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The Ethics training – month 4 (a month to reflect on)

Back to my training, which I am trying hard to catch up (by the way). During April, which is now my month 4 for the journaling side of the ethics training, I did not get to doing what I had worked so hard to keep up and do daily for about 5 to 10 minutes.

The journaling was few and far between. On 25 April 2022 (note the impossible time of the month that I make this decision – I often wonder if that is just part of my personality type according to Tall Trees – to choose the busiest times to do things?). Ok back to the date that I decided that I had to MAKE time to sit and just catch up again on the journaling. After doing the third day’s journaling (all in one day) I realised how much I missed this part of the course. The journaling and getting my thoughts written onto paper.

At this point in time, I feel like an epic fail when it comes to my continuous ethics training, because nothing about it seems continuous. It feels like I am always and forever catching up with things that fell behind! And now the same is happening AGAIN with this training…

I did not even have time to write this piece like I normally do when I feel the inspiration coming, because it has just been busy with work, kids, school and just coping with the colder weather…coping with the cold fronts seems to be taking my energy, because it is not that easy to get up early any more.

So I decided this time around to jot down some notes that came to mind, just so that I do not forget what I want to write about. I also meant to write this article three weeks ago and not now only (actually even earlier but anyway). Now, what I can see that is busy happening, not relating to ethics at all, but rather to my blog, is that I have notebooks ALL OVER THE SHOW! I try to use one dedicated notebook for the blog prompts that I want to keep track of.

But I have a few lying around that I make different notes in (different books for different things). Some sort of order but also not really. To any outside person it will seem like chaos, but I know what is going on there. For how long, I am not sure. It is like I have this overflow of words and thoughts that need to come out and be placed into order somehow.

Many days I wonder what it would be like if writing was my job? Would I find it as satisfying as I do now or would I feel meh about it like I sometimes feel towards my day job, especially during pressure times? Man, here I lost track yet again about what I wanted to say!!

So working through month 4’s journal prompts, I realised that this was a month to reflect on. Reflecting on thoughts, statements and just things. Some of the reflecting journal prompts were like tongue twisters to me! Like that of day 13. Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks. Say this one 3 times fast….

I also realised that this journaling that is incorporated into the ethics training might not seem like everyone’s cup of tea. I know I frowned upon it when I started, thinking WHAT is THIS going to help me? But, later on, I realised that I was wrong and that these journal prompts (which only starts at month 2 if I am not mistaken) are actually just things to get your thoughts going…to start thinking about life differently.

Soooooo….hopefully I will be able to catch up on some journal prompts for months 5 to 7 all in one month AND catch up on the training videos and assessments so that I can finish in the month that I am supposed to finish and have the certificates as proof that I did do continuous ethics training throughout the year… (and not have all of the certificates issued on the same day).

I know I say this every month and I truly hope that I can find a gap between the deadlines and sign off dates of financials and audits to manage this. Not even talking about juggling the family and kids in between all of this…until I write again about the next month(s) experience…thus far it has been a very satisfying journey, even if it sometimes takes a lot of time to catch up when falling behind, frustrating me, but, that is life I suppose….?

Die etiese opleiding – maand 4 (‘n maand van refleksie)
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Die etiese opleiding – maand 4 (‘n maand van refleksie)

Terug by my opleiding, wat ek so hard probeer om op te vang (net so tussen ons). Gedurende April, dis nou my maand 4 van die joernaal inskrywings, het ek nie by my daaglikse 5 tot 10 minute take uitgekom om aan te hou met dit wat ek so hard voor gewerk het om op datum te (probeer) hou nie…ek het ALWEER agter geraak!

Die joernaal inskrywings maar aan die min en dun kant, so te sê. Op 25 April 2022 (let op hoe ek onmoontlike datums en tye kies om goed te doen – ek wonder baie of dit deel is van my persoonlikheidstipe volgens Tall Trees…?). Goed so terug by my sin, op daardie datum besluit ek dat ek MOET tyd maak om net weer op te vang met alles wat verwag en vereis word. Nadat ek die derde dag se inskrywings gedoen het (alles in een dag) besef ek hoe baie ek hierdie deel van die kursus gemis het – die joernaal inskrywings en om my gedagtes aan die gang te kry.

