treadmill and start supper….immediately regret takes over. I should not have spent all that time reading through the documents! I should have watched the videos!
But, now I know how I am going to take on Mount Ethics. One step at a time and where needed, I will use the Treadmill to burn some calories that accumulated during the day from all the coffee that I had while slaving away behind my laptop.
I just also HAVE to mention – while doing this training, I did NOT set up my laptop next to the treadmill! No – I used my phone. Probeta was so kind enough to design an Application that can be used on phones and tablets to assist you on the go, literally like I did while walking on the treadmill…with this being said, one really does not have any excuse for not doing this training!Make a plan man!
I also decided somewhere through this post to not blog this one in Afrikaans. You see, the heading Training while training will just not be as catchy and effective in Afrikaans….Opleiding tydens oefening just does not sound right to me!
Watch out for the next blog post about this Mountain that all CA’s in South Africa are trying to climb! You might just get some tips and tricks or even motivation to start the process and just do it…
God has laid it on my heart for a while now to make this entry. At the Adorned camp that I attended beginning of September, I chatted with someone about my ability to write. As I was talking to her, the words just came out as to how it started that I could write. For those of you who do not know about the camp, read the post about Heart, Heartbeat, Rhythm.
Ok, so back to my story that I told on the camp. I spoke with Lynn Grobler from Journaling on the Way. I mentioned to her that I am convinced that my background for my work and the training that I did, gave me the advantage to be able to write. She was quite surprised when she heard that. This, together with the fact that I think my mom had this hidden talent to write and that I inherited it from her enables me to write the way that I do.
You see, my mom wrote to each of her three daughters a very personal letter on our 21st birthdays. This was so special and precious to me. We never had conversations like these in real life. It was more reduced to writing if I remember correctly. As time went on it changed to sms messages, e-mails and Whatsapps. Not always DEEP things, but things that were just dealt with easier in writing than verbally – if this makes sense what I am trying to say.
So my training as a Trainee Accountant taught me that my files should speak for themselves. Any audit file, must be able to stand on its own two feet, so to speak, without me uttering any words whatsover about that file. The file must be able to tell the reader, one with reasonable knowledge and background, why I did the tests I did and why I made the professional conclusions that I did.
There I go again sounding like an Audit Standard!! But I took this very seriously. My files can, at any time, be subject to review by the professional bodies that I belong to. Because of this, I took it very serious! Things must be done right the first time around! I also did the training to ensure that I remain relevant and up to date with changes, and also because my qualification required me to do, what felt like endless hours of training, annually.
When I started my own practice, I searched for more training. I was now the responsible person, the partner. I must ensure that everything is correct. You know what a mammoth task that is and how much uncertainty that creates within oneself? None-the-less, I found Probeta to assist with training. I often attend their training sessions, all of those which I consider to be relevant to my practice. I must admit, this too gave me the advantage that enabled me to write – the training that I received from them.
The institution to which I belong, SAICA, changed the rules surrounding training in 2020. Thank goodness for this, as this was just before the Pandemic hit the world and everything was left in turmoil! It makes life so much easier, even if we all were uncertain as to what to do and how it works. As soon as you embrace change, then it no longer overwhelms you. What I also learnt over time, is, if you are teachable then you get so much further in life. But, if you go through life Knowing it all then it gets hard. No one can teach you anything if you do not WANT to learn!
In 2021 the rules changed YET AGAIN. This time the requirement is Continuous Ethical Training over a 12 month period. Yes, I admit, I rolled my eyes at this change. I mean SERIOUSLY. Just ANOTHER thing to fit into a schedule that is already so busy and overflowing with STUFF to do. And ethics of all things? Do we as CA’s REALLY have to learn about being ethical? It is burnt into my heart to ALWAYS try to do the right thing, even if no one is watching. I still cannot understand people who do not think the way I do and act the way I do. Anyway….
This whole year, since the changes came into effect, I have been postponing this ethics thing purely because of the uncertainty surrounding it and what it entails. Probeta sends an e-mail about a twelve month program that they host and it meets the requirements of SAICA. I read the marketing material and decide THIS is what I am going to do! I am not even going to TRY to do anything continuous on my own as it is more than likely to end up in anEPIC FAIL. Recovering from that is just going to create more issues!
