Done seeing Dr. Mia Hugo today. She is happy with everything. The skin has a slight reaction, have a prescription for an ointment. Other than that, she is happy with everything. I have to see her in the new year again for a 6 month follow up….
Took a selfie with the doc and her assistant too…and we had an extra kid today in the pic 😉
Unedited version of the bell ringing ceremony….a proper edited video of a whole lot more will be posted tonight probably…..
All the GLORY TO GOD! He was so amazing in this journey and my whole life actually….dankie Here vir U genade ELKE LIEWE DAG! It is always about You God and never about me!
Such wonderful therapists that made a laminated page for me, with a crown (which is impossible to keep on my head because of the length of my hair) AND then Bongi took some pictures for me afterwards because I realised I totally forgot to take photos of those things (and with me with the sign)…..
Finished just before 9 today….celebrating and only able to post on socials now…
Day 32 ☢️✅️ Booster day 7 ☢️✅️ 100% 🔋
Finally the FULL battery!
It is done!!!
Bell ceremony done!! 🔔
Thank you to each one who took the time out to be there with me today!
Thank you for each and everyone’s prayers….the km travelled may be revealed beginning of July after we have seen the last of the doctors to discuss the way forward and how often I will have to see them.
So I have not formally written a piece about my second radio experience….but on 13 June 2024 God granted me the opportunity to appear on the radio again….and as previously experienced it was AWESOME! I just LOVE it!
Here are the pics of the day as well as the interview recording…
I was done just before 9 and then I saw my very special friend (who is doing her last red chemo today) that I met in this journey, and we stood chatting in the parking lot for about 40 minutes 😱
This is my first entry in a very long time. The space that I find myself in currently, makes it difficult to be inspired to write. But Friday 14 June 2024, God stirred something in my spirit, to write about an encounter I had, an event I attended.
I am currently busy with radiation at Pinehaven hospital in Krugersdorp. 32 sessions were prescribed by the Oncologist. For 32 business days, which works out to six and a half weeks, we have to travel from our house in Skeerpoort to Krugersdorp. As expected, I started to dread the travelling up and down. I realise again, that I am not built for travelling on a daily basis. Of course I would feel like this, I have been working for myself for 20 years, from home, so I am unfit when it comes to travelling, if I can put it like that.
Wednesday 12 June 2024, one of the therapists, that assists with positioning me for the treatment, mentioned about an event that is hosted by a non-profit organisation, will be taking place on Friday 14 June 2024. It is for 2 hours, from 9 to 11. I gathered from our conversation, that it has something to do about make-up and a support for patients that are going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment. I still did not quite get what it was about but decided in any event to attend.
For a fleeting moment I wondered whether I should go without make-up, because I gathered that it is about make-up, but I decided against that thought. Because, my oh my, if I arrive without make up, it will really look like there is something wrong with me (said with my tongue in my cheek)….so here I was, going for my 30th session of radiation (yes, can you believe that it is session 30 already? By the time it was session 3, I never thought that number 30 would arrive, but anyway). Before the session, the therapists and I pose for our usual photos (all the while being grateful that I decided to put make up on, because everyone would have had the skrik of their lives to see me without it).
For some or another reason, the list for treatments was running late and I was late attending the session. Upon arrival, I noticed that it is a small, intimate group of 4 ladies, including myself. Christie from Look Good Feel Better, proceeded with the session and she starts by telling a story of a patient that was under the care of an Oncologist, and this patient was just not getting better. The doctor, later, out of desperation for his patient’s well-being, went to his receptionist, asking her for her lipstick. The patient put the lipstick on and when she saw herself in the mirror, she smiled for the first time.
This hit home, because I realise that looking better has a bigger impact on one’s mental state of mind. Because, true as it is, you also feel better. While Christie was talking, my thoughts wandered a bit, and I realised that is WHY I wore make-up through my journey (not that it was the first-time wearing make-up, I always wore make-up, I just made a point of it to focus on my own appearance during chemo). THIS is why I felt that if I look better, I may just start feeling better spiritually and mentally, in spite of what was going on in my body at that stage.
My thoughts were interrupted with the presentation that was busy happening, right in front of me. I realised I must focus on it, that is why I am attending it in the first place. When Christie said she was going to show us how to make-up ourselves, my instincts were to say No thank you, I know I am capable of putting make-up on better than today (I was just not wanting to pull out all my make-up brushes to do proper make-up and I reverted to the basic light make-up with eye liner and mascara). But I decided against it. I did not want to be the spoil sport.
