During May 2022, when I chose the scriptures for the 2023 year’s range of deskpads of Beroepsvrou, I think I felt that this scripture is applicable to the month of September. Purely because the season starts to change, trees get new leaves, flowers are blooming and everything seems to get life again after the winter. Well, what I thought was appropriate, was not the case at all. If you read deeper into this scripture, especially in the Amplified version, you will understand better.
God revealed the meaning of this month’s scripture beautifully and now I am grateful that I did not write about it earlier in the month. Else I would have missed it. I cannot help but notice that the meaning of the scripture is interlinked with what is happening in our lives, how quickly things changed, without our interventions, something that feels like months, but in reality, is only 3 weeks. Let me explain.
The Amplified version reads as follows – He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart. Now it feels if it hit a bullseye and explains what I am feeling inside of me. You see, since September 2021, I have had this thing pressing on my heart. That thing manifested and the Pink Feathers ® range of Beroepsvrou was born. Something that I could not explain yet followed through. Something I actually did not have time for, especially in my very busy, overloaded schedule. Yet I pushed on with it.
My husband did not quite understand in the beginning, and I did not know how to explain it to him. I just continued to proceed with it, without him fully understanding what is going on and why I feel the way I do. Now, two years later, I understand why I felt what I felt. It was not my heart’s desires that I was chasing, but rather God that planted my purpose in my heart. The Divine Purpose as the Amplified calls it.
The next thing that stands out to me, also from the Amplified version, are the words in brackets – a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy except God. You see, nothing that I did, felt right to me anymore. I did not know how to put it into words to my husband. Yet I continued with that which I felt God placed on my heart to do. I had this longing for something that only God could satisfy. That is also the reason why I do this writing thing, MAKING time for it. Because it feels as if I am finding my divine purpose for which I was created while doing it.
In between everything else, God kept on pressing it on my heart. In spite of crazy busy times, with deadline upon deadline. More admin loaded onto me due to changes in legislation. It feels like chaos in my day job (due to things changing rapidly there and me not being able to keep up), but when I sit and write, doing something for Beroepsvrou, it feels like the chaos disappear. It is just confirmation that this is where I must be.
The last thing in the verse that I want to point out, also from the Amplified version – yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end. And this is where I am now. My brain feels too small to even start figuring out what God’s plan with everything is. With me, the diagnosis, Beroepsvrou, the day job, everything. I have this childlike excitement about what lies ahead, but at the same time I am nervous, because this is BIG. The greatness of everything is what causes the nervousness, but I know, that I know, because I know, that God also has this under control. Like everything else in my life.
I cannot help but wonder if others also feel the way I do? If they also feel as if they are called for something bigger than that which they do every day? I cannot help but think that God does big things in my life, annually, in September. September is our anniversary month. September 2021 my life changed for the greater good on a Bible Journaling camp, where God revealed to me in such a unique way, that my sister and her husband MUST move to New Zealand (this is what He wants) and where I cried my cries, truly undergoing a transformation, from who I was before the camp.
September 2022 I was invited to Radio Pulpit for an interview. The highlight of my life, together with our wedding day, the birth of our two kids and other big life events. And now in September 2023, where I am going through the fire, with God by my side, undergoing another transformation. It is here where something bigger is busy developing. Something that my brain cannot fathom. I cannot help but think of the start of Ecclesiastes 3:11 – He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time.