I grew up in a world where there are so many myths, stories and also lies. Especially in children’s stories. Many people will tell you “It is just a story” and make it off as nothing. But, all these stories and things that we take in, is the enemy’s way of desensitising us, making us used to things that are not from God. So much so, that we cannot distinguish between right and wrong. We cannot distinguish between that which is from God and that which is from the world.
The one myth that I think about, is the one about a leprechaun (the short little man with the hat displaying a four leaved clover on it, who is always trying to trick people) with his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. In these stories, everyone is searching for this pot of gold and in some instances, I think they see it, but it remains out of reach.
Now the reason why I am talking about this is, the world made up a story to let people believe that there is something precious to be found in a place that is impossible to locate. Of course, we know that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow does not really exist. But, until you learn the truth from someone about something, you will continue to believe the lie, because you do not know of better.
This proverbial pot of gold that is being searched for, can actually be applied to any situation in our lives. We believe the lies, chasing after things that do not really exist, thinking that we will find what we are searching for. All the while, that which we are searching for, does not really exist and will never be found. As humans, we will always be searching for SOMETHING. We have a little hole we have to fill.
Now it feels like I am starting to think random thoughts and giving it through, but I am sure you will follow what I am trying to say here. The rainbow is God’s sign of a covenant with mankind, one that He set with Noah. Do you see how the world twists the beauty of the rainbow? Letting it symbolise different things in life, representing everything that it is not? In this myth that I refer to, it represents something valuable that cannot be found at the end of the rainbow that does not exist.
This brings me to this month’s bible verse. Here God confirms something and gives us a promise. The verse confirms that humans are ever searching for something. That something that we are searching for, is God. Only He can fill the hole in our lives. If we seek Him with all of our heart, we WILL find Him. How wonderful is this? The rainbow, representing God’s promise and covenant, leads to something more precious than a pot of gold. It leads to God. His covenant and promise to us as humans. If we do it whole heartedly, with everything inside of us, WE WILL FIND HIM!
Wow! I am so grateful for the revelation that God has given me about this verse. I pray that everyone that reads it, will continue the search for God rather than for empty promises, myths, stories and lies from the world. That which is waiting for us at the end of God’s rainbow, is so much more than that which the world can offer us. What are you searching for today? Are you following God’s rainbow or the one the world has to offer with a pot of gold that does not exist?