Wow, where do I start? I cannot begin to describe how BIG GOD IS!!!!! Today’s verse was confirmed yesterday in a wonderful way by God, like only He can do. You see, on Sunday, our neighbour gave me a bag with a butterfly on that has Psalms 46:10 on with the words, Be Still. As you may know, I just love receiving scripture in any form whatsoever, as I know that God is talking to me. As I am typing this, God reminds me that a butterfly also undergoes a transformation process. From something ugly like a worm, to a beautiful creature with wings to fly where you need to go.
Gister, stuur ‘n liewe vriendin vir my ‘n pakkie met ‘n notaboek in en ‘n beker. Die notaboek se skrifvers is ook Psalms 46:10 met die woorde Be still and know that I am God op. Pragtig met ‘n boom en goue blare en ‘n voël wat op vlieg uit die boom uit. Die boom verteenwoordig vir my hoe mens groei as jy gewortel is in Jesus en jou blare sal glinster soos goud omdat Hy jou voed. Toe ek dit sien toe weet ek dat ek vandag oor dit gaan skryf. Dis wonderlik hoe die Here nou die afgelope paar dae vir my die skrif verse ‘n dag voor die tyd al gee.
Yesterday I was debating whether I should not write about today’s scripture yesterday. But I felt God pressing on my heart to not do it that way. I must write about the scripture about being healed, because that was my last stone that I cast at the giant in front of me. A stone in the sword fight, but I know who is standing behind me. Of course the devil is still trying to fool me with symptoms that I feel in my body. With words echoing through my mind, creating a worst-case scenario to me.
En dan dink ek by myself, hoekom op dees aarde sal die Here vir my ‘n worst-case scenario ooit gee na al die skrif en die beloftes? Ek weet nou, dit wat ek in my lyf voel, is net simptome. Die Here het klaar genees. Net gisteraand voel ek in my linkerbors, op presies dieselfde plek waar die knop in my regterbors is ‘n steek pyn. En so ook onder my linkerarm waar die limf klier is. Weer dink ek by myself, regtig? Hoekom mimiek die linkerkant nou die regterkant? Dis net die duiwel wat my van stryk af probeer bring. Nie eens te praat van al die chaos wat hy probeer maak om ons met geysers wat nie werk nie, elektrisiteit wat trip want proppe op die stoep het nat geword na die reën, om net ‘n paar te noem.
Last night, both my husband and I slept very well. We are exhausted, the travelling to Rosebank, Milpark and surrounding areas is really exhausting. I went for a spinning class yesterday, which was the best decision that I could make since last week Monday (not exercising since last week Monday). This morning we feel refreshed. My husband was even dancing for joy as he is excited for what lies ahead today. Then my sister-in-law Marisca, forwards me the daily scripture from Oom Angus Buchan. She does not normally do this, another friend of ours had been sending it to us since last week.
In hierdie stuk vandag, lees hy versies en toe sê hy dat hy ervaar dat hy moet bid vir genesing vir mense. Net daar bars ek en my man uit in trane. Hoe op dees aarde kan oom Angus dit nou weet om te bid, juis op hierdie dag? Hy het nie ‘n IDEE wat in my lewe gebeur nie. Hy lees vir seker nie my blog nie. Hy ken my dan nie eers nie. Ons bid saam met hom en plaas ons hande op die dele waar die gewas is en die geswelde limf klier is. Ek begin nog meer kinderlik opgewonde raak, want ek dink nie een van ons besef HOE GROOT GOD IS NIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hierdie gaan alles oor HOM!!!!!
As my husband leaves to drop off the kids, I feel a warm sensation again where the lump is and where the swollen limph node is under my arm. The sensation is the same as when I touch it with my hand and body heat comes into contact with it. Only I was not touching it. Similar to what I felt in church on Sunday and again yesterday and a few times this past week. Now I know, with this verse today, that I need only be still. God has got this, like I have been saying from the start. We are going through the motions and doing what is expected of us, but God has already worked a miracle, and is busy working it still, just crossing His t’s and dotting His i’s in this miracle. Almost like placing the cherry on top you know?
Ek laai die dagstuk van Oom Angus op my blog en kan nie help om te merk dat die lengte van die audio 3:16 is nie. Dit laat my dink aan Johannes 3:16. For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Saviour], shall not perish, but have eternal life. Toevallig? Ek dink nie so nie! God is in die detail!

Wow wow wow!!
Dankie Here vir U getrouheid!
Jesus in ons, die hoop op glorie!
Soos jy sê Elsie, alles is tot Sy lof en Eer, elke aksie van geloof en hoop bring Hom meer lof en Eer!
Ons daans saam met Heinrich! 🎉🙏🏻🙌🏻
“Vertrou op God. Wees gehoorsaam aan wat Hy vra. Raak stil om Hom te hoor.”