Op hierdie tydstip, voel ek soos ‘n epic fail soos die kinders sal sê wanneer dit kom by my voortdurende etiese opleiding, want niks van dit voel vir my voortdurend nie. Ek voel of ek alewig besig is om goed op te vang wat agter geraak het! En nou gebeur dieselfde WEER met hierdie opleiding….

Ek het nie eens tyd om hierdie stuk te skryf soos ek normaalweg doen wanneer ek voel of inspirasie aan die voordeur klop nie. Dit was net BESIG tussen kinders, werk, skool en net om te cope met die kouer weer….om aan te pas met die koue voel of dit al my energie tap, want dis wragties nie meer maklik om vroeg op te staan nie.

Die keer besluit ek om maar ‘n paar nota’s in ‘n boek te skryf, soos wat hulle hul opwagting maak in my gedagtes, net om seker te maak ek vergeet nie wat ek wou sê en skryf nie. Ek het ook bedoel om die artikel al 3 weke terug te skryf en nie nou eers nie (eintlik seker vroeër maar in elkgeval). Wat ek nou sien besig is om te gebeur, niks met etiese opleiding uit te waai nie, maar eerder my blog en alles wat met dit saam gaan, is dat ek notaboeke ORAL het!! Ek probeer een gespesifiseerde notaboek gebruik vir die blog inspirasie wat ek probeer orden.

Maar ek het ‘n paar wat rondlê waarin ek verskillende nota’s maak (verskillende notaboeke vir verskillende dinge). Soort van orde maar ook seker nie regtig nie. Vir enige buitestaander sal dit soos chaos voorkom, maar ek weet wat daar aangaan. Vir hoe lank is ‘n ander vraag vir ‘n ander dag. Dis asof ek hierdie oormaat idees en woorde het wat net moet uit kom en in een of ander orde geplaas moet word.

Baie dae wonder ek hoe dit sou wees as skryf my day job was. Sou ek dit so bevredigend gevind het soos nou of sou ek meh oor dit gevoel het, soos ek soms in druk tye voel oor my day job? Liewe aarde, daar verloor ek weer heeltemal die punt wat ek wou sê!

Goed, so terug by die joernaal inskrywings – soos wat ek deur die prompts (by gebrek aan ‘n beter Afrikaanse woord) werk vir maand 4, besef ek dat dit ‘n maand is om oor te reflekteer. Reflekteer oor gedagtes, standpunte en net goed. Van die daaglikse prompts was soos ‘n tongue twister vir my! Soos die van dag 13. Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks. Sê dit nou 3 keer vinnig…

Ek het ook besef dat hierdie joernaal inskrywings wat saamgestel en ingesluit is in hierdie etiese opleiding, is nou nie vir almal nie. Mense sal dalk selfs sê Dis vir die voëls en ek is nie ‘n voël nie. Ek weet ek het self gefrons aan die begin toe ek dit sien. Ek het by myself gedink HOE gaan DIT my help? Wel, ek was verkeerd en het later besef dat hierdie journal prompts (wat eers by maand 2 begin as ek nou reg onthou) eintlik maar net goed is om jou gedagtes aan die gang te kry….om anders te begin dink oor die lewe.

Soooooo….hopelik sal ek bietjie kan opvang op die gebied vir die volgende paar maande van maand 5 tot 7 toe, alles in een maand EN hopelik opvang op die opleiding videos en assesserings sodat ek kan klaar maak in die maand waarin ek veronderstel is om klaar te maak. Ek moet sertifikate as bewyse hê dat ek wel deurlopende etiese opleiding gehad het gedurende die jaar….(almal is nie veronderstel om op een dag uitgereik te word nie).

