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Infusion / Infusie

Initially I thought the google translation for infusion to Afrikaans is wrong. But, I took my dictionary and double checked it, before posting this, and it is correct. Today’s verse is one that everyone knows by heart. I took it from the Amplified version, I just love that translation! It gives so many more words to read and understand a bible verse than the Shakespearian English in the King James Version.

So, met dit gesê, is die woord wat vir my uitstaan infusion. Nou volgens die HAT is Infusie (dis nou die Afrikaans vir Infustion – klink fêncy nê?) ‘n proses van ‘n aftreksel van iets, veral ‘n plant, te maak deur ‘n warm vloeistof, veral water, daarop te gooi en dit stadig te laat trek sonder dat dit kook. Wow. ‘n Plant – Jesus is die Wingerd….. Water – Jesus gee vir ons lewende Water…. Dit trek stadig en kook nie – die proses van transformasie deur Jesus is nie ‘n vinnige een nie. Hy gaan ons nie verskroei en kook dat ons niks beteken nie.

No, He infuses us with HIM. Wow. We will have a flavour of HIM. We will be an infused person because of His very slow, timely process, slowly releasing His flavour into our life. We will not be boiled and killed. Now, because of this Infusion that is taking place in our lives (only if we allow it I might add), we will be able to cope with ANYTHING because Christ’s flavour is captured in our Spirits. I have NEVER thought of it like this!

Die HELE wêreld voel vir my weet nou van die diagnose. Dit was my keuse gewees om te deel met almal, dis net wie ek is – nie vir aandag nie maar eerder vir bemoediging – die Here gaan ander help deur die proses waardeur ons nou gaan, dit glo ek met my hele hart. Ek kry gereeld kommentaar of boodskappe wat sê dat hulle nie weet hoe ek alles doen nie, en hoe ek so “chirpy” kan wees nie. Die Professor van gister, wat die Magseeds ingeplant het, het so ewe vir my gesê ek lyk soos ‘n model met my kort hare….dit was baie snaaks. Toe spot ek maar saam en sê I dressed up for the occasion! Maar die punt wat ek wil maak is, Ek is tot ALLES in staat deur Christus wat my krag gee.

Today I feel a bit tired, yesterday was a LONG day! We left our house at 10 am, only to return at 8 pm. We had to see clients too, buy dogfood, Magseed implant, another pit stop for a new friend that we made during this process (all the way from Mbombela or Nelspruit), another client and then the last stop was the Oncologyst Professor. Jam-packed full of travelling. I must actually check how far we travelled yesterday! By this time, with all the appointments and tests and stuff, we probably could have travelled to Cape Town already!

Maar, soos ek hier sit, weet ek net dat ek weet wat ek weet die waarheid is. Die Here het hierdie situasie. In die tussen tyd stel ek myself oop vir God om my te infuse met Jesus, sodat my geur meer soos Hy sal wees en minder soos ek. Die lewe gaan aan, die realiteit is dis maandeinde hier, so bietjie werk vandag en bietjie rus tussen in. Deur dit alles, SAL EK OK WEES. Ek weet dit. Ek is tot ALLES in staat deur Christus wat my krag gee!

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