Vandag se versie is vir my iets wat die Here so op my hart druk vir lankal al. Ons is almal geskep vir ‘n spesifieke doel. Om goeie werke te doen vir God se koninkryk.
To walk on the path that HE has laid out for us and not the one we think we should follow because of this, that and the next. How wonderful is it to know that He has decided our path for us? Wanting us to be radical for Jesus and not like the pharisees from the bible, following all these man made rules….
Ek dink nie ek kan kom oor hoe wonderlik God is nie. Dat Hy my by my naam ken! In my moederskoot gevorm het. Dat Hy reeds ‘n pad vir my uitgelê het. Of ek dit gaan volg en deurvoer is my keuse. Mees wonderlikste van als? Hy het my persoonlik geskape soos elke ander mens op aarde persoonlik deur Hom geskape is. Wow!
💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️