So not everyone has the privilege to blog about their special day. The special day? Our wedding anniversary of course! Last year was the first year that I had the opportunity to blog about our special day and I even thought, mmmmm….I will not be able to blog about this again!
Well, I was wrong. You see, it is not a Same old, same old, Happy Anniversary, I will choose you a thousand times over, love you to the moon and back standard day. To me, every year that we have been spared together, is an absolute miracle right out of God’s hand.
This year’s anniversary will be different – we are on the road the entire day to our holiday destination. It is school holidays and I cannot remember when last we went to the coast during a school holiday. Decembers do not count, as that was almost the norm for so many years of our marriage.
Well then, none the less. I want to share with the world a bit more about my husband Heinrich. The one whom I prayed for. You see, I was not too specific in my prayer to God about my requirements. There were only two things that bothered me when I was young (and I did not know how to pray in my opinion, especially when I look back now, but anyway, moving on).
The first requirement was – my husband must be taller than what I am. So check God sorted that one for me. The second requirement was – my husband must wear pants that are sized bigger than mine. Yes, you may laugh. But at one stage, when I was young and skinny, there were these short and even skinnier guys who were interested in me. Nothing put me off more thinking I must date or marry a guy that wears a size 32 pants while I was a size 34 at that stage.
Stupid I know! But that was literally the only requirements I had. And come to think of it, it was just as well that I did not give God a longer list of requirements. Because I don’t think I would be able to choose it better than what He chose my husband for me. After 16 years of married life, we are even closer to each other than what we were when we got married. That is how it is supposed to be, is it not?
We understand each other better and I recon we bring the best out in each other. There is the odd occasion where we disagree about what seems like nothing, but, that is also needed and part of the process. Most important of all, we serve God together! In our own ways that suite our personalities best and we trust God absolutely for everything that we do.
Heinrich makes me laugh, has the funniest sense of humor (which I think rubbed off on me but was most probably always there, waiting to be found and developed in the right circumstances), he understands me, treats me with respect, calms me when needed, supports me, trusts me and loves me.
Like I said, I would not have been able to choose better. This is absolutely out of God’s hand that we found each other, which feels like a lifetime ago. I went through Facebook’s photos that I uploaded over the years. It was so nice to see and remember with each photograph, where we were at that given moment in time. Of course I wanted to make a slideshow. But to my frustration I am struggling a bit. So I hope the slideshow will see the light!
It feels so relevant to point out some good memories and a few less good ones of our married life together. In the 16 years of being married, we only moved into the house we are currently living in (yes, we have not had to endure the frustrations and patience of packing up a house together to move and I don’t know if and when we will ever do it). We have experienced together – two children, one ectopic pregnancy, one miscarriage, too many to count dachshunds (sausage dogs), one parrot, a whole lot of hamsters and a Pekingese.
We were even together in a magazine – but that was before we got married so that probably does not count? It was in the Accountancy SA so no major circulations and publications of us in a magazine! We started our day job’s business together, also before we got married…. during our married life a blog was born, giving the world a bit of a look into our lives, we experienced a Radio interview with me greeting the readers rather than listeners, something that we laugh about frequently (of course he tuned in and listened in depth hearing the mistake and not being able to help me to say the right thing).
We survived a Pandemic, wearing masks and sanitizing until end of days it felt. There were tough times, humorous laughing times, good times, better times and just normal ticking over times. But in all these times, God was there. He looked after us, provided for us, protected us. So many silly decisions that we wanted to make, thinking it was a good one, was stopped by God and when we look back, we can just stand in total awe and amazement of His guidance and grace that we experienced! We cannot help but to praise God for this!
Heinrich – I dedicate this piece and every piece that I will write for every year after this to you and our lives together. I thank God every day for you, that He borrowed you for my time on earth. At least you are still taller than what I am and I hope the size of the pants is still bigger than mine and that I did not become dikkes over the years, so that one of my two requirements have not fallen off the list. (Because, yes, I have not been a size 34 for many years now!!!).
May God give you even more wisdom and insight on how to handle things. May He bring us even closer to each other as we move closer to Him. May He still use us as a couple together to reach people, in a unique way, suitable for our unique personalities. Happy Anniversary, love you to the moon and back, choosing you a thousand times over!
So nie almal het die voorreg en geleentheid om te kan blog oor hul spesiale dag nie. Die spesiale dag? Ons huweliksherdenking natuurlik! Laas jaar was die eerste jaar wat ek kon blog oor ons groot dag en ek het nogals gedink, mmmm…ek gaan nie WEER hieroor kan blog nie!
Wel, ek was verkeerd. Jy sien, dis nie ‘n Same old, same old, Happy Anniversary, I will choose you a thousand times over, love you to the moon and back standaard dag nie. Vir my is elke liewe jaar wat ons saam gespaar is, ‘n absolute wonderwerk uit God se hand uit.
Hierdie jaar se herdenking gaan wel anders wees – ons is heeldag op die pad na ‘n vakansie bestemming toe. Dis skoolvakansie en ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas ons in ‘n skoolvakansie gedurende die jaar see toe was nie. Desembers tel nie, want dit was amper die norm vir so baie jare van ons huwelik.
Nou ja, nie te min. Ek wil net so bietjie meer deel met die wêreld oor my man Heinrich. Die een vir wie ek gebid het. Jy sien, ek was nie baie spesifiek met God oor my vereistes nie. Daar was net twee goed wat my gepla het toe ek baie jonk was (en toe ek glad nie geweet het HOE om te bid nie, in my opinie as ek nou terug kyk, maar nie te min).
Die eerste vereiste was – my man moet langer as ek wees. So check die Here het daai een uitgesorteer vir my. Die tweede vereiste was – my man moes ‘n broek grootte dra wat groter is as myne. Nou ja, jy kan maar lag. Maar op ‘n stadium, toe ek nog jonk en maer was, het daar kort en nog maerder outjies in my belang gestel. Niks het my meer afgesit om te dink ek moet met ‘n ou uitgaan of trou wat se broek nommer ‘n 32 is terwyl ek ‘n 34 was op daardie stadium nie.