Without water, with cleanser and a wipe, I removed my make up. I warned everyone that I may just look like the lead singer of some or another heavy metal band, with my mascara that will be stuck under my eyes. Thankfully I was able to remove all the make-up and start over in this class. At some stage, Christie got a bit frustrated with the make-up sponges that was supplied in the goodie bag, pulling out her brushes and proceeding to make-up everyone. I could feel her pain, because I could never do proper make-up on my face with those sponges!
Jokes were made, we laughed and even joked with some ladies that they look so fêncy they may just find a rich husband. For a moment, we forgot what we have gone through and are still going through. We heard from Christie that the non-profit organisation received a lot of sponsorships before 2020, much more than what they have today, which resulted in much more products being sponsored in the past. Apparently more than what we received (and may I just add, we did not receive only a few products!). But like anyone knows, the pandemic had its impact here too. They still have sponsors, but not like before. The institution is totally dependent on sponsorships, in any form. To ensure that the organisation could continue to exist, Christie resigned as a director and found a full-time job.
Another lady, Yvette (who I must still meet in person), took over as director and in this manner, they ensured that their overhead costs can be reduced so that the organisation can continue to exist. From what I understood from our conversations, they are also dependent on volunteers to assist with certain tasks. It sounds to me like Christie is one of them. She accumulates her lunch hours that she works in at her full-time job, which she exchanges to present days like these.
This hit me deep and hard, that people still, in spite of their own challenges, make time and plans to assist others that are going through something like cancer. Christie herself is a survivor of breast cancer, I am not sure about the other people involved in the institution, but I believe there must be some or another connection with cancer that they connected with, that resulted in them becoming involved.
From my side, I want to thank everyone involved with Look Good Feel Better, for the good work that they do. Thank you that you confirmed to me that I was not crazy to put on make-up while I received chemotherapy. Thank you that you confirmed to me, that which God laid on my heart to do, in terms of make-up, that I will feel better when I look better. Thank you that you confirmed that I do not have to look like death dawned up on me while going through something like this, and that which I did for myself was not out of vanity, but rather self-preservation (yes, the devil tried to make me believe that I was vain to put on make-up and trying to look good without hair).
I want to challenge everyone that is reading this article, to make a contribution in whichever way possible. Whether you have time to give or are in a position to contribute financially or even donate products, just do it. Don’t have second thoughts about it. It all contributes to a bigger and better purpose and makes a difference in people’s lives. Like they say, a little bit goes a long way. Of course I got Christie out of her comfort zone, by taking selfies with her and even making a funny face. Christie, Yvette – keep up with the good work. There are so many women out there that needs to hear what you have to say in terms of their appearance. While a woman is caught up in this diagnosis, treatments and who knows what else, a session like this is like a ray of light, a little piece of hope and something to look forward to that can be preserved in your heart, a good memory that was made.
Hierdie is my eerste inskrywing in ‘n baie lang tyd. Op die plek waarin ek myself in my lewe bevind, is dit nogal moeilik om geinspireerd te word om te skryf. Maar Vrydag 14Junie 2024, het die Here iets in my gees kom roer om weer te begin skryf oor ‘n ervaring, ‘n geleentheid wat ek bygewoon het.
Ek is tans besig met bestraling by Pinehaven hospitaal in Krugersdorp. 32 sessies was voorgeskryf deur die Onkoloog. Vir 32 besigheidsdae, wat uitwerk op ses en ‘n half weke, moet ons van ons huis in Skeerpoort af in ry Krugersdorp toe. Soos te verwagte was, het ek begin opsien na die heen en weer ryery. Ek besef opnuut ek is nie gebou vir heen en weer reis elke dag nie. Natuurlik sou ek so voel, ek werk dan al vir 20 jaar vir myself by die huis, so ek is onfiks wat ryery aanbetref, as ek dit so kan stel.
Woensdag 12 Junie 2024, noem een van die terapeute wat my posisioneer met die behandeling, dat daar ‘n geleentheid aangebied word deur ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie op Vrydag 14 Junie 2024. Dis vir 2 ure, van 9 tot 11. Ek lei af uit die gesprek uit, dat dit gaan oor iets soos grimering en ondersteuning bied vir pasiënte wat deur ‘n kanker diagnose gaan. Ek verstaan steeds nie lekker waaroor dit gaan nie, maar besluit toe om dit tog by te woon.
