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Assurance / Sekerheid

So there are two words that stand out in today’s verse. Assure and possesses. Assure means that you have 100% certainty about something, does it not? And possess means it is something that is YOURS. Not a general communal pool item available for everyone and any one, only having use of it every other day.

So wat leer ek hier uit? Jesus verseker ons, sonder twyfel, dat wanneer ons Sy woord hoor, dit glo en vertrou in God wat Jesus gestuur het, dan BESIT ons die ewige lewe. Dis ons sinne. En ook nie eers wanneer ons doodgaan nie.

The journey to eternal life starts on earth. Because when we believe and read God’s word, we are transformed to new beings.

Wow, so ietsie om aan te kou vir die naweek wat voorlê……

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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