Simpel, ek weet! Maar dit was letterlik al vereistes. En ek dink dis ook maar goed so dat ek nie nog ‘n langer lys van vereistes vir God gegee het nie. Want ek dink nie ek sou dit so raak gekies het soos wat God my man vir my gekies het nie. Na 16 jaar van getroude lewe, kan ek eerlik sê dat ons nog nader aan mekaar is as wat ons was toe ons getrou het. Dis mos hoe dit moet wees, is dit nie?
Ons verstaan mekaar beter en ek reken ons bring die beste in mekaar uit meeste van die keer. Daar is die odd geleentheid waar ons vassit oor wat voel soos niks, maar, dis ook nodig en deel van die proses. Belangrikste van alles is, ons dien saam vir God! Op ons eie maniere wat vir ons persoonlikhede werk, en ons vertrou absoluut op die Here in alles wat ons doen.
Hy laat my lag, het die snaakste sin vir humor (wat ook op my afgevryf het en seker eintlik maar altyd daar was en gewag het om ontgin te word in die regte omstandighede), hy verstaan my, hanteer my met respek, kalmeer my wanneer dit nodig is, ondersteun my, vertrou my en is lief vir my.
Soos ek gesê het, beter raak kies kon ek nie. Dis absoluut uit die Here se hand dat ons mekaar gevind het, wat voel soos ‘n leeftyd gelede. Ek gaan deur Facebook se foto’s wat ek oor die jare opgelaai het. Dit was nogal lekker om te sien en te onthou van elke foto se neem en situasie waar ons was. Ek het natuurlik als afgelaai en probeer ‘n slideshow maak. Tot my grootste frustrasie sukkel ek so bietjie. So ek hoop maar die slideshow sien die lig! Maar in die tussen tyd moet die day job se werk klaar, want ons gaan met vakansie!
Dit voel so relevant om hoogte punte (en so paar laagte punte) te noem in ons getroude lewe saam. In die 16 jaar van getroud wees het ons slegs ingetrek in die huis waarin ons nou bly (ja, ons het nog nie daai sakke sout opgeëet van huis oppak en trek nie en weet nie of en wanneer dit ooit gaan gebeur nie). Ons het twee kinders, een buisswangerskap, een miskraam, ongelooflik baie worshonde, een pappegaai, nog ‘n hele rits hamsters en ‘n Pekingese saam beleef.
Ons was al saam in ‘n tydskrif – maar dit was voor ons getroud was, so dit tel seker nie? Dit was wel net die Accountancy SA so geen verskriklike sirkulasie en publikasie van ons twee nie! Saam het ons die day job se besigheid begin, ook voor ons getroud was… gedurende ons huwelik het daar ‘n blog ontstaan wat so kykie vir die wêreld gee op ons lewens, ons het ‘n Radio onderhoud beleef met ‘n blaps in hoe ek die lesers groet eerder as luisteraars, en waaroor ons nou gereeld lag (hy het natuurlik in diepte geluister en gehoor hoe ek die fout maak en kon my nie reghelp nie).
Ons het ‘n Pandemie oorleef, maskers dra en saniteer tot in lengte van dae. Daar was swaar tye, lekker lag tye, goeie tye, beter tye en gewone net oor tick tye. Maar in al hierdie tye was die Here daar. Het Hy na ons gekyk, ons versorg, beskerm. Soveel besluite en dom dinge wat ons wou doen en gedink het goed was, was gekeer gewees deur die Here en as ons later terug kyk, kan ons net in verbasing en dankbaarheid die Here loof vir Sy getrouheid!
Heinrich – ek dra hierdie stuk, en elke volgende jaar se stuk wat ek gaan skryf op ons huweliksherdenking op aan jou en ons lewens saam. Ek dank die Here elke liewe dag vir jou, dat Hy jou vir my geleen het vir my tyd hier op aarde. Jy is darem nog langer as ek en ek hoop die broek grootte is nog groter as myne en dat ek nie dikkes geword het oor die jare nie, sodat die ander een van my twee vereistes darem nog op die lys is. (Want, ja, ek is lankal nie meer ‘n 34 broek grootte nie!!!)
Mag die Here jou net nog meer insig, kennis en wysheid gee oor hoe om goed te hanteer. Mag Hy ons net nog nader aan mekaar bring soos wat ons nader aan Hom beweeg. Mag Hy ons nog saam ook gebruik om mense te bereik, op ons eie unieke persoonlikhede se manier! Happy Anniversary, love you to the moon and back, choosing you a thousand times over!
Cleaning your mousepad purchased from Beroepsvrou has never been easier. Like my kids say – Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! Watch the video below and follow the instructions included….happy cleaning! And of course a special thanks to my sister from another mister, Dora!
The weekend of 9 to 11 September 2022, marked the fifth year of Adorned ministries’ annual retreat camp. The usual suspects were there, if I may refer to them in that way, humorously speaking of course.
The theme of this year’s retreat was Woman. Thea van Rooyen, from Thea’s Poeierkamer did an excellent job with the creation of woman of the bible, all whom were featured in her class on Saturday afternoon.
The theme for the camp was ‘Ishshâh Nâshîym which means Woman.
As usual, we all were exhausted the Friday evening. Tammy (again I have to check her surname because, my word, for the life of me I cannot remember this one!) Tambourlas from WOW Woman of Worth said to me that I was also tired last year, what is wrong?
I realised later, that it is because I have just come out of a busy period work wise, AND had stayed up until almost mid-night the night before, finishing off a car made from boxes for a school parade. Don’t ask. All I can say is, it consisted of three boxes, plenty of spray paint (Chrome nogal), screws, wooden blocks, lace and glue.