Ek weet ek sê dit elke maand en ek hoop regtig dat ek ‘n gaping gaan vind tussen die sperdatums en afteken van finansiële state, oudits en wie weet wat nog alles aan die gang is werksgewys. Nie eens te praat van al die balle wat ek in die lug probeer hou wat familie en kinders aanbetref nie….tot ek weer skryf oor die volgende maand se ervaring….tot dusver was dit ‘n baie bevredigende reis gewees, selfs al neem dit soms baie tyd om op te vang wanneer ek agter geraak het, iets wat my baie frustreer, maar, dis die lewe seker….?

The Ethics training – month 4 (a month to reflect on)
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The days of the week…

Walking past a local shop the other day, I saw an advertisement in the window (people exercising and rather advertising the fitness watch not promoting the exercise taking place) saying “There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them.” Catchy and true. However. I feel I can add to that – oneday is also not one of the seven days of the week.

This phrase made me think, forced me to whip out my phone as I entered the Clicks to just jot this down to remember that I want to write about this. That is the thing with me and writing – inspiring ideas come at random times and if I do not catch the essence at that very moment, then I miss the boat with writing an entry about that!

So something I say often is “Oneday”. My Sister-from-another-Mister aka Dora knows this saying all to well. I will walk around mumbling to her, “Oneday Dora, oneday….” and then I continue the conversation. She always laughs and responds by saying “Yes Elsie, oneday…” and then we part our ways to do our jobs.

Before I noticed this advertising slogan in the shop, I remembered of a cartoon I saw before. Something that I had been wanting to write about for a while now. This slogan just inspired me and got me to writing this piece. What a mission it was to find the cartoon, but I managed to find it on the internet and include it in this post. This to me is the best way to show procrastination and delaying what you know needs to be done.

In Afrikaans we have a saying Van uitstel kom afstel and that is so true. Why are we waiting before we start to be the best versions of ourselves? What are we waiting for? Why do you want to wait for your work to be less demanding before you just start exercising? Why do you wait until the children are bigger before taking on a new project or opportunity that comes your way?

Why do we wait? Sometimes I think it is the fear of the unknown. Or perhaps the known. For years I was praying to God to let me please, pretty please, LOVE exercise. Well, let me tell you, I stopped and started exercising so many times before, I lost count. This was for about 10 years, from late 20’s to mid to late 30’s that I had this thing that Oneday I will exercise.

Guess what happened? Oneday I woke up and I realised that I was almost 40. So when am I going to start? If I do not make Oneday or Someday a part of my plan to execute in my own life, well, then it will never happen. So to get back to the fear of the (un)known. I KNOW what it feels like to exercise the first time, after not doing anything for a long time.

That feeling SUCKS let me tell you. You feel like a train hit you while running the Comrades, all in one. I think that was what held me back with truly starting with the one thing I wanted to do for so long. The other thing for me, that I want to accomplish, is to eat better. Oh man, I just LOVE food. I sometimes feel like eating the whole fridge, just because I have cravings. Let us admit this – we ALL have cravings!

And then I start to complain I am fat, like in the comic strip. And then you decide you want to make a choice to eat better and to “diet” (which is something I could never do before in any event) and then when Monday arrives, the day that you HAVE to start eating healthier, you just don’t feel like it.

Because you KNOW what it is going to be like. For 21 days you are going to struggle, craving things, being put into temptation, etc. And then, one day, you just decide THIS IS IT and you start by making small little changes, not big changes. When you look back, you will see the progress you have made, but while you are in the process, taking it one day at a time, you sometimes feel like giving up hope, because you feel you cannot do it anymore.

What ever it is that you are struggling with (these are just two of my struggles, which I still struggle with to this day, but manage better now than when I was younger), all I can say is JUST DO IT. Just start. Do not procrastinate! You will procrastinate your life away and then one day you will wake up, 20, 30 or even 40 years from now, being much older than what you are now, regretting that you postponed for so long.

Don’t go through life wanting to start Next Monday or Someday or Oneday! Start today! What are we?? Fat!!!!!! Do something about that which is making you feel fat (figuratively speaking too, not only physical) and unworthy and change that. My motto is to be the best version of myself, everyday. I don’t get it right everyday, but I surely try!

