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Persistence / Deursettingsvermoë

If you read the presceding verses, Jesus says to not throw your pearls for the pigs and give that which is holy to dogs. I think what He meant here was is for us to not seek things from the world.

Ons moet nie ons harte oopmaak oor ons begeertes teenoor ander nie, want hulle sal dit vertrap en verskeur en in die proses kry ons seer. Dit het ek al baie ervaar en gesien in my lewe.

Instead Jesus is inviting us to pray, seek and knock on God’s door. And then we see the promise captured in this verse – if we keep on asking, seeking and knocking we will receive, find and have doors opened for us.

Wow, al ooit so daaraan gedink? Dis nie dat ons neuel (is daardie spelling reg want ek weet nie??) nie, ons moet net deursettingsvermoë kweek en in die proses ‘n verhouding met God opbou….

💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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