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The sliced bread invention for Accountants and Auditors

Now I was going to wait until I have used my newly acquired gadget, before blogging about it. But, today’s training session that I attended, just sold it even more to me (the demo last week sold it to me when a simple recon was done in a few seconds). I decided that I MUST write about this, before my enthusiasm flies out the window. Now you are probably wondering WHAT I am going on about? If you are an Accountant or Auditor, continue reading here. If not, well, just continue reading so that you can enjoy my sense of humour in what I experienced during today’s training session.

The invention that I am going on about is called The Audit Toolbar ™. To dumb it down a bit – it is an Excel Plug In that is incorporated in the toolbars of Excel. What this thing does, is, it saves you so much time filtering through data, deleting unwanted rows and cells, to name only a few. It is more aimed at auditing, assisting with things like sample selections, catching out people hiding things in sheets (yes, we can now virtually see everything clients give us), errors in formulae, etc.

Now I am not going to reinvent the wheel here, retyping everything that I have learnt in my two-hour session. The only thing that I do want to say is – Christiaan did virtual pull ups when he was showing us what this toolbar can do with messy data. A pull up is one of the most difficult exercises to do in my opinion. When I attend weekly Cross Fit exercise classes, and either Kerneels or Schwartz (our instructors at Steel Eagle Fitness Gym in Skeerpoort) demonstrate the movement, they make it look so easy.

This was the same for me during today’s training session. Christiaan made it look so easy. I always say that my brain has muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Although after today, I think Christiaan’s brain has more muscle tone than my brain, and rightfully so! This is such an incredible invention! So much time and effort went into this development. Those who think a program just works, think again. It is hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears that go into something like the Audit Toolbar ™.

Having a quick chat with him last week after the demo session of the morning and signing up to purchase the toolbar, I learnt that Christiaan took a huge leap of faith in resigning his full-time job (with a confirmed income also left behind, just by the way) to take on this invention. This was approximately two years ago. Now, he can see the fruit that his labour is bearing. And I must say, I think it is great. It is almost like one of those old cars that have been taken from a rusty and dusty old thing that does not work, to a polished, pretty red car that can move at the speed of light (almost).

Like every newly developed system I expect some teething issues, but, from what I can see on reviews on this product, is that Christiaan is always ready to assist. His aim is to resolve queries within 30 minutes, which I think is also great, because if you have a deadline, stuck with a schedule and need help, you cannot wait for weeks or days for it to be resolved! Christiaan – I truly hope that you will get some sleep and that the 30 minute rule does not apply to issues submitted after hours. Because anyone that has friends that are Accountants and Auditors know that we work strange hours at times…

I look forward to doing my first GL cleanup with this toolbar, actually being able to recover all my time on an engagement. Getting more done in a day/week/month and year. With the pressure we have and with everything going on, such as changes in legislation, anything to assist, will most certainly help and be welcome! Christiaan, from my side – congratulations on a well written and designed product! May you experience God’s favour in abundance, and may He bless you with this new baby that He has entrusted with you.

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Die gesnyde brood uitvindsel vir Rekenmeesters en Ouditeure

Ek wou wag tot ek my nuutgevonde gadget wat ek aangekoop het, meer gebruik het voordat ek daaroor skryf. Maar, na vanoggend se opleidingsessie wat ek bygewoon het, het die produk homself net nog meer aan my verkoop (die demonstrasie van laas week het homself aan my verkoop toe ‘n eenvoudige rekonsiliasie in ‘n paar sekondes gedoen word). Ek het besluit dat ek hieroor MOET skryf, voor my entoesiasme by die venster uit vlieg. Nou jy wonder seker waaroor ek aangaan? As jy ‘n Rekenmeester of Ouditeur is, hou aan lees. Indien nie, wel, hou net aan lees sodat jy my sin vir humor kan geniet wat ek ervaar het gedurende vandag se opleidingsessie.

