So this happened today! O wow hoe lekkerrrrrr was dit nie net nie!!!! Dankie Janine vir die geleentheid en dat jy my arm gedraai het 🤪🤣😂

So this happened today! O wow hoe lekkerrrrrr was dit nie net nie!!!! Dankie Janine vir die geleentheid en dat jy my arm gedraai het 🤪🤣😂
Ek het die afgelope week my heel eerste Olyt Beauty Collection grimering gekoop…en bloot net omdat ek op Facebook gesien het toe iemand dit ge”share” het…
Now I never thought I would be one to buy more than one make up pallet at a time, but here I am, with probably my 5th one that is in use by me…
Ek was aangenaam verras toe ek alles oop maak en die verpakking sien! Wow, dis net GORGEOUS, STUNNING watter ander beskrywende woorde kan ek gebruik?
The detail and quality of the packaging just amazed me. Not flimsy plastic or cardboard, but rather the descent proper protective type!
Nou ek het nog nie eens die produk oopgemaak nie en ek staan alklaar verstom…die produk is WOW met besonderse pigmentasie.
A little bit goes a long way! You use a little bit and the colour is there! It stays on the whole day and I feel like my make up was done professionally…
Terug by die onderlaag wat ek gekry het, myne was klaar, ek het geraap en skraap (met die gerieflike skrapertjie van Olyt) om dit te “stretch” tot ek my Olyt onderlaag kon gebruik (ons moes wag vir die koerier).
Matching the colour was actually easy, I was impressed with @yolandieotto’s skill in guessing the right colour for me (we have only seen each other a few times at church and events).
Die onderlaag borseltjie is hemels! Waar was hy my hele lewe lank? Met net een druppeltjie onderlaag bedek ek my hele gesig en blend mooi in, beter as wat my vingers dit voorheen gedoen het (omdat ek moed op gegee het met my vorige borseltjie)…
The thing that caught my eye, was the scripture that they have on every item. Isaiah 61:3…
Kyk ek is nou ‘n “sucker” vir iets met ‘n bybelvers op, veral grimering! Ek het nog ander Olyt goed gekoop, maar sal nie oor dit ook uitbrei nie, anders gaan die stuk nooit eindig nie! Dankie Olyt vir ‘n puik produk!
You would not guess it, but I am not one for selfies on my own 😂 saam met ander is ek gemaklik…so you will have to wonder what I look like with the make up on ’till the next doctor appointment selfie 🤭
A few stops on the way to seeing Prof Rapoport today….
1st stop – the M-store for the bra’s that are specially designed for post op wear and to provide the support that is needed….
2nd stop – quick hi to Gabi the OT, quick check up, no swelling and all seems good (I have been doing my stretches…) and then of course a pic with her too…..
Next stop Prof Rapoport….
#breast_cancer_awareness #pienkvere #pinkfeathersrange #uitdiepenvannberoepsvrou #pienkverereeks #pienkverevirdiehere #pinkfeathersforgod #pinkfeathers
Done seeing Prof Benn. She is happy with the aesthetics and the glands, wounds, everything.
She confirmed that the chemo tablets (for the life of me I cannot spell or pronounce the name) is a low dosage and the side effects are much less than the hormone blockers that other women have to take for 5 years….so I suppose this is also good news…👏🏻
Got a pic and a funny face with the Prof…
Done seeing the Prof. I will be starting with chemo tablets on 15 July, 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Have to see the Prof at the start of each cycle….so the journey’s km is not quite done…..😵💫 so I cannot reveal how far I have travelled ☹️
But…..we got the Prof to smile and take a pic with us….took pics with all the staff too….