Het jy al ooit gewonder waar kom wysheid vandaan? Dink jy dis jy of iets anders? Ek weet wysheid kom van God af. Hierdie vers bevestig dit, dat Sy woord in ons moet woon in ALLE wysheid.
Not partial wisdom or 10% wisdom. No in ALL wisdom which to me implies 100% wisdom….we are also instructed to teach each other and to correct each other with psalms and praises. Not by shouting, yelling or out of own insight.
Dawid het meeste van Psalms geskryf (daar was een wat deur Moses geskryf was sover ek weet en iets wat ek onlangs geleer het). Nou Dawid het sy hart oopgemaak teenoor die Here. As hy gewonder het waar sy hulp vandaan kom, of as hy angstig was.
There is a reason the writer of this verse refers to Psalms in this scripture and I think it is to remind us that we are only human. If we were perfect we would not need Jesus, but we strive to become more holy and like Christ on a daily basis.
Wanneer jy Psalms lees sien jy so te sê al Dawid se emosies. Tog draai hy heeltyd terug na God toe. As hy angstig gevoel het, soek hy sy hulp by God. As hy teneergedruk was – soek hy God. So kan ek deur al die emosies gaan.
Then this scripture talks about singing praises and showing gratitude towards God. And those praises are also written in Psalms….wow, how wonderful is it not to know that even if you feel at your lowest low, you can turn to God. He is always there for you no matter how blue you feel.
Die belangrikste van alles is om dankbaar te wees vir alles. En om God te eer altyd. Dis wat ek probeer doen. Ongeag my omstandighede, ongeag hoe ek voel wanneer ek behandeling kry. Ek weet ek kan altyd na God draai, Hom loof en prys met dankbaarheid.
💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️