The entire month I felt like I almost had writer’s block when it comes to this month’s bible verse. I am struggling to identify with the verse. I have written a few pieces, only for them to be deleted again, because they do not feel right. It feels like that what I am trying to say is not carried over correctly. This whole time I am talking to myself and God, asking what it is that I must write.
I also cannot help but think that this year feels less and less like a Jubilee year. Something that I declared in 2022 with the new year’s diaries, now feels like something out of ancient history and almost like a lie. Now I will not bore you with everything that I feel does not belong in a year of Jubilee in my life personally. I think the cherry on the top was our little pup that died after being hit by a car now in June. But the long and the short is – this year feels really tough for me!
Back to the bible verse – I read it over and over. But it feels like I hear nothing. Until last weekend. While I was washing dishes, my thoughts wander to the very famous piece that was written called Footprints. You know, the one about the two rows of footprints? And when the person asks Jesus where He was when it was difficult in this person’s life and only one row of footprints can be seen. With that Jesus answered the person – That was when I carried you.
Suddenly a few lights go on for me. You see, I am searching the whole time for something to identify with, to be able to testify about how God has carried me through one specific situation. But I realised that I missed it. Totally. This is not what the verse is about. As I let my thoughts go about the verse, I think back to my life.
How so many things happened at so many different times and God saved me and carried me through it all. Since I was young and before I had accepted Him properly as my Saviour. Until now, here where I am older but still relatively young, He carries me. Protects me. I can actually testify daily of His goodness in my life. Even if I cannot pinpoint only one specific moment.
Then I start to think – this is how simple it is. Nothing complicated or elaborated about what is happening in the verse. No, the fact that God protects us daily, is enough to identify with this bible verse. When you look back you will most certainly see only one row of footprints, at other times there will be two. There where the one row of footprints are, those are the carry times that is spoken about in this verse.
My thoughts cannot help but to wander back to the famous piece of Footprints. And the answer from Jesus on the question about the one row of footprints. It was when I carried you.
Die hele maand al, voel ek amper of ek writer’s block het as dit kom by die maand se skrifvers. Ek sukkel om te vereenselwig en identifiseer met die bybelversie. Ek skryf vele stukke, net om dit weer uit te wis, want ek voel nie of dit reg is nie. Dit voel nie of dit wat ek probeer sê reg oorgedra word nie. Ek praat heeltyd met myself en met God, vra wat dit is wat ek moet skryf.
Ek dink ook heeltyd dat die jaar vir my al hoe minder soos ‘n Jubel jaar begin voel. Iets wat ek in 2022 verklaar het met die nuwe jaar se dagboeke, voel nou vir my soos iets uit die verre verlede en amper soos ‘n leuen. Nou ek sal jou nie verveel met alles wat ek voel nie by ‘n Jubel jaar hoort nie, veral nie alles wat in my lewe gebeur het nie. Ek dink die kersie op die koek was maar seker die ou baba hondjie wat doodgery was nou in Junie. Maar die lang en die kort is – die jaar voel tough vir my!
Terug by die skrifvers – ek lees dit oor en oor en oor. Maar ek voel en hoor niks. Tot laas naweek. Terwyl ek skottelgoed was, dink ek aan die baie bekende stuk wat iemand geskryf het genaamd Voetspore. Jy weet, die een van die twee rye spore? En toe die persoon vir Jesus vra waar was Hy toe dit moeilik gegaan het in die persoon se lewe, en daar net een ry voetspore te siene is. Met Jesus wat die persoon antwoord – Dit was toe Ek jou gedra het.
Skielik gaan daar ‘n paar ligte vir my aan. Jy sien, ek soek heeltyd die iets om mee te identifiseer, om te kan getuig van hoe die Here my gedra het deur een spesifieke situasie. Maar ek besef ek het dit gemis. Heeltemal. Dis glad nie waaroor die vers gaan nie. Soos wat ek my gedagtes laat gaan oor die vers, dink ek terug aan my lewe.
Hoe so baie goed op soveel verskillende tye gebeur het en God my gered en gedra het, gedurig deur. Vandat ek jonk was en nog voor ek Hom behoorlik aanvaar het as my Verlosser. Tot nou toe, hier waar ek ouer, maar steeds eintlik nog redelik jonk is, dra Hy my. Beskerm Hy my. Ek kan eintlik elke dag getuig van Sy goedheid in my lewe. Al kan ek nie altyd een spesifieke oomblik uitsonder nie.
Dan begin ek te dink – dis so eenvoudig soos dit. Niks gekompliseerd en uitgebrei oor wat in die vers aan die gang is nie. Nee, net die feit dat die Here ons elke dag beskerm en bewaar, is genoeg om te kan identifiseer met hierdie skrifvers. Natuurlik wanneer mens terug kyk, sal jy verskeie tye een ry voetspore sien, en ander tye twee rye. Daar waar die een ry spore is, is die dra tye waarvan gepraat word in hierdie vers.
My gedagtes kan nie help om weer terug te dwaal na die beroemde stuk van die Voetspore nie. En Jesus se antwoord op die vraag van die een ry spore. Dit was toe Ek jou gedra het.
So yesterday I had this brainwave, to type my daily thoughts on the daily bible verse on my website too and not only on social media. I realise that many people are not on socials and then those that follow my blog online miss out so to speak. Of course today was implementation day and this meant that I never got round to it, because duty called with the day job.
Vir diegene wat nuut is met hoe die daaglikse inskrywings werk – ek skryf in beide Engels en Afrikaans in een inskrywing, sodat ek nie vashaak met vertalings nie, want maak nie saak hoe kort die stuk is wat ek skryf nie, om te vertaal neem tyd, en nee, ek gebruik nie Google translate nie.
Today’s verse speaks of Godly sorrow that leads to repentance without regret. This in turn leads to salvation. Now I was not hundred percent sure what was meant with this verse, but the more I thought of it, the more I think it refers to sorrow of what we did wrong, repenting and then receiving salvation. Can it be this simple? To understand it like this?
Die tweede deel praat van die wêreldse droefheid wat tot die dood ly. Ek kon nie lekker begryp wat die 1953 vertaling en selfs die Amplified bedoel nie. Toe ek na Die Boodskap vertaling gaan kyk, snap ek dit en gaan die liggie aan. My aanvanklike interpretasie in die vorige paragraaf dink ek is ook verkeerd. Jy sien, wanneer ons na God toe gaan met ons droefheid en hartseer, kom Hy, maak ons heel, bou so bietjie aan ons karakter in die proses, maak ons sterker. Maak dit sin? So nie noodwendig droefheid oor iets wat ons verkeerd gedoen het soos ek gedink het nie….
But, if you keep this to yourself and you try to cope with it on your own, you do not receive the healing you need. Your character is not built like God intended it to be built. And ultimately this leads to death, not receiving salvation, not being saved and possibly not finding the eternal life. WOW can this be? Something to think about. I know I can relate to this verse.
Toe ons baba hondjie doodgery was oor die langnaweek in Junie, het ek hierdie ongelooflike hartseer gehad. Ek was regtig ongelooflik tranerig vir ‘n paar dae. Maar ek het God gaan soek, probeer om dit vir Hom te gee, sodat ek weer ligter en beter kan voel. Ek het dit nie dadelik reg gekry nie. Maar die Dinsdag, by een van my weeklikse oefeninge, het die “release” gekom. Ek het steeds nie beter gevoel dadelik nie, dit was eers die volgende dag, by ‘n lekker strawwe oefening van spinning dat ek heeltemal verlos was van die droefheid wat ek ervaar het. En dis net God. Net Hy kan dit so doen en so vinnig ook.
If I did not experience it like this, I still would have been a mess. I still would have not felt this calmness inside me and I probably would have moved away further from God, thus risking my salvation over sorrow…..OH MY HAT! What a revelation! What do you do with your sorrow?
So ietsie om weer oor te dink!!
I normally end this off with a little arm emoji that flexes saying let’s do this day. But now this day is almost over….
The whole time while I am working, I am thinking about this month’s scripture. A tough one I think to understand fully without taking offence so to speak from what God is trying to tell us here. But in the same breath, I want to say it is actually very simple.
