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Standvastigheid / Steadfast

As mens die gaan lees in die Amplified, word dit so mooi verduidelik. Dit kom daarop neer dat die Here die wat standvastig is in Hom in volle vrede bewaar.

Now it is very interesting to me how God is speaking to me with this verse. Living in a world surrounded by corruption, greed, theft, all things not from God, one cannot help but become discouraged.

Veral as jy hoor hoe mense besteel word deur slenters. Of hoe geld by iemand gevat word deur wie weet hoeveel mense wat in die proses betrokke is, en verkeerd uit bank rekeninge getrek word.

I can go on and on and on. Just this past weekend I said to someone that everyone is starting to think it is ok to act in a manner which God does not want us to act. Because everyone is doing it. There are no repercussions for wrong doing, so it is ok.

Dis ok om ‘n blinde oog te draai vir wat ookal. Of om ‘n fooitjie te neem om iemand te help met iets wat hulle nie toe kom nie. Of om wat ookal nie te doen en te verklaar nie. Dis ok want almal doen dit. Laat mens dink? Ons hoef nie mismoedig te voel as ons doen wat reg is nie, die Here sal ons bewaar EN in volle vrede.

Amazing! 💪🏻let’s do this day! ™️


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