Back to the retreat. Confucius tried to take over again the Friday evening, similar to last year. Lynn’s page (from JOTW Journaling on the Way) was just sooooo confusing to us, but I think it was more that we were all just so exhausted!
Confucius tried to take over again, but we managed to overcome any form of confusion that tried to take over.
The venue was changed from last year and I am sure everyone that was there last year and again this year, were very grateful that there was no Donkey keeping us from sleeping!
Again it was not luxurious and at the end of the day that does not matter at all! You only sleep in your room, so I guess you do not need a five star hotel room with room service!
God needs to take you from your comfort zone to a place of almost total exhaustion so that He can work with us. This is my opinion and may not be right, but, when you step out of your comfort zone, God can work more and better in your life.
The word for Woman in Hebrew looked like Greek to me.
Elsie Potgieter
Before I go on about the messages that were brought to us, I want to chat a bit more about the retreat. I woke up one morning, a few months ago, with Carolien and the camp in mind and the words Back to your roots and a sandy brown color in mind. Now by now, I know that God speaks to me in a strange way and I no longer question Him.
True to God’s word – this is what the camp was about. Shortly before the camp, I asked Carolien for more information about the retreat, just so that I could get my mind around it and what it is about, and of course for some inspiration for this blog entry. She sent me a word and its meaning.
We are made to shine. Stepping out into the role that we were created for.
Lynn Grobler – Journaling on the Way
It looked Greek to me. But it was actually Hebrew. Same difference right? No, not at all. The word was (and yes, I too cannot read or pronounce the word, so you are not alone AND I had to type this from the advertisement image) ‘Ishshâh Nâshîym.
Around about this time in writing the entry, I realised that this is going to be a longer than usual post. This is purely because I am trying to capture three days’ worth of events in one entry. Splitting them up will loose the essence of what I am trying to say. So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and proceed reading. I am also only doing this in English, so sorry nê – geen Afrikaanse weergawe nie….
So the Greek aka Hebrew word means Woman. Lynn’s message was for us to shine and her page was a cutex bottle with glitter. It was higher grade stuff – making this cutex bottle. It involved a whole lot of folding and sticking things together with the green Tombow glue, NOT the blue one!
I ended up purchasing both from Tammy’s shop, only for it to probably lie in my bag for a year to dry out again (I don’t stick stuff in my bible that often). Eventually we got it right! She continued with her message to say that the word Shine stood out to her as she was preparing for the camp and the message she was to bring to all. We need to step into the role that we were created for.
The message from Soria Vermeulen was Daughter of the King
EnDeo Bible Journaling
Saturday morning, Soria Vermeulen (from EnDeo Bible Journaling) presented her class. Her message was Daugther of the King. An ever so delicate face made by a Cricut machine (everyone is on this bandwagon now about this machine and it can apparently do everything except make coffee and do your admin for you it seems). A very handy thing to have, especially if you are into Bible journaling. One day I will have one is one of the thoughts that I have had about this machine…..making my heart’s desires known to God in the process too…
So again there was a little bit of confusion. Not as much as the night before, but it also seemed every time I sat down to do a page, exhaustion overwhelmed me. Perhaps because I was relaxing and did not have to worry about meals for my family for an entire weekend? Anyway, the confusion was with the sticking of the delicate face….some people gave it lots of glue making it impossible to handle and stick down.
Soria finished off by reading a poem that someone wrote, confirming that we are strong women, no matter what happens to us. The Saturday afternoon it was Thea’s turn, from Thea se Poeierkamer. My word, all I can say is that I just LOVE this woman and her personality and sense of humor! She was the one that drew and painted all the Dollas van die Bybel as she calls them. The ones that were used to advertise the retreat.
Dollas van die Bybel
Thea van Rooyen – Thea se Poeierkamer
But first, before we can do anything, we have to fold something. This is Thea’s thing. There was a bit less confusion than last year. Those who attended will understand that the junk journal is just way above all of our heads and you need ten post graduate degrees to do that one it seems.
We folded our little envelope and then we could move onto the good and exciting part of the class. Making a cross with a Dolla van die Bybel on. She explained all of them, who they are and random Dollas were handed out to all the ladies. She further said that pencils and paint don’t talk back so you can do ANYTHING with them!
I believe that God gave each person the Dolla that they should have gotten, as there is a special message behind it for all of us. Part of the kit that we got was a sterfbed geheim hand made item from Thea. It looks like a doily and gives the cross just a bit of depth and texture. There was even a lady that just did not want Eve, but Eve kept on following her no matter what she tried to do!
Of course in between everything we were trying to rest and had our meals, which were lovely by the way, journaling in between. Now up to this point, if I had thought these pages and the cross that we had to make were higher grade, well I had it wrong.
Carolien’s class was higher grade, explaining the content and roots of the words God, Man and Woman.
Carolien presented the evening class. And she whipped out some Greek aka Hebrew words and meanings for us. I lost her half way through as my brain was just too tired to capture and grasp everything. But, I understood the core message. There is a little bit of God in a man and woman (please see the pictures in the gallery then this will make more sense).
And a little bit of a man and woman in each other. The same thing that is in the Greek aka Hebrew word for God, man and woman, gets removed when we fight and do not have God as the center of our lives. Then we are only left with fire and then we all know what fire does – everything is destroyed and goes up in flames so to speak.
This time round I had the privilege to serve people. Last year I was on the other side being served. Sobbing and crying like I have not done before. But I can tell you, all those tears, healed the wounds and scars that were left in my heart over time and by so many things that happened to me all through my life.
Just by the way – I was not always this chirpy happy person that I am now. I can feel the change in myself that God has brought over me since the Adorned Camp that I attended in 2021. My first camp. The life changing camp. The one where the Pink Feathers Range was born.
Being used by God was such a privilege. Never in my life have I experienced God in this way. He was talking to me in pictures. As we served people, He gave me visions. They seemed strange to me but when I shared them, the Holy Spirit did the rest and helped with the healing process in all the ladies.
