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God’s fight / God se geveg

As my days on this journey (whether it be a long or short one – a journey is a journey, as you travel from one place to another), as I call it, progress, I cannot help but be reminded of what mere mortals, from the Old Testament, had to do to win significant wars against their fleshly enemies. Moses and all his wonders that he did, with a stutter.

Dawid wat klippe na ‘n swaard geveg neem. Gideon wat klei potte breek. Joshua wat om Jerigo stap en lofprysing doen wat maak dat die mure kraak. Hierdie is maar net ‘n paar waaraan ek nou kan dink en onthou terwyl ek hierdie inskrywing maak. Nou wonder jy seker hoekom ek nou hieraan dink wanneer ek in ‘n ander vleeslike geveg betrokke is? Jy sien, dit maak eintlik glad nie saak watter geveg dit is nie. Of dit teen die Filistyne, Amalakiete of Triple Negative borskanker is nie.

A fleshly fight it will remain. The world’s systems say one thing, but God’s upside-down kingdom says another. As you may (or may not) know, I felt that God pressed on my heart to do random things that don’t make sense at all and to the world, has no significant meaning to the giant that is standing in front of me. Or so it seems. One of them was the Jericho walk we did around the Oncology centre on 28 September 2023.

Ek wonder gereeld by myself, of ek regtig reg gehoor het van God. Dan kom die fluistering van die Heilige Gees in my gedagtes en hart en herinner my aan die skrif verse wat Hy gestuur het. Groot skrifverse. Die tronk se fondamente wat geskud word. Tronk deure wat oopgaan, boeie wat afval. Bevestigings dat Hy in beheer is. Bevestigings dat ek stil moet wees en wag. Wag op God. Ek deel nou glad nie hierdie paragraaf uit ongeloof uit nie, ek deel dit omdat ek heeltyd bevestiging van God kry dat ek nie moet twyfel nie.

You see, this battle is bigger in my mind than anything else. I have to endure symptoms in my body, wondering WHAT is going on inside of me? Wondering why the lymph node feels more and more uncomfortable as the days progress. What do the reports say of the scans and stuff that I did? How is God going to do this thing for us? How is He going to stop Chemo and cure this thing? I do know that it is not going to be the way I have played it out in my mind. It is going to be in a way that only God knows. Something awesome. Something majestic and wonderful. Something we have not even thought of.

Net soos wat ek al hierdie honderde vrae in my kop onder beheer probeer kry, kom daar weer bevestiging. Die keer een week uit mekaar uit. Laas week Vrydag het ‘n baie goeie vriendin van my, Anika, (wie ek gans en al te min sien net so tussen ons), die skrif uit Eksodus gestuur. Vanoggend vroeg, kry ek by ‘n ander tannie, vir wie ek so ‘n spesiale plekkie koester in my hart, dieselfde skrif wat sy voel die Here op haar hart lê om vir my te gee. Tannie Corrie het die skrif, saam met die een uit Lukas uit gegee wat sê – vir God is niks onmoontlik nie.

Again, these two people do not know each other. Again, they are not aware what who has sent to me. Yet, I cannot help but see God’s hand in all of this. I need only be still. He is fighting for me. He has got this. Something I have been saying over and over. When I look at it like this, then I just confirm that there is no room for doubt at all!! Doubt is not from God. That I know. And that is what I must keep out of my mind. God has got this!

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