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Freedom / Vryheid

Reading a few verses before and after today’s verse, reminds me of what it is about. Paul was preaching about Christ and the biggest commandment of all – LOVE.

Jy sien, hy het gepraat van besnydenis en die wet en dat Jesus ons vrygemaak het van die wet. Hy was nie vervolg omdat hy gepreek en verkondig het van die wet nie.

He then says that due to our freedom we should not use it to sin but rather to love and serve each other. Like the biggest commandment of loving others as thyself.

Maak dit sin? Wees eerder goedgesind teenoor ander as om mekaar te verteer met woorde (en dade). Dis mos nie wat Jesus sou doen nie….so hoekom doen ons dit soms….? Weer so ietsie om aan te kou en te oordink….

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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Fokus jou gedagtes / Focus your thoughts

Die opskrif van die Psalm sê dat dit deur Asaf geskryf was. Nou ek ken nie lekker wie was wie gewees in die Bybel in terme van diensknegte en so meer nie, maar ek reken dit was iemand wat nou saam met Dawid gewerk het en dalk nou saam geleef het ook. Ek dink hy was ‘n musikant gewees.

Asaph wants to think only about God and His wonders. If you read verse 11 he was almost dumb-struck that God’s hand can change. Clearly something happened and he felt that God turned against him.

Die woord wat vir my uitstaan is peins en oordink dalk ook so bietjie. Jy sien, ons neig so om te fokus op dit was sleg is, dit te oordink, te peins oor dit. Weet jy wat beteken peins? Dis ‘n woord wat nie meer gebruik word nie. Maar jy dink diep en ernstig na oor iets.

And this is what Asaph did – he chose to focus on God and what He did and the wonders of God rather than to focus on what ever he was going through.

Dis wat ons ook moet doen….laat mens bietjie dink….?

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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Jesus as Man

What a day! It is past 3 pm and I never got round to posting today’s verse. Long story short – I had to go to the dentist with my son (one of the blocks of the braces came loose 🙄🙈 AGAIN), my husband is now halfway between 40 and 50 today, so I had to do some shopping, and then when I got home the time just ran away.

Elkgeval, vandag se versie praat van hoe Jesus mens geword het. Hy was die enigste perfekte mens sonder foute volgens die vers en ons almal weet dit mos. Ek wonder baie of Hy as kind soos ‘n tipiese 2 jarige was en of Hy net nie so was nie en altyd geluister het vir Sy ouers?

I don’t think the answer to my question above is relevant. However, here we see that Jesus came to earth as sacrifice, He was obedient and fully God and human at the same time. If He was an angel coming to talk to us, who would have believed Him?

Hy moes mens word sodat mense met Hom kan identifiseer….al ooit so daaraan gedink?

💪🏻 let’s do this day! ™️ (what is left of it)


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Standvastigheid / Steadfast

As mens die gaan lees in die Amplified, word dit so mooi verduidelik. Dit kom daarop neer dat die Here die wat standvastig is in Hom in volle vrede bewaar.

Now it is very interesting to me how God is speaking to me with this verse. Living in a world surrounded by corruption, greed, theft, all things not from God, one cannot help but become discouraged.

Veral as jy hoor hoe mense besteel word deur slenters. Of hoe geld by iemand gevat word deur wie weet hoeveel mense wat in die proses betrokke is, en verkeerd uit bank rekeninge getrek word.

I can go on and on and on. Just this past weekend I said to someone that everyone is starting to think it is ok to act in a manner which God does not want us to act. Because everyone is doing it. There are no repercussions for wrong doing, so it is ok.

Dis ok om ‘n blinde oog te draai vir wat ookal. Of om ‘n fooitjie te neem om iemand te help met iets wat hulle nie toe kom nie. Of om wat ookal nie te doen en te verklaar nie. Dis ok want almal doen dit. Laat mens dink? Ons hoef nie mismoedig te voel as ons doen wat reg is nie, die Here sal ons bewaar EN in volle vrede.

Amazing! 💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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Doen aan ander / Do unto others

Hierdie is so waar. As jy heeltyd knorrig is, gaan almal met jou terug knorrig wees. As jy heeltyd mense indoen, besteel, nie goed klaar maak nie, nie betaal nie, nie jou kant bring nie – wel, dan gaan dieselfde met jou gebeur.

Some people would call this Carma, but actually it is a Biblical principle. I once worked with someone who said “The World is a round place. What goes around comes around.” Also a way to look at it, yet it comes down to this one Bible Verse.

Wonderlik is dit nie? Hoe alles eintlik net weer terug kom na die Bybel toe. En weer vir ons ietsie gee om oor te dink…

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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Wag op die Here / Wait upon the Lord

There is a song and some of the words are as follows – Strength will rise as I wait upon the Lord. It has a very catchy tune and you cannot help but get into the moment of praise and worship when you sing that.

Nou weet ek waar die woorde se inspirasie vandaan kom….uit hierdie Psalm uit. Jy sien, soms raak ons mismoedig oor goed en dan tree ongeduld in meeste van die kere.

But the instruction here is clear – Wait upon the Lord! Be strong AND wait. Do not let impatience take that which you must do away from you….

Alweer so ietsie om oor te dink nê….?

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️
