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Head vs. Tail

As I was walking through our local shopping centre the other day, I could just feel the end of the year in the air. You know, a vibe that is in the air, around November and December, not at any other time of the year. It feels as if life is just happening all the time, with time flying by and when you wake up one morning, it is past mid-November.

Another year is almost over. Another year to reflect on. What happened? Highlights and low-lights (is this the right word to use for something negative that happened?). This is the nostalgic time of the year. Something that I am not fond of, because it implies that I am yet again, another year older. In my mind I am still a 28 year old. I am not sure if I still look like a 28 year old, or even a thirty-something-year-old… but I still feel young for what it is worth.

This month’s scripture on the desk pad is from Deuteronomy (if you still don’t know what it is about – feel free to visit my online shop, order one and then you too will have something pretty for your work desk and then you will understand why I write about random Bible verses). Now I deemed it necessary to end the sentence right there, because of my long explanation in brackets. Moving on!

This must be the book in the Bible that is the hardest to pronounce, the one that contains this month’s scripture. This scripture is so big and profound to me. The Lord will make you the head (leader) and not the tail (follower); and you will be above only, and you will not be beneath, if you listen and pay attention to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today, to observe them carefully. Deut 28:13 (Amplified).

Wow. Where does one start with the analysis of this and what God laid on my heart about the scripture? Let us start with listening and obeying the commandments. Now I know we are no longer subject to the laws of the Old Testament. Jesus came and set us free from that. BUT, in the New Testament, Jesus refers to the biggest commandment. And Jesus replied to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others].’ Matthew 22:37‭-‬39 AMP

What this tells me, is, if you love God, and your neighbor (which actually implies any person other than yourself and not literally the person living next door), then you will automatically obey the ten commandments. Because, if you love someone, you will not steal from them, you will not tell lies and so the list continues. So I recon that I can say check, I think I understand what this part of the scripture means, referring to the commandments.

So back to the first part – the promise from God Himself. This does not come via someone else. This is God Himself talking here, PROMISING. It is also not half a promise, not a might, or maybe baby type thing. He promises to ME (and you reading this) that He will make me the head, I SHALL be above, not beneath, be the head and not the tail. But, there is a condition attached to it. You must obey the commandments of God.

Only if you do your part, will God do His part. How many times do we still do something that we have supposedly laid off when we decided to follow Jesus? Did you tell a half-truth, which is actually a lie to someone? Promised something and did not do it? Maybe you did something to intentionally hurt someone or cause damage in a way to them? Talking about others behind their backs, oh, the list feels endless.

You see, and this is here where it feels to me that the fight between the head and the tail comes in. Our spirits are willing, but the flesh remains weak. And that is why we need Jesus! Alone we cannot do it! The devil will condemn you, over and over, judge you, make you feel guilty. In Afrikaans we say laer as ‘n luis which just means he makes you feel worthless! All because you have not done this, that and the next. He tries to pull you down below.

But, when you truly turn around your life, laid down your sinful life, and truly try to do everything within your power to love God AND obey His commandments, then it cannot be different for us than to be the head and not the tail, rising up, can it? God’s grace for us is big, He forgives us when we do something wrong and we repent. I choose to cling onto God’s promise, doing everything within my power to show love for others (and myself), also loving God.

Yes, I fail at times. And that is probably also how we learn and grow is it not? Nobody is perfect, but we can strive to be more like Jesus, obeying His commandments. Be a Jesus-Freak, always trying to show love to others and to oneself, turning away from old habits and sinful acts. Then you will see what God will do for you!

Who is winning in your life? The Head or the Tail? What is the outcome of the banner, spread out, is announcing the fight – Head vs. Tail? I surely hope that my results will be Head 1 – Tail 0 and that I will be able to maintain it!

Die kop vs. die stert
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The Market

During February (my busiest time ever) I saw an advertisement on Facebook for an Easter Market that will be hosted locally (and literally around the corner of my house). I feel how God is working in my spirit telling me to do this and take this on.

Never in my life, have I done a market myself. I do remember as a child that my mother attended flea markets to sell her handmade wired trees with stones stuck on for leaves (that was high fashion at the time, let me tell you). My sister joined in later, when she was older, making clay objects that were sold.

After writing the previous paragraph, I wonder about two things – why they call it a flea market and why my mom (and sister) sold their handmade items at flea markets? I remember that I was always an eager beaver (almost like my daughter now with the Easter market) – always ready to help.

Well, back to MY first market that I felt God gave me instructions to take on. My goodness, this was a challenge. In my busiest time ever, one Sunday afternoon I designed more mouse pads and notebooks. Because, come on, you cannot do a market like that with one design of a notebook and one of a mouse pad! People need options and choices!

Diaries, tent calendars and desk pads are put to the side at this time, because, by the time it will be the market, it will be April and I am not going to design anything new for 2022 in that regard. Plus, if you missed out on 2022’s products, then you have to watch this space for 2023’s products, to be quick to make your purchase before they are sold out….

Oh my word, I am distracted again. None the less, new designs were done, I submitted the application for the market and take, once again, one MASSIVE leap of faith. Because, what else do you call this that is busy happening? It started with 10 aprons that I ordered, not knowing WHAT to do with it. And here I am, at my first market.

The people that pass my table probably think to themselves, this is a crazy lady. My first words to them are “I write, you can read if you want to.” and then I stick a business card in their hand, whether they want one or not. Then I start chatting about flamingo’s and what God has revealed to me thus far about it.

Some people buy something, others just nod their heads very politely, saying that they will go and read. Nowhere in any of the conversations I had, I introduced myself to them. One woman asked me my name and seemed very keen to read my blog. The free gift (from Sculpted Clay designs – specially designed for me in the shape of the heart of the leave that is in my logo) is a winner, and it seems almost if that is the item that convince some people to buy something.

To sit at the market, talking to people, is probably the easiest part of the whole process. The preparation, on the other hand (oh my goodness – when ever I use that phrase, I think of Naas Botha on Super Sport saying On the other hand Darren) was very interesting. I had this idea in my head of what I wanted to do on the table. I am convinced that the display is also directly from Heaven, because, for the first time ever, I could follow through on the idea that was in my mind AND call it pretty.

I had to sand down (is that the right word? Afrikaans is skuur) wooden boxes, also using paint stripper to remove the excess paint (first time for me but now I know how that works), purely because I did not want to spend MORE money for marketing and the props and who knows what. I borrowed a table cloth, took some things out of my house. Bought some other items and borrowed a last little something from someone. Deciding HOW MUCH stock to buy was another puzzle to resolve….

I thought, going through the stock, just after fetching it, and marking it will be easy. Think again!! It took hours and in the process I learned A LOT. Like – I want to save for a barcode printer of some sort. And have my own table cloths made, and buy a doll on which the apron is displayed. To name only a few.

I did my day job, you know, the one that puts food on the table, between everything and on Thursday, I put 11 hours in (yes – in one day) to finalise that work, before I granted myself the time to take photo’s of the new stock for the website and to finalise the preparation for the Market. What an interesting evening it was. Little sleep, watching a movie between marking and writing the labels, but I managed, by the grace of God and finished in time.

While I was at the market, watching all the people that entered the building, my eyes caught a phrase on one of the posters I made. Flamingo’s are filter feeders…. I stop for a moment to think. Filter feeders. Mmmm… this is interesting. Then it dropped in my spirit like a coin does in a piggybank.

The world and everything around you is full of things. Stuff. Some are good for you and others bad. The things that are the nicest, are not always the best for you. But we have to be like flamingos. We must FILTER what we take in, so that we can be sure to let our feathers change pink and stay that way for God. I googled the meaning of filter feeder. As opposed to predators who seek out specialized food items, filter feeding is simply opening up your mouth and taking in whatever happens to be there, while filtering out the undesirable parts. Wow. It is up to us to purify what we take in. To cast out the bad and undesirable items.

Wow. This is such an interesting journey that I am on. God reveals everything systematically to me as I go along, while taking the next step blindly to follow Him. Unconditional. Faith like a child. A mustard seed’s faith. Placing hope on that which cannot be seen. Planted and rooted in Him so that the winds of doubt will not let me be moved around like waves in the ocean. Everything out of scripture.