Well, as I have said many times before, February is our busiest month, which means I work longer hours than usual to get everything that is required to be done, done and submitted on time. It is nothing new to me. I just feel sorry for my kids, because time with them is few and far between at the beginning of a year. Time to write feels even less. I decided, unofficially, the other day, that the first term of the year is just busy and NOTHING that I try to do about this, is going to change that fact.
Unless I do a career change of course, but, who wants to, at almost 42, take on something new and start from scratch? Ok, I admit, I DID start something new with Beroepsvrou, but not to replace my day job. Ok, back to the realities of being BUSY at work. Now, for us it is really very busy. It is financial year end for majority of our clients. There are important calculations that need to be done before 28 (or 29) February. Of course, the extra day in a leap year helps, only if it falls on a weekday though. None the less, we have 28 days available for 3 out of 4 years to do these tasks.
This scripture makes me think of what we do for a living, day in and day out and what we have stumbled across in our lives. People that are not always honest, not declaring everything. Potential new clients with ridiculous requests, that we stop in the first meeting, only to never hear of them again. We stand for righteousness. Tax must be paid, if you like it or not. I know I am wandering off, but I am trying to put everything into perspective about how things are in my life, what the expectations are and what the legal implications of everything is.
Back to the scripture. It can also be taken back to the smallest thing that you are dishonest about. I worked at a firm, years ago, where a senior staff member explained it to me once about how a timesheet works. His words were something to the effect of: When you work at Pick n Pay, and you steal sugar, you are stealing. When you work here, and you steal time, doing private things when you should be working, you are also stealing. I will NEVER forget this. Such a good example about what an employee is trusted with. Actually anyone doing work, whether for yourself or an employer. Theft is not restricted to physical items, but can also go to something like time – time billed on timesheets, invoices issued. The list of things feels endless.
Now I can sit here for days talking and debating about what is big and small and what one can be dishonest about. The long and the short is, if you do something private for 15 minutes, and you are actually stealing your employer or the client’s time for whom you are doing the tasks, or if you take one teaspoon of sugar from the canteen, well, it remains theft. I reckon that is what THIS verse is about. Now that we are caught up in financial year end, the following also comes up with me – what is really declared on returns? Are people truly honest about EVERYTHING in their lives?
If you can be dishonest about something small, then you can easily be dishonest with bigger things. This is the exhortation (I had to Google this word the English version of vermaan in Afrikaans – I have NEVER heard of it before) from God. Then, there is the proverbial tap on the shoulder in the first part of the verse – if you can be honest with small things, then you can be trusted with many bigger things. What image are you portraying to the world? People’s reputations usually go ahead of them. What is your reputation? Honest or dishonest?
The distinct smell of Creosote (I had to google this spelling) always takes me back to my childhood. Why? You may ask. Growing up with a Wendy Hut in the back yard, converted into a Craft Room, the wood of the wendy was treated with Creosote. I was exposed to crafting at a young age. I will always associate that smell to crafting.
I grew up, having a mother who always did something creative, teaching her three girls to escape from the real world through crafting. I am guessing that is why she crafted, because that is why I craft. To me, crafting does not have rules. It has rules, but it is not like my day job you know? If you make a mistake, you repaint it or start over again, or you wing it and see where the project goes and what it lands up looking like.
With my day job it is not that simple, and I feel obliged to do things perfectly and correctly the first time round. At this point in writing this article, I do want to point out that now is the time to switch on the kettle and make yourself a nice cup of coffee (or tea) before continuing.
You see, I cannot break this article up into smaller chapters as I will lose the essence of what I feel is being pressed on my heart to say. February is a busy month. Probably my least favourite month of the year, if one is allowed to have a least favourite month.
For many reasons I am not a Feb Fan. One of the biggest reasons, is the fact that I am always exhausted by the time it is my daughter’s birthday on the 7th. Yes I know, it is only the beginning of the month, but I know what lies ahead, I know the hours I am required to work, I just know what is waiting for me work wise. My little EMP201 (for those who don’t know – it is one of the many tax returns due on the 7th of each month) is such an enthusiast when it comes to her birthday.
I feel guilty that I cannot always share her excitement with her. Even more so, that I only had until around the 14th of February in 2014, the year she was born in, to spend undivided attention on her, before reverting back to my laptop to work, do calculations and submit returns. It was almost breastfeeding while typing and filing returns. It is like I do not have ample time available to just be in the moment, enjoying the preparations coming up to her birthday. Does this make sense? Or am I so caught up in my little work world, that I forget to stop and smell the roses?
The other reason for the lack of love for the Month of Love is, there is just NO TIME for anything else. The kids are growing up, their schedules are starting to pick up pace, something I never get right at budgeting for time-wise. I mean, I feel like I do not have time to purchase groceries (it is a frustration because fresh salad on a weekly basis is a MUST for us but getting around to Woollies is a challenge), let alone to get the kids on time to their additional maths classes, taking them food before their art classes start and exercise.
Exercise I refuse to skip. That is the one thing that keeps me sane. I cannot do all the funky moves associated with Cross Fit, but I arrive twice a week and I try them – I can see how I have grown stronger and am amazed at what I can do compared to when I just started. I then attend another day of exercise, and on that day I do spinning, which is something my son loves doing, so this is our time together. The extracurricular activities of the kids are also a no-go zone when it comes to deciding whether to not do it. We have to do it and work around that.
You see, in 2020, before the lock down and before the Pandemic, I made a conscious decision to stop putting work ahead of everything. I was missing out on life, because we lived a motto of Let’s just get through this month. Twelve months of the year, year in and year out. And that is how we lived for many years. I even felt that time was stolen from me, for years, because of this motto that we lived by. Actually, it may have been 2019 already that I made this decision. Anyway. In the middle of February 2020, at the busiest time of all, I started to Cross Fit, (after praying for years to God to make me love exercise, I finally found the thing that I can do and enjoy while getting back into shape).
Yes you can laugh. I am just complaining about how hectic February is and then I take on something like that. Is there ever a good time? No there is not. Now you may wonder how I am connecting the dots with this entry. I started with crafts, sang my moan songs about work and this month of Love which I do not love so much and now I am talking about exercise. But wait, you will see…. everything is intertwined in my life.
Back to the crafts. For months I had been dreaming about a Cricut machine. I was torn between the Joy and the Maker. My final decision was the Joy – due to size and price. In February (you see the trend here…?) I decided to make the purchase.
I knew it was the wrong month to make the purchase, because I knew that I would want to craft more than work in this crazy month. I decided to make the purchase from Kelirosh Studio. Her prices were the best (I missed the Takealot specials and could not get to Makro). I have also only heard good things about this online shop and this was enough to convince me to make the purchase there.
The guilt that I experienced after making the purchase was insane. But when the box arrived, it was as if God showed me that it is ok. It is ok to want to have a life, wanting to do things and not only work. On the box, I noticed two Flamingos. Now the whole thing that my blog and ministry revolves around is Flamingos. This is mind blowing and insane – the Flamingos on the box.
Even the posture of the Flamingos on the box were similar to two used in my designs. Immediately I felt as if God was talking to me here. Confirming that it is ok to make this purchase in the month which I consider to be not the best month for me personally.
I realise too, that we are raising a new generation of crafters. I grew up with things like making candles, cards with stamps and embossing powder, little wire trees with gemstones stuck on them, to name only a few. The next generation of crafters involves technology like this little Joy machine. As you can gather, both my children have hi-jacked the machine, fighting over who is going to use it next. Taking the pressure off me to use it so that I can focus on work for now – but when this busy period is over, I am going to jump in and do stuff with it.
A week or so after the purchase of the Joy, I received a phone call from a Mrs. SA semi-finalist, Nicky Kruger, asking if I would like to consider being a sponsor to her for this pageant or competition (not sure how we are supposed to refer to this?). Now this is a longish story of how we “know” each other, but the long and the short is, she is a teacher at a school where I served last year, handing out aprons to students.
I was dumb-struck, overwhelmed and excited all at the same time. My initial response was that it is CRAZY mad at work, I can only answer her mid-March after all my deadlines have been tended to. Of course, curiosity got the better of me, I read through the information she sent me and made up my mind. This is such a wonderful opportunity, I cannot decline.
