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Possibilities / Moontlikhede

Just yesterday I sent a message to someone and ended it off with “Anything is possible with God”. It is like God wanted to confirm this for this person (you know who you are) by repeating it today.

Nou het jy al ooit gedink dat die Here iets nie kan doen nie? Of dat iets net regtig onmoontlik lyk vir ons as mense en dan twyfel ons of dit enigsins haalbaar is? Ek weet ek voel omtrent elke dag so met al die werksdruk wat daar is met konstante veranderinge in wetgewing.

All we have to do is to trust God. No matter what authorities or doctors say or what our circumstances are, God can do anything and is always aware of what is going on in every person’s life!

Wat lyk vir jou onmoontlik vandag? Wat is jou Mount Everest wat jy moet uitklim sonder toerusting en opleiding? Is dit werk? Is dit jou gesondheid? Finansies? Kinders? Of net sommer elke liewe aspek in die lewe? Onthou dan vandag se vers en verklaar dit hardop in jou lewe!

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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