Die uitvindsel wat ek oor aangaan word genoem The Audit Toolbar ™. Om dit so bietjie eenvoudiger te stel – dis ‘n Excel plug in wat in Excel gebruik word as ‘n toolbar. Wat die ding doen is, dit spaar jou soveel tyd om data te filter, ongewensde rye en selle uit te wis, om net ‘n paar te noem. Dis meer gerig op oudits, om te help met goed soos om steekproewe (samples vir die wat nie weet wat ‘n steekproef is nie) te kies, mense uit te vang wat goed wegsteek in skedules (ja, nou kan ons virtueel alles sien wat ‘n kliënt vir ons gee), foute in formules optel, en so meer.

Nou ek gaan nie die wiel hier herontwerp en alles oortik wat ek geleer het in my twee ure sessie nie. Die enigste ding wat ek wil sê is – Christiaan het virtuele pull ups gedoen toe hy vir ons gedemonstreer het wat die ding kan doen met morsige data. ‘n Pull up is in my opinie een van die moeilikste oefeninge om te doen. Wanneer ek weekliks my Cross Fit oefensessies bywoon en Kerneels of Schwartz (die instrukteurs by Steel Eagle Fitness Gym in Skeerpoort) vir ons die beweging demonstreer, laat hulle dit so maklik lyk.

Ek het vandag se inligtingsessie ook so ervaar. Christiaan het dit so maklik laat lyk. Ek sê altyd dat my brein spiere het soos Arnold Schwarzenegger. Maar na vandag, dink ek dat Christiaan se brein meer muscle tone het as my brein, en regtens so! Hierdie is so ‘n wonderlike uitvindsel! Soveel tyd en moeite het in die ontwikkelling hiervan gegaan! Die wat dink dat ‘n program net werk, dink weer. Dit is ure en ure se bloed, sweet en trane wat in iets ingaan soos the Audit Toolbar ™.

Na ‘n vinnige gesprek met hom laas week, na die bekendstelling sessie die oggend en na ek opgeteken het om dit aan te koop, het ek geleer dat Christiaan ‘n massiewe geloofstap geneem het deur sy voltydse werk te bedank (en saam met dit ‘n vaste inkomste ook agter te los net so tussen ons) om hierdie uitvindsel aan te pak. Dit was ongeveer twee jaar gelede. Nou kan hy die vrugte van sy arbeid begin sien. En ek moet sê, ek dink dis wonderlik. Dit is amper soos een van daardie ou karre wat opgeroes is, onder dik lae stof lê en nie werk nie, wat getransformeer word in ‘n blink rooi kar wat teen die spoed van wit lig (amper) kan beweeg.

Soos elke nuwe ontwikkelde sisteem verwag ek ‘n paar geboorte pyne en uitdagings, maar, van wat ek kan sien van kommentaar oor die produk, is dat Christiaan altyd regstaan om te help. Sy doelwit is om navrae binne 30 minute uit te sorteer, wat ek dink wonderlik is, want, as jy ‘n sperdatum het, vasbrand met iets op ‘n skedule, kan jy nie vir weke of dae wag voor die probleem opgelos word nie. Christiaan – ek hoop werklik dat jy slaap sal inkry en dat die 30 minute reël nie van toepassing sal wees vir probleme wat na ure gerapporteer word nie. Want almal wat vriende het wat Rekenmeesters en Ouditeure is, weet dat ons vreemde ure werk soms….

Ek sien uit om my eerste grootboek skoon te maak met hierdie toolbar en om werklik al my tyd op ‘n taak te kan verhaal. Om meer gedoen te kry in ‘n dag/week/maand en jaar. Met die druk wat ons tans het en alles wat aan die gang is, soos veranderinge in wetgewing, sal enige iets wat kan help welkom wees. Christiaan – van my kant af – wel gedaan op ‘n goed geskryfde en ontwikkelde produk! Mag jy God se guns in oorvloed ervaar en mag Hy jou seën met hierdie nuwe baba wat aan jou toevertrou word.