Now you see, again this is February. Again there seems to be little time to think things through and get things done. I am starting to wonder if God is not pushing me in a direction and allowing all these things to happen in the Month of Love, just so that I can start loving Feb again?
Who knows, but, it seems that big things happen in February. The birth of a child, the need to exercise, the need to craft more and now the sponsorship for a HUGE event like Mrs. SA. I think God is giving back my Joy for the month when I experience it the least.
I just have to love the puns from God. The Joy represented by a physical tangible little machine, literally bringing Joy to those using it. Because is that not how we as humans are? We want to SEE it and KNOW it is there…. and don’t get me wrong – I am not placing my Joy in the Joy, it is just God’s way of talking to me, giving me a tangible reminder of things that I need reminding of.
When I started with God’s crazy plan (said with respect of course – because in my mind it did not make sense at all) for Beroepsvrou’s desk pads, calendars and other dated items, notebooks and mouse pads, I just did it. I did not think about it and I did not really plan much. I am starting to realise more and more just HOW God’s Upside-Down Kingdom works – His calculations are not our calculations, His plans are not our plans, His time is not our time.
To just do things without thinking is a bit out of my comfort zone. Because for my day job, that is ALL that I must do. Plan and think – everything must make sense you know? When it came to Beroepsvrou, I just pushed through (never in my life have I ever experienced anything like this before, feeling how hard God pressed something on my heart) and the slogan, if I can call it that, that Beroepsvrou identifies with and what everything is about, is Pink Feathers™ for God. When I talk about Pink Feathers™ I am referring to the Flamingos and what God revealed to me about that bird specie. If you still don’t know what it is about – go to the Pink Feathers™ category – start with the oldest article and work your way through to the newest article on my blog.
This was also the theme for the first year of the Pink Feathers™ range, not only dated items, but notebooks and mouse pads too. I soon realised that Flamingo’s are not everyone’s flavour and that one gets tired of looking at the same picture on your diary or desk pad for 12 months. January 2022 (one year ago) I had a moment of absolute panic so to speak about what 2023’s theme will be and how it will work in the future. Yes, I know, it was a WHOLE year in advance, but there IS this part of my personality that likes the planning part (although I actually don’t like it, but anyway – does this even make sense to feel like this? Almost a love-hate relationship with planning).
Now it feels as if I am taking a wide turn telling this story and getting to the point. But, the point that I want to make is, that shortly after having this moment, God gave confirmation, early February 2022, of the theme for 2023, something that I was wondering about. Again, it was in such a wonderful manner, like only God can. It was one of those fist pump moments with God. My redheaded friend (in my opinion everyone needs one of those – a real Ginger) came to visit me one Saturday. We had been struggling to make a date to see each other and our visit was long overdue. Very modest and embarrassed, she hands over a gift with the words “Abba Father said you had questions about this and that I must give this to you” something to that effect.
I look down to my hands at what she had given me – a set of clay earrings, red pomegranates. I burst into tears almost immediately, because that was one of my questions to God (no one knew it). Can I do a theme, what must it be, can I use Pomegranates? With that I obviously had a ton of other questions too, and as time is progressing, they are being answered.
The speed at which I got my answer, made me realise again that the planning that goes into Beroepsvrou, is just going to be totally different than that of my day job. There is planning, but the way God wants to do it and not the way the world determines it. Now this brings me to the first scripture for 2023 on the desk pad, here at the end of January. This was a BUSY month, worse than what I had experienced before and hence the reason why I am only getting to this now. Nothing drastic has changed work wise and I cannot place my finger on it and why it feels like this – the rush getting worse. It is what it is. Probably deadlines being moved forward and shortened that actually contributes to the chaos that I feel around me.
I felt that thís Bibleverse is applicable to the theme for 2023, and even though it refers to fruit that is not named in the Bible, (it refers to a vine and branches so one can only think and assume that it refers to grapes), but, I recon Pomegranates can also work for this purpose. I think it can be any fruit actually – grapes, apples or oranges. But God laid Pomegranates on my heart. We can only bear fruit when we are IN HIM. This comes back to the Pink Feathers™ – because what are you filling yourself with? Does the fruit that you bear show that you have Pink Feathers™ for God? What fruit are your Pink Feathers™ bearing? Do you tell people that you are a Pomegranate tree, but then, the fruit that you bear is bananas and is so far removed from that which you proclaim and what your actions show?
Without Jesus we cannot do anything, as we are taught in this scripture. When we are IN Him and fill ourselves with HIM then we will bear much fruit. Do you live in Him? And does He live in you? Do you bear fruit? What fruit do you bear? Does your walk and talk agree? At the beginning of the new year (the Year of Jubilee), when everything just feels faster than what we can handle, it is difficult to stick to this and proceed with it. It is then, in the middle of what feels like chaos, that we must be reminded of this scripture. We must live it and SHOW people that God is in us, and we are in Him. Our fruit must agree with our words and deeds and vice versa. What fruit do your Pink Feathers™ bear?
As the year is closing and coming to an end, everyone seems to feel exhausted and over worked, and one cannot have a feeling but to spoil yourself with a little something special. You earned it right? You worked hard this year! Then the devil normally comes, sowing doubt in your mind about that which you think you want to buy for yourself. He even sows doubt after a nice meal you enjoyed. You know? When you spend money on something, rather than being more responsible with it.
My goodness, then you just do not feel good after doing something like this. Even if there was nothing wrong with what you did. Guilt and shame overwhelms you. Just there and then. You try to convince yourself otherwise and that you did work hard and deserve it, but there is no mercy. At the end of the day, you just feel like you do not have the boldness and freedom to do something for yourself, and then you end up not doing it anyway. On top of that, you feel guilty for having that thought (even if you did not follow through with it).
This is how I felt for many years about many things. Felt I am not allowed to purchase new clothes, have a meal in a restaurant with my family, even the house we are living in made me feel guilty (and it is not a magazine house, but, it offers a safe place and a place to sleep for each one of us – big enough for everyone to have their own space). The list felt endless. But then I came across this scripture. From Ecclesiastes (for the life of me I did not know what Prediker was in English! I had to look it up in the Bible again!) and also that every man should eat and drink and see and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God. (Amplified version). WOW. What a wonderful piece of scripture!
The something that you feel you want to do AND enjoy, you are ALLOWED to do, because that is a gift from God. What this tells me, the long and the short of it is, if you applied hard labour during the year, and you enjoy the good that comes with this, then you receive a gift from God. This is so profound and I am not saying go and spend all your money on yourself and walk away from your responsibilities. Not at all! But enjoy it, when you do something like this.
I want to leave everyone reading this entry with the following – it is now December. Some people are paid bonusses, and others perhaps not. Some receive a thirteenth cheque (yes I know, cheques do not exist anymore, but we all speak of it in this manner), others receive a smaller bonus, a little something extra. If you received a bonus or not, do not feel guilty about the remuneration that you received. If you worked hard, really HARD during the year, then there is nothing wrong with enjoying it.
Whether you pay your debts or whether you buy something for yourself that you always wanted. Perhaps you only drink a milkshake. It does not matter, use the gift that God has given to you through your hard labour. It was a long year for everyone. Everyone is exhausted… This is officially the last entry that I will do that deals with the scriptures on the very first desk pad that I designed and sold through Beroepsvrou. What a journey it has been!! There will be more in 2023 – new year and new bible verses! Watch this space! May you and your loved ones have a Blessed Christmas. Be safe, enjoy the gift that God has given us. Rest well so that we can take on the new year with new courage and energy! 2023 is the year of Jubilee!
As I was walking through our local shopping centre the other day, I could just feel the end of the year in the air. You know, a vibe that is in the air, around November and December, not at any other time of the year. It feels as if life is just happening all the time, with time flying by and when you wake up one morning, it is past mid-November.
Another year is almost over. Another year to reflect on. What happened? Highlights and low-lights (is this the right word to use for something negative that happened?). This is the nostalgic time of the year. Something that I am not fond of, because it implies that I am yet again, another year older. In my mind I am still a 28 year old. I am not sure if I still look like a 28 year old, or even a thirty-something-year-old… but I still feel young for what it is worth.