Through all of the serving of ladies, God served me too through them. I received confirmation that I did hear correctly with Beroepsvrou (something doubt is trying to take away very so often) and I further received revelation about the black colour of my Beroepsvrou apron, something that I also was unsure of and why it had to be black.
Somewhere over the weekend (I forget whether it was the Saturday or Sunday), Carolien revealed the first Afrikaans bible, designed by her, which has been a process of two years! A gorgeous hard covered, ring bound bible, split between the old and the new testaments called Die Sierlike Kuns Bybel. She explained the Strelitzia flower on the cover and why she chose this. And I must say, this is something that wants to be done! In spite of all the challenges and delays, God made a way for this Bible to see the light!
Don’t compare your journey with the person next to you. The battle is normally in our minds.
Anri -Painted Lemons and Rochelle – LaRochelle Crafts
Sunday morning we were joined by Anri Erasmus (from Painted Lemons) and Rochelle Rossouw (from La-Rochelle Crafts). Man, I just love these two ladies. They are opposite of each other but complement each other so well! Again we had to do math on a Sunday morning. After all the crying and lack of sleep the night before, we had to cut and paste something after measuring it.
We were confused but we managed to get it right. And then of course Anri and her colour mixing came up, to mix flesh coloured water colours! We got it right, with a bit of effort and struggle, but we managed it! The essence of their message? Don’t compare your journey with the person next to you, the battle is normally in our minds.
The retreat was closed off by Thea and her folding again. Just in case we have an empty box of long life milk and needed a wallet of some sort. She showed us what to do, where to cut, place brads (I know them as split pins but the fancy scrapbooking term is brads) and then an elastic or string to close it up. So now we all know (and have forgotten again) how to make a full cream beursie.
We packed up, greeted and parted our ways. Of course I was almost half way home when I thought I had forgotten something. I turned around, rushing back like a mad thing, only to not find it there. Of course I had packed it up and put it in my suitcase without me even realising that I had done this. This just proved to me that not all the thoughts in our minds are from God….but maybe I had to go back to say goodbye a second time, for what ever reason!
Thea closed off the camp with the folding and cutting of a full cream beursie from an empty 1 litre box of long life milk.
It was fun being on the retreat, mom guilt tried to take over but the Holy Spirit showed me that us as woman need to spend time with Him alone too. Without our families. To fill up our cups. To get that intimate relationship with God going so that He can romance us, like Carolien said, filling us up with the truth that the devil tries to destroy with lies.
My prayer will always be that God will bless this ministry of Adorned through Christ to new levels, more, higher, all to the glory of His Name and Kingdom. So that women’s lives can be changed one page at a time. One entry at a time. One day at a time and one camp at a time.
The presentersThe poemThe Greek aka Hebrew wordThe Greek aka Hebrew words of Lord, Woman and ManThe new bible
It is Thursday morning. I woke up with sore muscles in places that I did not know had muscles. The reason? Death by Cross Fit the day before. My word, I did not know that my arms and so many other places can be stiff and sore from a WOD (Work out of the Day). I was sitting proverbially speaking, with my hands in my hair (and sometimes with hair in my hands too).
The entire week, actually the entire month, I have been thinking about this month’s scripture on the desk pad and I am not sure what I want to write about. But as time progresses and it becomes mid-September, I start to relate with the scripture even more than before…
It frequently feels as if I have this anxiety trying to squash my heart and breath from my body. It is 15 September and I am still trying to get through and finalise the admin tasks following the month of August. Why is it taking so long this month? I can just not figure out why it feels like I am held back when it comes to work!
My online shop for Beroepsvrou is faulty too, to top it all off! Suddenly, overnight the WooCommerceplug in (let me now use the fancy lingo so that I sound like some or other clever Trevor while I am busy) is just gone and not installed. HOW this happened is unknown. I do not know.
I experienced a fleeted moment of panic, tears wanting to overwhelm and consume me. My excitement of the past few days is almost stolen by this. It is as if it wants to tell me that I lied over the radio interview that I had. It is impossible for anyone to always look for the positive in everything.
And really, the trials and tribulations that I spoke about, how am I handling that now? Am I still walking around with a song in my heart? Why is my work now even further behind than what it was last week this time? Only 5 business days have passed since then, I am working everyday, feeling like I am running around like a headless chicken, not getting anything accomplished. WHY??????
Then I decide to go and read the scripture for this month again. Philippians 4:6-7 (AMP) Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].
Do not be anxious or worried about anything. Let us start there. Of course I am concerned and worried about time that is ticking by with the speed of white light, while my work pace seems to be that of a snail (not the snail in Turbo and at that speed – a real, genuine-enuine slooooooow snail’s pace it feels). Then on top of that, I am anxious about my online shop. WHY????? What now???? Must I redo everything? Back to my day job – how am I going to get everything submitted by the deadline date of 24 October 2022?
There is so much to do? I MUST exercise, that I am not going to give up for anything in this world. Because I know, if I do not exercise, I am going to lie around on the couch and become a potato so to speak. Then I may as well go and exercise and be productive and do something constructive. Ok God, I think to myself. I am now going to try REALLY HARD not to be anxious about ANYTHING that is bothering me. Done. Ticked off the list.
But in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to God. Ok, so this tells me that I must talk to God, prayer, something that I am doing, so I think I can tick this off my list. Petition this I am doing ever so often, especially with my crisis with the online shop. Do you have any idea how long it took to set up that shop?????
So I recon that I can tick that off my list too, because in my spirit I am crying. I cannot sit and physically cry, in the first place I am potentially going to look like I don’t know what, with make up smudging.
In the second place I am, in my opinion, only going to waste time by crying. I have things that have to be done, I cannot waste more time with crying. And thirdly, ag I don’t even know why I should not cry, I just know that I should not cry. That leaves me with the last part of the verse – thanksgiving.
