Hierdie inskrywing is tweetalig en ook maar net vir diegene wat my webjoernaal volg, wat nie op sosiale media is nie, se inligting…. wat ‘n wonderlike voorreg om God se woord te kon verkondig aan die jeug, die toekoms, die mense aan wie ons die aflosstokkie moet oorhandig.
A big thank you to Bekker High School for receiving me on Monday and making me feel at home like always! I trust the Holy Spirit that the seed that was sown to grow at the right time so that they too can be light bearers for God’s Kingdom on earth! As I said to the children on Monday, this past weekend it was the Coronation of King Charles. Our Pastor at Doxa Deo said a true thing – everyone knows who King Charles is, but King Charles does not know who I am or many other people on this earth.
Maar Koning Jesus ken ons elkeen by ons naam! Is dit nie wonderlik nie? Hy het ons eerste lief gehad nog voordat ons Hom gekies het! Wat doen jy om te sorg dat jou vere pienk bly? Het jy Pienk Vere ® vir die Here? Is dit wat jy besig is om in te sit goed en van God af? Die saad van dit wat ons insit deur ons sintuie, gaan lê in ‘n mens se hart en dit bepaal ‘n mens se lewe soos Salomo tereg gesê het in Spreuke 4:23.
Be vigilant always, and it is ok to be a bit weird and different, because that is what distinguishes us from the rest of the world. To stand out, proud, tall and pink like the Flamingo to be recognised as a Child of God. Sometimes our actions seem weird to the rest of the world, just as the Flamingos manner of eating with its head upside down, filtering its food (because it is a filter feeder). Just like the Flamingo filters its food while eating, we as Christians should filter that which is thrown to us by the world (through social media and everything around us), as it states in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 – But test all things carefully [so you can recognize what is good]. Hold firmly to that which is good. (Amplified).
Tot volgende jaar Hoërskool Bekker! Ek kan nie wag nie, en sien uit om die nuwe groep Graad 12’s te ontmoet en mee te gesels!
Van die die diepste hoekies uit my hart. Dankie vir die voorreg om deel te wees van hierdie wonderlike getuienis ervaring …..jy het in die Here so gegroei die Heilige gees praat deurjou …Jesus raak soveel kinders aan deur jou as instrument. Waardeer so so so baie