This month’s scripture on the desk pad is from Deuteronomy (if you still don’t know what it is about – feel free to visit my online shop, order one and then you too will have something pretty for your work desk and then you will understand why I write about random Bible verses). Now I deemed it necessary to end the sentence right there, because of my long explanation in brackets. Moving on!
This must be the book in the Bible that is the hardest to pronounce, the one that contains this month’s scripture. This scripture is so big and profound to me. The Lord will make you the head (leader) and not the tail (follower); and you will be above only, and you will not be beneath, if you listen and pay attention to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today, to observe them carefully. Deut 28:13 (Amplified).
Wow. Where does one start with the analysis of this and what God laid on my heart about the scripture? Let us start with listening and obeying the commandments. Now I know we are no longer subject to the laws of the Old Testament. Jesus came and set us free from that. BUT, in the New Testament, Jesus refers to the biggest commandment. And Jesus replied to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others].’ Matthew 22:37-39 AMP
What this tells me, is, if you love God, and your neighbor (which actually implies any person other than yourself and not literally the person living next door), then you will automatically obey the ten commandments. Because, if you love someone, you will not steal from them, you will not tell lies and so the list continues. So I recon that I can say check, I think I understand what this part of the scripture means, referring to the commandments.
So back to the first part – the promise from God Himself. This does not come via someone else. This is God Himself talking here, PROMISING. It is also not half a promise, not a might, or maybe baby type thing. He promises to ME (and you reading this) that He will make me the head, I SHALL be above, not beneath, be the head and not the tail. But, there is a condition attached to it. You must obey the commandments of God.
Only if you do your part, will God do His part. How many times do we still do something that we have supposedly laid off when we decided to follow Jesus? Did you tell a half-truth, which is actually a lie to someone? Promised something and did not do it? Maybe you did something to intentionally hurt someone or cause damage in a way to them? Talking about others behind their backs, oh, the list feels endless.
You see, and this is here where it feels to me that the fight between the head and the tail comes in. Our spirits are willing, but the flesh remains weak. And that is why we need Jesus! Alone we cannot do it! The devil will condemn you, over and over, judge you, make you feel guilty. In Afrikaans we say laer as ‘n luis which just means he makes you feel worthless! All because you have not done this, that and the next. He tries to pull you down below.
But, when you truly turn around your life, laid down your sinful life, and truly try to do everything within your power to love God AND obey His commandments, then it cannot be different for us than to be the head and not the tail, rising up, can it? God’s grace for us is big, He forgives us when we do something wrong and we repent. I choose to cling onto God’s promise, doing everything within my power to show love for others (and myself), also loving God.
Yes, I fail at times. And that is probably also how we learn and grow is it not? Nobody is perfect, but we can strive to be more like Jesus, obeying His commandments. Be a Jesus-Freak, always trying to show love to others and to oneself, turning away from old habits and sinful acts. Then you will see what God will do for you!
Who is winning in your life? The Head or the Tail? What is the outcome of the banner, spread out, is announcing the fight – Head vs. Tail? I surely hope that my results will be Head 1 – Tail 0 and that I will be able to maintain it!
Here we are, mid-October already and I cannot help but wonder where the time is going to. I know I have said it in almost every entry (or so it felt like to me), but, seriously, the time goes by so quickly, I feel I cannot keep up! I then look at my desk pad and this month’s scripture.
I compare it with the other versions on my electronic Bible (how wonderful is technology?) just to make sure I have the correct interpretation. And I think I have it!
So Paul (it was he who wrote Corinthians was it not?) wrote here that nothing that we have ever seen, heard or thought about in our hearts, can describe what God has prepared for us. Wow, I think a moment about this and realise just HOW big this is. I think most certainly it refers to the eternal life, but also our time here on earth.
God’s plan for us is prosperity and not harm, is that not so? So why can this not be applicable to our time here on earth too? Practically I can testify about this scripture and what happened in my life. And don’t get me wrong, we need hard and harder times, because that is when we are formed and character is built. But the good times and the prosperous times are needed too.
You see, if I have to think about all my earthly desires that I have, then I think it will be awesome if all my tasks associated with my day job, will be up to date and stay that way. That I have no pressure what so ever and that everything will just go smoothly the whole time, every time. Of course I have a million or three other desires too (we all have this dream about something you know?), but this one stands out to me the most.
So I thought that this was my biggest desire. Well, I was wrong!! You see, during September 2022, God fulfilled a desire for me that I did not think about, heard of before or had seen as yet. You guessed it – the radio interview! What an experience that was! You see, I did not think that it is something that I want to do. And now, said with a tongue-in-the-cheek, it feels like this is ALL that I want to do! The dream job, the one that you always dream about but never get to do.
God fulfilled and surpassed my wildest, biggest desires with that interview. A day or so after the interview, I paged through my desk pad’s scriptures for the remainder of the year and then it struck me – THIS is what God meant with this verse. Now, think to yourself, if something like a radio interview feels big to me, how BIG and WONDERFUL are His plans for us?
It is BIG, very BIG, our brains cannot fathom this, even if we try very hard to wrap it around this. And I think, actually, it is better this way, because now we have something to look forward to! Do you look forward to what God has planned for you? I most definitely look forward to what God has planned for me, Beroepsvrou and my day job…
While I am sitting here, typing away at this entry, I feel like everything in my life has been blown out of order and it almost feels as if the August winds of a few days ago has something to do with it. For those who do not know – August is also a busy month work wise. Less hectic than February, but also a peak time with loads of things that have to be completed with limited time available in the day.Speed dating for taxes time again.
The pages on my deskpad are getting less and less. There are only 4 left and if I blink my eyes again, I am going to tear off the page for August too. Then there are only 3 months left in this year. WHERE DID THE TIME GO TO???? Where did 2022 dissappear to? In my mind I am still caught up somewhere in March.
None the less, the page for August is full of notes with additional maths classes and times, exercise times for me, exercise times for the kids at school and then a mountain of notes on the side of the page, competing with the beauty of the flamingos in the background.
Yet again I am not surprised about this month’s scripture. It is so applicable and appropriate, as was every other month’s scripture. You see, when I chose 12 verses last year, I literally chose 12 verses that stood out to me, and in the order I received them I allocated them to the months of the year. There is NO WAY that I would have known how this month’s scripture would be seen as pertinent and applicable to me and where I am now.
What a BIG WORD! Pertinent. There I am getting side tracked again. Something that I feel happens too often these days. Almost like Dory in Finding Nemo. I am busy working on something, searching for a document on our network, then I remember about an e-mail I was supposed to send to a client. Then I send the e-mail and then I forget what I was busy with in the first place!
When I thought about the scripture this morning and what I want to write about, I only got the words Life Guard. It was in English and for my Afrikaans version I had to think carefully what the Afrikaans word is for Life Guard. It is very interesting how God sometimes reveals things only in English to me and other times only in Afrikaans. Back to the scripture.
I remember the first time I read this scripture. Somebody sent me a picture. It was a little girl with arms full of flowers (a cartoon image) and it read something in the lines of God will help you. Something like that.
When I read it in the Bible (I reverted to the Afrikaans version), I realised what a powerful scripture this is and how the picture almost dumbed it down too much, if I can state it like that. You see, at that time in my life, I had to present Financial Statements to a company and discuss it with them. A company that had a turnover of more than 1 BILLION RAND. I had to Google how many zero’s a Billion had (it is 9 just by the way), because I have never worked with that sized numbers in our business.
I even purchased a dress or two for these meetings (there were a few), because I felt I had to look the part and my clothes would not be able to compete with the turnover (sales if you are wondering what turnover is). I cannot arrive in my denim and sneakers like I dress most days when I work from home. None the less, the scripture just still stands out to me. Especially the part that says (in the Afrikaans version only) do not look around anxiously (kyk nie angstig rond nie). It makes me think of Peter who did not focus on Jesus and allowed the waves around him to loose focus and disabled him to walk on water.