I wonder what Paul (it was Paul that wrote the letter to the Philippians right?) meant with this. I think that I must praise God and be thankful that He is going to repair my online shop, that He will let time stand still so that I can get a head with my work and not feel like a failure the whole time. So, THANK YOU God for that which you are going to restore, have restored already and that which you are busy restoring as I am typing this.
And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. After typing away at the preceding paragraphs, it feels like I am feeling less anxious. The supernatural peace I know, I have experienced it A LOT in my life. Especially when I cease to try and do something myself, leaving it for God and His capable hands. Because let us face it – He is our Maker and His hands are more than capable. He is more than capable even if we still try and declare Him incompetent by taking everything onto ourselves.
My heart is feeling more at ease and my mind and heart, (that which springs forth all things in our lives), must also find peace. I must now start to speak as if it has been restored. Ok, I think I get it! Thank you God for the restoration on all levels of things that are bothering me, that things are going to be resolved in the blink of an eye (God you know my deadlines and pressure that I am under and I know that you are going to resolve everything very quickly). I pray this in the Name of Jesus! Amen and Amen!
I decide to move my focus to MY responsibilities. That which I am required to do now. I have someone that can assist with the online shop, hopefully a back up that can be restored or something simplistic like that. But my EDP work (the tax business), there I must move my bumb and work faster. The birds and angels are surely NOT going to do my work for me. I must still carry my weight there and do what I have to do!!
And the peace of God which transcends all understanding….I hear the words echo through my mind. I feel less anxious, in spite of the sore muscles and anxiety that I felt earlier. I know that everything will be resolved quickly! God is good ALWAYS!!
After I finished this entry, (the Afrikaans version), and started to focus on work again, the person that was assisting me with the webpage, let me know that the shop is in a working order. All the data is there. It is unexplainable as to WHY this happened and seems to be something that happens. I leave it at that and thank God for favor that follows me in all my days!
Dis Donderdagoggend. Ek word wakker met seer op plekke wat ek nie geweet het spiere het nie. Die rede? Death by Cross Fit die dag voor dit. Liewe aarde, ek het nie geweet my arms en als kan so styf wees van ‘n WOD (Work out of the Day) nie. Ek sit spreekwoordelik met my hande in my hare (en dan soms met hare in my hande ook nog).
Nou die hele week, eintlik hele maand al, loop ek met die skrif op die desk pad en is ek nie seker wat ek daaroor wil skryf nie. Maar soos wat die tyd aanstap en dit middel September se kant toe staan, begin ek meer vereenselwig met die teks.
Dit voel of ek kort-kort met ‘n beklemming om my hart sit. Dis 15 September en ek probeer nogsteeds van Augustus se administratiewe take en my eie maandeinde finaliseer en afsluit. Hoekom vat dit so lank die maand? Ek kan net nie my vinger op dit plaas oor hoekom dit net voel of ek vasgehou word en nie vorentoe kan beweeg met my werk nie!
Om alles te kroon, is my aanlyn winkel van Beroepsvrou foutief. Skielik oornag, is die WooCommerceplug in (laat ek nou maar klink soos hierdie ongelooflike slim IT boffin terwyl ek besig is) net weg en nie geinstalleer nie. HOE dit gebeur het weet Vet alleen. Want ek weet nie.
Ek het so ‘n oomblik van paniek, die trane wil-wil my kom verswelg, my opgewondenheid van die afgelope paar dae kom steel en weg vat. Dis amper asof dit vir my wil kom sê dat ek gejok het oor my radio onderhoud. Dis onmoontlik vir iemand om die positiewe altyd in alles te soek.
En regtig, die trials and tribulations waarvan ek gepraat het, hoe hanteer ek dit nou? Loop ek nogsteeds met ‘n lied in my hart? Hoekom is my werk nou nog verder agter as wat dit laas week die tyd was? Net 5 werksdae het verloop sedertdien, ek sit tog elke dag en werk, tog voel dit of ek soos ‘n mal vark rond hardloop en eintlik niks uitgerig kry nie. HOEKOM????
Dan besluit ek om maar net weer die skrif te lees. Filippense 4:6-7 Wees oor niks besorg nie, maar laat julle begeertes in alles deur gebed en smeking met danksegging bekend word by God. En die vrede van God, wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal julle harte en julle sinne bewaar in Christus Jesus.
Wees oor niks besorg nie. Kom ons begin daar. Natuurlik is ek besorg oor die tyd wat aanstap teen die spoed van witlig en ek wat werk teen ‘n slakke pas (nie die slak Turbo se spoed nie – ‘n regte egte staaaaaadige slak se pas voel dit). Dan bo op dit, is ek besorg oor my aanlyn winkel. HOEKOM??? Wat nou???? Moet ek alles oordoen??? Terug by my day job – hoe gaan ek die sper datum van 24 Oktober 2022 haal met belastingopgawes wat ingedien moet word?
Daar is so baie om te doen? Ek MOET oefen, dit gaan ek vir seker nie opgee nie. Want ek weet as ek nie gaan oefen nie, gaan ek net soos ‘n vrot vel op die bank lê en niks doen vir daardie uur nie, so ek kan net so wel maar gaan oefen en iets produktiefs doen. Ok Here, dink ek by myself. Ek gaan nou regtig BAIE HARD probeer om NIE BESORG te wees oor alles wat my pla nie. Done. Afgemerk.
Maar laat julle begeertes in alles deur gebed en smeking met danksegging bekend word by God. Goed, so die vertel vir my dat ek met die Here moet praat, gebed, wat ek doen, so ek dink ek kan hom afmerk van my lysie af. Smeking die doen ek gereeld, veral met my krisis van die aanlyn winkel. Het jy enige idee hoe lank dit gevat het om die winkel op te stel???????