I also decide to take the best option that they present, the one that goes into depth about your character. I am, after all the boss and I have to KNOW things so that I can train others. I am not even going to waste my time with the first option, not that it is a waste of time if you get what I am trying to say? I need the hard core stuff you know? If I can refer to it like that!
After signing up, a month passes by before I get going with this program. Ok, three weeks after signing up, towards end of September. I start working through the material and deep inside my spirit I feel this excitement awakening in me! Seriously WHO gets excited about TRAINING of all things?
The theme? Authentic journalling. My husband laughs and says it sounds like something that woman would love to do. I roll my eyes at his comment and decide to just proceed. I committed to this thing so I have to do it. If I don’t then I am no longer valid with SAICA. I do my Tall Trees Analysis – the one where your character is identified as a certain type of tree, based on Hettie Brittz’s books Growing kids with character.
I receive my analysis back and read through it. I stand in awe and amazement of the feedback. It summarises my personality and character to the point. It is as if Hettie was sitting opposite me, doing an interview with me and summarised me in person. I go back to my report from 2019 and see that my profile has changed. “This is strange.” I think to myself. I contact Lynette Berger from Probeta via e-mail. Half concerned and amazed at the same time.
Her feedback? One’s profile can change and that is why they recommend that you do this regularly to ensure that you get to know yourself and know how to deal with certain situations that you may encounter. I start to wonder by myself WHY my profile would have changed. The answer? The Pandemic. The Pandemic that changed EVERYTHING and ALL of our lives.
This afternoon (yes on a Saturday afternoon) I watch the introductory video of Authentic journalling and as she speaks and explains things, so many more things start to make sense to me and how my blog entries actually take form and get life so to speak. You see, for me, the words start turning and moving around in my head. The concept begins THERE as a thought. But, if I do not write it out, it becomes cluttered in my brain.
It is usually then that one starts to feel overwhelmed and then you end up just staring at your computer screen not knowing WHERE to start. BUT, if you start to just make a list of what to do, you channel your thoughts into written format. Lynette describes so many things so wonderfully in that video – for those of you who have to do ethical training, it is worth the watch and you will understand what I am saying here better.
But do you know what my problem is? My lists get lists for the lists of lists of things that have to be done. Yes, you may laugh, but we ALL have lists for lists!! As Lynette describes it, the written form is the physical manifestation of something that was in your thoughts or, as I also refer to it, within your spirit.
I realise now that, 2020 was one HUGE challenge for me. I am still trying to catch up work from 2020. You see, the Boxwood tree that I am, does not like it when things are out of control. So the Pandemic just did not work for me – everything felt out of control. You get to a point where you just do the BARE MINIMUM. But the bare minimum does not necessarily fall within the quadrant that makes you function optimally.
“Quadrant?” you ask. “Yes” is my answer, “quadrant”. Lynette explains in her video that you spend your time on stuff that can be categorised into four quadrants. For those of you who have NO IDEA what I am talking about – take a page and split it into four parts. Draw a line from the top to the bottom (in the middle of the page) and again from left to right, also in the middle of the page. Each block presents a quadrant…..
Each block has a name. It is one of four – Important & urgent, Important & not urgent, Not important & urgent and lastly Not important & not urgent. If your time spent falls into the last two quadrants, it usually means that chaos rules in your life.This I can confirm – is how 2020 was for me. I was more worried about the washing that was busy piling up and the house that I almost HEARD getting dirty as everyone moved around, than what I was about getting work done. I just could not function.
God has helped me to create order by journaling on this platform. Of course there are MANY things I cannot blog about, because it is just too personal to share with the whole world. What I also realised is that, if you do not make time to share your thoughts and emotions with God in a written format, you are actually exposing yourself to gossip.
