Today’s entry is late. We had to be at the Oncologist at 10, only to see him around 12. It is a waiting game this, and we have learnt to keep ourselves busy and take stuff with to remain occupied. The wonderful news is, the CT scan showed that the Triple Negative has not grown in size, nor has it spread! We are so grateful to God for this!
Ons het vandag ‘n ander deel van die praktyk gesien. ‘n Rustige deel, waar dit nie voel of chaos heers nie. Ek weet nie of dit was omdat ons in die oggend daar was, en almal redelik vars nog was en gevoel het nie (al die ander kere was laat die middag, en ons almal weet mens voel ‘n slump van so 3 uur of 4 uur die middag af). Maar die lang en die kort is, ons het kalmte en vrede ervaar. Iets waarvoor ons gebid het.
We prayed to God that His will be done, not ours. Of course our will is that the CT scan shows nothing and leaving the professors dumb struck. Although, I think they are a little dumb struck by the fact that the tumour has not grown, but it was not said in that many words. If only they knew how hard and long we prayed for a miracle to happen! And this news is the first of many to come I would dare say at this stage.
Ons antwoord waarvoor ons gevra het, het ons vandag gekry. Ons gaan voortgaan met die behandeling. Ons ervaar dat die Here ons daar wil gebruik vir Sy groter wil en koninkryk. Deur Sy genade, kon ons vandag vir ‘n tannie daar bid, dis wat die Here op my man Heinrich se hart gelê het om te doen. Nou wonder jy seker wat het al hierdie goed uit te waai met vandag se bybelversie?
It is simple – if you read carefully you will note that we are laying off our life that we know and have come accustomed to, so that God can be glorified every single step of the day. This is what we feel He wants to do. His healing has and is still taking place every second in every cell in my body. The size of the tumour and the fact that it has not spread (even though it is an aggressive thing this, making it in my mind a fast moving thing) is miracle and healing enough for us. God has got this! And because He has got this, I have got this!