This entry is on a lighter note about something that I miss read. Towards the end of 2022, we were driving through Krugersdorp with me as a passenger in the car.
As we were driving, I was staring out the window. I noticed some election posters on lamp posts. I noticed a poster, in Afrikaans, that read Stem Amy Stem (translated it would be Vote Amy Vote but you will see later why a translation here will not have the same effect).
I think to myself that this is a strange use of words to promote that party’s representatives and to get people to vote. It is almost as if they are making up a chant to prompt Amy to cast her vote. I cannot help but think of the Afrikaans song, Swem Jannie Swem! while reading the voting poster.
I then turn my attention back to Google maps on my phone, following the instructions to our destination. Not too long after this, I look up and see another voting poster like the previous one. This time we were driving slower, because we almost had to turn off the road that we were on.
The words on the poster? Stem Amy Steyn and NOT Stem Amy Stem! I burst out laughing almost immediately and shared the moment with my husband, who laughed even more than what I did! Everytime I pass a voting poster, I will be reminded of this moment, giggling to myself, especially when I pass the ones promoting Amy Steyn.