I cannot help but wonder what is actually busy happening to time. I am not finding time to write like I used to in the past. Come to think of it, I am not finding time to do anything it seems. My circumstances have changed, no doubt about that, but can it truly have such a big influence? Anyway, on the last day of April, I am finally finding time to write about this month’s scripture. Now, I have been thinking about it for a while now, chewing on what I want to say. Maybe it is not really the being busy that is hindering me to write, but rather what I feel I want to say about the scripture, that is truly the hold up here. I do not want to write for the sake of writing you know.
Now this month’s verse is yet again very interesting to me, especially the manner in which God is busy breaking it open to understand it from a different point of view. When you love someone, then you say it to them, right? But with it comes other things too. You treat the person nicely and do things for them, because you love them, something that you may not do for a total stranger.
The part of the verse that stands out the most is in the last part. The word – truth. You see, when you truly love someone, you will also tell them the truth. You will not tell them stories and things that are contradicting to love. Now here is the other deep part of the verse, if I can put it that way. Who must we love? A question that Jesus answered the Pharisees and other people who studied the bible (whose collective name I cannot think of right now in this moment). We must love our neighbours as ourselves.
Wow! So, in other words, this verse is applicable to all people, not only those close to you and with whom you have a relationship with. I don’t think this implies that we have to say that we love people whom we do not know from a bar of soap! Because the word love is deep. But, you must have respect for others, even if you do not know them on a personal level. Showing them that Jesus is within you. The same is applicable to our deeds – we don’t have to do something by moving into someone’s personal space. But, if you are stuck in traffic, you can give a space for the person next to you and in this manner show a deed of love, even if you do not know that person. Does it make sense?
The word I seem to come back to the whole time is truth. What are you busy doing? Are you telling the truth on all levels? Are you telling people of Jesus? He is the truth. Are you speaking the truth when you interact with people and when you are doing business transactions? Do you keep to your word? Are you truly busy showing love through your tongue, forcing yourself to speak the truth, irrespective of the circumstances?
I also don’t think you should tell someone that you do not like the shirt they are wearing, because that is personal taste in my opinion. And when you say things to people in this manner, then you are attacking their personality. Does it make sense what I am trying to say here? The verse makes me think of the English saying Actions speak louder than words. How true are those words? Maybe you have these people in your life, whether it is friends or family. They tell you things that would make you think that you have a good relationship, but their deeds say the contrary. Maybe the truth is lacking a bit in that what is actually busy happening. Respect may be absent – because everything is always about them rather than those around them.
May we be reminded frequently, to show love in deed and in truth, and not only by words and with our tongue. This is not only applicable to fellow humans here on earth. Not at all! Our relationship with God must also be like this! Don’t just say that you love God if your actions and deeds speak the contrary. Where do you stand today? What is your relationship with Him like? Are you truly busy showing Him that you love Him? Or are you getting stuck at a superficial Sunday relationship with Him? Something to think about I would say….