Today, my husband and I celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary. So much has changed in a year’s time. Last year this time we were on our way to our seaside vacation, travelling the whole day, not really enjoying an anniversary like we have come accustomed to do. This year, neither of us expected the diagnosis to be made two weeks before our special day. These past few weeks feel like months. So much has happened in such a short period of time.
When you stand at the altar, you vow to love each other, come what may. Never once, did it cross my 25-year-old brain at that time, the impact of that vow. There have been really great times, there have also been tough times. For the first time this year, actually when he had his little DIY mishap in January, injuring himself underneath his foot, we were confronted with the sickness part of the vow.
Our world was turned upside down by that event. I played chauffeur, taking him to a client to work, as he was not able to drive himself. It was a bit of a frustration to me, as I had my day planned differently than that. But I did it, because, that is what we do right? Then all went better, he was up and running again, able to walk on his foot, things were slowly getting back to normal. Then Vertigo hit me like a freight train – unexpectedly and unannounced. This time it was his turn to take me to the doctor when it did not get better.
On and off this year, we had our moments. Where we either felt very exhausted or a bit under the weather and not too healthy like we are used to feeling. The event in our marriage, that shook everything, was the diagnosis that was spoken over something in my body. Our world was shattered. This was not what we had planned. Illness is never in anyone’s plans, can I just add! But at that time, we realised just how short our time on earth together is. How quickly our lives could change in the blink of an eye.
Now the short period of time on earth, is by no means that we accepted a death sentence with the diagnosis. Not one of the Professors we have seen have given any indication that I only have two hours to live, so best I get my things in order and choose a nice shady tree to curl up under and wait for the end to come. Not at all! But, something like this, just makes us realise, that we truly love each other. That we truly want the best for each other. That we are there for each other, come what may.
It actually drew us closer to each other, like we have never been before. The shock to our bodies was horrific, we struggled to sleep, cried a lot together, woke up at odd hours, having chats and conversations that we normally did not have time for before. It actually just made us realise to appreciate every single moment in every single day that we have together.
Today we celebrate 17 years of that! 17 years, made up of I don’t know how many seconds, of everything we have shared – laughter, tears, fights (there were many when we were younger – the arguments are less now, thank goodness for growth!), health, sickness, frustrations, holidays, fun times and sad times. You name it, we probably experienced it. To my husband Heinrich – thank you for who you are. Thank you for the person you have helped me become. Thank you for caring for me, loving me dearly, being who God created you to be! I prayed for you, I was not very specific in my prayer at that time, but God ticked the two requirements that I had in that prayer as a young woman.
I thank God every day for you. Yes we have had tough times too, not always agreeing on everything. But, those tough times are the times that formed both of us. God does not make mistakes when He puts two people together like He did with us. Here is to another 17 x 17 years of marriage for us! May we always be in this place where we seek God in all we do. May we always be in this place where we share everything with each other, not being afraid to talk about what ever may be bothering us, or wondering about something and even how to react to a certain situation that needs to be dealt with.