What a day! It is past 3 pm and I never got round to posting today’s verse. Long story short – I had to go to the dentist with my son (one of the blocks of the braces came loose 🙄🙈 AGAIN), my husband is now halfway between 40 and 50 today, so I had to do some shopping, and then when I got home the time just ran away.
Elkgeval, vandag se versie praat van hoe Jesus mens geword het. Hy was die enigste perfekte mens sonder foute volgens die vers en ons almal weet dit mos. Ek wonder baie of Hy as kind soos ‘n tipiese 2 jarige was en of Hy net nie so was nie en altyd geluister het vir Sy ouers?
I don’t think the answer to my question above is relevant. However, here we see that Jesus came to earth as sacrifice, He was obedient and fully God and human at the same time. If He was an angel coming to talk to us, who would have believed Him?
Hy moes mens word sodat mense met Hom kan identifiseer….al ooit so daaraan gedink?
💪🏻 let’s do this day! ™️ (what is left of it)