I’m sold out….nananana Jesus….I’m SOLD OUT TO YOU!!! These words are dancing around again in my mind. The song that God gave me as the theme song for everything (if I can call it that) – the whole Beroepsvrou thing. I listen to it often, yet I cannot remember the words exactly if the song is not playing. Long and short is – I am SOLD OUT to Jesus. I am like the song says – DIFFERENT than other people. Created for THIS purpose.

I ain’t like no one you’ve met before. I’m running for the front when they’re all running for the door. And I won’t sit down, won’t back out, you can never shut me up, ’cause I’m on a mission and I won’t quit now. In a world full of followers, I’ll be a leader, in a world full of doubters, I’ll be a believer. I’m stepping out without a hesitation. Because the battle’s already been won. I’m sold out, I’m no longer living just for myself. Running after Jesus with my whole heart. And now I’m ready to show I am sold out, I’m sold out!!!

I have to stop myself from typing the whole song here. But I am sure you understand what I am trying to say. This song just TALKS to my spirit. I cannot have anything less than Pink Feathers for God and to tell people about that. I pray that seed was sown through conversations and that the Holy Spirit will water it when the time is right for those people. Thank you God that You chose ME for this purpose and may I ALWAYS glorify God’s name.

Die Mark
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The song… finalé

I thought it was a good idea to start writing the closing chapter. The days fly past and the weeks even faster, I do not want to be caught off guard and out of time, not writing the final chapter before end of March.

When I started writing this chapter, there were two weeks left in March. Now it is basically one week (ok less than one week). I still wonder on a daily basis, why the time goes by so quickly and if God is shortening our time because we are in the Oppression times that the bible talks about?

Back to the song. The devil is still trying to steal my song and he thinks he is going to get it right. But, it is actually hillarious to me when things start to feel upside down for me, the way that it is sometimes, because then I KNOW that I am on the right path and that this ís what God wants me to do.

My heart is still singing different songs for God, all that other artists have written, and it is as if I cannot sing His praises enough. After all, He gave me life and the breath that I breathe, so I cannot do anything less than to sing His praises, can I?

Every so often, it feels as if my heart and spirit wants to sing its own song to God. I truly hope that His ears are not sensitive to off-tune songs (oh my word is off-tune even a word? I am sure you understand what I am saying here, in Afrikaans we call it vals sing – not quite keeping to the tune). In my opinion, my physical person does not sing very beautifully at all (even if I was selected for the school choir and revue’s AND even landed up in a recording studio to record songs – I often wonder if the teacher that chose me just liked me or did she really see the potential in my singing abilities?).

Anyway, I laugh at the thought of how I sound in God’s ears when I sing and whether He will like it; whether it will be on the right tune or not, and whether any of these factors have an influence over His liking it or not? I don’t think I have to sing perfectly for Him to appreciate it?

We are all imperfect humans, are we not? If this was the case (perfect singing) then everything in our lives must be perfect before He will accept us, and that is surely a lie!! God takes us as we are, broken and full of mistakes. As long as we accept HIM and His son is declared as our Saviour in our lives, then we are on the right track. And of course we have to live like this daily and strive to be holy like Jesus (and stop sinning the same sins over and over).

My song will always praise God. Especially now in March (a very busy March for me) as I reflect on what happened the past year i.t.o. my blog. How I have grown, how God has just added and keeps on adding. I am so grateful that I was able to celebrate the first birthday on 23 March 2022. Grateful for the knowledge that He instilled in me and still does.

The wisdom that He gives me and people that He lets my path cross with, just to make everything even better for the purpose for which He has created this. What is your song? Do you have a song? It does not matter if you can sing or not and whether you can write or not. You must still SING for God! Does the devil try to steal your song? If that is the case, then you should be jumping for joy, because that means that you are on the right road!

I want to close off with a few songs that are on my heart, songs that I sing to God over and over. Songs that I search frequently on Spotify, while I am doing my day job AND preparing for the Easter Market that lies ahead…for those of you that is close enough, come and visit me at my table 1 to 4 April 2022 at Gerber Plaaskombuis in Skeerpoort. The first 7 purchasers each day will receive a free gift…

And just a last little thing to close off completely – I include my first two entries (in Afrikaans – sorry hope Google translate will work for you) of my blog as short cut links on this entry. Just so that we all can see where I was and where the blog is now – all the glory to God!

Welkom by my blad
Die Naam….
Die lied… slot

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You are… part 2

Monday 14 March 2022 marks the second day that I had the privilege to hand out aprons and tell students more about the Pink Feathers and what it symbolizes. That morning I was awake at 3 am. It was probably the excitement or nerves (or both) for what was lying ahead for the day.

I had an appointment at a local school, Bekker High School, to have a 15 minute chat with the Home Economics (I have no idea what they call this subject in English these days) students, all in grade 12. I saw each class individually, which probably helped ease me into public speaking….as I have not done this for a very long time.

I think the last time I had to talk in front of people was our wedding and before that I was in grade 12. I am not counting the appointment in January I had at another local school, HaMaKom Private School. I was so nervous there I could not remember WHAT I said that day but pretty much told the same story that I told at Bekker.

Anyway, back to my original story. The first speech went well, I seemed to have the attention of all the students, remembered everything I felt that God laid on my heart. As the day progressed, the order of the speech changed slightly but the core message stayed the same.

The Home Economics teacher, Marié Booyse, added to what I said by saying that the aprons provide you protection. Not only physical (food stains on your clothes) but also spiritual protection. That was so true and another revelation to the meaning of the apron.

As the week progressed, I kept on thinking about what was said on Monday, it is as if God dropped it into my spirit that the protection is similar to the Breastplate of Righteousness that Paul writes about in Ephesians 6.

That was very striking to me, as that is what I stand for. Trying to be righteous and ethical always, even when no one is watching. I further had a discussion with my sister from another mister Dora (my domestic worker if you were wondering). She saw the things that I was preparing for the Easter Market that I will be attending as a Vendor (early April), selling my items and making myself available to chat and tell people about that which God has laid on my heart to say.

Ok, back to the discussion with Dora. On the printouts that will be on display at my table at the market, I had some fun facts from my son’s facts book that I retyped for this purpose. One of them was (and this is the question I asked the students on Monday) Did you know that Flamingos are pink due to what they eat?

She told me that this made her think even more about the whole Pink Feathers range and that the Holy Spirit is working with her the whole time about this. Thoughts I left with the students on Monday was – what are we doing to make ourselves reflect pink to the world? Dora and I, then further had a discussion about what we are filling ourselves up with, reading, listening and eating (also something that I told the students on Monday).

The conversation then turned to, what I like to call, empty calories. In my conversations at Bekker I referred to eating too much sugar that will make you crash the whole time. All my friends know that I like to refer to chips, biscuits and chocolates as empty calories. Things that are jam packed with calories (which make us fat by the way) but lacks nutritional value to feed our bodies and build them up to be what they should be, as God intended.

Again this revelation came that we must fill our spirits and minds with things that are not empty calories spiritually. What are you watching, reading and listening to? If you binge read, watch and listen to something that is empty then you will remain empty and will not produce Pink Feathers and reflect pink for God to the world. The same is true for eating by the way, but that we all know…

After my discussions and handouts to the students, it was photo time. The kids seemed very chuffed with their gifts and I truly hope that everytime they wear those aprons, not only in grade 12, but also after they finish school, that they will remember what it stands for and symbolizes.

All the glory be to God always! He inspired the aprons, He gave me the vision and the people to produce an electronic logo and the apron. Without Him none of this would have been possible. I just know deep down in my heart, there is so much more to these aprons than just an apron….like we have already discovered and may still discover.

Just as I was closing off this blog entry, I read the scripture verse that forms part of my logo again. Proverbs 10:21. The lips of the righteous feed many: But fools die for want of wisdom. (KJV). Wow is all I can say….this ties in to the latest revelation of the aprons, what you are feeding your body, soul and spirit with and what Beroepsvrou stands for. All the glory be to God always!

Jy is… deel 2
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The song… Chapter 2

Sometimes I wonder about Mary. How did she feel after she heard that she was expecting the Messiah? You see, the Bible does not tell us about her emotions. Not everything. We do know that she sung a song and was excited about that which God called her for.

But…was she shocked before the song? Did she feel rejected by people? What did they say about her and what did they think about her? Did they discuss her like we, as people, like to do quite so often? Did she also lie awake at night? Sleeping for only 3 hours and then being awake the rest of the time while everyone around her is snoring away?

