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The coffee, the centimeters, the exercise and everything in between.

Waking up on Monday morning, I feel exhausted, like usual, dragging myself to sit behind the computer to do my work. I struggle to get going. I feel overwhelmed by everything that must happen. Mondays in particular feel short to me. I normally struggle to get into a working mode after a weekend and sometimes I need a weekend after the weekend to just recover from being busy the two preceding days.

While doing my make up, I feel the thoughts moving through my mind and it feels like 1 million things all at once. When is my own hair going to be nice and thick and long like it was before the Pandemic (and maybe even before my mom’s death)? When will I be able to walk into a shop and buy a denim and know that it fits? Without it looking like I jumped from the top of the cupboard to fit into the pants? Why do I write a Blog? Do people really benefit from it? Do I spend enough time with God?

What is on my planning in terms of work for today and the week ahead? Have I REALLY lost weight and centimeters? Is everyone not lying to me? I still cannot find a denim that fits! The joys of being an A-shaped body type. What if all the coffee I have been consuming is actually making me fatter and is busy working against all the exercising? Oh my word, I have eaten A LOT of rusks the past few weeks!!!! I am going to be bloated like a piece of dough….

Do I spend enough time with my kids? Is my child studying enough for school? Are we not supposed to do something more to help him? My word, I suppose I have to wash my hair again, my scalp is itchy. I work out in my mind about washing hair (yes, really, it needs planning too it feels). I am exercising today and Wednesday so it does not help to wash it today or before Wednesday. My day is short today! What am I getting my husband for his birthday? I miss my mom. I wonder about my two sisters and if they have settled in, living happily ever after. I think it will be nice to move. Or will it? Urgh, who is going to do the sorting and throwing away of stuff? We have gathered junk over time that was just supposed to be thrown away to begin with!!

More and more thoughts are just going through my mind, occupying me while getting ready to tackle the day ahead. It frustrates me to do make up daily. Even if it is the bare minimum, it feels like it wastes time. But I do not like going without make up, feeling pale. I like dressing up, making myself look pretty with make up. It frustrates me even more spending so much time blow drying my hair. It also feels like a waste of time, but I look like a lion that stuck its finger into a plug if I do not make it look pretty.

I realise that there is a bit of a cloud hanging over me, something that does not happen that often in comparison with my younger years. I am not sure what the name of the cloud is, but I sense it. I proceed, doing my thing for the day. I get dressed for exercise, travel to Harties, elated to see that I have a training buddy in the Mom’s class. Something that I have not had for about 6 weeks. Or is it 8 weeks? The time flies so quickly I cannot keep count any more.

For 6 (or 8) weeks or how long ever it may be, I have been exercising alone. My fellow moms in the Moms’ class have all disappeared. Just like that, poof and in the blink of an eye, after the April holidays, it was just me. I wonder if the raptures have taken place when it comes to exercising? Am I the only one that did not make the cut for the exercise raptures? There was someone else once or twice during this time, but she decided to stop the class in the time slot that we exercise. She always has work meetings that do not keep to the scheduled time and then she misses class.

In these 6 to 8 weeks that I had been exercising alone, I wanted to give up many times. Stop exercising. I worked out in my mind that I spend 2 hours a week travelling to exercise. I am sure I can do more in that time at home, maybe even exercise for longer. Yeah right I answer myself in the process. It is no fun exercising alone. My kids are not there (their class is closed until August), all my fellow moms are gone, it is just me and the trainer. There is nothing wrong with her. I just do not know her. And she does not know me. The first exercise that she made me do, I thought Seriously, must I pick up weights this light? I can do heavier.

I then tell her that she is welcome to push me a bit harder to exercise more and use heavier weights – I will say something if I cannot do it. I understand that she has no idea where my fitness levels are and what I am capable of and hence the reason for starting with such light weights. As the time passes, I got used to exercising on my own, I even started to enjoy it. I never experienced personal training before in my life and it was actually very nice! A small little blessing from God’s hand, just so that I can say on my CV one day – received personal training (not that I put stuff like that on a CV but I am sure that you understand what I mean). I don’t even have a CV. Anyway MOVING ON!

It was as if she was customising the exercises for me and all my problem areas! She forced me to jog. The first few times I gave her a bit of lip, because I do not like jogging at all. But I do it anyway. I actually start enjoying it – still not CRAZY about it but I know it does something for the goal I am working towards. Sometimes I cannot put one foot in front of the other after one round’s exercise, but the jogging is nice some how in a weird and unique way. To clean your head some how and to just recover from the hard work during the WOD.

Monday, after the exercise session, I am measured. Again I am sweating in strange places, like I have been doing since I started my personal training (unwillingly). Marisa was so excited after taking my first measurement – around my waist. I lost 8 centimeters! I look at her and think she must be joking. She pinches and measures me in weird places whose names I cannot pronounce, writing it all down. I can feel how the cloud that was hanging around my head is lifting away – was I subconsciously nervous about the measurements and that I would deliver no results?

