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The fight / Die geveg

Yesterday I did not get round to writing anything about scripture, because we left our house at 6h30 the morning, to arrive in Rosebank at 8h30 for blood tests. After that we hung around, had breakfast, did a little bit of work on our laptops, all the while waiting for the CT scan at 14h00. I read yesterday’s verse to my husband, and said that this tells me that God honours obedience.

Vandag se oordenking is dus oor gister se versie op die Bybel Toepassing, net met ‘n paar ekstra verse by, om die konteks beter te verstaan. Nou ek weet al vir jare dat ons geveg nie in die fisiese vlees is nie, maar eerder in die gees. Ek is baie lief daarvoor om die Amplified weergawe te lees, want die woorde wat daar gebruik word en die ekstra verduidelikings in hakkies, voel net so gepas. Wie sou ooit kon raai dat ek oor woorde liries sou raak? In die vers, praat dit van wat ons wapens is.

I love the words used – our weapons are divinely powerful. Emphasis on divinely. And then it goes on to say that it destructs fortresses, sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God. I cannot help but think, to draw this scripture to the treatments that are being discussed. Very sophisticated terminology is used during this process. The word fortress also stands out to me. A fortress is a place that no one can enter easily, is it not?

Nou ek kan nie help om te dink dat die diagnose wat gemaak is, soos ‘n fort is nie. Dis nie ‘n tipiese kanker gewas nie, dus is die behandelingsplan anders. Daar moet eers ‘n chemiese middel gegee word wat die ding swak maak, voor hy aangeval gaan word. Dis die fisiese wapens. Tog kan ek nie help om te hoor dat die Here vir my die klem lê op ons wapens en waar ons oorlog is nie. Dis nie in die vlees nie. Dis in die gees. Dis waar ons oorlog voer, deur gebed, lofprysing en aanbidding.

I want to close off – what war are you facing at this stage in your life? Are you trying to fight it with the natural, physical fleshly things? Or are you fighting this thing with prayer, praise and worship music? Singing songs for joy, irrespective of your circumstances. To me, this battle that I am in, is one in my mind. The devil keeps on wanting to create fears with What if questions. What if this, that and the next is actually happening in your body? What if God does not come through for you, after you posted things publicly? What if things don’t go the way you had hoped they would?

So kan ek aangaan met die Wat As vrae. Maar ek sal liefs nie. Ek weet die Here eer gehoorsaamheid. Al die goed wat ons gedoen het die afgelope ruk, wat nie sin gemaak het nie. Maar tog het ons dit deurgevoer. Want dis wat die Here wil hê en verwag – net gehoorsaamheid. Die versie bevestig ook dat elke gedagte gevange geneem sal word en sal buig voor Koning Jesus. Elke ongehoorsaamheid sal gestraf word. Gehoorsaamheid sal geëer (is die spelling reg?) word.

Wow, we cannot wait to see how God is going to turn this situation that we are in, around and what He will be doing! I still don’t think our brains can fathom the greatness of God! All I know is, every thought not from God, will be held captive and will bow before King Jesus!

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