I don’t think it was easy for her. Similar to situations we find ourselves in at times. You see, perhaps you have a song in your heart about what God has planned for you and spoke to you over your life. But in other aspects of your life there is not necessarily a song in your heart.

I think sometimes God wants us to be impulsive for Him. To do things without overthinking it, something I do often. Just trust Him. Even if life presses hard on other levels, when I feel like I cannot breathe and cannot sleep at night. Even when the devil every so often tries to steal my song….I must stay impulsive for Him.

The song that God has laid on my heart for a while now, is Rooftops by Kim Walker-Smith. I feel I want to stand on the rooftops and just shout out His name and proclaim it over my life. Irrespective of the work requirements and work pressure. Irrespective of the fact that the devil tries to kill my song with things that happen from everyday life.

I shout out Your Name, from the rooftops I proclaim, I am Yours! I hear the words echo through my thoughts. I sing it even louder to mute the lies the devil is trying to tell me in my mind. I did not write my own personal song like Mary, but this one is close enough to something for ME. What is YOUR song that God placed on your heart? Do you sing it or do you allow the difficulties of life (let us be honest here – nothing these days are easy any more) to suppress your song and smother it?

What do you choose today? I choose to still sing and believe that God trusted Beroepsvrou and everything that goes with it, to me. This is what HE planned for my life. He did not plan for me to lie awake night after night, worrying about how I am going to get everything done work wise. Or that I lie and worry about our outstanding debtors and outstanding debts.

Surely there will always be someone that owes you money and you will surely owe someone money. You will probably never have enough money for everything. Or enough time for everything. The work that I do, will surely not become easier and the deadlines will certainly (not maybe or perhaps) remain. Will one ever have enough patience with your children? Will you ever not have days that you will feel despaired about HOW you are going to help your child through Grade 7?

At the end of the day, God IS and STAYS in CONTROL of EVERYTHING. We do not have control over anything else except our own actions and outlook on life. Why not do this with a song on your lips and in your heart? From the rooftops I proclaim, I am YOURS!!!!! I sing, amplified and on the loudest volume in my thoughts, just to be sure that the devil HEARS me.

Die lied… Hoofstuk 2
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The song… Chapter 1

Just like that, February 2022 came and went. We survived another big deadline. At times it really felt as if the ball and chain that I was wearing at the Accountant’s Inn, was heavier than what it was supposed to be. Some days were harder than others. I paced myself to work, at what felt like a snails pace, during February, just to get through everything. I did not work long hours on one day, but rather more days in the week.

Then, suddenly, on 28 February 2022, it was as if I could feel how the key was being turned in the lock so that I will be released earlier than planned. By 12 noon, I clicked on the submit button on my last IRP 6 return. I sit back and think – HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? This has NEVER happened before? In previous years, we sit and work so hard, the only sound you can hear are our fingers typing away at our key boards and mouse clicks flying like they are going out of fashion (I wonder how many clicks we do on a mouse in a day??), echoing in our ears, as we struggle to get everything submitted in time.

Other years, I usually submitted the last returns around 9 or 10 at night, sometimes even just before midnight. I still recall my daughter (now 8) at a younger age, bringing a pillow and blanket to sleep on the floor in the office while I was working to get everything submitted on time. Suddenly the load is just lighter.

Everyone gets into bed at a reasonable time. It almost feels wrong, as if we forgot someone or something. We review the control list again – no, we did not forget anyone, all have been submitted. I realise again, as if it is a new revelation, that we made the deadline because we have a set of hands that WORKS and KNOWS what she is doing. Someone we can trust to do the work and to do accurate calculations. Bringing her side, pulling her weight, irrespective of her circumstances.

Come 1 March 2022, I woke up and I almost want to say with a song in my heart. The song is not quite there for my work (although I thoroughly realise that if I do not work, this blog will not exist, amongst other things, other than the obvious provision for our basic needs), but the song is there in my heart, for what God has planned for me and what He is revealing bit by bit.

You see, God is revealing more and more to me while I start to advertise the Beroepsvrou platform more and doing new designs, everything between the day job. On that particular day (March 1st) I saw a client. I was not stationed at my desk and that is just what happened that day. I was recovering from working almost 9 days in a row (even if it was not 7 or 10 hours every day), just finding my feet in the next task that had been staring at me, waiting (im)patiently for me to finish it off.

I wondered the whole day WHAT the scripture for March was, I truly could not remember it. Eventually I got to tear off the dirty page for February. It was as if it reflected HOW hard I worked by being extra dirty. Water marks, ink that smudged, you name it, that was what my February calendar looked like. Eventually I sat down to read the verse. I think it was only on the second of March.

I read it and for a fleeting moment it did not make sense. I wondered by myself WHY I chose THAT verse? It does not make sense, the sentence starts blunt and in the middle of something. I decide to view it on the bible app on my phone. I read it and still it does not make sense. I decide to start reading from a few verses before this one.

Finally I understand! I grasped it!! I could not fit EVERYTHING on the calendar, plus this particular verse was on a key ring that I purchased some time ago. It was said in such a beautiful way on the keyring and hence the reason for choosing this scripture. If you are perhaps wondering why I cannot recall the scripture that was chosen – the last time I worked on these designs were in October / November 2021.

Six years’ time has passed (that is how it feels to me in the mere 6 months that actually passed). My brain cannot remember every single little bit of detail. Ok so back to the verse. I start reading from verse 45. My eye catches the heading just beneath verse 45 – The Magnificat. At first I looked at this thinking WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? (Remember I read this in Afrikaans first and there it is clear what this is).

Anyway, I compare the scripture to other versions in my application on my phone and the New Living Translation has extra words, Mary’s Song of Praise, next to it. (I also Googled the word Magnificat and there it refers to the hymn of the Virgin Mary.) Wow, that is very interesting. I feel as if I have a song in my heart and here is the scripture that refers to a song that was sung by Jesus’ Mother. WOW that is coincidence – or is it? I know with God NOTHING is ever a coincidence.

Luke 1 : 45 – 49 And blessed [spiritually fortunate and favored by God] is she who believed and confidently trusted that there would be a fulfillment of the things that were spoken to her [by the angel sent] from the Lord.” And Mary said, “My soul magnifies and exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has looked [with loving care] on the humble state of His maidservant; For behold, from now on all generations will count me blessed and happy and favored by God! For He who is mighty has done great things for me; And holy is His name [to be worshiped in His purity, majesty, and glory]. Amplified translation.

There is so much more to this scripture than what I can even begin to think or realise… I almost feel like I have to break up this scripture and analyze it a bit further. There is so much power captured in this. So many promises for me and for each one who believes and stands on that which God has called them for and that which He has disclosed to them of their calling.

To be continued…

Die lied… Hoofstuk 1
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The Sweet Words….Finalé

Alóha here from the Accountants Inn. Wait, Alóha sounds too exotic, almost as if I am watching over the ocean (exotic like white sand and turquoise water) while I am doing all these calculations, the speed dating of tax as I like to refer to provisional tax. Maybe I should rather say Modimôle, Modimôle like the advertisement of Lekkeslaap? It sounds almost more realistic of where I find myself….and not that I think that Modimôle is a jail or less exotic place….I am sure you understand what I am trying to say.

All jokes aside. This will be my closing chapter on this scripture. February is short, the pressure is high and the work load is astronomical, and I am more than likely not going to be able to find time to publish another something about this scripture after this entry.

So….I want to close off by saying that when I look back on February, I can conclude that I had one very interesting month, especially while thinking about the verse. You see, my sweet words were also under attack. Not only that which were snarled at me, but those which I uttered. Emotions were running high, stress levels were through the roof, life goes on and I just have to cope with everything.

It certainly was not easy, nor was it all glamorous and pretty. But I certainly learnt a lot and grew in the process. I know I must think before I speak, especially if I am frustrated with something and then I have a conversation with someone close to me about something else. I must not let my frustrations spill and tumble over into those conversations.

It is certainly easier said that done and I contemplate and doubt whether my words contain serotonin, similar to honey. But God showed me what I did wrong so that I could repent and ask for forgiveness, and learn from my mistakes. Is this not part of the process of becoming holy like Jesus?

I want to close off by saying that we are going to have to answer to God one day about the words that we utter. BUT He has LOTS of grace for us, He forgives us and then it is as if it never happened. What we must remember is to stop sinning and truly turn our backs on that. We must stop with our bad habits and poorly chosen words.

