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D-Day (Doctor day)

Today was D-day (doctor day 🤣). I decided one pic is enough for all the appointments (we had 4 scheduled for today).

First appointment – Dr. Ramjee. All is good with the heart. Swelling of feet seems to be aftermath of chemo.

Second appointment – Occupational Therapist Gabi Kourie. Swelling of the hand will go down, I need to have it massaged (note HAVE not DO myself 🤭 excuse for Heinrich to touch my hand 🤣).

Third appointment – Prof Joseph had the joy of sticking some more needles into me today to insert the mag trace for use in theatre.

Fourth appointment – still waiting to see Prof Benn to make sure all on track with the op and the lump and everything that goes with it. Still waiting for this appointment to be done…..


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