Oh my hat. What a beautiful morning, yet a bit deurmekaar 🙈 wrong cartidge delivered, unexpected projects outside of work landing on my desk, coffee being spilt on my desk pad and it is only the 6th of the month….now I have to live with coffee stains for the next three weeks 😱🤯
Maar terug na vandag se versie toe. So die woorde wat vir my uitstaan is dat die Here vir ons deursettingsvermoë gee asook bemoediging….nog nooit SO daaraan gedink nie. Maar dan wil ek vir myself sê DUUUUHHHHH ALLES KOM VAN GOD AF! Selfs deursettingsvermoë en bemoediging. Maar toemaar! 🤣 ek het dit nou!
So this verse wants us to have endurance (something we lack and struggle with), encouragement AND likemindedness (is this even a word?) like Jesus….wow!
As ons gedagtes in lyn is met Jesus sin, kan jy net DINK hoe die wêreld gaan wees? ‘n Totale paradys want almal gaan awesome wees!!!
💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️