And of course, when I think of waves, I think about what I wrote in June 2021 (or was it May?). About how I felt as if the waves of anxiety were trying to consume me. It still feels this way at times with a new routine with the kids, together with changes in work circumstances, other things and circumstances in our lives and all of that, added together, equals a moment of anxiety or three every two minutes and then it lasts the whole day it feels.
A month or two ago, I heard a new song on Spotify. Things that I’m afraid of by Ross King and Josh Wilson. I do not know who sang the song first (almost like what was first – the chicken or the egg?), and I like both versions. In the song he sings that the things that he is afraid of, fears God too.
That made me think. Because I NEVER thought of it like that. Sometimes we sit with so much fear bottled up inside of us, that we forget where fear comes from (it is not from God just by the by) and that which we fear, fears the Name of Jesus even more.
As I see the waves of everyday life around me, I try to stay focussed on Jesus. It is hard at times. Sometimes I fail myself when I get dispaired about so many things. Getting negative and not counting my words when I speak. Getting angry about circumstances in my life. Frustrations about things in my life that are not within my control. Many times the frustrations are about non-work related things.
And then, just as I feel the horison is rising, because I am not on top of the water anymore, the righteous right hand of the Life Guard reaches out to me, picking me up from the chaos. That which I fear has a bigger fear for the Life Guard. THAT is something that I must always remember. The things that I’m afraid of are afraid of you….I hear the words of the song wandering through my thoughts and mind….
Navy court shoes, silver grey stockings. If you have to ask me what I remember about my school clothes, then it is probably that. I walk through reception, probably the first time in 24 years in daylight, on a week day, at the school where I matriculated. Goudrif High School. I notice the school emblem against the wall with the slogan (is this the right word for leuse as we call it in Afrikaans?) Roepingsbewus and I suddenly wonder if it was always there. I recon that I did not visit this part of the school enough to actually remember.
Elsabé Lartz meets up with me just as I exit the ladies room – the one for staff and teachers only, prohibited for use by kids. This is now part of the area that I am allowed to move around in. Strangely enough, I am convinced that this ladies room was bigger than what it appears now. We walk to my car to take out the things I brought with. She asks me a few questions – what year I matriculated, what my maiden name was, do I have kids. Mrs. Lartz will be at this school for 20 years in 2022. We missed each other in the school passages by 4 years.
She tells me that I probably still remember where the school hall is, letting me walk ahead of her. The moment I walked into the hall, it was as if 24 years disappeared. The shy, uncertain matriculant is back for a moment. A flood of memories flash through my mind. I recall the night we were announced as Prefects in grade 11, how we practiced for hours and hours for the Revue in that same hall.
The stage stands proud with stairs and various platforms, ready for a Revue to take place on it. The hall still smells the same. Is it not amazing how smells can take you back in time? I can still relive the layout of the tables while writing the various exams in matric – probably all the exams for that year were written there? I cannot remember. I only remember the one around August / September and then the finals in October / November.
She asks me how it feels to be back at the school. My answer was one word – Weird. I stand opposite the Head Girls nameboard against the wall. I take a picture for my sister who was Head Girl in 1994. A while later, the sound team come in to set up a microphone for me (one which I decided not to make use of). One of the boys asks me if I have music that I want to play. I have this dumbstruck look on my face – that is certainly something that I DID NOT think of. Music and a slideshow. “Maybe next time” I answer them.
The bell rings for a break, the kids enter the hall. More than what I had expected. Mrs. Lartz said that she asked her grade 12’s to invite other kids that are not Consumer Study students. I hope I have the translation right here! I can never remember the English for Verbruikerstudies.
This time round my nerves are gnawing at me, a bit more than usual. It feels like I will be judged by the young hopeful kids in front of me, about where they are now and where they will be one day, measured by me and what I say to them and how I am presented to them. I know this is not true and push through the gnawing to deliver my message.
I even sing a song for them, one that I remember from church as a child. “Weet jy nie, weet jy nie, jy’s ‘n tempel? Vol van lof, vol van krag, vol van vreugde” hand movements and all. For the life of me, I do not know the English version of this song, so I am not even going to TRY to translate that one. A few looked at me as if I am Crazy Daisy, others giggled because they knew exactly what I was talking about.
They were, by far, my most interactive audience to date (not that I have done this a 100 times before – this is the fourth school that I have visited). When I asked the question – “Who of you knew that Flamingos are not born pink?” the hands shot up into the air, answering the question that was asked.
Seed was sown, that I know. One girl, who appeared to be in tears, came to thank me for the beautiful message. Absolutely a Holy Spirit inspired moment and all the glory be to God, not to me. Another girl’s spirit was so open and receptive, I spotted her a mile away and told her that too.
Those who chose to take a picture with me for Facebook and Instagram, looked more than chuffed with their aprons. When I look at the photo, I can see the laughter and giggles of the kids. I can feel and see the energy, remembering how it was being 17 or 18 years of age. In a way I miss that, but I am also grateful that I have moved on and am where I am in my life.
The more things change the more they stay the same. This I saw that day again. I wonder how many people have walked through those passages and classes? How many have matriculated there? It feels like an impossible calculation to do. 24 years have flown by in an instant. In the blink of an eye.
I realised again that being a Teacher must be one of THE most difficult jobs under this sun. To teach children from different backgrounds, domestic circumstances, cultures, habits and who knows what else, so that they UNDERSTAND and are able to write exams and pass, is most certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. Not everyone is made for that, I am certainly one of them who is NOT made to be a Teacher!
My prayer is that each student, not only the Consumer Studies students, got a little something that day. That God will water it on the right time so that the trees will grow to produce His fruit, reflecting Pink Feathers for Him.
My mind wanders back to the slogan. Roepingsbewus. I chew on this for a while. What does it really mean? I use Google translate to get the English word. Vocation Conscious I see on my screen. I think to myself, WHAT does Vocation mean? I do not think I have even heard of this word before!!
Yes you guessed it, I Googled the word Vocation too. The meaning? A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. WOW!!! This revelation seems even better than the Afrikaans version that I wrote. But it comes down to the same thing. It means to be CONSCIOUS of your CALLING (and in worldly terms career and jobs) that God has called you for.
How interesting is this? The slogan and message that was portrayed comes down to the same thing. God is TRULY AMAZING!!!!!! May everyone that go through those school passages, live that slogan in this world that we find ourselves in.
In my mind I can hear the tune of the school anthem, as I remember it. The words that I am singing in my mind are most certainly wrong, but I am singing it to myself and I know I will remain ROEPINGSBEWUS (or VOCATION CONSCIOUS as I have learnt it is translated into English). Without realising it and making a conscious effort in my life after school, I feel that I have been living this slogan in my life.
Die Jirre lief jou!! Finish & klaar! I read the message on the bottle, jampacked with bran muffins… I cannot help but stare at the paper roses (my favorite flower just so by the way). The one is made from a page from an old storybook which gives it a vintage type look.
I try to get a muffin out of the bottle without it breaking into a million pieces, they are so fresh they are falling apart! Muffins made especially for me by a group of very special students. Children with other needs that we are (or rather I am) used to. Children who also want to claim their place under the sun.
Children of worried parents, wondering if they will survive one day when they (the parents) are not on earth anymore. Children of concerned parents that wonder if they will be able to generate their own income when the breadwinner/s will no longer be able to do so. I walk with someone, with the same first name as what I have, Elsie van Staden (together I refer to us as Elsie to the power of 2 as they refer to it in Mathematical language) through the halls of Oom Paul School in Rustenburg.
We walk past two kids, I hear the one ask the other one “Is that a new teacher?” and I assume that they are referring to me. I grin to myself and think “Noooooooo boy, you do not understand, this lady is not cut out to be a teacher.” It takes SUPER special people to be teachers in my opinion. And I feel like a failure daily when I cannot be patient with my own kids, especially after a long day’s work struggling with slow on-line systems.
Back to the school halls. For those of you who may not know, Oom Paul School is a School of Skills for learners that are referred to them from Main Stream schools. Gold fish that cannot climb trees like the Curriculum expects them to do. They are then placed in the proverbial goldfish pond at Oom Paul School, where they are nurtured, taught and educated at their level. The stream in the main stream is just TOO strong for them and they get lost in the system.
