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Follow up sonar

Went for a follow up sonar. The lump has not grown in size and is similar in size when compared with previous scans. The lymph nodes have shrunk a lot since the previous scans! All in all good news!!! And yes, I always forget to get the flamingo on the shirt in the pic 🙈


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Know & understand / Weet & verstaan

Wow, I cannot begin to describe how it feels to not feel terrible and ill and to be able to function a bit more like I used to! I am so grateful for each and every moment that God gives to me during this process when I do not feel ill. That just helps to bring gratitude to the table more frequently you know? I used to take many things for granted (I did have gratitude for all that I had), and since 15 September 2023, I have learnt that NOTHING is to be taken for granted and this just deepened my attitude of gratitude even more….

Terug by vandag se vers. Ek hou baie van die Amplified weergawe, soos jy seker al agter gekom het. Die addisionele beskrywende woorde, veral in Engels, is net vir my so mooi. Nou dit begin om te sê ons moet weet, en dan in hakkies, sonder ENIGE TWYFEL….nou twyfel is ‘n ding wat nie van God af kom nie, so hier probeer die Here ons net weer gemoedsrus gee om te sê HOU OP TWYFEL en weet wat jy moet weet.

The other describing word in brackets is steadfast, which means it is stable, does not fluctuate (this is my own meaning and not something from a dictionary). This is exactly how God is. If you had to draw a graph, like you do in Maths, God’s line is a straight, consistent one. Ours, on the other hand, goes up and down and fluctuates. So God is steadfast in all that He does – He is faithful, keeps His covenant, has lovingkindness towards thousands of generations of those who love Him and obey Him.

Nou het jy al ooit gedink aan hoe baie duisende generasies is? Ek vertel net die ander dag vir my kinders van my ouma grootjie. Min mense het die voorreg om ‘n ouma grootjie persoonlik te ken. Dit beteken dit was 4 generasies vir my. So ‘n groot ouderdomsverskil, soveel mense in net 4 generasies. Hoe lyk duisende generasies dan? Maar is dit nie wonderlik om te weet, dat, dit wat ons nou doen, ons nageslag affekteer nie? As ons die Here lief het en vir Hom luister, dan sal die Here tot in die duisendse geslag Sy liefde betoon. Wow. Wat ek nou doen, beinvloed my klein kinders en agter klein kinders en hul kinders se kinders se kinders se kinders.

So what are we waiting for? Receiving God’s favour and lovingkindness has not been easier! Just love Him and obey Him. As simple as that. And that is not hard to do! 💪 let’s do this day! ™

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Draai weg / Turn away

Laat ek die daaglikse inskrywings weer probeer. Liewe genade, mens se wêreld word omtrent omver gegooi as siekte besluit om met jou paaie te kruis. Maar dank die Here, ek voel vandag weer beter na behandeling laas week. Elke dag gaan nou weer beter en beter gaan.

So today’s scripture is short and sweet. Simple to read and easy to follow. Turn away from evil, do good and seek peace. I cannot help but think of Miss Congeniality, the movie, where each contestant always answers the rhetorical question they get asked of what their true desire is. The answer? World peace.

Dis in God se woord – gaan soek vrede, en nie hoe nie. Jy moet dit najaag (persue in Engels). Om iets na te jaag, beteken, jy doen dit dag in en dag uit. En dis wragties wat ek probeer doen. Dis nie aldag maklik nie. Veral as jy nie gesond voel nie en medisyne wat soos gif is, deur jou are kry nie. Maar, ek probeer!

So here we are, my first official entry for 2024. What are you going to persue? World peace as they say in the pageants? 💪 let’s do this day! ™