Today, Thursday 16 June 2022, I received my results. A total of 23,5 cm was lost (that is if I doubled the right results – because I have two legs and arms and only one of each was measured). Really? Can it be? I did not purposefully take on a weight loss challenge. I mean, I have been exercising with the purpose of losing weight, but in the 2 years I have been doing so, I have not really lost any weight or centimeters, in my opinion. I really thought I was going to be one of those people who is now exercising only to not put on more weight. I will stay Dik-a-licious as my husband often jokes with me, singing parts of the song by Snotkop, trying to lift my mood if I feel down about my weight.

With a grateful and thankful heart, I designed something to show the results better so that one can see where I have lost what. I am sharing it with this entry. I also went to count how many weeks it was since my last measurement. It was 7 and a half weeks ago that I measured and officially started training with Marisa. Just between us – I have never in my life done anything like this, measuring myself and then comparing results later. It is all a new concept to me. In this time I also did not exercise 2x per week every week, due to public holidays, a sore throat, swine flu, bronchitis and who knows what was standing between Marisa and I exercising.

I am convinced in my heart that, if I had eaten better and exercised 2x per week in that time, the results would have been even better. I am super excited about the journey that lies ahead. Eventually I feel like I am on the right road. I still drink my coffee, full cream milk coffee nogal and more than one per day. I cut back on the number of cups per day, as well as taking in starch during the week and empty calories in the form of chocolates, salty snacks, chips and so forth. I must now just work purposefully at my rusks intake. Good golly miss Molly, I just LOVE rusks with a lovely full cream milk coffee!

I don’t think I am THERE when it comes to food. I know I can do better. With God’s help and guidance, I can do even better. But, in my heart I feel that I must make small changes over a period of time, lifestyle changes you know? Rather than one massive change all at once. I just cannot cope with too much change at once. Every day’s little bit every single day.

Exercising twice per week for longer times does deliver good results! I cannot exercise five days in the week, as I really would like to do! As I close off here, I realise that God gave me one of my heart’s desires without me nagging Him for it day in and day out. A few years ago, I looked with puppy dog eyes, at a friend’s post on Facebook about her weight loss results, the photo of the big T-shirt vs the size she wore at that time (and still does), probably while I was munching away at another piece of rusk and not exercising at all.

I look at the title for this entry and laugh by myself. I recon I wrote about everything in between too. I realise again that God is in the detail, as usual. He knows what He plans for us. Plans of prosperity. Even if it is something as small and insignificant like becoming fitter, losing weight and becoming firmer. Something I always said that I will do ONE DAY. Well, my ONE DAY has arrived and it was also because I did something purposefully about it. I did not continue to moan and groan with a chocolate in one hand and a Coke in the other hand, all the time while not exercising.

Die koffie, die sentimeters, die oefening en alles tussen in.
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Die koffie, die sentimeters, die oefening en alles tussen in.

Maandagoggend staan ek op. Moeg, soos altyd voel dit, en sleep weer myself om te gaan sit voor die rekenaar. Ek sukkel om aan die gang te kom. Voel oorweldig deur als wat moet gebeur. Veral Maandae voel vir my kort. Ek sukkel gewoonlik na ‘n naweek om weer te werk en soms kort ek ‘n naweek na ‘n naweek om te recover van die besig wees die twee dae voor dit.

Terwyl ek my grimering doen gaan daar, wat voel soos 1 miljoen goed, deur my gedagtes alles op dieselfde tyd. Wanneer gaan my eie hare nou lekker dik en lank wees soos wat dit was voor die Pandemie (en dalk nog voor my ma se dood)? Wanneer gaan ek weer by ‘n winkel kan instap en net ‘n denim koop en weet hy pas? Sonder dat dit lyk of ek van die kas af ingespring het om in die broek te pas? Hoekom skryf ek ‘n Blog? Baat mense by dit? Spandeer ek genoeg tyd saam met God?