So ek reken ek kan dit ook van my lysie af merk, want in my gees sit en huil ek. Ek kan nie nou sit en fisies huil nie, in die eerste plek gaan ek moontlik soos ek weet nie wat lyk, met grimering wat op al die verkeerde plekke gaan wees…
In die tweede plek gaan ek net tyd mors in my opinie. Om te huil. Ek het goed wat moet klaar, ek kan nie nog tyd mors om te huil nie. En derdens, ag ek weet eintlik nie eens hoekom ek nie moet huil nie, ek weet net ek moet nie. Dit los my met die laaste gedeelte van die vers – danksegging.
Ek wonder wat het Paulus (dit is mos Paulus wat die brief aan Filippense geskryf het?) met dit bedoel. Ek dink ek moet die Here dank dat Hy my webblad se winkel gaan herstel, dat Hy die tyd gaan laat stil staan en sodat ek net bietjie voor kan kom met my werk en nie soos ‘n mislukking voel nie. So, DANKIE HERE vir dit wat U gaan herstel, reeds herstel het en besig is om te herstel soos wat ek hierdie tik.
En die vrede van God, wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal julle harte en julle sinne bewaar in Christus Jesus. Na ek die bostaande paragrawe getik het, voel dit of ek rustiger begin raak. Die bonatuurlike vrede ken ek, ek het dit al BAIE in my lewe ervaar. Veral wanneer ek net ophou om iets self te probeer doen en dit los vir die Here en in Sy bekwame hande. Because let us face it – Hy is ons Skepper en Sy hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie. He is more than capable al probeer ons Hom onbevoeg verklaar deur alles op onsself te neem.
So my hart voel rustiger en my sinne, nou hier neem ek aan dit wat ek praat, want ek verstaan nie andersins wat dit sou wees nie, maar my sinne moet ook vrede kry. Ek moet nou begin praat asof alles reeds herstel is. Goed, ek dink ek het dit. Dankie Here vir die herstel op alle vlakke van goed wat my pla, dat dit sommer in ‘n japtrap uitgesorteer gaan word (Here U ken my druk en sperdatums en ek weet sommer U gaan dit vinnig uitklaar). Ek bid dit in die Naam van Jesus! Amen en Amen!
Ek besluit om maar my fokus te verskuif na wat EK nou moet doen. Ek het iemand wat my kan help met die webblad, hopelik ‘n back up of iets met die winkel herstel. Maar my EDP werk (die belasting besigheid), daar moet ek my boude beweeg en vinniger begin werk. Daar gaan die voëltjies en engele NIE my werk vir my doen NIE. Ek moet daar nogsteeds my kant bring en my deel doen!!
Die vrede van God, wat alle verstand te bowe gaan….eggo die gedeelte van die skrif vers in my gedagtes. Ek begin rustiger voel, ten spyte van al my seer spiere en beklemmings wat ek net nou gevoel het. Ek weet sommer dat alles vinnig uitgesorteer gaan word! God is goed altyd!!
Na ek die inskrywing getik het en weer begin werk het, laat weet die persoon wat my help met die webblad, dat die aanlyn winkel reg is. Al die data is daar. Dis onverklaarbaar oor HOEKOM dit gebeur, maar is blykbaar iets wat gebeur. Ek laat dit daar en dank die Here vir Sy goedheid en guns wat my volg in al my dae!
With a lump in my throat, sweat breaking out in strange places and child-like excitement, I got in my car and took the trip to Pretoria. It is Thursday 8 September 2022. I have been invited for an in studio interview at Radio Pulpit in Kilnerpark.
It would have been telephonic and I was comfortable with the idea of a telephonic interview. I reconed that I will be very comfortable in my room and then I must just pray that a Hadeda does not scream right by my bedroom window during the interview.
On short notice the telephonic interview was changed to an in studio interview. Arrangements are made to fetch kids from school (by a wonderful friend who selflessly and instinctively offered to help) and just like that, God let everything fall into place so that I could have this wonderful experience.
I was a bit paranoid that I would say something wrong and that I will clear my throat the whole time. And even more so about WHAT will be asked. Must I prepare? Must I ask them to tell me what they are going to ask me? How does one do this? How does it work?
I decided to rather not ask my hundred and ten questions and just to take it as it comes. All the way to Pretoria, I tried to recall the presenter’s name. I know it starts with a Ch but cannot remember anything else. Perhaps his name is Christo? I wonder by myself.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts, that I did not go slow enough around the bend, past the second tollgate close to Zambezi off ramp. I triggered a speeding camera….
I arrived at the building thinking how convenient it is to have Google Maps on my phone. It took me to the front door. At first I drove around the building and parking area, because I could not find the gate to the parking area. At reception I say that I have an interview with….(and then I search on my phone for the name) Charles. Thank goodness I did not call him Christo!
Charles’ spirit was so open to what God wanted to say through me, this in my opinion, made everything easier and smoother. Like a peanut I asked him for a photo (and I used the word neut in the sentence too, because, let us be honest, the moment is just too big and overwhelming and then we end up using wrong words on top of everything else).
He agreed immediately and we took a photograph together. The receptionist took one from me alone too and she did a good job to capture the moment. In studio Charles (now I must remind myself to type his name correctly) explains how everything works.
He refers to the headphones, I think he called them kanne, but I cannot remember if this was the right word. He explained to me how it works and that I will hear myself over the headphones. I asked him if it was not going to be weird? He answered by saying Yes a little, but also not too much. One gets used to it quickly.
He puts me at ease by telling me that he was also nervous the first few times that he was hosting as a presenter on the radio, so my feelings are quite normal. He offered to take a picture of me in the studio. If it was not for my ears my smile would have gone right around my head.
I was in my element! Charles gave a tip before hand – when greeting I must say Charles and listeners, so that the audience feels included in the interview. The red light goes on and the interview starts. Charles talks about my blog and readers and there my brain goes and grabs a hold onto the word readers rather than listeners.
I was on my nerves and greeted Middag Charles en lesers. In my mind I said listeners. But, none the less, the interview proceeded and the nerves that were gnawing disappeared in the blink of an eye. We talked and laughed and I forgot that I was in a studio.
