Elke keer wanneer ek die bybelversie lees, kan ek nie help om te dink aan Jenna-Leigh Bilong van ENCA nuus nie. Sy het altyd afgesluit met die woorde Goedheid en guns. Toe praat sy eendag in ons kerk en verduidelik dat dit haar manier was om God se woord te versprei in ‘n omgewing waar jy nie regtig enige tipe geloof mag bevorder of bevoordeel nie….
And what a wonderful way it was not to do something as small and subtle like this? Because it stuck with me and she was actually blessing people with her words. Because is that not what we all want? Blessings of favour and goodness from God?
So wonderlik om te dink dat Goedheid en Guns my volg. Nie langs my stap of doer ver voor my nie, maar wel agter my. So asof dit soos voetspore is wat agter gelaat word… So wonderlik om ook te weet dat ek ook in die huis van die Here sal bly in lengte van dae. Ek wonder wat bedoel Dawid hier? Lengte van dae op aarde of die ewigheid of beide?
Either way, it is a very good place to dwell in. The house of the Lord. That is what we all want, because that is the safest place that we can be in! I want to bless you with the words – Goodness and Favour – may these follow you every day while you are on earth and may you dwell in the house of the Lord throughout all your days and experience God’s presence like never before!
💪let’s do this day! ™