It takes 21 days to break a habit, if I started 1 February with that, then, theoretically I should have overcome it by Monday 21 February or Tuesday 22 February….but, we do not consciously make such decisions regarding bad habits on a daily basis, this is also not something that happens to me every 5 minutes or every hour. To me it is not similar to having bad eating habits that I want to turn around. No, for me it is very sporadic and random at times but I suppose that can also be seen as habitual, because I always act the same way in similar situations.

I must learn from my mistakes and pass the test. Because surely I am going to keep on writing the test until I pass it. Even if it takes more than 21 days….so long and farewell until next month when I write about the March scripture! Alóha from the Accountants Inn. (Is Alóha not hello and goodbye in Hawaii?)

Die soet woorde…Slot
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The sweet words… Chapter 2

I have been thinking about this month’s scripture as the month is progressing and life is getting more and more hectic work wise. It makes me wonder as to why Solomon referred to honey in this scripture and why it is referred to as being able to heal.

Naturally I grab my phone to google the medicinal value of honey. The facts that Mrs. Google showed me was pretty interesting…

It enhances immunity. So it physically helps to keep your body healthy. Very interesting. I read a little further – it enhances serotonin. Now those of you who do not know – serotonin is the feel good hormone that makes you feel happy (amongst other things) and it also regulates a whole lot of other things.

It is further my understanding that it contains anti-oxidants, reduces stress and anxiety, is anti-bacterial and a whole list of other things. It was really interesting to read all these facts about honey. Surely Solomon did not google the medicinal facts about honey when he wrote this piece of scripture.

No, he was the wisest person ever who lived on earth and it was the Godly wisdom that God blessed him with that is portrayed in this scripture. Wow, what an awesome revelation about this scripture!

Sweet words have the same healing effects as honey….if this is then true, then surely the opposite must be true too? Destructive words that criticizes, are like an illness that eats away at you and will eventually kill and destroy you if you keep on listening to (and uttering) such words. Makes you think does it not….?

To be continued….

Die soet woorde… Hoofstuk 2
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You are…

“You are what you eat.” How many times have I heard that line before? It is almost like the advertisement from the late 80’s – Farmer Brown’s Chickens. “They look so good because they eat so good.” I can still recall the oom‘s voice (oom just sounds better here than uncle). If I recall correctly it was a bit of a husky voice (is that the right term? In Afrikaans we call it rasperstem.)

Husky voice or not, that line always stayed with me. When I was older, I even joked about my body by saying “I look so good because I eat so good!” Because let us be honest. Anything refined, sweet and unhealthy is the nicest to eat!

And so it happened, that God showed me a few years ago, while channel hopping on TV (almost as fast as popcorn that jumps while being made), pausing for a brief moment on one or another absurd reality show. I just have to interrupt myself here – my goodness, what a long sentence with very little punctuation marks! I feel out of breath just reading through it….

Anyway, as we were watching these people, everyone in search of something that they do not know what it is that they are looking for (they looked helpless and lost in this show as it was one or another weird dating something or another), God dropped in my spirit You are because I am. It was in English and just like that. For a moment I thought about it and then I realised that this is so true! God referred to Himself as I am who sent Moses to the Pharaoh, did he not? Oh my goodness, did I spell Pharaoh correct??? You know, the guy with the goatie that enslaved the Israelites, the Egyptian king. That is the guy I am talking about!

Jump forward to 2020 or 2021 (I don’t even know anymore when what happened because everything seems like a blur). Somewhere there, I wrote on my own personal Facebook page something similar to this article I am writing, and that we are because God is. But later God expanded even more on this for me.

You are what you eat, what you think and what you speak. And just like that, everything falls into place in my head (I actually cannot explain HOW that happens, it just does). Body, mind or soul (not sure whether to use mind or soul here in Afrikaans it is Liggaam, siel en gees) and spirit. You are that which goes around in your heart (there is a bible verse to this effect is there not? Somewhere in Psalms?). You are what you think in your mind (and then speak). You are what you physically eat.

The power of life and death is in the tongue – it says so in the Bible too….so we must be aware of what we speak, as this manifests in the flesh normally….and actually what you speak starts with what goes on in our hearts, does it not? Does it make sense what I am saying here?

I recon from these Godly thoughts (not me but God for sure!) is where Beroepsvrou started to exist. For YEAAARS I thought that I, Elsie, am the only one that does not wake up with a song in my heart and birds that chirp just for me in the mornings. You know, almost like Snow White that whistles and then all the birds come to do what ever they do for her. I thought that is how it should be….

I know, it is a fairy tale full of lies, but give me credit. I have said it before, I feel like a late bloomer when it comes to things like this (at least I did not come to this realisation now only, probably early 30’s if I really have to draw a timeline for you and no, I did not think the little birdies will do my work for me). Now, to get back to Beroepsvrouthat what you are fits in so nicely with the whole theme of Beroepsvrou and the Pink Feathers range and what I stand for.

Pink Feathers for God. Your spiritual (and soul I suppose) person is fed with what goes on in your mind and heart. From there the Pink Feathers for God….but what God actually showed me is that the apron was the forerunner to the whole Pink Feathers range.

When you put on an apron, you are busy serving other people with food. A bit of a double meaning with the apron. But you are also busy preparing something to feed your body with (you must look after your temple that God gave you – THAT also stands in the Bible).

It feels to me as if I am talking deurmekaar as I call it in Afrikaans. But I believe that God will pull all the strings together here so that those who read this will understand. We also have to constantly refresh our minds and thoughts with God’s word so that our hearts do not turn black and ugly, so that our mouths do not speak curses and our bones do not dry out from this which we speak.

Back to the aprons – recently I had the absolute privilege to bless a local school’s Consumer Study children with aprons (absolutely in order from God) and I further had the privilege to speak to them for 5 minutes (ok maybe 10 minutes, I am not sure), serving them with what God has laid on my heart and Beroepsvrou and the Pink Feathers.

I cannot recall what I said and it felt like I did not talk sense at all, but I believe that seed was sown that day and that it will come up when the time is right…I also know that I am busy growing, learning and that God will absolutely put the right words into my mouth when I go to the next school to serve them with God’s word and to bless them with the aprons.

The conclusion that I want to make about this piece is, you are what you eat, you are what you think and you are what you speak. This is what will manifest in our lives and this is within our control and in our hands. That is actually THE ONLY THING we have control over. Wow, what a wonderful revelation. I have known this for a while now, that this is the only thing we can control, but God has just put it all together so beautifully and finished it off with the blog and the Pink Feathers range…

All the glory be to God always! May this blog always be what God has planted in my heart, to put it into words for others to read and may this NEVER be about me!! He inspires me, gives me the knowledge and wisdom, the vision and talents to do what is busy happening…

Jy is…
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The sweet words… Chapter 1

Before I start writing entry, I just want to say – I know the picture at the beginning of the article is the one for January on the desk pad calendar. Obviously I could not take a picture of every month’s page as that would have affected my stock’s quality….and I cannot take a picture of mine because it is scribbled full of notes….and I only have the Afrikaans one on my desk….

This particular item in the Pink Feathers range, has been used by myself better than what I ever could imagine. You see, I was very skeptical about the desk pad, wondering if I ever will use it. Well, all doubts are gone now and I think I have become a desk pad-using-gal. Now, with that admin being said, I can continue writing about this month’s scripture.

Proverbs 16:24 – Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet and delightful to the soul and healing to the body. When I got the scriptures for each month last year, I never would have guessed how applicable each month’s scripture would be.

You see, February is our busiest month. It is financial year end. A fairly rough time if I can refer to it like that. Little sleep, long hours and the normal life in between everything else (even a birthday on the 7th nogal – one of the deadline days). Our kids know already but I cannot keep wondering if they really do understand? Or are we busy making scars for them? This that we work, work and work some more.

So now you probably wonder how the scripture ties in with February? You see, when you are not under pressure, it is easy to comply with this scripture. It is when you are under pressure that it becomes harder to comply. Without saying much more in a month like February the pressure IS more so the challenge with this scripture will be bigger than normal…

But, it is not necessarily when WE experience pressure that WE have to be mindful of our words. Many times for me, it is when I do not experience sweet words from my clients that it hurts. You know, those words that just brutally breaks down the one thing you worked so hard to do as thorough and accurate as you could. Critisising everything you have ever stood for.

