🥶 my pen het ook vanoggend koud gekry en gesukkel om te skryf….nou vandag se vers bevestig eintlik net dit wat ons reeds weet.
God is able to do anything, beyond what we can even begin to imagine. And His power is within us too, although we are limited by our human abilities, we can sometimes look back at things that happened, wondering how on earth we managed that? Well, that is where God’s power comes into play….
Op die ou einde van die dag, kan ons net enige iets doen agv God se krag binne in ons. So as dit agv Sy krag is, wie moet verheerlik word? Dis nie ons wat dit reg kry nie, dis God se krag, so die heerlikheid van dit wat deur ons werk kom God toe.
Something to think about….my writing talent is not because of me, but rather God’s power that works through me to serve others. So to Him all the glory always!
Laat mens dink nê….? Aan Jesus Christus kom al die eer toe, ALTYD! Niks is uit onsself nie maar deur God wat deur ons werk!
💪🏻let’s do this day!