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Love to others / Liefde vir mekaar

Sjoe, vandag se vers is nogals iets om aan te dink! Een van die Here se gebooie is om MEKAAR lief te hê soos Hy ONS lief het…..weet jy wat het Jesus vir ons gedoen? Hy het Sy lewe gegee sodat ons gered kan word.

What are we doing to others that shows them Jesus love? Of course we will stop a bus for our spouses and kids, or jump off a building or what ever we feel necessary to protect them, because we love them. But this is not the only others God refers to here….

Die “mekaar” wat hier na verwys word is eintlik maar elke mens op aarde…..ons moet liefde betoon aan ander. Respek hê, nie mense doelbewus seermaak, indoen en te nakom nie…..doen ons dit elke dag? Praat ons mooi van almal?

It is hard to fathom that God loves the biggest sinner or the one that rejects Him. Yet He wants all to be saved because He loves humankind so much…..our brains cannot even begin to comprehend His love for each and every person on this earth.

So ietsie om aan te dink!

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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