When everything you have ever done for someone with rightousness and integrity is broken down to a big pile of nothing. When accusations are thrown around (yes you guessed it, a similar occurence took place during the first week of February like it has happened before). It is then that I think of this scripture. Because such words are not sweet for the soul and healing to the bones.

To be continued…

Die soet woorde… Hoofstuk 1
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The Career woman from the bible – grand finalé

While doing this entry, I look at the date and see that it is end of January 2022! How did that happen? Yesterday it was still December, we were on leave, preparing for the new school year in 2022 and poof just like that it is the end of February….

I chewed and thought about the scripture about Deborah the whole month, a bit longer actually. None the less. I still have a lot of questions (it feels like a thousand) about her. Answers that I do not see at first glance in the scripture. Did people treat her with respect or did they treat her the way they sometimes treat me? That is something I don’t know…

I noted however, that she WORKED WHILE she was a prophet. In other words, she was not FULL TIME in ministry. No, she had her day job too that required her attention.

Now that answers quite a bit of questions that I have currently and had in the past. For a long time it felt wrong to work and not be in ministry full time. Not being able to do what I perceive God wants me to do.

The long and short of what I read between the lines of this bible verse is, she had to make time to spend time with God to be able to be a prophet. That is not something that just happened all by itself. As a human being, she had to put in effort to hear from God what it is that she was supposed to do. This is my own conclusion and to me it is logic and makes sense.

The lesson that I learnt from Deborah? It is ok to be a working career woman. It is ok not to be in full time ministry, winning over souls for heaven. It is ok to not go into Africa, living off one tin of canned food per month, struggling without running water as a full time evangelist (not that this was ever what I felt I had to do, but you understand what I am trying to say here). It is not meant for everyone to win over souls for heaven in THAT manner.

You can do it WHILE you are working and exercising your career. I for one, see lots of people all day, everyday (ok not that much but I am in contact with people and the outside world). Why can I not use the position that God placed me in to spread the gospel? There is nothing wrong with that?

It all comes back to my work and this blog. Even though I thoroughly enjoy blogging (because here it feels like I am plugged into God’s voice and can HEAR what He tells me), it is ok to work too. The secret is that I must make TIME to spend with Him in His word. I have to make TIME to blog, this is when I hear His voice. I experience Him in a way while blogging that I cannot explain or experience in any other way.

The blog is certainly not a hobby or something that I do just for fun. It is also not my way of coping with things. No, it is MY way of spending time with God. He knows I cannot spend hours reading bible or drawing pictures in my journaling bible, or even do bible study the way other people do it.

No, this, together with the Pink Feathers range deskpads, is MY way of spending time with God. Many people ask me and comment about HOW I manage to get everything done between life, work and children. The only difference between them and me, is, the way that I spend time with God, is on a public platform, a place where everyone can see it. Theirs is private where no one can see it.

Now I am not saying this to let anyone feel bad, because the time you spend with God is between you and Him. But for some people, some of us, He called to be different. Doing things in a way that is different than the way majority of people do it. How are we going to make a difference if everyone does everything in the same manner?

For the first time since launching the Pink Feathers range (yes, the crazy plan as I refer to it and what I thought about yesterday afternoon as to why I did it) I understand better why God destined it to be in this manner. It is not necessarily for anyone else. It is for me to spend time with Him. And if I can help motivate and support someone else through this, then so much better.

The bible says that we have our testimonies and that God will use it to save people (or something to that effect – this I am trying to recall off the top of my head and there is the possibility that I have it slightly wrong…I will double check this though, just for myself). Important thing to remember is that the Holy Spirit will do the convincing not the people. Our testimonies are ALL that we have to tell people about God, to spread His word and tell people about His miracles. Let us use it!

Till next month…..

Die Bybelse Beroepsvrou – Slot
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The Career woman from the Bible – Chapter 3

While designing the Pink Feathers range last year and choosing the scriptures for each month for the deskpad calendar, I sensed that God wanted me to blog about each month’s scripture that was chosen.

I did it without hesitation but still did not know HOW I was going to do it, how often I would write something or what I will have to say about each scripture. I thought to myself that I am more than likely to only make one entry about the scripure.

But here I am, typing away at chapter 3. In particular the scripture about Deborah was interesting to me. I mean, how much can one write about the limited information available to us in the Bible about her? This is where the part of the Living Word of God comes in. You see, the more you read it and the more you think about it (I do it the whole day while working) the more God reveals to you.

On Friday we were at our children’s athletics. It was interesting and new to us, because we moved to a new school and we have been a bit out of it when it comes to activities such as these. Next to our overly big borrowed Gazebo, was another couple sitting under a beach umbrella.

We invited them to share the shade of our gazebo if the sun gets too hot and too much. Initially they sat in the shade of the gazebo (but next to it) and still under their umbrella. Eventually the sun was too hot and they moved into the shade with us.

At some stage (before we all shared the same shade under the gazebo) I saw the wife on a laptop with a headset. She was attending a virtual meeting. Just like that, next to the athletics field. I realised immediately that I am not alone in trying to keep all the balls in the air. The constant juggling game.

This I have known for some time now, but it is as if God just came to show it to me again. Everyone has one or another challenge. Majority of woman these days are Career woman. Everyone has a role they portray.

Everyone can identify with Deborah who was a Career woman. Everyone is standing at the beginning of a new work year, school year, what ever the new year means to you – everyone gets to stand in front of it and have to find their rhythm. Sometimes people feel alone and as if they are the only ones that feel this way.

That is why the scripture about Deborah was chosen for January. Just a little something to help everyone, to support them. To remind you that you are not alone. All woman who portray a career role have some or other challenge.

We are not alone! Know this – you are not alone! Everyone feel the way they do at times and that is ok. The most important thing to remember is to look for God in everything and to move into His rest. When we are in His rest everything else falls into place. It is easier said than done, especially if you are like me, trying to plan and do everything without errors the first time….

Grand finalé to follow.

Die Bybelse Beroepsvrou – Hoofstuk 3
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The Career woman from the Bible – chapter 2

As I am struggling to cope with our new routine (the routine is hectic with getting up earlier and everything having to happen 1 to 2 hours earlier than what we are used to AND this entry took a week to finish between and amongst everything else), I wonder about Deborah. Did she have kids? I cannot see that from the information available in the Bible.

She was married, that I know. What I also noted was that she was a leader. Why do you say she was a leader? You may ask. Well, she was a judge and judges portray a leadership role.

But the biggest of all is that she was a prophet. Wow. That is huge. Profits have this special connection with God (my opinion) and not that other normal people don’t have that connection – I am sure you understand what I am trying to say. But in that time, in her time, God only spoke through the prophets…..

I jump back to reality, to 2022. I, Elsie, cannot compare myself to Deborah. What I can do is to try and learn and understand what she did in the Bible and maybe try to apply some of it in my own life.

I most definitely would like to have had an interview with Deborah. I think I would have had more than 20 questions. How do you feel after a long day’s work? Do you get tired? Do you become impatient with your husband (and children)? Do you get frustrated with your work?

So the list of questions go on and on. I think the most important point that I want to close off with about Deborah is that she was a normal person (I don’t read anywhere in the Bible that she was born with golden teeth and silk for hair). No, she was just a human….one that was prepared to be God’s instrument.

Deborah was a woman, a leader, a prophet. She was God’s instrument that He used to address the Israelites…..just as I was finishing off this entry, I drove behind a car with Jer 1v5 on it. Just that. Not Jeremiah written out in English or Jeremia in Afrikaans.

I read the scripture in the Bible. I think I was like one of those cartoon characters whose jaws fell open. It reads as follows: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (KJV).

Wow, that is just a confirmation to me and just connects and fits in with the scripture of this month. God has chosen each and everyone of us even before we were formed in the mother’s womb, to be where we are today. To do what we have been called to do. That is HUGE. We cannot put God in a box, even though we sometimes try…..

To be continued ….

Die Bybelse Beroepsvrou – hoofstuk 2
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The Career woman from the Bible – chapter 1

Since I became a mother, my needs and priorities changed drastically. Only a new mom with a full time career and job will know what I am talking about (not that I am saying that those whom have the absolute privilege of raising their kids full time have no idea but you will understand as you read more). Those motherly instincts that kick in the moment when you hear your first born’s cry for the first time.

For so many years I questioned WHY I am a career woman. I thought that woman in the Bible did not have heavy jobs so to speak…..or so I thought….until one evening in 2021 – while reading to our children from the Bible.