But Oom Paul School is even more different, because they offer Hairdressing AND Food Production, together with other subjects like Science, Social Studies, and so forth. Students who have had to endure disappointment upon disappointment in a Main stream school are accepted here with open arms. Skills are thought to them. How to work PRACTICAL with your hands. Something that I feel is lacking these days. To be trained in a Trade.
These days it seems that everyone is stuck behind a laptop for more than 8 hours a day (myself included), busy doing their work and that while the Trade does not have as many people like in the past (this is my perception, I did not compare it with statistics of some sorts and I may be wrong here). People cannot do practical and physical things it seems, things that this world actually still needs, in spite of where we are when it comes to technology. I know, for the life of me I CANNOT do sewing, let alone to be able to make something fancy in the kitchen.
None the less. God granted me the opportunity on Tuesday 26 July 2022, to serve a small group of students, with His word and knowledge, that He is systematically giving to me and revealing to me about Flamingos. The whole thing that the Blog and Beroepsvrou is about. Pink Feathers for God.
I only realised later, as I sat to make the entry, that my nerves that normally bothers me before a day such as this (like a rodent gnawing away at something), was not even in the close vicinity. I did not have doubts for one second about anything! As I was talking to the children and later the staff too, I quoted scriptures from the Bible. Not the exact words, but scriptures that I feel God is linking to flamingos, interpreted and portrayed in my own words to keep it as simple as possible and to not let it feel like a church sermon.
I later realized that I referred to David and Psalms while I was talking about the scripture to watch over your heart and guarding your heart, when it was supposed to be Solomon and Proverbs. An honest mistake and I trust God understood and everyone heard what they were supposed to hear.
Just a little something extra to add onto the aprons, and I probably have mentioned and said this before, but, when the kids put on the aprons, they are also doing a prophetic action to cover themselves with the breastplate of righteousness. To guard their hearts as Solomon said. Don’t get me wrong – there is NO POWER in the aprons, this is what God revealed to me the deeper meaning of the aprons is.
It takes Flamingos approximately 2 years to turn pink from what they eat, and they only stay pink if they eat the right nutrients… is the same with us as Christians. You must constantly take in the right things so that you can have Pink Feathers for God.
I am also certain that the scripture from 1 Thessalonians 5:21 where Paul wrote and said But test all things carefully [so you can recognize what is good] – is like the flamingos, when they filter their food (because they are filter feeders) – they excrete that which is bad and only take in that which is good for them.
Oom Paul School is unique and one of a kind. From Potchefstroom to Wolmaransstad, between Klerksdorp and Brits there is only one fishpond available for all the gold fish that just cannot climb a tree, and that is Oom Paul School. There is a similar school in Krugersdorp and two in Pretoria. That is is as far as I know and have been told.
Unique and one of a kind. Patient and kind is how I would describe the Teachers at Oom Paul School. It takes a super special person to be a Teacher and an Angel to teach kids skills at a place like this.
It seems to me that there is a little piece of heaven on earth, a place where children can be planted to grow so that they can also reach their potential, claiming their spot under the sun. Giving peace of mind to parents that their children will be able to learn something and to know that they will be able to survive one day, when they as parents are not able to look after their children any more. That place is Oom Paul School.
An idea pops in my head as I settle down behind my computer, with the late afternoon sun shining through the window over my keyboard. I see a little train taking on a steep hill, he is working hard and I hear the noise that he is making I-know-I-can-I-can-do-it-I-know-I-can-I-can-do-it rather than the normal chugga-chugga-chugga sound that a steam train makes.
I don’t know if this is now just by accident that I remember a picture from my childhood or whether I watched a story at some time with this image. But I do know that God showed it to me for a reason.
None-the-less, the sun is LOVELY here and I realise just HOW privileged I am to be right here at this very moment. This month’s scripture is also one of my favorites, from Philippians. I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.
You see, like the little train, it sometimes feels to me, and probably to others too, that I have to get on top of this massive hill called life. Along the way there are challenges, nowhere in the Bible we are exempted from a life without challenges. But, we are guaranteed that God is next to us and we can do things through Him that gives us strength.
We have to choose how we see the challenges. The road of uncertainty and with no clear footpath that we sometimes feel that we are on, uncertain of where we must go or whether we are on the right road. Or the potholes that make us move a bit slower than what we want to so that we cannot climb out the hill as quickly as we think we should.
Again this scripture is so accurate at this point in time, I cannot help but want to give God a fist pump. You see, like my previous entry stated – the dynamics in the firm has changed and things are landing up back on my desk. Sometimes I wonder if I really will be able to deal with it all and other times I just know that we will be more than ok.
God is busy showing us the way, filling our engines with coal and lighting it up so that we can get to the top of the hill. When I feel down and out about things that I must do and deal with, changes with authorities and systems that I perceive to be not so great in my opinion (if I may give an opinion at all), then I look at this scripture and I see the train.
God’s train. I am His train, as I climb the hill, with smoke coming from my engine as a sign that I am His and that His fire is burning inside of me (not pollution type of smoke – I am sure you understand what I am trying to say here). Smoke that is a sign for other engines that they must get their coal loaded, filled with God’s word and to get it lit by the Holy Spirit, so that they too can climb steep hills.
Where is your train? Do you feel like you cannot go on anymore? Do you have enough coal to burn? Maybe we should start there! You cannot run on fumes and expect get to the top of the hill. You must ensure that your engine is filled with God’s word so that the Holy Spirit can strike the match to burn the coal, turning it into energy. It is only then when Philippians 4:13 can be activated in your life, enabling you to do everything through Christ that gives you strength.
I-know-I-can-I-can-do-it-I-know-I-can-I-can-do-it I hear my engine’s efforts to get up the steep hill that I feel is lying in front of me. Maybe it is not so steep and hard? Maybe I am just not yet close enough to know that it is actually only a little speed bump. But until then I will repeat the words from scripture. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
The scripture for this month is from Proverbs. It is so interesting to me, yet I am not surprised that each month’s scripture verses on the desk pad calendar have been so applicable and appropriate in my life thus far.
Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. I have thought about this a lot and what it actually means. Thank goodness I have a bible application on my phone where I can compare different versions. At first I read this in the Afrikaans 1953 version. I decide to read it in the Amplified version too.
After reading it in this version, a better and brighter light goes on for me. To me it feels as if the interpretations in brackets after each part of the verse explains it a bit better. You see, it does not say that you have to sit and do nothing. You must not sit and wait for your proverbial ship to come in (only realising later that you have been waiting at the airport or train station rather than at the harbour). Nor does it imply that you have to wait for the “right” time.
Not at all! You must place your works, that which you do, at God’s feet and trust Him with it. Your plans and things that you do will work out when you submit to His will and when you listen to His guidance in your life.
During the month of May I wondered a lot about something (that which I felt that God was pressing on my heart to do) and whether I should or should not do it. 30 May 2022 I received a video from someone via Whatsapp. I did not watch it immediately, as it arrived during work hours and I am supposed to work during that time rather than watching Whatsapp videos. And just like that, the day passes and I completely forget to watch the video.
That evening, around 7 o’clock, I received exactly the same video from a friend who does not know the other person that sent me the video earlier that day. There was no way that my friend would have known that I received the exact same video that morning. But God knew it. You see, I prayed and asked for a sign for that which I felt that God placed on my heart to do.
I then received it in a total different manner than what I expected to receive it. Sometimes we are so narrow minded and want to receive, like Gideon, exact answers and signs, as WE want it and think it should be. The content of the video? An attorney that testifies how he flew on a small plane with a pilot that passed out when they flew into the clouds.
Long story short, he and the other passenger managed to get hold of a control tower and that person lead them through the clouds, warning them of a mountain they would have flown into had they not changed their direction. This was so profound to hear this. As this is exactly how I feel in my life.
It feels like I am flying in thick clouds, uncertain of where I am going with Beroepsvrou. I do know that I should listen to my instincts, as my instincts come from God. He is busy leading me. I stood in awe when I read the June scripture two days later, on my desk pad. I was in awe about God and how big He is. How could I have known last year, when I selected the scriptures randomly for each month, that the one for June would be perfect for what is happening in my life right now?