Vir ‘n vlietende oomblik wonder ek of ek sonder grimering moet opdaag, want ek het afgelei dit gaan iets oor grimering, maar ek besluit daarteen. Want liewe genade, as ek sonder grimering gesien moet word, sal dit lyk of daar regtig iets fout is met my (tong in die kies gesê)…so doen ek my 30ste bestraling sessie (ja kan jy glo dis al by nommer 30? Teen die tyd dat dit nommer 3 was het ek nie gedink nommer 30 sou ooit opdaag nie, maar toemaar). Voor die sessie neem ek die gebruiklike foto’s saam met die terapeute (dankbaar dat ek wel grimering aan het anders het almal hulleself boeglam geskrik).
Vir een of ander rede het die bestraling lys laat geloop, en ek was toe laat om aan te sluit by hierdie sessie. Daar aangekom, merk ek dat dit ‘n klein en intieme groepie van 4 dames is, myself ingesluit. Christie, van Look Good Feel Better, gaan voort met die sessie en sy begin deur ‘n storie te vertel van ‘n pasiënt by ‘n Onkoloog wat net nie beter wou word nie. Die dokter, het naderhand, uit desperaatheid vir die pasiënt se welstand, sy ontvangsdame gaan vra vir ‘n lipstiffie. Die pasiënt het die lipstiffie aangesit en toe sy haarself in die spieël sien, het sy vir die eerste keer geglimlag.
Dit het my diep getref, want ek besef wat dit vir ‘n mens se gemoed doen om beter te lyk. Want wragties dan voel mens ook beter. Soos wat Christie praat, dwaal my gedagtes bietjie, en besef ek, DIS hoekom ek grimering gedra het sedert my hele reis begin het (nie dat dit die eerste keer was wat ek grimering gedra het nie, ek het nog altyd grimering gedra, ek het net ‘n punt daarvan gemaak om nog meer te fokus op my voorkoms tydens chemo). DIS hoekom ek gevoel het dat as ek beter lyk, ek dalk geestelik en verstandelik beter sal voel, ten spyte van dit wat besig was om aan te gaan in my liggaam op daardie stadium.
My gedagtes word stop gesit weer deur die aanbieding wat plaasvind, hier vlak voor my. Ek besef ek moet op dit fokus, dis hoekom ek hier is. Toe Christie sê sy gaan ons nou wys hoe om onsself te grimeer, was my instinkte om te sê, Nee dankie! Ek het reeds grimering aan, ek weet ek kan myself beter grimeer as wat ek vandag gegrimeer was (ek was net nie weer lus om al die borseltjies uit te ruk en myself so te grimeer nie en het na die basiese ligte grimering, oogpotlood en maskara gegaan). Maar ek besluit toe tog teen dit. Ek sal nou nie ‘n spoil sport wees nie.
Sonder water, met ‘n cleanser en ‘n wipe haal ek toe maar my grimering af. Ek waarsku almal dat ek heelwaarskynlik soos die hoof sanger van een of ander heavey metal groep sal lyk met my maskara wat onder my oë gaan lê, maar genadiglik kon ek alles afkry om met ‘n skoon gesig oor te begin grimeer. Die sessie gaan voort, ons word beduie hoe om te grimeer. Christie raak op ‘n kol gefrustreerd met die grimering sponsie wat ons moet gebruik, en ruk toe sommer haar kwassies uit en gaan voort om almal klaar te grimeer. Ek het haar pyn gevoel want ek kon nog nooit met daardie sponsies iets doen op my gesig nie!
Grappies word gemaak, daar word gelag en gespot met sommige vrouens dat hulle sommer nou fêncy lyk en dalk nog ‘n ryk man gaan los slaan. Vir ‘n oomblik vergeet mens waardeur jy gegaan het en steeds gaan. Ons verneem van Christie dat die nie-winsgewende organisasie voor 2020 baie meer borge gehad het, wat baie produkte geborg het, blykbaar meer as wat ons ontvang het (en mag ek sê dat dit wat ons ontvang het is nie min nie hoor!). Maar soos ons almal weet, het die pandemie sy tol hier ook geëis. Hulle kry steeds borge, maar nie soos voorheen nie. Hul organisasie is totaal en al afhanklik van borgskappe, in enige vorm. Om te kon verseker dat die organisasie voortbestaan, het Christie as direkteur bedank en ‘n voltydse werk elders gaan soek.