We discovered Deborah….I noted immediately that she had a very important job. She was a prophet AND a judge. Wow, that is a BIG responsibility. She had to judge the people, the Israelites. Even in Biblical terms I see this as heavy in my opinion. Being a prophet is also a huge responsibility. And she was both!

I am unable to determine from the rest of the Bible whether she had to study further to become a judge. We will probably never know either. I actually have no clue HOW people do their research about people in the Bible. Where do you start your search? How do you know what is the truth?

So I will be leaving all the technical questions about why and how surrounding Deborah and I am just going to focus on what I see in the Bible about her, and what I feel God is lying on my heart to write about her. The scripture that is on the January 2022 deskpad calendar can be found in Judges 4:4-5 – this is where I read about Deborah the first time.

If you are reading this and noted the flamingo’s on the deskpad calendar in the photo included in this article and STILL don’t know WHY flamingo’s, then I invite you to read the Pink Feathers category on my blog. That will explain it and give you insight. OK, back to the scripture for January 2022.

Now you are probably wondering WHY I chose that scripture and what is the theme for the rest of the year? Let me answer the first question….Deborah had a career, a qualification of some sort. I could identify and relate with her in a way – I stand in a career with a whole bunch of qualifications and degrees (yes it is terrible to think of it like this and to mention it like this, but, the reality is, when you are a CA and an RA, then you have to obtain about two degrees, together with a whole bunch of other things, just for those who do not know how that process works).

I know other careers also have their requirements of studying for years, doing practical training, etc. So we are not alone! Everyone had to do their bit to be able to practice their career. I kid you not – it is HARD work. And that is where the inner conflict starts between your career and being a mother. Both require so much hard work and I often feel I have to choose between being a mother and my career…..having to give up one. Giving up being a mother is out of the question….but do I want to give up all those blood, sweat and tears that I had to go through to obtain my qualification?

That being said, the other question between the questions is, why this scripture for January? Well, we are all still in a bit of a holiday mode after completing the first week of January. Some of us are preparing ourselves mentally to start work on the 10th of January 2022. Others have already started this past week. But we all stand in a career and have to get our acts together to be able to function like before the holiday started. Let’s face it, being out of routine does not work for us. Even our dog Fudge is out of routine!

So the long and short is, I chose to start this year with something career-like, just so that we can all identify with the scripture and just to be able to get ourselves ready for the year ahead. I hope it makes sense what I am trying to say here?

The theme for the year is Pink Feathers and this is the Pink Feathers range that I recon is going to become a part of the Beroepsvrou blog and everything that goes with it. I did not choose Career woman as a theme, but rather scripture that I thought could be linked to showing Pink Feathers for God.

As mentioned before, we are all in different careers. Not everyone reading this are CA’s and RA’s. And sometimes it is pretty tough, especially as a woman, to keep on keeping on, so that the world can see that we are flaming hot for Jesus and that our feathers are really in actual fact vibrant pink for Him.

As I said before, for a long time I thought that Biblical women did not have official careers. To be continued….

Die Bybelse Beroepsvrou – hoofstuk 1
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The Pink Feathers range – the online shop

What felt like forever (which was in reality only one week since I released my first advertisement on Whatsapp) I can confirm that the online shop is READY! I did it with my own two hands and let me tell you, it is not necessarily difficult but rather time consuming.

Between everything else this past week, including and not limited to the tax return deadline that I had to tend to, I made time and worked on this project and I am very proud to say that EVERYTHING – digital and physical items, are now available on this page.

After I released my advertisement last week Sunday via Whatsapp, I received such a positive response from people wanting to order items and wanting to place their orders via Whatsapp. The positive feedback was overwhelming and that forced me to immediately type a message with the instructions that I will only take orders via e-mail and that items will only be supplied based on orders.

Well, that idea was quickly blown out the front door with a tornado named Reality. You see, the Reality is that I still have to design an order form and what must that look like??? How do I ensure that I do not order or deliver the incorrect items? How do I get it to people? These are just a few of the questions that were twisting around in my mind.

Just as I was approaching the big barren desert of hopelessness (something that seemed to happen a lot during this process) I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit. You cannot get this far to quit NOW. There are REALLY people that WILL benefit from this. You must push through.

I share the hopelessness to someone very close to me (she is more like a little sister or friend than an employee), and she tells me that she read something in the past week that God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. I sit for a moment, I read it and understand it, yet I decide to still reply with emojis crying streams of tears because that is just how I felt.

I decide to move forward and just to STOP trying to THINK about this and HOW I am going to do it all. God will surely not let this thing happen out of nothing if I cannot handle it. My answer to everyone who asks about why or how this started is very simple – it just happened. I did not think anything through, I just did it! If I thought about it I would not have done it.

I leave you on this cold wet afternoon from the North West province (it is raining here if you were wondering). Select the menu at the top, browse through my shop and order something if you feel in in your heart to do so. If you are in the Hartbeespoort area choose the collection option when checking out and I will contact you to meet up with you somewhere to collect the items when I am in the area. Of course those of you in the Magaliesburg, Hekpoort, Skeerpoort and other surrounding areas can also choose collection and then we can arrange a date and time for you to collect.

I will be placing my first order with the printers on Monday 29 November 2021. If everything goes well and according to plan and they have no load shedding (something that I am praying about because I know that God will not disappoint me) then I should have it within the next 5 to 7 business days, thus around 7 or 8 December 2021.

The week thereafter, 6 December 2021, I will be placing my second order so that it will be ready around mid-December. This will be my last order for 2021 after which it will be delivered, so do not miss out on making your workspace for 2022 something to motivate and inspire you or to get the last items gifts wise for Christmas!

All the glory be to God and the Holy Spirit who guided me during this entire process. Without Him I am not able to do ANYTHING, because I am surely not as tech-savvy as those who do this for a living. Please excuse the Afrikaans and English pages that are mixed on my website (this is at the menu options), I am working on it to translate it so that there are both English and Afrikaans pages for all.

Die Pienk Vere reeks – die aanlyn winkel
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The Pink Feathers- the confirmation

Can I tell you how Mr. Doubt tried to destroy the Pink Feathers ever since I collected the proofs from the printers last week? He comes and then he sows seeds of doubt between that which I have felt God had laid on my heart, and the weeds of doubt almost, very close to ALMOST started to grow, trying to oppress (this word I had to Google because I could not think of the English word for Verdruk) the Pink Feathers.

This morning, we attended church at Doxa Deo Hartbeespoort campus. As always, Kobus Windt is marching up and down the stage (I am SURE it is a stage and not another fancy word to describe what is used as a stage), giving his sermon. He is so passionate and uses examples that we all can relate to, to UNDERSTAND what God is trying to say.

He always uses the saying that sleeping in a garage does not make you a car. The same is applicable to our Christianity. You cannot ONLY attend church on a Sunday and call yourself a Christian. You have to LIVE like one too. Today’s message was no different and certainly portrayed God’s message.

The name of the Series that is being discussed is Reageer (in Afrikaans) or React if you wish to translate it in English. We must react on God’s voice. As I am listening and making notes in my notebook, I can hear the Holy Spirit talk with me and I can sense that he is throwing weed killer over all the little plants of doubt that is trying to grow. Again, He presses on my heart to say “This is what I want YOU to do.”

Just this morning, while getting ready for church, doubt comes yet again and tries to sow negativity all over my mind. The thoughts? How can God use YOU, really? You fail at pretty much everything in your life. Your YouTube video that you tried to make, you called an Epic Fail yourself and laughed about it. What makes you so special and different than other people? You don’t even know the books of the Bible in order and off the top of your head. Not even to talk about the Bible itself.

Doubts similar to the previous ones repeat and continue in my mind. But God is faithful. In the sermon I receive my confirmation that this ís what God wants me to do. I must do thís, I have to reach a certain demographic area, Career woman, as this is where God wants to use me. If I am not going to do it, who will?

For the first time since I started the blog, I heard God speak to me through an Afrikaans song (they are normally English songs). While Kobus closes off the sermon, the worship team walks back onto the stage. Carindé sings in her gorgeous voice Stuur My, so passionate, you can see she is overflowing with God. He invites us to stand up while they are singing the song, if you feel you want to make an impact on a certain demographic environment.

I want to jump up immediately, but as per usual, I am self-conscious. Why I cannot tell you, because NO ONE in the church is observing who stand up and who remain seated. I ask my husband if I heard correctly – can we stand up? He does not answer me immediately, he is sitting with his eyes closed, worshipping God. After a while I hear him say – you may stand up.

