With much gratitude, I tore off the Arpil (yes you are reading correctly with a spelling mistake) page and threw THE BIGGEST MISTAKE in the dustbin. What am I talking about? My desk pad calendar, part of the Pink Feathers range that I designed and sold towards end of 2021 and beginning of 2022.
The page for April looked terrible. Curled up on the one side with dirty marks all over and pretty much what it looks like at the end of each month. My notes block was full of comments this time.
Interesting, how for years I managed to work without one and now I almost cannot function without it. Anyway, back to May’s scripture and entry.
This is probably one of my most favourite scriptures. The one for May. Where God talks directly to each and every person. Not only a select few. Everyone. His children. He knows what plans He has for us.
This gives me child-like excitement to think of this, even if I have frustrations in my life and how things just turn out and work. I do know that the plans that God has for me are PROSPEROUS and not that of failure, exhaustion and any other negative thought and word you can think of. Even if, at times, it feels as if things are not going my way.
I have been thinking about this verse and what God actually meant with this. Prosperity on earth or prosperity for the rest of our lives, including after we passed away?
I think it is for both. While we are on earth only for the blink of an eye and then also the never ending life after death. You see, we may think that we are suffering on earth, because we do not have everything that we want and because things do not happen as they should.
But, I realise again, that, we must actually look forward to dying too. The time áfter our time on earth, cannot be anything but prosperous. We are going to Heaven. To be with Him. Now I am not saying that everyone must walk around with a Slipper Lip, muttering and mumbling about everything here and just waiting to die (like my great-grandmother used to answer me when I greeted her – this is a story for another day).
No! Live life to the fullest! Address that which needs to be addressed in the Spirit, and claim that which needs to be claimed. In the process you must show people what it is to be a true Christian. Helping them to look forward to prosperous plans from God. Sometimes we as Christians, go through life without much joy, that people who are not Christians, just give us one look and then decide by themselves “No thank you! If this is what a Christian looks like, then I do not want to be one!”
At first, I typed something totally different, off topic and then I decided to delete it and to rather focus on that what God has laid on my heart about the verse. Interesting how easy and quickly we can get distracted with that which God has showed you and then you start believing a lie rather than the truth…
I always say, God ALWAYS KNOWS BETTER. Read that again. Even if everything in your life feels distorted, not at all how YOU planned it to be. Rest assured. God knows better. We as humans are ALWAYS where we should be. The Holy Spirit also whispered to me, as I move around, thinking about this entry, that we as people, place our hope, happiness and plans on people rather than on Him. Shocking but true.
Our happiness, satisfaction with life and so many other things, are determined by people – so we think. Sometimes the people we think determines our happiness is ourselves, other times it is other people. But actually that is such a wrong outlook on life – that we will only be happy if this, that and the next thing happens….
Sometimes we stay in certain situations for longer, because we do not pass the test. We fall hook, line and sinker again for that which are our challenges. We must learn to listen, trusting Him and that He will provide us with everything we need and when we need it.
We do not always understand why things do not work out the way it should. But when I look back, I choose to see God’s hand in everything. Being grateful for my own personal growth in the process. And then to look forward and wait for His perfect timing. God is always terribly on time.
The whispering in my spirit continues….I know (with the emphasis being on I – this is God speaking by the way if you lost what I am trying to say here)…not Susan knows or any other name that you can think of. No, God speaks here in the first person is it? Because it is HE who knows. Like the verse from April, I do not think there are going to be chapters and chapters about this scripture.
No, this is as simple as that. Trust Him because He knows what plans He has for me and you. Plans of prosperity. Plans to give me and you a hopeful future. Hopeful. Keep on believing, dreaming and hoping I hear the Holy Spirit’s whispering in my spirit…

Want Ek weet…