Some days the clouds feel thicker than others. I just know that I must listen to my Control Tower’s voice. He can see everything. I can hardly see three steps ahead of me. Even if what I must do makes no logical sense at that point in time, I just know, that if I do not do it, I will fly into a mountain.
I cannot see the Person in the Control Tower. But I can listen to His voice, following His exact instructions, irrespective of what is busy happening around me. Irrespective if it feels as if more clouds are moving in. It links up with this month’s scripture so beautifully. Making me realise again HOW BIG God is!
Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. Trust Him. Listen to Him. Even if nothing makes sense. Even if life throws you curve balls that you did not expected. God is in tomorrow and next week and next year. He knows what is going to happen. Sometimes He lets things fall into place without you realising what is busy happening.
Things happen at times, which are so frustrating to me and which I do not always understand. But it is in these situations that I must trust God. Listening to His voice and following His instructions, how strange they may seem to me and those around me. As the clouds roll in, it sounds as if my frequency with the Control Tower is not that clear and becomes static, causing me not to hear clearly.
I tune in again by reading my Bible and seeking God’s hand in little things and daily bible verses. God is in the detail. I sit and blog, because it is as if my frequency is tuned in when I do this and I can hear clearer than before. As I close off this article, I just know, deep down inside my spirit, that the decision that I took after receiving the video, was the correct one.
The clouds are still coming in and the devil is trying to silence the Voice with distractions, but I know what I have to do. It is what it is, it is my destiny. The place where my life (and us as a family) is going. I pray for little turbulence and that we will not become nauseous as we proceed through everything, and that we will come out stronger on the other side (like we normally do when we go through things in our life). I ensure that my radio’s frequency is tuned in, before I take on the next part of the flight, the one that feels like it is in thick clouds.
With much gratitude, I tore off the Arpil (yes you are reading correctly with a spelling mistake) page and threw THE BIGGEST MISTAKE in the dustbin. What am I talking about? My desk pad calendar, part of the Pink Feathers range that I designed and sold towards end of 2021 and beginning of 2022.
The page for April looked terrible. Curled up on the one side with dirty marks all over and pretty much what it looks like at the end of each month. My notes block was full of comments this time.
Interesting, how for years I managed to work without one and now I almost cannot function without it. Anyway, back to May’s scripture and entry.
This is probably one of my most favourite scriptures. The one for May. Where God talks directly to each and every person. Not only a select few. Everyone. His children. He knows what plans He has for us.
This gives me child-like excitement to think of this, even if I have frustrations in my life and how things just turn out and work. I do know that the plans that God has for me are PROSPEROUS and not that of failure, exhaustion and any other negative thought and word you can think of. Even if, at times, it feels as if things are not going my way.
I have been thinking about this verse and what God actually meant with this. Prosperity on earth or prosperity for the rest of our lives, including after we passed away?
I think it is for both. While we are on earth only for the blink of an eye and then also the never ending life after death. You see, we may think that we are suffering on earth, because we do not have everything that we want and because things do not happen as they should.
But, I realise again, that, we must actually look forward to dying too. The time áfter our time on earth, cannot be anything but prosperous. We are going to Heaven. To be with Him. Now I am not saying that everyone must walk around with a Slipper Lip, muttering and mumbling about everything here and just waiting to die (like my great-grandmother used to answer me when I greeted her – this is a story for another day).
No! Live life to the fullest! Address that which needs to be addressed in the Spirit, and claim that which needs to be claimed. In the process you must show people what it is to be a true Christian. Helping them to look forward to prosperous plans from God. Sometimes we as Christians, go through life without much joy, that people who are not Christians, just give us one look and then decide by themselves “No thank you! If this is what a Christian looks like, then I do not want to be one!”
At first, I typed something totally different, off topic and then I decided to delete it and to rather focus on that what God has laid on my heart about the verse. Interesting how easy and quickly we can get distracted with that which God has showed you and then you start believing a lie rather than the truth…
I always say, God ALWAYS KNOWS BETTER. Read that again. Even if everything in your life feels distorted, not at all how YOU planned it to be. Rest assured. God knows better. We as humans are ALWAYS where we should be. The Holy Spirit also whispered to me, as I move around, thinking about this entry, that we as people, place our hope, happiness and plans on people rather than on Him. Shocking but true.
Our happiness, satisfaction with life and so many other things, are determined by people – so we think. Sometimes the people we think determines our happiness is ourselves, other times it is other people. But actually that is such a wrong outlook on life – that we will only be happy if this, that and the next thing happens….
Sometimes we stay in certain situations for longer, because we do not pass the test. We fall hook, line and sinker again for that which are our challenges. We must learn to listen, trusting Him and that He will provide us with everything we need and when we need it.
We do not always understand why things do not work out the way it should. But when I look back, I choose to see God’s hand in everything. Being grateful for my own personal growth in the process. And then to look forward and wait for His perfect timing. God is always terribly on time.
The whispering in my spirit continues….I know (with the emphasis being on I – this is God speaking by the way if you lost what I am trying to say here)…not Susan knows or any other name that you can think of. No, God speaks here in the first person is it? Because it is HE who knows. Like the verse from April, I do not think there are going to be chapters and chapters about this scripture.
No, this is as simple as that. Trust Him because He knows what plans He has for me and you. Plans of prosperity. Plans to give me and you a hopeful future. Hopeful. Keep on believing, dreaming and hoping I hear the Holy Spirit’s whispering in my spirit…
For 11 days of April, I looked at my desk pad on a daily basis, rather often I must say, missing the spelling mistake. I used it, made notes, drew lines through the dates as the time went on and life was just beautiful and wonderful.
I wondered whether God kept my eyes closed until the day after my birthday, just so that I could enjoy the day before having to deal with this issue. On the 12th of April (the day after my birthday), my eyes see the spelling mistake. It reads Arpil 2022 and not April 2022 like it is supposed to. The world starts spinning around me, I feel how all colour and life is drained from my face, even my mouth starts to dry up.
I sit with my hands in my hair, thinking HOW DID I MISS THIS? Do you know how many times I read through it, reviewed it? I even got two more pairs of eyes to help me check it. And we all missed it!
The next moment it is as if Critique is waiting for me around every corner, like a shady ruthless journalist, trying to expose a scandal. The questions are endless. How could you miss such a big mistake? Are you sure you checked it? What about the people that PAID you for the desk pad? What are you going to tell everyone? Are there not more mistakes in the rest of the year? What about the items that you blessed people with? What are THEY going to think about this?
I try to answer the questions that are fired at me, like shots being fired in a serious war. I dodge, duck and dive so that I am not hurt in the process. I am close to tears, feeling like everything that came from God’s hand to mine is going up in flames.
Of course the devil came and tried to tell me more lies. Like that I did not hear God correctly and clearly about the Pink Feathers range. With that, I was also told that having a blog is actually very stupid. A snotty comment is left by him – Who is interested in reading about your life and experiences?
All the lies were marching around in my mind. At first I kept quiet and did not tell anyone anything. Silently I was praying that NO ONE ELSE saw the spelling mistake. Then I could not hold it in anymore. I had to share it with SOMEONE. Coincidently, a friend of mine (who is also a client) phoned me. We chatted about the work and then I blurted out my mistake. Just like that. Off topic and out of the blue (so typical of how I am).
She laughed and encouraged me in the way that only that red-headed friend of mine can do. A few days later I get the courage to show another person, I even asked my housekeeper if she can see the mistake, showed a cousin on my husband’s side and so it went on. It was hilarious to see everyone’s reactions, because they took it very seriously.
With narrowed eyes they started to read through the page, searching for the error. At first no one saw it. Then I encouraged them, look CLOSELY. It is not in the fine print. Then they see it. Some of them look at me with wide eyes, others laugh, others put their hands over their mouths in unbelief.
But everyone had the same reaction – ARPIL! Some time after I spotted the mistake, I got the courage to show my husband. He too did not see it immediately. Then he saw it, grinned and shook his head in unbelief.