Yes, you read correctly. We all fail at some stage – we tell something quickly about something that someone did. If you do not guard against this, it becomes gossip. I realise now, that, I have to journal even more frequently to channel my thoughts, which Lynette also describes as energy, and get it out of my system so that it does not make my heart turn black and bad. I know emotions are energy and do emotions not arise from thoughts? Actually, we as human beings, are one bundle of energy that needs to be channeled correctly.
Only once we get to that point, then God can use us truly what we were placed on this earth to do. Until such time we will remain like waves in the ocean being tossed around by the wind….the long and short of a not so short post? Go an channel your energy so that you can use it in a positive manner! I am so excited about the journey that God is taking me on. I am excited about this training, because I know that I will come out the other side as a changed person.
All the glory be to God always! He gives us the talents to serve others and to help them and lead them to Him. We must sow the seeds and when the time is right, the Holy Spirit will give it water and it will germinate in the people’s lives in whom we have sown seed.
Die Here het al lank dit op my hart gelê om hierdie inskrywing te maak. Op die Adorned kamp wat ek begin September bygewoon het, het ek met iemand gesels en soos wat ek praat, kom die woorde net uit oor hoe dit gebeur dat ek kan skryf. Vir diegene wat nie weet van die kamp nie, gaan lees gerus die inskrywing oor Heart, Heartbeat, Rhythm.
Goed, so terug by die storie wat ek op die kamp vertel het. Ek het met Lynn Grobler van Journaling on the Way gesels. Ek noem toe vir haar dat ek oortuig is dat my werksagtergrond my die voorsprong gee om te kan skryf. Sy was nogals verbaas toe ek dit gesê het. Dit, saam met die feit dat, ek dink my ma ‘n hidden talent gehad het om te skryf en ek dit by haar geërf het….
Jy sien, my ma het vir ons drie dogters elkeen op ons 21steverjaarsdae, briewe geskryf. Dit was vir my so mooi en spesiaal, want, ons het nooit sulke gesprekke in lewende lywe gehad nie. Dit was meer in skrif gekommunikeer as ek nou reg kan onthou. Later het gesprekke ontaard in sms boodskappe, e-posse, Whatsapps. Nie noodwendig DIEP goed altyd nie, maar goed wat net vir my persoonlik makliker is om te hanteer in skrif as in lewende lywe – as dit nou sin maak wat ek hier probeer sê.
Goed, so my opleiding as ‘n Leerlingrekenmeester, het my geleer dat, my leêr vir homself moet praat. Sonder dat ek as mens ‘n woord uiter, moet my oudit leêr op sy eie twee spreekwoordelike voete kan staan. Hy moet vir die gebruiker, wat redelike kennis en agtergrond het, kan verduidelik wat my professionele opinie was en hoekom ek sekere toetse uitgevoer het en gevolgtrekkings gemaak het.
Ai, daar klink ek nou amper soos ‘n Oudit Standaard!! Maar ek het dit baie ernstig opgeneem. Omdat my leêrs ook nagesien kan word deur die professionele instansies waaraan ek behoort, het ek die erns van die saak gesien. Goed moet reg gedoen word die eerste keer! Ek het ook opleiding gedoen om te verseker dat ek relevant en op datum bly, en ook omdat my kwalifikasies hope en hope ure se opleiding elke jaar vereis het.
Toe ek my eie praktyk begin, het ek nog meer opleiding opgesoek, want nou was EK die vennoot. EK moet sorg dat alles reg is! Weet jy watter groot taak is dit en hoeveel onsekerheid skep dit? Nie te min, so kom ek by Probeta uit wat opleiding aanbetref. Ek woon gereeld hul sessies by wat van toepassing is op my praktyk en ek moet sê, DIT het my ook die voorsprong gegee om te kan skryf. Die opleiding wat ek ontvang het.
Die instansie waaraan ek behoort, SAICA, het, genadiglik in 2020 die reëls rondom opleiding verander – net op die regte tyd want dit was net voor die Pandemie alles omver kom gooi het. Dit maak die lewe vir seker makliker, alhoewel ons almal onseker was oor wat om te doen en hoe dit werk. Sodra jy verandering embrace dan is dit nie meer so oorweldigend nie.Wat ek ook geleer het met tyd is, as jy teachable is of leerbaar, dan kom jy baie verder in die lewe as wanneer jy deur die lewe gaan met ‘n alomwetende uitkyk. Niemand kan jou leer as jy nie geleer WIL word nie….
