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Om te werp / To cast

Dis ongeveer 3 weke sedert ek laas iets geskryf het oor ‘n bybelvers. Die grootste rede is, ek probeer my nuwe ritme en roetine vind in my nuwe normaal, as ek dit nou so kan stel. Vir een week was ek man down soos die Engelse sou sê, na my eerste Chemo behandeling. Ek kon letterlik niks doen nie, en dis seker een van die moeilikste plekke om te wees – is om niks fisies te kan doen nie.

This morning I decided, I need order in my life. I have not been doing my daily scripture writing and thoughts about it and I am convinced that this is why it seems like everything is in chaos at the moment around me. I have been keeping myself busy with plenty of things, but nothing seems to get done. One of these is the packing of the stock that arrived this week and dispatching it to people who have ordered from me. It feels like the bag from Mary Poppins – there is no limit or end to it. Sure, it was a big order, but not that big. I cannot help but think that, even the smallest of small tasks, are now like mammoth tasks to me. All because my body is going through something hectic.

Nou ja, terug na vandag se vers. Die woord wat vir my uitstaan is werp. Ek het besluit om maar te gaan Google wat werp regtig beteken, ek het ‘n idee, maar wil seker maak ek verstaan dit reg en in konteks. Volgens Google trek hy die betekenis van Wikipedia deur. Dit beteken Met ‘n kragtige swaai van die arm iets uit die hand gooi; smyt. Goed, so ek was nie te verkeerd nie. Maar weereens wat hier uitstaan is kragtige swaai.

In English the word is cast and this time the Oxford Dictionary comes up on Google. The one meaning that seems to be in context in this verse is An act of throwing something forcefully. So, you see, in both languages, (not that I thought that it would not be like this), the act is that of force. Back to this verse – David says here to forcefully throw our burdens onto God. Not gentle. Not a soft hand over. No, forcefully throw. That is what we should do.

Nou wanneer jy iets met ‘n kragtige swaai gooi, is dit met mening, hard en iets wat jy nie meer by jou wil hê nie. Wow, dis wat ons met ons sorge moet doen. Ons moet dit GOOI vir God. Hy sal dit vang. Hy gaan nie dit mis en terug gooi vir ons en sê probeer weer nie. Glad nie. Saam met dit wat ons moet doen, die gooi aksie, is daar ‘n belofte – Hy sal ons onderhou en sal nooit die regverdige laat wankel nie.

He will care for us. He will not let the righteous be shaken, slip, fall or fail. Is that not an awesome promise to receive? In my situation and what my body is going through right now, I often wonder if I am not slipping and falling. Am I dealing with this right? Am I getting it right? Or am I failing horribly? Then I get a verse like this. I have to forcefully throw my burden that I am feeling now, onto God, He is looking after me, providing for me and He will not let me be shaken, or slip, fall or fail. Wow. What an awesome verse with an awesome promise. This is not mine to carry. He has got this, something I have been saying from the start. God has got my back.

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