At that point I was still on the route of self-punishment, trying to dodge the shady journalist. What are the people going to think of me? Are they going to tell everyone that my products are of poor quality and then I am going to sit with crates full of stock that I can do nothing with? Those are the thoughts that tried to set up camp in my mind. Somewhere, after sharing the mistake with my husband, I got an idea.
I tell my husband (or did he tell me? I don’t know the difference some days, because our thoughts and words are so intertwined and we just think the same) maybe I should make a competition of the error? Giving away a notebook as a prize? In the passing of each other, we had a conversation and I heard him say That is not a bad idea. I immediately start working on a design for my new campaign on Canva and decide to create two categories for winners – seeing as I told some people of the spelling mistake, not being able to include them in the competition.
Well, the rest is, as they say, history. People shared my post and liked it on Facebook and Instagram. A few other people tagged some people and so the process started. I purposefully stayed off social media, because the first day after starting the competition, I found myself checking what was going on every few minutes.
Then I got frustrated if people do not respond and reacted quick enough, irritation started to kick in when I saw that my post’s reach were not to my satisfaction. Then I feel the gentleness of the Holy Spirit, working on me on the inside, whispering to my spirit. Stop going on to social media the whole time. It steals your time. Focus on your work. I will sort out the rest.
My goodness, after I made this decision, it was a bit tough not to go onto social media, like I did every morning. I just visited my page to post more advertisements about the competition and then I went off again, not looking at reactions or comments at all.
It was such a feeling of freedom to be off social media, I cannot describe it. In my opion, I was not THAT active on Social Media. Or so I thought….I did not post something everyday, I just went to my blog’s page more often than my own page, because this is my method of advertising and spreading God’s word.
But then I started to look at my phone’s statistics about the time spent on what application and then I got a fright. BECAUSE….what I thought was only 5 or 10 minutes, was actually longer….I recon this is a discussion for another day…
Back to the spelling mistake…thankfully God saved me from another mistake. Earlier this year, when I designed new notebooks, I made a BIG OOPS on one of the English notebooks. On the front it read Noteboek and not Notebook. I placed the order with the printers one Friday to start preparing my order.
The Saturday morning, I woke up anxiously with something pressing hard on my heart. There is a spelling mistake on one of my notebooks! I sit up straight, early the morning, around half past five. I reach for my phone, checking the designs (which I had available electronically there too). True as Bob, there is a mistake on the one English notebook. This to me was AMAZING that God showed me exactly where the mistake was, it did not take me long to find it.
None the less, God saved me from a much bigger mistake and OOPS that day, because the outside of a notebook is not something that you use for a month and then tear off and throw away like the pages of a desk pad.
With a very grateful heart I want to close off. No one of us are perfect, we all make mistakes, even mistakes that one pays money for. That is ok. God, once again, took something bad and turned it into something good and beautiful! Congratulations to the winners of the notebooks! May God bless everything that is written in those notebooks, like only He can.
They say practice makes perfect. First of all – who is this “they” that have all these sayings? You know, when you have this conversation with people and somewhere in a sentence it is said “They say…” followed by some or another fact, that does not always make sense. These clever people that do not live on earth it seems to me.
So I want to contest this statement. We are humans and NOTHING we do will ever be perfect. So are we not lying when we say practice makes perfect?
I say, practise creates endurance, excellence and improvement. The reason why I say this is, looking back on where Beroepsvrou started one year ago (23 March 2022 marked the first year of my blog), I stand in absolute amazement at what God has done for me, how I have grown as a person and how the blog and everything that goes with it has evolved over such a short time.
Yes, you may go and read my very first entry….just to compare and see what I am going on about… When I look at the layout I realise I know more now than what I did then. My eyes are trained better to do better layouts, etc. It also started on Facebook directly and not this platform.
Wow, wow and again wow. All I can say is thank God that He guided me through this process and that I was open for improvement so to speak. When I look at the first few entries that were on Facebook first, I can only grin and thank God for the electronic trail that has been left for me to reflect on.
You see. Sometimes you have to just start somewhere. Do not wait until you have it all figured out and planned perfectly. Nothing will ever be perfect, especially when you start. Just go with the flow and roll with the punches. That is what I did here with Beroepsvrou. I let God guide me all the way.
Listening to my instincts, reacting impulsively to my ideas (sometimes with a bit of remorse after realising WHAT I had committed to) and then easing into it (not quite as simple as that, but you get what I am trying to say here) letting God shape me and form me…taking on what seemed impossible but that which turned out to be more than possible with His help of course.
The moral of this story? Just keep on keeping on. If it is what God wants you to do, He will make a way. He will fight the fight for you. And then you can sing like Dory from Finding Dory sang (yes I have watched it with the kids) Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming……
That is also why I chose the scripture that is on the notebooks. The scripture that God confirmed to me, more than once, when Doubt was trying to dig a whole as big as the one in Kimberley, in my mind. God is busy doing something new. He is making a path in an economical desert. He is letting rivers come forth when it feels like the Pandemic-sun is scorching away, letting businesses dry out like plants that cannot withstand the desert heat.
Just keep swimming…..swimming, swimming….I feel the words swimming through my mind just like Dory swam through the sea looking for her parents….
God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. Words that I uttered today at my VERY FIRST (yes you are reading this correctly) opportunity as a motivational speaker at a local school – Highschool Bekker. I don’t know who I quoted today, but two other people have said that to me and I can confirm – IT IS SO TRUE!!!
Just as I was about to leave this afternoon, I felt something at the pit of my stomach. Doubt was trying to do his thing with me, but, I saw him from a mile away and kicked him to one side, not giving him a chance to get close enough to fill my mind with lies and other things.
Inside of me, I feel that I am not a Public Speaker. When I told someone that, they laughed and said Moses also thought that he was not a public speaker. I thought about that for a moment and nodded my head in acknowledgement because I agree with it. Moses had so many excuses about why he could not talk to the Pharaoh.
Back at today’s event. The “feeling” was there, but I just prayed and asked God to place the right words in my mouth, words that He wanted me to give through to the people listening today. Not once did I feel as if my tongue and mouth was all dried up, unable to speak. I did not forget what I wanted to say, even if I did not prepare a formal speech.
AND I did not shake like a leaf in fear of people, like I normally do. God equips the called. That is all that He wanted me to do. He wanted me to get into my car, drive there, speak to the people and He will do the rest. I pray that it was so, because, I cannot remember everything that I said.
Normally when that happens (the part where I cannot remember what was said), I know that it is God that takes over. The long and short of my speech? It is the same thing that I said over and over this past weekend and what the whole Beroepsvrou blog is about…How pink are YOUR feathers for God?
What do you put into yourself so that you reflect pink for Him so that you are a light bearer in this world? Do you filter those things that the world throws at you, casting out the bad? Just like flamingos filter their food, we should filter that which is going on around us.
I pray that God’s message came through, that everyone listened and heard, and that the Holy Spirit will come and water the seeds that were sown so that they will grow. Seeds that will glorify Him.
Mr. Rademan – thank you for the opportunity to talk to your staff today. I pray that I did leave a little bit of something to motivate them, so that they will also have Pink Feathers for God. Because if they have Pink Feathers for God, then the children will start to see it and their feathers will also start to turn pink. This way God will touch everyone to have Pink Feathers for Him and not be ashamed to call them His children.
Lastly I want to sing my praises to God and give Him ALL THE GLORY for today. He equipped me today. I am called and I am His. He will show me the way. He will make a road in the desert, let a river spring forth in the wilderness, just like the scripture reads that is on my notebooks. God confirmed this again to me at the beginning of 2022 – how many more signs do I want? How many sheep skins do I have to put out like Gideon did or see wonders like Moses?
Always remember, God is always with you and if you struggle with something, just pray and ask for help and He WILL come through for you. He will guide you and show you the way that you must go. He’s got your back – that is why you only put on a breastplate that covers the front – you must protect your heart (and of course you must put on the rest of the armor too). God will protect you from behind – always. He has never disappointed me and never will.
He is the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow. I know I am SOLD OUT to Jesus!! Are you? How pink are your feathers for God?
Welcome to my blog and online store. All A4 and A5 notebooks as well as mousepads marked down by 15%. Visit the online store on this webpage today to view products available. Dismiss
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