Wat is op my beplanning i.t.v. werk vir vandag en die week wat voorlê? Het ek REGTIG gewig en sentimeters verloor? Jok almal nie vir my nie? Ek kry dan steeds nie ‘n denim wat lekker pas nie. The joys of being an A-shaped body type. Wat as al die koffie wat ek so lekker aan weglê in die winter my eintlik vetter maak en teen al die oefening werk? O genade, ek het BAIE beskuit geëet die afgelope ruk!!! Ek gaan soos ‘n stuk deeg begin uit rys…

Spandeer ek genoeg tyd aan my kinders? Leer my kind genoeg vir skool? Moet ons nie nog iets doen om hom te help nie? Jitte, ek moet seker weer een of ander tyd my hare was, my kopvel jeuk. Ek werk uit in my kop oor die hare was (ja regtig dit kort ook beplanning voel dit vir my). Ek oefen vandag en Woensdag so dit help nie om dit vandag of voor Woensdag te was nie. My dag is kort vandag! Wat gaan ek vir my man kry vir sy verjaarsdag? Ek mis my ma. Ek wonder oor my twee susters en of hulle nou lekker bly. Ek dink dit sal lekker wees om te trek. Of sal dit? Urgh, wie gaan al die uitsorteer en wegsmyt werk doen? Ons gaar dan goed op wat eintlik lankal weggegooi moes wees!!

So gaan daar net nog meer en meer gedagtes deur my en okkupeer my terwyl ek klaar maak om die dag aan te pak. Dit frustreer my om elke dag te moet grimering doen, al is dit net die minimum, dit voel of dit tyd mors. Maar ek loop nie graag sonder grimering nie, ek hou nie van vaal voel nie. Ek hou van mooi maak. Dit frustreer my nog meer om so baie tyd te spandeer om hare droog te blaas. Dit mors ook tyd maar ek lyk soos ‘n leeu wat sy vinger in ‘n prop gedruk het as ek nie dit netjies maak nie.

Ek besef daar hang ‘n effense wolk oor my, iets wat redelik min deesdae gebeur in vergelyking met toe ek jonger was. Ek kan nie vir jou sê wat is die wolk se naam nie, maar hy is daar. Ek gaan aan en werk en doen my ding. Trek aan om te gaan oefen, ry Harties toe, verheug om weer ‘n metgesel in die Mom’s class te hê. Iets wat ek 6 weke laas gehad het. Of is dit nou 8 weke? Die tyd vlieg so verby ek hou nie meer tred nie.

Vir 6 (of 8) weke of hoe lank ookal dit mag wees, oefen ek alleen. My mede moms in die Moms’ class het almal net verdwyn. Net so poof in ‘n oogwink, na die April vakansie, toe is dit net ek. Ek wonder of die wegraping gebeur het wat oefen betref? Is ek die enigste een wat nie die cut gemaak het vir die wegraping nie? Daar was so een of twee keer iemand anders, maar sy het maar besluit om op te hou oefen op die tyd wat ons doen, want sy het altyd werksvergaderings wat gewoonlik nie by hul tyd hou nie en dan mis sy klas.

In hierdie 6 tot 8 weke wat ek alleen geoefen het, wou ek al baie keer moed opgee. Ophou oefen. Ek werk in my kop uit dat ek 2 ure per week spandeer om heen en weer te ry om te oefen. Ek is seker ek kan baie meer in daardie tyd by die huis doen, dalk nog langer self oefen. Yeah right antwoord ek myself in die proses ook. Dis nie lekker om alleen te oefen nie. My kinders is nie daar nie (hul klas is toe tot Augustus toe), al my mede moms is weg, dis net ek en die afrigter. Daar is niks fout met haar nie. Ek ken haar net nie. En sy ken my nie. Die eerste oefening wat sy my laat doen het, het ek gedink Seriously, moet ek nou sulke ligte gewigte optel? Ek kan swaarder.

Ek sê maar toe vir haar dat sy welkom is om my te druk om meer en swaarder te oefen – ek sal sê as ek nie kan nie. Ek verstaan sy het nie ‘n idee waar my fiksheidsvlak is en waartoe ek in staat is nie en daarom dat ons so lig begin het. Soos wat die tyd aangaan, het ek begin gewoond raak aan die alleen oefen, dit eintlik begin geniet. Ek het nog nooit personal training beleef in my lewe nie, en dit was heerlik gewees! So ‘n ou blessing uit God se hand, net sodat ek ook eendag op my CV kan skryf – received personal training (nie dat ek nou sulke goed op ‘n CV skryf nie maar ek is seker jy verstaan wat ek bedoel). Ek het nie eens ‘n CV nie. Anyway MOVING ON!

Dit was asof sy die oefeninge customise vir my en al my probleem areas! Sy forseer my om te draf. Die eerste paar keer gee ek haar so bietjie lip want ek hou niks van draf nie. Maar ek doen dit tog. Ek begin dit eintlik geniet, die drawwery nou – steeds nie MAL oor dit nie maar ek weet dit doen iets vir die doel waarheen ek werk. Al kan ek soms nie een tree voor die ander gee na ‘n rondte se oefening nie, is die draf lekker op ‘n unieke manier. Om kop te kan skoonmaak op ‘n manier en net recover na die harde werk in die WOD.

