In October 2021, when I felt that I had to design the Pink Feathers range, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for, on all levels. Just as well, because if I knew, I probably would not have done it.
What am I talking about? The whole process of having an online store, managing the stock, finding money to pay for it all, but the biggest thing of everything – the photos for the webpage. I did not have a clue. Did not overthink it, because I was so focused on the designs and the physical product at the time.
But none the less. I took the photos in my way and as I saw fit. Looking back, they were AWFUL and the fact that someone purchased anything from me with those photos is actually a miracle!!
In the mean time I was growing during this process, and I decided to change the background, retake the photos, going through the motions of uploading them to my website again. It takes long, just by the way, because you are dependent on your internet speed. Then someone makes a comment on the photos, saying it must be a white back ground, taken from another angle, do this and change that.
Over the Easter weekend I decided to retake the photos AGAIN. The only white thing that I had in the house was a sheet. The lines made from folding, frustrates me, the reflection of the light (I am taking the photos at the dining room table, while the rest of my tribe is watching a movie) irritates me even more. I cannot get the phone’s (yes I use my phone because the Canon camera is also a frustration for me) positions exactly the same when holding it while taking the pictures.
The ring light stand thing that I use, actually just does not work and it feels to me like one huge mess. But now I have to push through, because I have already started the process, so I cannot give up now. With lots of frustrations, as you can clearly see, I push forward. Trying hard not to spend money on unnecessary things.
Some time later (a few months), I had a chat on Whatsapp with Anri Erasmus of Painted Lemons. Can I just tell you how this girl helped me since I got the plan from God? She was the one that I contacted to say I want to design a desk pad. She was the one that taught me about Canva, Creative Market and plenty of other things.
She was the one that connected me with the printers that I use, the tannie that makes the aprons. She was the one that just continued to support and guide me during the whole process. Anyway, I cannot remember how we started the conversation about photos, but I told her that I am not CRAZY about the current photos.
That is when she answered me (in her words) Nee tjommie, jy kry vir jou drie borde met mooi textures. I thought to myself WHAT? Say what now? What must I get? Where does one get the boards that she is talking about? Not too long after that, she sent the link to the boards from Flatlay Studio. Shortly after that another message came through with the app that I must download to take and edit pictures like a pro (and here I believe it stands for professional and not probeerder).
Wow! Such valuable knowledge! I took some money and purchased the necessary items. After the goods were delivered (what felt like an eternity but in reality was only a few days), curiosity got the better of me and I could not WAIT to take photos. I open the one item and think UUUHHMMM I think I purchased the wrong thing, I cannot see how one can take nice photos with this. Well, I was wrong!
One Saturday, while at the Spar, I made an Impromto decision to purchase fresh flowers for the photos. I start to take photos, but struggled with the angle and height while taking the pictures, all because I do not have a stand that works. I continue my photography session, snapping away. I took the pictures inside the house at night (because that is all time that I have). To me they look stunning but I still felt that something is missing.
In the mean time, I Whatsapp Anri YET AGAIN, sharing the photos that I have taken, with her, along with my frustrations. Oh my word, I realise now how frustrating the photographs were to me! Probably because I had no idea what it is that I was trying to do.
She said I must purchase a stand and sends a link on Takealot of one that she uses. She viewed my photographs – giving advice, recommending that I take the pictures in daylight rather than inside with lights switched on. The next day I start AGAIN, retaking the photos. Why I don’t know, because I do not have the stand yet. I start a bit late in the afternoon, and I do not have enough daylight to finish. I continue inside and then I saw the difference between natural light and lights switched on.
I felt so discouraged, because my photos are not finished, the fresh flowers are going to die and we are going on leave. I do not have a stand. I don’t have time to do this in the week, I have to work. The day job’s work does not stop. I decided to put the flowers in the fridge (they are Proteas and I reckoned they will last long), letting the other leaves dry out, putting it in a container to protect it from dust.
The stand arrived while we were on leave. The day after returning from leave, I decided to retake all the photos AGAIN, this time with the stand and some stickers as markers for placing the different items in the same position (I am mos now becoming a pro) in daylight on the stoep. The flowers still look fine so I do not have to go to the Spar AGAIN to purchase some fresh flowers.
Let me just tell you, halfway through this process, when it felt like my back was breaking off from being in awkward positions from taking pictures, I think to myself WHAT WAS I THINKING? WHY AM I DOING THIS? But, I cannot stop now. I have come this far, I need to push through….
Can I just say one thing? I have new respect for website photos. Especially of stationery. Because how on earth do you take photos of these items to make them look pretty and inviting for people to purchase? Anyway. The photography session is done, photos are edited and uploaded to my website. When looking back on where I started less than 1 year ago and where I am now, I cannot help but notice God’s hand in everything.
How He sent me people (ok one person with connections) to help and guide me through the whole process. Anri Erasmus, from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you that you responded to this crazy lady’s Facebook messenger message in 2020. That you invited me to your house to answer all my questions around the Bible that I wanted to purchase, the paint and all the other things I wanted to know. Explaining and answering everything that comes so easy and naturally to you, so patiently to me.
And how you just guided me on and off during this process. When I was stuck with something, sending you 500 messages when I am uncertain about something (only people who have communicated with me on Whatsapp will understand this one), you just keep me calm, explaining everything step-by-step of what I needed to know at that point in time. THANKS for this!!!
Above all, thank you God for the knowledge and wisdom that You gave to me, with what I call God’s crazy plan (said with respect of course) and for the development and growth that I can see in myself on all levels. Emotionally, spiritually and physically. I want to share some photos on this entry of the transformation – where it started and where it is now, the ones that stand proud and tall on my webpage.
This is now truly a testimony of the scripture Anything is possible with God. I hear in my mind how the kids sing-talk together A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD. A-L-L-E-S IS MOONTLIK MET GOD. Something they were taught at Eden Leersentrum. And it is truly so. Everything is possible with God’s help. If a Chartered Accountant can take these types of pictures and be this creative, then anyone can do anything!

Die foto studio