We all know that there are different seasons and that they all come to an end while moving over to the next one. Not just physical seasons like summer, winter, autumn and spring. No. Emotional and spiritual seasons too.
As it is written in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything. I think Solomon thought DEEP about things and managed to capture it in words so that we can read it decades and generations later. When I was younger, many of the things he wrote did not make sense to me at all.
But now that I have come of age (how is that for a fancy way of speaking English?) and am perhaps a bit wiser, and I also believe the closer I move to God, many more things start to make sense to me. You see, when you are young, you believe so many lies. Like that 40 is so far away. People that have been out of school for 24 years are old. And that life will stay the same for ever.
Well then. At age 41 I know that 40 is much closer as what I could ever imagine and that 50 is just a nudge away it feels. I AM now part of the people that have been out of school for 24 years, I do not feel ancient, so that statement cannot be true.
The biggest lie that exists is, is that life will stay the same for ever. This is actually two lies caught up into one. Firstly, nothing in life stays the same and secondly no one lives for ever.
So what am I actually trying to say with all my philosophical sayings and thoughts? Well, today, a curve ball was bowled my way and now I must play the shot. I hope I will be able to hit it for a 6, but, I will only know later and not as quickly as one normally knows in a 20/20 cricket match.
You see, the dynamics in our firm is changing. My little sister, the sister from another mister, the trainee (who has not been a trainee for a long time) has to spread her wings. She is ready to leave the nest. To leave footprints of light in the world.
I truly hope that she charged enough with us, not that we are the main source of energy and light. But I believe that we were (and are) like one of the stations where you can recharge your vehicle (the electronic type) to take you further on your journey.
I believe that we are plugged into the Main Source, namely God, and that we managed to carry out His message as we went about working. We laughed a lot, cried a bit less and many times out of frustrations about circumstances that are beyond our control, just looked at each other, shaking our heads and moved on with what needed to be done.
I mean, what employer asks a friend of the bride if she works with her (that while she was working with me)? We still laugh about that extreme blonde moment that I had. But that is how I saw her – rather a little sister or friend than an employee.
I pray that we equipped her with the knowledge the world expects her to have i.t.o. her training and qualification. That she will be more than a gain for any employer. Was it not Richard Branson that had this awesome quote?
Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they do not want to. I truly hope that we got the first part of the quote right and that the reason for her leaving is not due to us abusing and mistreating her.
Maréchelle, you will be missed. I saw you grow up in front of my eyes. From a shy 21 year old girl, to a confident woman and mother with knowledge and wisdom. Stay the person who you are. Make deep impressions in other people’s hearts like you did in ours. Most important of all – let your light shine, as brightly as it possibly can.
With sadness (I could not find the appropriate word for heimweë in English – all I could find is homesickness and that seems to be the wrong word to use) we are now watching how the little bird is ready to leave the nest and spread her wings. We said our goodbyes and cried our tears today. Lynette Berger of Probeta and EI Activator said that someone once told her Jump but build your wings on the way down. There is never a right time in ones life. You must just trust God with the decisions that you have made. Maréchelle, may your wings be built as you take this leap of faith. We are rooting for you from the sidelines!

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