I stand up and the moment I did that, I felt the Holy Spirit in a tangible form in my spirit. My eyes shoot full of tears. Not tears of heart ache, just tears that I have NO control over. From experience I KNOW that this is the Holy Spirit. I am on the right track, I am doing what God is expecting from me.

With that being said I am closing off this entry with what I perceive to be better YouTube videos. Shorter videos that explains each individual item better. I am busy working on price lists and I am just going to do it. I am not going to use my technical Accounting skills to try and work out and calculate complex formulae. I am just going to trust God. He will let it happen the way it should. After all, it is all about Him and not about me, so why doubt?

Die Pienk Vere – die bevestiging
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The Pink Feathers Range – the YouTube advertisement

I had this perfect plan in my mind, one with high expectations to make this perfect YouTube advertisement of the Pink Feathers Range that is changing from something that was just a dream and a thought to something tangible and realistic.

Can I tell you? That balloon stuffed full of expectations was popped in the blink of an eye with the pin called REALITY. You see, I have a day job too that I need to work on and tend to, so I do not have time to sit and play around on software programs to edit things until I have the perfect end result, exactly like the one I have in my mind.

The English version of the video I had to retake probably around 10 times (it feels like 500 times and probably even was not 10 times but certainly more than 3 times). Each time, just as I am getting the hang of it and feeling more comfortable, someone walks into the room where I am recording, or someone yells from another room something (we all do that so no judgement here), or the phone rings or the dogs bark too hard or the parrot is too noisy or the cars ZOOM too loudly past our house.

Yesterday morning, when the house was quiet and everyone was somewhere, I decided this is IT. I have been trying to do this video since collecting the proofs on Saturday. Yesterday was the proverbial D-Day. I record it (for the umpteenth time in English) and thankfully the Afrikaans one was just once and I decide this is it. I am not redoing it again. It will be released to the world as it is, because this is how it will be. It is what it is.

I invite you, if you are on Facebook (I am still struggling with Instagram and you may not judge me for that too), to like my page and feel free to share this entry with others or even only the YouTube video. I am still busy setting up the shop on Facebook and truly hope that it is approved now. If not approved then I will make another plan to take orders.

With that being said, I am closing off this entry. I truly hope I am not judged too harshly for my attempt at a YouTube video. This is my first time and I am not one to look at the camera and talk. So you will not see my face, but you will be able to hear my voice…..

Die Pienk Vere Reeks – die YouTube advertensie
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The Pink Feathers – digital platform launch

This is probably going to be one of the shortest entries ever! After what felt like for ever, I managed to get one of the first digital platforms linked and live ready for the launch…

The name of the platform is Buy me a Coffee….on this platform I will release digital designs.

So without typing too much, click the link below and view the welcome page.

The digital designs are in both Afrikaans and English….on that platform the main language of communication will be English, however, the Afrikaans will not fade and disappear! It is just easier to keep it to English on that platform.

With that being said – go and enjoy that which has been made available!
Die Pienk vere – digitale platform bekendstelling
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The Pink Feathers – The Grand Finalé

It is time for the Grand Finalé! Drum roll please…..The moment everyone has silently been waiting for, with the exception of one person, Lynn Grobler, who was prepared to share her curiosity on Facebook…..The great reveal! The reason for the delay in publishing this post will be better understood while you read this entry….

With that being said, I can stop the cryptic messages, I feel that now I may TALK with EVERYONE about the divine heavenly download that God laid on my heart! The Pink feathers was actually a clue with regards to the new season of Beroepsvrou and that which will start to form part of the logo and so forth.

Last weekend, Francis Hartzer (Woordkuns) guessed right about what she perceived the pink feathers represented. I tried to bluf, not sure if I got it right. It is a Flamingo. You see, these days, for some odd reason, I have this fondness and liking to Flamingos. The pink and the prettyness of it all just grabs my attention.

I did one of Woordkuns’ Bible journaling kits that had a Flamingo in it. But this was long before I started noticing the Flamingos. At that stage, I had this preset idea of not sticking ANYTHING in my new Illustrating bible. NO, I shall only paint and draw (I almost sound Shakespearian here…)

Ha ha, biggest joke EVER! Because I then attended the Adorned camp and then it was over. I got over my preset idea. Now you see, the kit from Francis, had a pink flamingo sticker that you can stick in your bible.

The scripture of the kit? Isaiah 60:1-2. The more I read the scripture, the better I understand the association that she had made with the Flamingo and why I decided to use that scripture as part of this project, to further connect the dots with a Flamingo so to speak. That is just one POWERFUL awesome scripture.

The main message in my very secretive project is from Colossians 3:23-24. ALWAYS do your work as if for God and not for man. You see, even if you report to a human being on earth, you still serve God. This is what I have taken out of this scripture – my dumbed down version if you want to call it that.

Is the blog not called Beroepsvrou? We all work for someone. Some for themselves and ultimately for the clients who support their businesses, others for bosses, others are what we call in Afrikaans tuisteskeppers or Home Executives (that just sounds better than stay-at-home-mom). But at the end of the day, we all have to report to someone on this earth. However, God remains above all so we are actually serving Him.

The purpose of this entry is to unravel that cryptic messages and to reveal the big secret. Soooooo……with that being said. God laid it on my heart to create items that will be printed and advertised with scripture on it – aimed at Business Women. Irrespective of what you do for a living and whether you feel you are only a secretary or only the head of a business. By the way, no one is just only somebody. You ARE someone.

Every month of 2022 will have a certain scripture and then God laid it on my heart to blog a bit more in depth on that scripture for that month. God wants to reach ALL business women, even if you do not sit behind a computer and desk the whole day long, there will be something that you can use.

I tried to think of a rhyme for 2022 but could not come up with one in Afrikaans, only English. You see, 2020 was the year of plenty – which ended up being plenty of washing, plenty of school work, plenty of everything we did not have planned.

2021 was no different, but I proclaimed it as 2021 the year we get things done. And it was like that! Still is! Things we wanted to do in and around our house, but never got round to it, happened, some even early in January. I stand in amazement when I look back at the year that passed, at everything that was achieved, and we still have a little less than 2 months left to continue achieving goals, climbing mountains.

So what will the rhyme be for 2022? I thought about it long and hard. The only thing I could come up with, was from a childhood nursery rhyme. Apparently I am the only one that knows this – my husband looked at me strangely when I said it, and someone else if not mistaken, but I cannot remember who.

2022 Buckle my shoe (from the rhyme One, two buckle my shoe, thre four, knock on the door….). I sit and think about this for a while, why buckle my shoe? Then the penny drops in my spirit. We must fasten our shoes to be ready to stand up against the enemy’s attacks and spread the word of peace. It can be found in Ephesians 6:15, if you were wondering where this is written in the bible…

Back to the items that are being made. The aim is to have an A3 sized desk pad calendar printed (this will be the one with the scriptures on). Then there will be a notebook, a mousepad and a small calendar that looks like a tent (which is called a tent calendar) and of course a few digital goodies to brighten up your computer and cellphone. At the Adorned camp, God also laid it on my heart to make aprons and to have them embroidered. I am pleased and excited to say that the first (small) order has arrived!

I will blog in more depth about the background and why I chose WHAT, else this blog will become too long to read. But here is a fun fact about Flamingos. One that I read in my son’s one facts book (he has been intrigued by facts since he was small and still is).

Do you know why the feathers of a Flamingo are pink? There is Beta carotene (I hope Google translate is correct here – the fact book is in Afrikaans) in their food. Should they be moved to another place with different nutrients in their food, their feathers will become grey. Flamingos in a Zoo get carrot juice to maintain the pink feathers. Source: Helen Lewis’ “Vinnige Feite”.

That brings me to the next thing that God dropped in my spirit (just like that). What are you filling your spirit up with? Do you present yourself grey to the world? How PINK are your feathers for God? Do you eat enough spiritual food to maintain the pink color of your feathers or do you eat very little or almost nothing that results in your feathers being dull and grey?

You must remember, you cannot fill your spirit sporadically with something spiritual. It is a constant feed, almost like a drip, directly to your veins, that will ensure that your feathers stay pink. I ask again – how pink are your feathers for God? The words from I am SOLD OUT are dancing around in my mind again. I certainly have PINK feathers for God and I am totally SOLD OUT to follow Jesus. Always, irrespective of the circumstances.