Die dae van die week…
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Die dae van die week…

Terwyl ek verby ‘n plaaslike winkel stap die ander dag, sien ek ‘n advertensie die venster (een van mense wat oefen, maar wat eerder die fiksheidshorlosie adverteer as die oefening wat die mense doen) wat lees There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them. Dit was vir my catchy en waar. Ek voel egter ek kan byvoeg tot dit – ONEDAY is ook nie een van die sewe dae van die week nie.

Die slagspreuk het my laat dink, my geforseer om my foon uit my handsak te ruk soos wat ek by die Clicks instap, net om ‘n nota hiervan te maak sodat ek kan onthou waaroor dit was wat ek wou skryf. Dis die ding met my en skryf – inspirerende idees kom op die onmoontlikste tye voel dit en as ek die nie kruks van dit waaroor ek wil skryf vasvang op daardie presiese oomblik nie, vergeet ek wat dit is wat ek wou skryf!

Iets wat ek gereeld sê is “Eendag”. My Sister-from-another-Mister aka Dora ken die sê-ding van my al te goed. Ek sal rond loop en mompel vir haar “Oneday Dora, oneday….” dan sit ek die gesprek voort. Sy lag altyd en reageer deur te sê “Yes Elsie, oneday…” en dan gaan ons weer ons gang en doen ons werk.

Voor ek die advertensie met die slagspreuk gewaar het, onthou ek van ‘n strokiesprent wat ek voorheen gesien het. Iets waaroor ek vir ‘n geruime tyd al wou skryf. Die slagspreuk van die advertensie het my net geinspireer en my aan die gang gekry om die stuk te skryf. Wat ‘n storie was dit om die strokiesprent te vind! Ek het hom darem opgespoor en sluit hom in by die stuk. Dit is vir my, die beste uitbeelding van procrastination en uitstel van iets wat jy WEET gedoen moet word.

Daar is nie verniet ‘n slagspreuk wat lees Van uitstel kom afstel nie, en dis so waar!! Hoekom wag ons voor ons begin om die beste weergawes van onsself te wees? Waarvoor wag ons? Hoekom wil jy wag vir jou werk om minder demanding te wees voor jy begin met oefening? Hoekom wil jy wag tot jou kinders groter is voor jy ‘n nuwe projek of geleentheid aangryp wat jou kant toe kom?

Hoekom wag ons? Soms dink ek dis die vrees vir die onbekende. Of dalk die vrees vir die bekende? Vir jare het ek gebid en God gevra om my asseblief, groot asseblief, LIEF te maak vir oefening. Wel, laat ek jou vertel, ek het al soveel keer begin en opgehou met oefening, ek het al telling verloor. Dit was seker vir omtrent 10 jaar, van my laat 20’s tot middel tot laat 30’s wat ek hierdie ding gehad het dat ek Eendag gaan oefen.

Raai wat het gebeur? Eendag word ek wakker en besef dat ek amper 40 jaar oud was! So WANNEER gaan ek begin? As ek nie Eendag ‘n deel van my plan maak en deurvoer nie, gaan dit nooit gebeur nie. So, om terug te kom na die vrees van die (on)bekende. Ek WEET hoe dit voel om vir die eerste keer te oefen, na jy vir ‘n lang ruk niks gedoen het nie.

Daai gevoel SUCK laat ek jou vertel. Dit voel of ‘n trein jou getrap het terwyl jy die Comrades gehardloop het, alles in een. Ek dink dit was wat my terug gehou het vir so lank. Die ander ding vir my, wat ek wil bemeester, is om gesonder en beter te eet. Oh man ek is net te LIEF vir kos!! Soms voel dit vir my of ek die hele yskas kan opeet, net omdat ek cravings het. Ons kan maar dit erken – ons ALMAL het cravings een of ander tyd in ons lewe.