‘n Ander dame Yvette (wie ek nog moet ontmoet), het oorgeneem as direkteur en so het hulle verseker dat hul oorhoofse kostes verminder, sodat die organisasie steeds kan voortbestaan. Soos ek dit verstaan, is hulle ook afhanklik van vrywilligers om te help met sekere take. Christie klink vir my is een van hulle, sy akkumuleer etenstye wat sy in werk by haar voltydse pos, wat sy dan verruil om dae soos die aan te bied.
Dit het my diep getref, dat mense steeds, ten spyte van hul eie uitdagings, tyd en planne maak om ander wat deur iets soos kanker gaan, te help. Christie is self ‘n borskanker survivor (by gebrek aan ‘n beter Afrikaanse woord), ek is nie seker van die res van die mense in die instansie nie, maar ek glo daar is een of ander konneksie met kanker wat hulle aangeraak het en veroorsaak het dat hulle hierby betrokke raak.
Van my kant af, wil ek vir die mense by Look Good Feel Better dankie sê vir die goeie werk wat julle doen. Dankie dat julle bevestig het dat ek nie mal was om myself te grimeer terwyl ek chemoterapie ontvang het nie. Dankie dat julle bevestig het, dit wat die Here reeds op my hart gelê het in terme van grimering, dat as ek beter lyk, dan voel ek beter. Dankie dat julle bevestig het dat ons nie soos die dood hoef te lyk wanneer jy deur iets soos die gaan nie, en dat dit wat ek gedoen het vir myself nie uit vanity was nie, maar eerder self-behoud (ja, die ou duiwel het my probeer wysmaak dat ek vain is om myself te grimeer en goed te probeer lyk sonder hare).
Ek wil elkeen wat hierdie stuk lees, uitdaag om ‘n bydrae te maak op welke manier ookal. Of jy tyd het om te help, ‘n finansiële donasie kan maak of produkte kan skenk, doen dit. Moet nie twyfel oor dit nie. Dit dra by tot ‘n groter en beter doel en maak so ‘n inspraak op mense se lewens. Soos die Engelse sê – a little bit goes a long way. Natuurlik het ek Christie uit haar gemaksone laat uitklim deur selfies saam met haar te neem, en selfs ‘n lawwe een waar ons ‘n snaakse gesig trek. Christie, Yvette – hou aan met die goeie werk wat julle doen. Daar is soveel vroue daar buite wat nodig het om te hoor wat julle sê in terme van voorkoms. Terwyl jy as vrou, vasgevang is in hierdie diagnose, behandeling en wie weet wat nog alles, is ‘n oggend soos die, ‘n ligstraal, ‘n stukkie hoop en ietsie om na uit te sien en altyd in jou hart te bêre, ‘n goeie memory wat gemaak is.
Late in posting today as I attended a very special workshop (more about that later)….with no husband today, or a Bongi the others and I went WILD 🤪🤣 and I think Bongi could not come up with a corny joke for our video today so she stayed at home rather😂😂😂😂
The doctors were protesting but for the life of me I could not figure out what they were mad about…..can you read a doctor’s handwriting or does it look foreign like these posters they made?? 🤭🤣😂
Today we forgot our selfie stick (or rather I forgot it). My son was playing with it yesterday and charging it, that is where I left it 🤦♀️but not too bad without a selfie stick 🤣 sorry Marlene…ek sit hom in sodra ek tuis kom sodat môre se foto beter sal wees.
Oh my hat. Today we struggled with the selfie stick…then the remote did not want to work, then the 2 second timer was too short and the palm swipe did not want to work that great….but eventually we got it right 🤣😂 changing the timer to 5 seconds (which is too long again 🙄)
Here are our final pics but including the blurry attempts….🤣
Next 7 sessions are called boosters – in these sessions they focus on the area where the cancer was…the rest of the body that was zapped will get to rest…
Saw Dr. Mia Hugo for the weekly check up. She is satisfied with everything, need to moisturise a bit more around my neck as it is starting to look a bit blush, but overall it is looking good compared to the number of sessions I have had.
Daar is hy nou Marlene Visagie een van die beter selfies en die enigste een wat ek gehou het vandag 🤭 die ander het die flash van die kamera in my bril geblink….😵💫🤪
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