The platforms on which the said items can be acquired from will be made known soon (I am still working on some of them and hence the delay in the publishing of this final chapter) and I certainly do not want this to sound like a Verimark Ad….But wait, there’s MORE! With that being said I close off this Grand Finalé and know that everyone will be as excited as I am about the news that has just been made public knowledge!

Die Pienk Vere – Slot hoofstuk
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The Pink Feathers – Penultimate chapter

In a world full of followers, I’ll be a leader! In a world full of doubters I’ll be a believer! I am stepping out without a hesitation ’cause my soul is like a stadium! Nananananana na naananana (words that I cannot remember but sing along to on the beat of the music)…..I’m SOLD OUT!!!

I have been walking and singing the song Sold Out by Hawk Nelson for days now, no wait, weeks. I search for the song on Spotify every time I sit behind my laptop to do my day job. I dance to the beat of the music (on my chair which is a funny sight) while slaving away.

I decide to Google the lyrics. I read it. It feels like this song has been written JUST for ME, for this very secretive project that I am sharing bit-by-bit with the rest of the world. It is just WOW. I cannot help but feel like this! I am totally sold out to Jesus. I always was, but now even MORE than before.

Every time when Doubt tries to whisper something in my ear, I read the scripture, the promise, that God gave me for this project. “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18‭-‬19 AMP

With such a powerful piece of scripture, how can one even THINK of Doubt, let alone listen to him? Then I think of the other confirmation that I received. For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 AMP

Wow! With that being said I push forward with the project. I am on a mission as they would say….I am SOLD OUT…..nannnannanna nana SOLD OUT! I continue to sing this while I work on the project. God will make a path in the wilderness!

To be continued with the Grand Finalé…..

Die Pienk Vere – Voorlaaste hoofstuk
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The Pink Feathers – Chapter 3

I was awake one morning early this past week. Something that has not happened in a long time. Surprisingly enough I feel rested enough to get up. To lie around and wait for the sun to come up feels like a total and utter waste of time. I sit behind my laptop and decide to get some quotes for the project.

I start on Facebook, do Google searches. You name it I did it. I ask all these questions on all the quotes. Some people just don’t understand what it is that I am asking for. Then I hear it again – Doubt is screaming in my ears. Am I not TOO specific? Is it not too early in the morning that I am not awake enough and cannot type properly? These are only a few of the questions that ran through my mind.

It feels like I am hitting the one brick wall after the other. As if things just don’t want to happen. Did I waste time AND money on this project? Did I get excited for nothing about this Divine Heavenly download that God gave me? I feel a bit deflated at times. At the point of just giving up.

Then I get the e-mail from someone. He can print the things for me the way I want it. No problem. Just not bigger than a certain size – which is perfect for me else it is too big. Again I sit with my hands in my hair in absolute unbelief. Can it be true? Is it really going to happen?

I confirm with him that I will finalise my designs this weekend. You see, it is month end here again AND end of year madness is starting to kick in. Everyone wants something of me. I like to refer to this feeling as Stukkie van der Merwe (an Afrikaans song that I have not really listened to in depth so I cannot tell you exactly what it is about….) – everyone wants a piece of something. Just quickly this and that.

I chat with someone else, she suggests that I do a catalogue. I think to myself – HOW? I wanted to have the things printed and then make a video to promote and market it in that manner. My goodness, I do not even know HOW MANY to make? What price am I going to charge? How much is it going to cost? What if I print too many and then I get stuck with things that I will have to use until the end of the world if it does not sell?

To be continued….

Die Pienk Vere – Hoofstuk 3
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The Pink Feathers – Chapter 2

As the project reaches the end of its runway (gosh I had to Google this as I could not think what aanloopbaan was in English!). Anyway, as it reaches the end of the track, ready to take off, I hear this noise. Hectic loud noise. It is so loud I struggle to hear anything else. I keep quiet for a moment. Then I realise – it is Chaos and Doubt that is making this noise.

I am trying to ensure that I heard correctly. MUST I do what God has laid on my heart? Did I hear correctly? Is it not me getting carried away again with something that I enjoy doing? Am I not getting excited because it is something DIFFERENT to my day job?

Just as the pressure from Chaos and Doubt almost becomes too much for me, and I almost give up on everything, I HEAR God’s voice again. He sends me confirmation. The confirmation is in such a unique way like I have never experienced it before. It comes with two scriptures in three different messages. Both the scriptures overlap in the messages that I receive. I hope this makes sense what I am trying to say? Long and short – Message 1 had a scripture, then message 2 has the scripture from message 1 and another additional scripture. Lastly the third message had the second scripture from message 2 in it. How is that for a riddle? Almost like my mom’s bother’s wife’s aunt’s dog’s babysitter. (As I typed this, this just sounds better in Afrikaans, but I leave it here anyway, I am sure you understand what I am trying to say…).

Wow, if I ever wondered, well, now I know! It is what it is. It MUST be done! I MUST do this!! This is what God wants. As I work on my day job, it is as if God drops things into my spirit at regular intervals. I grab my dedicated note book and make notes as I receive it and then I continue with my day job. You know, the one that puts food on the table and pays the bond, that day job.

My goodness, I have NEVER in my life experienced something like this! It is a turmoil of STUFF. Do this, do that, make so and so…(that just sounds like a direct translation but I am leaving it here anyway as that is what my mind told me). It feels like I cannot stay ahead!! It is like I am receiving this absolute Divine Heavenly download. Things God is just GIVING me. The decision remains mine what I want to do with it. Do I ignore it or do I take the leap of faith?

I chat with Anri again. She suggests that this thing that I want to do, must not be bilingual together in one thing (it is very cryptic what I am trying to say, but you will see in the closing chapter what it all is about). It makes it look cluttered and just not pretty. I listen to her and agree. I thought I was saving time (and money) but actually, it will just destroy the whole effect to try and squash everything in.

While working on the project again, it is as if God shows me WHY He made the two ladies part of the project. You see, the one is Afrikaans and the other one English. It was not a deliberate decision before hand. It just happened.

To be continued…..

Die Pienk Vere – Hoofstuk 2
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The Pink Feathers – Chapter 1

Following my recent incident with technology, I felt that God laid something on my heart that must be done. Ok, it was actually laid on my heart BEFORE the incident with the laptop. But, I was VERY skeptical about this concept that He wants me to do, especially before the episode with the laptop. I shared it with two people who are close to my heart and they were almost more excited than what I was about this THING that God laid on my heart to do! Just like that, easy peazey lemon squeezy I had a team of two people who will help me to look at this project with critical eyes before the big launch.

You see, He is busy with a new season for me. I was unsure what it was, somedays I still feel unsure about the whole thing. But I can FEEL it. Deep in my spirit I can just FEEL it. I do not know how else to describe it other than this total and utter calmness inside of me, even if chaos is calling all round me.

It surely does not mean that I am suddenly all high & mighty and don’t panic at times about things. No, unfortunately I still have MOMENTS. But the MOMENTS do not rule my life. Not like before.

I start to work on the project, chat with selective people about that, because God’s instruction was to NOT share it with everyone, like I normally do. No, I must test the waters and ask a few people what they think about the concept and then work from there.

So it happened that I chat with Anri from Painted Lemons and I asked her to do the blog’s logo electronically. One thing leads to another and when I saw again she was part of the design and concept! Something I am so grateful for. You see, she has a very trained eye when it comes to designs and she is not scared to give her opinion at all.

I am very eager to learn and grab hold of any and all pieces of constructive criticism uttered. I make the changes systematically. She guided me so wonderfully during this process and gave me such precious advice about everything. From the design to the layout, ag just sommer about everything!

Each moment that I have, that is my own, is applied to this project. Week nights I work for short periods of time and this frustrates me for two reasons. The first one is that by the time I get round to doing this, I am so EXHAUSTED after laboring the whole day and everything that had to be done. The second one is the small amount of time that I have to do something but actually not doing anything you know?

Last weekend I sat pretty much the entire Sunday working on the project. Finally it is done! I am not sure if I should laugh or cry because this is it. It is DONE. I am finished with this, barely 2 or 3 weeks after I started this project. The project that felt so overwhelming and TOO MUCH at times, is finally finished. I am not sure how this is possible, but it is finished.

To be continued….

Die Pienk Vere – Hoofstuk 1