Na die oefening Maandag, word ek gemeet. Ek sweet alweer op vreemde plekke, soos wat ek gedoen het sedert ek personal training onwillekeurig ontvang het. Marisa is so opgewonde toe sy my eerste mate neem – om my middel. Ek het 8 sentimeter verloor! Ek kyk so na haar en dink eers sy maak ‘n grap. Sy knyp en meet verder op weird plekke wie se name ek nie kan uitspreek nie en skryf alles neer. Ek voel hoe die wolkie begin lig wat oor my kop gehang het – was ek die heeltyd, onbewustelik nervous oor my meting en dat ek eintlik niks sou verloor nie?

Ek ontvang vandag, Donderdag 16 Junie 2022 die resultate. ‘n Totaal van 23,5 cm wat verloor is (dis nou bygesê as ek die regte resultate verdubbel het want ek het twee arms en bene en net een van elk was gemeet). Regtig? Kan dit wees? Ek het dan regtig nie doelbewus ‘n gewigsverlies ding aangepak nie. Ek meen, ek oefen omdat ek graag maerder wil word maar omdat ek vir 2 jaar eintlik nie regtig in my opinie sentimeters of gewig verloor het nie, het ek begin dink ek is maar dan een van daai mense wat maar net oefen om nie dikker te word nie. Ek sal maar Dik-a-licious bly soos my man soms grap en die liedjie van Snotkop sing om my op te beur as ek mismoedig voel oor my gewig.

Met ‘n dankbare hart het ek ‘n ietsie ontwerp om die twee resultate teen mekaar af te speel sodat mens nog beter kan sien waar ek wat verloor het. Ek deel dit graag met hierdie inskrywing. Ek het ook gaan tel oor hoeveel weke dit was sedert my eerste meting tot die afgelope week. Dit was 7 en ‘n halwe weke terug dat ek gemeet het en amptelik by Marisa begin oefen het. Net so tussen ons – ek het nog nooit in my lewe gemeet soos wat sy my gemeet het nie – dis alles ‘n nuwe konsep vir my. In die tyd het ek nie altyd 2x per week geoefen nie a.g.v. vakansie dae en ‘n seer keel, varkgriep, bronchitus en wie weet wat nog wat ons terug gehou het sodat ek en Marisa nie kon oefen nie.

Ek is in my hart oortuig, as ek beter geëet het en 2x per week geoefen het in die tyd, dat die resultate nog meer sou wees. Ek is super opgewonde vir die reis wat voorlê. Uiteindelik voel dit vir my of ek op die regte pad is. Ek drink steeds my koffie, ‘n volroom melkkoffie nogal en meer as een per dag. Ek het wel gesny op dit, stysel inname in die week en leë kalorieë in die vorm van sjokolades, sout happies, skyfies, en so meer. Ek moet nou net weer doelbewus werk aan my beskuit inname. Liewe hemel maar ek is lief vir beskuit saam met ‘n heerlike volroom melkkoffie!

Ek dink nie ek is al DAAR wat kos aanbetref nie! Ek weet ek kan beter. Met die Here se hulp en leiding kan ek verseker nog meer verbeter. Maar, ek voel in my hart dat ek klein veranderinge moet doen oor ‘n tydperk, lifestyle changes jy weet? Eerder as massiewe aanpassings op een slag. Ek kan net nie cope met te veel verandering op een slag nie. Elke dag se bietjie elke dag.

Twee maal per week oefen vir langer tye het tog ‘n goeie resultaat! Ek kan nie vyf dae ‘n week oefen soos ek graag sou wou nie. Soos wat ek hier afsluit, besef ek, dat die Here een van my hartsbegeertes laat waar word het, sonder dat ek heeldag en aldag oor dit geneuel het by Hom. Ek het so ‘n paar jaar terug met leep ogies gekyk hoe ‘n vriendin haar gewigsverlies resultate op Facebook geplaas het, die Groot T-hemp teen die grootte wat sy nou dra afgeneem het. In verwondering gestaan, tien teen een terwyl ek weer ‘n stuk beskuit in my mond geprop het en glad nie geoefen het nie.

Ek kyk weer na my opskrif vir hierdie inskrywing. Ek grinnik by myself. Ek reken ek het oor alles tussen in ook gepraat. Ek besef net opnuut dat God in die detail is, soos altyd. Hy weet wat Hy vir ons beplan. Planne van voorspoed en nie teëspoed nie. Al is dit iets onbenullig soos om fikser te word, gewig te verloor, ferm te word. Iets wat ek altyd gesê het ek EENDAG sal doen. Wel, my EENDAG het gearriveer en dit was ook omdat ek iets daadwerkliks omtrent dit begin doen het en nie aanhou sanik het met ‘n sjokolade in die een hand en ‘n Coke in die ander hand nie, dit alles terwyl ek glad geen oefening ingekry het nie.

The coffee, the centimeters, the exercise and everything in between.