My name is Elsie Potgieter and I am the author and creator of the page “Uit die Pen van ‘n Beroepsvrou”. This blog initially started in Afrikaans and has over time transformed into a bi-lingual blog.
I am a Chartered Accountant (say that three times fast – not as big of a tongue-twister as the Afrikaans word for my qualification Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester). I was born in 1981 and turned the BIG 40 in 2021.
I was overwhelmed by the thoughts of introducing myself to the world, because all my blog posts on Facebook was anonymous. You see, I do not like it being in the lime-light and thought I could remain anonymous, but, I realised, after a conversation with someone, that it will help people to identify with my blog entries if they can link a name and face to it all.
My first reaction was to list all my worldly accomplishments and who and what I am in terms of the world that we live in. But, as I started to prepare the words in my thoughts, it is as if the Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention and make me quiet so that I can HEAR what is it that He wants me to write.
First and most important is, I am a child of God. I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour at a young age. I have always tried to do what is right, even if no one is watching and my honesty is very important to me, no matter what.
At the age of 30 I took the big step to truly change my life and be baptised as described in the Bible. Since then it has been one incredible journey! I feel so much safer with Jesus right next to me all the way.
I can keep you occupied for hours about things about me. You see, I have this thing, attention to detail and I can tell stories with the teeniest tiny amount of detail and I can color it in for you too! This frustrates lots of people around me, but I am “embracing” who I am and who God created me to be.
Back to the worldly things that I do want to list – I want to make the reader understand that I am a normal person full of flaws. God’s grace is never ending. I strive to be more like Jesus every day and some days are easier than others. I also know that if I make a mistake and ask for forgiveness, that I will receive it.
I live in South Africa in the North West province. I am the youngest of three girls and grew up on the East Rand. In 2006 I married the man for whom I prayed from God (that is a story for another day – that prayer!). He understands me and we complete each other all the way, even if we disagree along the way. The Bible talks about iron sharpening iron and one person sharpens (influences) another. If we did not form each other, then both of us would not have been where we are today. Together we have two gorgeous children, a boy and a girl (or a pigeon pair as my mom used to call it) and I realise more and more how blessed I am to be able to raise both sexes (with God’s guidance) and to prepare them for the world out there.
We have a whole collection of animals, from big dogs to a small little house dog, parrot and hamster. Of course the majority of the responsibility to care for these animals comes down on me. It used to frustrate me a lot, but, I realised it is a privilege as a mother to teach my children how to care for other living animals that God created for us to love.
I manage, together with my husband, our own business which consists mainly of Tax consultation, with all other things in between that is typical of a tax payer and business in South-Africa. The business was formed in 2004 and with God’s grace, we are still able to trade and make a living as Entrepreneurs.
This blog is absolutely a God-given inspiration and instruction. My official Facebook page was formed towards end of March 2021. All entries and stories that I write are inspired by God. On my own I am not able to write in this manner. My talent is from Him and Him alone. Who would have thought that I would have discovered this hidden gem of a talent at the age of 40?
I dedicate this official blog to God. My prayer is that every word and letter that is typed on my phone or computer, will always be inspired by Him. May I, always, daily, honour His name irrespective of where I find myself and what my circumstances are. Nothing on this blog is about me, it is all about Him. I am His instrument on earth that is sharing my testimonies to help other people. May each and every person that reads this blog, be touched by God. May people that do not know Him that well, learn who He is and move closer to Him. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our saviour. Amen and Amen.
I believe that every person that reads this blog, will go on the journey of life with me and experience and discover it as God is showing it to me.
God also gave me Proverbs 10:21 shortly after I released my blog on this formal platform. The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for want of wisdom. King James Version.