In 2021 verander die reëls ALWEER…die keer is die vereiste Continuous Ethical Training oor 12 maande. Ja, ek erken, ek het my oë gerol. Want wragties. Net NOG iets om in te pas in ‘n propvol skedule. En ethics van alle dinge? Moet ons CA’s REGTIG geleer word om eties op te tree? Dis ingebrand in my hart in om ALTYD die regte ding te probeer doen, al kyk niemand nie. Ek kan regtig nooit ander mense verstaan as hulle nie soos ek dink en optree nie. Nie te min.
So stel ek die heel jaar uit om die taak te begin en dis bloot oor die onsekerheid wat heers rondom dit. Probeta stuur ‘n e-pos oor ‘n twaalf maande program wat hulle aanbied wat aan SAICA se vereistes voldoen. Ek lees hul bemarking en besluit dat DIT is wat ek gaan doen. Ek gaan nie self oor 12 maande eers PROBEER om hierdie continuous ding aan te pak nie. Ek weet sommer op my eie gaan ek op my gesig val en dan is dit ‘n storie en ‘n half om dit reg gestel te kry.
Ek besluit toe om vir die heel beste opsie te gaan wat hul aanbied, die een wat in diepte ingaan. Ek is mos die baas en ek moet goed WEET sodat ek ander kan oplei, so dit help nie eens ek mors my tyd met die eerste opsie nie. Nie dat dit tydmors is nie, ek glo jy verstaan wat ek bedoel. Ek het die grof geskud nodig jy weet? As ek nou so daarna kan verwys!
Nou ja, een maand na ek opgeteken het vir die program, kom ek uiteindelik aan die gang. Ok, drie weke na dit, einde September. Ek begin dit aanpak en diep binne in my gees begin ek opgewonde raak oor opleiding. Seriously WIE raak opgewonde oor OPLEIDING van alle dinge?
Die tema? Authentic journalling. My man lag en sê dit klink soos iets wat vroumense van sal hou om te doen. Ek rol my oë en besluit om net aan te gaan, ek het mos nou commit tot die ding en ek moet dit doen, anders is ek nie geldig by SAICA nie. Ek doen my Tall Trees Analysis – die analise van jou karakter omgeskakel in die bome se formate gebasseer op Hettie Brittz se boeke Kweek kinders met karakter.
Ek kry my analise terug, lees deur die verslag en staan verstom. Dit som my op, tot op die punt. Dis asof Hettie oorkant my gesit het en ‘n onderhoud met my gevoer het en my opgesom het. Ek gaan terug na my verslag van 2019 en sien dat my profiel verander het. “Dis vreemd.” dink ek by myself. Ek kontak Lynette Berger van Probeta dadelik per e-pos. Half bekommerd en verbaas op dieselfde tyd.
Haar terugvoer? Mens se profiel kan verander en daarom dat jy dit gereeld moet doen om seker te maak jy ken jouself en weet hoe om werksituasies te hanteer. Ek begin toe redeneer by myself HOEKOM my profiel sou verander. Die antwoord? Die Pandemie. Die Pandemie en alles wat saam met dit gaan het ALMAL se lewens kom verander.
Vanmiddag (ja op ‘n Saterdagmiddag) kyk ek die inleidingsvideo van die Authentic journalling en soos wat sy praat en goed verduidelik, begin soveel meer goed sin maak vir my en hoe my blog inskrywings vorm vat en realiseer. Jy sien, vir my, begin die woorde rond draai in my kop. Die konsep begin DAAR as ‘n gedagte. Maar, as ek nie die gedagte neerpen nie, dan begin dit cluttered raak in my brein.
