Daar is ‘n liedjie van Jeremy Camp. Ek kan nou nie die naam onthou nie, maar sy woorde gaan iets in die lyn van “The same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in us.” Dis vir seker geinspireer deur vandag se vers.
You see, so many times we forget that we have access to the Highest Power in our lives, who is ready and waiting to assist us with what ever. Have you ever been stuck with something? And then you prayed and then suddenly you got through your problem?
Jy sien, soveel keer vergeet ons dit. Raak ons mismoedig oor wat ookal. Maar ons het steeds die krag van die Lewende God in ons. Hy kan ons liggame help op watter manier ookal om te doen wat ookal dit is wat ons moet doen.
Isn’t that wonderful? Have you ever thought of it that way? God’s resurrection power is within us and can do anything that seems humanly impossible.
Wow! Wat ‘n wonderlike ding om te weet en te onthou!
💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️