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Being led / Om gelei te word

So today I decided that I must find my rhythm again. In between what feels like chaos, being sick for a week every 21 days. The days that I do not feel sick are the days that I must try to find some normality in my life. And the first way to do it, is to write the daily scripture and my thoughts on it.

So, ek voel so bietjie onfiks wat dit aanbetref, maar hier gaan ek. Iets wat ek nou al geleer het om te bid, is, dat God se waarheid geopenbaar sal word en dat Hy my en my gesin sal lei en leer, om te doen wat Hy wil hê dit is wat ons moet doen.

Little did I even begin to think or know that this is a scripture in the Bible. I also noted that David waited expectantly on God, the whole day long. Something I have also come to learn is this – God never fails and God is always terribly on time.

Hoe wonderlik is al hierdie dinge, wat ek in my gees ervaar het oor soveel jare nie net nie? En die feit dat dit in een Bybelvers vervat is, nog soveel te meer!

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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