The time flies by, I felt like talking more and sharing more with everyone about flamingos and why my business cards have flamingos on, why it reads Pink Feathers for God. The interview captured the essence of my blog so beautifully, explaining more what it is all about.
I am still in awe about what God did for me with this radio interview. I did not even KNOW it was something that I really wanted to do. He knew my heart’s desires even before I knew it and thought about it!
Afterward I was so overwhelmed by messages of people close to me. Some joked and said that I am famous. I just laughed, because I am still me. Of course, if I have to do a career change, I will choose radio!! I think I will enjoy chatting with people, day in and day out about their lives and what God has done for them.
Some of my clients also joked and asked if I do not have enough work to keep me busy. While driving home, I could not stop smiling. I even had a conversation with God, talking out loud in the car, saying to Him thank you soooooo much for this!!!!! It was sooooooo nice!!!!!
I want to close off by saying that I know God has big plans for those who love Him and obey Him. That is also all that He wants – obedience and an intimate relationship with Him. Make disciples of the nations. That is our task and the instruction given to us. Where I can, I chat with people about Jesus. Telling them what He has done for me in such a short time. What He is busy doing with Beroepsvrou.
Big things are coming. That I can feel in my spirit.To tell people about Him and why you must have Pink Feathers for God. And if you are still wondering about the Pink Feathers and Flamingos, contact me and then I will come and tell you and others at the same time about it. Why not?
Goeiemiddag Charles en lesers….I can still hear the error echo through my mind. I grin every time I think about it. This is God’s way of keeping us humble. We are not perfect. At least I did not say Christo! That would have been a disaster!!
Charles, I trust that you will be reading this entry. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for putting me at ease in the studio, explaining everything so nicely about what to do! To Radio Pulpit and Jeanine, thank you for the opportunity and privilege to share my story with the listeners (not readers).
Above all I want to thank God. That He fulfilled my heart’s desires that was not yet known to me. I am excited about what the future holds!
Met ‘n knop in my keel, sweet op ongewone plekke en kinderlike opgewondenheid, pak ek die pad Pretoria toe aan. Dis Donderdag 8 September 2022. Ek is genooi vir ‘n in studio radio onderhoud by Radio Kansel in Kilnerpark.
Dit sou eers telefonies gewees het en ek was gemaklik met die idee van ‘n telefoniese onderhoud. Ek het gereken ek kan op my gemak in my kamer wees, en net bid dat daar nie ‘n Hadeda skree reg by my kamer venster nie.
Op kort kennisgewing word dit verander na in studio toe. Reëlings word getref om die kinders na skool te gaan afhaal (deur ‘n wonderlike vriendin wat onbaatsugtig en instinktief geoffer het om uit te help) en die Here laat net alles in plek val sodat ek die wonderlike ervaring kan beleef.
Ek was paranoid dat ek verkeerd gaan praat en heeltyd gaan keel skoonmaak. Nog meer ook oor WAT gevra gaan word. Moet ek voorberei? Moet ek vir hulle vra watter vrae gaan hulle vra? Hoe doen mens dit? Hoe werk dit?
Ek besluit toe om maar nie al my honderd en tien vrae te vra nie en dit net te vat soos dit kom. Al die pad Pretoria toe probeer ek die omroeper se naam onthou. Ek weet dit begin met ‘n Ch maar kan niks verder onthou nie. Is sy naam Christo dalk? Wonder ek by myself.
Ek was so ingedagte dat ek nie stadig genoeg gery het om die draai na die tweede tolhek naby Zambezi nie. Ek laat toe ‘n spoed kamera afgaan…..
Ek kom by die gebou aan, Google maps se aanwysings is darem maar gerieflik is dit nie? Dit vat my tot by die voordeur van die Radio stasie. Ek ry eers om die gebou en parkeer area omdat ek nie die hek kon sien nie. By ontvangs sê ek dat ek ‘n onderhoud met….(en soek toe op my foon die naam) Charles het. Gelukkig het ek nie hom Christo genoem nie.
Charles se gees was so oop en ontvanklik vir dit wat die Here deur my wou sê, dit het sommer, in my opinie, alles makliker en gladder laat verloop. Ek het soos ‘n neut vir hom gevra vir ‘n foto (en het die woord neut in die sin gebruik want, kom ons wees eerlik, mens voel so bietjie oorweldig deur als en die oomblik en praat deurmekaar en gebruik vreemde woorde).
Hy het dadelik ingestem en ons het ‘n foto saam geneem. Die ontvangsdame het een van my alleen ook geneem, en sy het ‘n goeie werk gedoen om die oomblik vas te vang. In die studio beduie Charles (nou moet ek myself heeltyd herinner om die regte naam te tik) hoe alles werk.
Hy verwys na die oorfone, ek dink hy het hulle kanne genoem, maar ek kan nie onthou nie. Hy verduidelik hoe dit werk en dat ek myself sal hoor in die oorfone. Ek vra toe of dit nie weird gaan wees nie? Hy antwoord en sê Ja so bietjie maar ook nie eintlik nie. Mens raak dit maklik en vinnig gewoond.
Hy vertel my dat hy ook maar op sy senuwees was die eerste paar keer dat hy op die radio as omroeper was, so my gevoelens is heel normaal. Hy bied aan om ‘n foto te neem in die studio. As dit nie was vir my ore op my kop nie, sou my glimlag reg rondom my kop gegaan het.
Ek was omtrent in my element! Charles gee ‘n tip voor die tyd – wanneer ek groet, moet ek Charles en luisteraars groet, sodat die gehoor ingesluit voel in die onderhoud. Die rooi lig gaan aan en die onderhoud begin. Charles praat van die blog en lesers en daar gryp my brein die woord lesers eerder as luisteraars aan.
Ek was op my senuwees en groet toe Middag Charles en lesers. In my kop het ek gesê luisteraars. Maar nie te min, die onderhoud gaan voort en die senuwees wat geknaag het verdwyn soos mis voor die son. Ons gesels en lag en ek vergeet ek is in ‘n studio.
