With a lump in my throat, sweat breaking out in strange places and child-like excitement, I got in my car and took the trip to Pretoria. It is Thursday 8 September 2022. I have been invited for an in studio interview at Radio Pulpit in Kilnerpark.
It would have been telephonic and I was comfortable with the idea of a telephonic interview. I reconed that I will be very comfortable in my room and then I must just pray that a Hadeda does not scream right by my bedroom window during the interview.
On short notice the telephonic interview was changed to an in studio interview. Arrangements are made to fetch kids from school (by a wonderful friend who selflessly and instinctively offered to help) and just like that, God let everything fall into place so that I could have this wonderful experience.
I was a bit paranoid that I would say something wrong and that I will clear my throat the whole time. And even more so about WHAT will be asked. Must I prepare? Must I ask them to tell me what they are going to ask me? How does one do this? How does it work?
I decided to rather not ask my hundred and ten questions and just to take it as it comes. All the way to Pretoria, I tried to recall the presenter’s name. I know it starts with a Ch but cannot remember anything else. Perhaps his name is Christo? I wonder by myself.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts, that I did not go slow enough around the bend, past the second tollgate close to Zambezi off ramp. I triggered a speeding camera….
I arrived at the building thinking how convenient it is to have Google Maps on my phone. It took me to the front door. At first I drove around the building and parking area, because I could not find the gate to the parking area. At reception I say that I have an interview with….(and then I search on my phone for the name) Charles. Thank goodness I did not call him Christo!
Charles’ spirit was so open to what God wanted to say through me, this in my opinion, made everything easier and smoother. Like a peanut I asked him for a photo (and I used the word neut in the sentence too, because, let us be honest, the moment is just too big and overwhelming and then we end up using wrong words on top of everything else).
He agreed immediately and we took a photograph together. The receptionist took one from me alone too and she did a good job to capture the moment. In studio Charles (now I must remind myself to type his name correctly) explains how everything works.
He refers to the headphones, I think he called them kanne, but I cannot remember if this was the right word. He explained to me how it works and that I will hear myself over the headphones. I asked him if it was not going to be weird? He answered by saying Yes a little, but also not too much. One gets used to it quickly.
He puts me at ease by telling me that he was also nervous the first few times that he was hosting as a presenter on the radio, so my feelings are quite normal. He offered to take a picture of me in the studio. If it was not for my ears my smile would have gone right around my head.
I was in my element! Charles gave a tip before hand – when greeting I must say Charles and listeners, so that the audience feels included in the interview. The red light goes on and the interview starts. Charles talks about my blog and readers and there my brain goes and grabs a hold onto the word readers rather than listeners.
I was on my nerves and greeted Middag Charles en lesers. In my mind I said listeners. But, none the less, the interview proceeded and the nerves that were gnawing disappeared in the blink of an eye. We talked and laughed and I forgot that I was in a studio.
The time flies by, I felt like talking more and sharing more with everyone about flamingos and why my business cards have flamingos on, why it reads Pink Feathers for God. The interview captured the essence of my blog so beautifully, explaining more what it is all about.
I am still in awe about what God did for me with this radio interview. I did not even KNOW it was something that I really wanted to do. He knew my heart’s desires even before I knew it and thought about it!
Afterward I was so overwhelmed by messages of people close to me. Some joked and said that I am famous. I just laughed, because I am still me. Of course, if I have to do a career change, I will choose radio!! I think I will enjoy chatting with people, day in and day out about their lives and what God has done for them.
Some of my clients also joked and asked if I do not have enough work to keep me busy. While driving home, I could not stop smiling. I even had a conversation with God, talking out loud in the car, saying to Him thank you soooooo much for this!!!!! It was sooooooo nice!!!!!
I want to close off by saying that I know God has big plans for those who love Him and obey Him. That is also all that He wants – obedience and an intimate relationship with Him. Make disciples of the nations. That is our task and the instruction given to us. Where I can, I chat with people about Jesus. Telling them what He has done for me in such a short time. What He is busy doing with Beroepsvrou.
Big things are coming. That I can feel in my spirit. To tell people about Him and why you must have Pink Feathers for God. And if you are still wondering about the Pink Feathers and Flamingos, contact me and then I will come and tell you and others at the same time about it. Why not?
Goeiemiddag Charles en lesers….I can still hear the error echo through my mind. I grin every time I think about it. This is God’s way of keeping us humble. We are not perfect. At least I did not say Christo! That would have been a disaster!!
Charles, I trust that you will be reading this entry. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for putting me at ease in the studio, explaining everything so nicely about what to do! To Radio Pulpit and Jeanine, thank you for the opportunity and privilege to share my story with the listeners (not readers).
Above all I want to thank God. That He fulfilled my heart’s desires that was not yet known to me. I am excited about what the future holds!

Die Radio