Dis dan gewoonlik wanneer mens oorweldig begin voel en dan net vir jou rekenaar se skerm begin staar en eintlik nie weet waar om te begin nie. MAAR, as jy begin om ‘n lysie te maak van dit wat gedoen moet word, kanaliseer jy jou gedagtes in geskrewe vorm. Lynette beskryf soveel goed so mooi in daardie video – vir die wat moet etiese opleiding doen, gaan kyk gerus, dan sal jy beter verstaan.
Maar weet jy wat is my probleem? My lysies begin lysies kry vir lysies van lysies se lysies wat gedoen moet word. Ja, lag lekker, ons ALMAL het lysies vir lysies! Soos Lynette dit noem, die geskrewe vorm is die fisiese manifestasie van iets wat in jou gedagtes was, of soos ek ook daarna verwys, in my gees.
Ek besef ook nou, dat 2020 vir my een GROOT uitdaging was. Ek haal nou nog werk in van 2020. Jy sien, vir ‘n Sierboompie, dis nou ek, WERK iets soos ‘n Pandemie net GLAD nie. Alles voel buite beheer. Jy kom op ‘n punt dat jy NET DIE NODIGSTE doen. Maar net die nodigste, val nie noodwendig in die kwadrant wat dit moet wees vir jou om as mens optimaal te kan funksioneer nie.
“Kwadrant?” vra jy nou. “Ja” is my antwoord, “kwadrant”. Lynette verduidelik in haar video dat jou tyd wat jy spandeer aan goed in vier kwadrante opgedeel kan word. Vir die wat nou heeltemal verlore is, vat ‘n bladsy en deel hom op in vier. Trek ‘n lyn in die middel van die bladsy van bo na onder en weer in die middel van die bladsy van links na regs. Een blokkie is ‘n kwadrant….
Elke blokkie het ‘n naam. Dis een van vier – Belangrik & dringend, Belangrik & nie-dringend, Nie-belangrik & dringend en laastens Nie-belangrik & nie-dringend nie. As jou tyd in een van die laaste twee kwadrante val, dan heers daar gewoonlik chaos in jou lewe. Hierdie kan ek beaam – dis hoe 2020 vir my was. Ek het meer bekommer oor die wasgoed wat gaan ophoop as om werk te doen en die huis wat ek kon HOOR vuil word soos wat almal rond beweeg elke dag. Ek kon net nie funksioneer nie.
Met die dat ek op my manier journal op hierdie platvorm, het die Here my gehelp om orde te skep. Natuurlik is daar BAIE goed waaroor ek nie kan blog nie, want dis net te persoonlik om met die hele wêreld te deel. Wat ek ook besef het, is dat as jy nie andersins tyd maak om dit met die Here te deel in skriftelike formaat nie, jy jouself eintlik maar blootstel aan skinder en bespreking.
Ja, jy het reg gelees. Ons almal faal gereeld – ons vertel net gou-gou ietsie van iemand wat ietsie gedoen het. As jy nie waak nie, word dit skinder. Ek besef nou, dat, ek nog meer gereeld gaan moet journal om hierdie gedagtes, wat Lynette ook as energie beskryf, uit te kanaliseer, sodat dit nie my hart verswart nie. Ek weet emosies is energie en kom emosies nie maar uit gedagtes uit nie? Eintlik is ons mense net een groot bondel energie wat reg gekanaliseer moet word.
Eers as ons op daardie punt kom, kan die Here ons werklik gebruik waarvoor Hy ons op aarde geplaas het. Tot dan, is ons maar soos golfies wat rond gewaai word deur die wind….lang en die kort van hierdie nie so kort inskrywing? Gaan kanaliseer jou energie sodat jy dit positief kan gebruik!! Ek is ongelooflik opgewonde oor hierdie reis wat die Here my op het. Ek is opgewonde oor hierdie opleiding, want ek weet, na dit, kan ek nie anders as om changed (dit klink net beter hier in Engels) anderkant uit te stap nie.
Alle eer kom altyd na God toe. Hy gee ons die gawes om ander te kan bedien en te help en te lei na Hom toe. Ons moet die saad saai, en wanneer die tyd reg is, sal die Heilige Gees dit water gee en dan sal dit ontkiem in die mense in wie se lewens ons saad gesaai het.
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