Die tyd vlieg verby, ek voel ek wil nog vertel en deel met almal, oor flaminke en hoekom my besigheidskaartjies flaminke op het en hoekom daar Pienk Vere vir die Here op staan. Die onderhoud het egter die essence van die webjoernaal (kom ons gebruik die mooi Afrikaanse woord) vasgevang en waaroor die webjoernaal gaan.
Ek sit nou nog in verwondering oor wat die Here vir my gedoen het met die radio onderhoud. Ek het nie eens GEWEET dit was iets wat ek graag wou doen nie. Hy ken my hartsbegeertes nog voor ek dit geweet en gedink het!
Na die tyd was ek oorweldig met boodskappe van mense na aan my wat geluister het. Sommige spot en sê ek is nou famous en dan lag ek net. Want ek is steeds net ek. Natuurlik as ek ‘n career change moet doen sal ek radio kies!! Ek dink ek sal heeldag en aldag met mense wil gesels en onderhoude voer en hoor waaroor gaan hul lewens en wat die Here vir hulle gedoen het.
Sommige van my kliënte spot en vra of ek nie genoeg werk het nie. Soos wat ek terug ry huis toe, kon ek nie ophou glimlag nie. Ek gesels sommer hardop met die Here en sê vir Hom soooooo baie dankie vir die!!!! Dit was soooooo lekker!!!!!
Soos wat ek afsluit, weet ek net dat die Here groot planne het vir die wat Hom lief het en die wat gehoorsaam is aan Hom. Dit is ook al wat Hy soek – gehoorsaamheid en ‘n intieme verhouding met Hom. Maak dissipels van al die nasies. Dis ons opdrag. Waar ek kan, gesels ek met mense oor Jesus. Vertel ek wat Hy alles vir my gedoen het in ‘n kort tyd. Wat Hy besig is om te doen met Beroepsvrou.
Groot dinge lê nog voor, dit kan ek sommer voel in my gees. Om mense te gaan vertel van Hom en hoekom jy Pienk Vere vir die Here moet hê. En as jy nog wonder oor die Pienk Vere en Flaminke, kontak my dan kom vertel ek sommer vir jou en ‘n klomp mense almal saam. Hoekom dan nou nie?
Goeiemiddag Charles en lesers….eggo my blaps nog deur my gedagtes. Ek grinnik elke keer as ek daar aan dink. Dis God se manier om ons humble te hou. Ons is nie perfek nie. Ten minste het ek nie gesê Christo nie. Dit sou ‘n ramp gewees het!
Charles, ek glo jy gaan die inskrywing lees. Uit die diepte van my hart, so baie dankie dat jy my op my gemak laat voel het en mooi beduie het wat om te doen! Aan Radio Kansel en Jeanine, dankie vir die geleentheid en absolute voorreg om my storie met die luisteraars (nie lesers nie) te kon deel.
Bo alles wil ek net die Here bedank. Dat Hy my hartsbegeertes wat nog nie by my opgekom het nie, kom vervul het! Ek is opgewonde oor wat die toekoms inhou!
Just the other day I was driving in my car. I decided to listen to Spotify via the blue tooth of the car. I felt like listening to a specific song, which I found and started to play.
You see, the first time when I heard this song, which my sister-in-law introduced me to, I thought, jôh, it is a bit of a wild one. But it grows on you. I realise more and more that there is somewhere a techno rocker inside me that wants to break free for a spot in the sun.
As I was sitting in my car, jamming and singing (yes I am one of those people that look weird to other drivers), I thought to myself that this is HOW I feel about Jesus. I really have this urge in me to tell everyone about Him. And which I am pretty much doing.
As the guy sings in the song Lemme Tellya, it is as if he is hammering on Jesus and you cannot help but to sing along JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! Well, this was just a quick feel good post. A little something to listen to and to jam on if the opportunity presents itself.
I relive the words of the song I am closing off this entry, thinking of my head bobbing and jamming moment in the car….Lemme tellya ’bout Him, Jesus is His name. And I’m all about Him, I live to bring Him praise. He is the way and the truth and the life, God is three in one. Reigning undefeated, our God has overcome. Jesus (Jesus) Jesus (Jesus) Jesus (Jesus)…..
Net laas week ry ek in die kar. Ek besluit toe om na Spotify te luister oor die Bloutand (blue tooth) van die kar. Ek is toe sommer lus vir ‘n spesifieke liedjie wat ek toe opsit.
Nou kyk, die eerste keer toe ek die liedjie hoor, my skoonsussie het my aan hom blootgestel, toe dog ek jôh, hy is bietjie wild. Maar, dit groei op mens. Ek besef opnuut ek het iewers ‘n techno rocker binne in my wat wil uitkom.
Soos wat ek sit en jam in die kar, al singende (ja ek is daai een wat weird lyk vir ander bestuurders) dink ek by myself dat dit is OOK hoe ek voel oor Jesus. Ek voel regtig hierdie drang in my om net vir almal te vertel van Hom. En wat ek pretty much doen.
Soos die ou sing in die liedjie Lemme Tellya hammer hy op Jesus en jy kan nie anders as om saam te juig JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! nie. Nou ja, die was net ‘n vinnige feel good post. So ietsie om te luister en net saam op te jam as die geleentheid homself voordoen.
Ek herleef weer die woorde van die liedjie soos wat ek hierdie inskrywing afsluit en dink aan my kop knikkende jamming (daar is maar net nie ‘n lekkerder woord as jamming om te gebruik nie) oomblik in die kar… Lemme tellya ’bout Him, Jesus is His name.And I’m all about Him, I live to bring Him praise. He is the way and the truth and the life, God is three in one. Reigning undefeated, our God has overcome. Jesus (Jesus) Jesus (Jesus) Jesus (Jesus)…..
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