This has been the hardest thing for me to do. To cut my hair which I had been growing for almost a year after cutting it a very short bob last year December.
I cannot help but hear God’s whisper echo in my spirit Don’t think. Just do. I even joked yesterday saying that it would be really funny if I did all of this, the permanent make up and cutting the hair short, only for nothing to fall out. Something which I am secretly hoping for and praying for.
I am glad I did not know how painful the permanent make up is to apply, I surely would not have done it if I knew. I literally made an appointment one hour before going, not planning on doing it that day when I got up. No time to prepare myself mentally for that either.
Don’t think. Just do. That is all I can hear. It is scary, but, I know that this is the start of something beautiful that will develop and unfold. The song that keeps me going is from Elevation worship – Praise. I cannot help but keeping on praising God, irrespective of what is happening.
He has got this. I know this. So, with all of that being said, here are some pics before the haircut and permanent make up and then the after photo…..praaaise the Lord, oh my soul! In the after photo, I have a bit of a bad “ass” girl look 🤣.

Elsie, jy lyk absolutely stunning!
Wow, look at you….beautiful!