Dan begin ek gewoonlik kla ek is vet, soos in die strokiesprent. Dan besluit mens om ‘n keuse te maak om beter te eet en ‘n dieët te volg (iets wat ek eintlik nog nooit kon doen nie, in elkgeval, so ek probeer nie eens nie) en wanneer Maandag arriveer, die dag wat jy nou MOET gesonder eet, is jy gewoonlik nie lus nie.

En dis bloot omdat jy WEET hoe dit gaan voel. Vir 21 dae sukkel jy, cravings galore, word getempteer met allerhande ongesonde lekkernye, en so meer. En dan Eendag staan jy op en jy besluit DIS DIT en jy begin deur klein veranderinge te maak. Nie groot massiewe veranderinge nie, en, wanneer jy terug kyk, dan sien jy die vordering wat jy gemaak het, terwyl jy nog in die proses is, alles terwyl jy dit net eendag op ‘n slag vat. Soms voel mens verby moedeloos, lus om moed op te gee, want jy voel net jy kan nie aangaan nie.

Wat dit ookal is waarmee jy sukkel (hierdie is maar net twee van my goedjies waarmee ek sukkel, maar, wat ek beter bestuur as toe ek jonger was), is al raad wat ek vir jou het, JUST DO IT. Begin net. Moet nie prokrastineer nie. Jy sal jou lewe verby prokrastineer en dan Eendag word jy wakker, 20, 30 of selfs 40 jaar van nou af, baie ouer as wat jy nou is, met hope verwyt omdat jy vir so lank uitgestel het.

Moet nie deur die lewe gaan met die gedagte om Volgende Maandag of Eendag te begin nie! Begin vandag! What are we?? Fat!!!!!! Doen iets omtrent dit wat jou vet en onwaardig laat voel (spreekwoordelik gesê ook – nie net fisies nie) en verander dit. My motto is om die beste weergawe van myself te wees, elke dag. Ek kry dit nie elke dag reg nie, maar ek probeer wel bitter hard! Just do it!

The days of the week…
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For I know…

With much gratitude, I tore off the Arpil (yes you are reading correctly with a spelling mistake) page and threw THE BIGGEST MISTAKE in the dustbin. What am I talking about? My desk pad calendar, part of the Pink Feathers range that I designed and sold towards end of 2021 and beginning of 2022.

The page for April looked terrible. Curled up on the one side with dirty marks all over and pretty much what it looks like at the end of each month. My notes block was full of comments this time.

Interesting, how for years I managed to work without one and now I almost cannot function without it. Anyway, back to May’s scripture and entry.

This is probably one of my most favourite scriptures. The one for May. Where God talks directly to each and every person. Not only a select few. Everyone. His children. He knows what plans He has for us.

This gives me child-like excitement to think of this, even if I have frustrations in my life and how things just turn out and work. I do know that the plans that God has for me are PROSPEROUS and not that of failure, exhaustion and any other negative thought and word you can think of. Even if, at times, it feels as if things are not going my way.

I have been thinking about this verse and what God actually meant with this. Prosperity on earth or prosperity for the rest of our lives, including after we passed away?

I think it is for both. While we are on earth only for the blink of an eye and then also the never ending life after death. You see, we may think that we are suffering on earth, because we do not have everything that we want and because things do not happen as they should.

But, I realise again, that, we must actually look forward to dying too. The time áfter our time on earth, cannot be anything but prosperous. We are going to Heaven. To be with Him. Now I am not saying that everyone must walk around with a Slipper Lip, muttering and mumbling about everything here and just waiting to die (like my great-grandmother used to answer me when I greeted her – this is a story for another day).

No! Live life to the fullest! Address that which needs to be addressed in the Spirit, and claim that which needs to be claimed. In the process you must show people what it is to be a true Christian. Helping them to look forward to prosperous plans from God. Sometimes we as Christians, go through life without much joy, that people who are not Christians, just give us one look and then decide by themselves “No thank you! If this is what a Christian looks like, then I do not want to be one!”

At first, I typed something totally different, off topic and then I decided to delete it and to rather focus on that what God has laid on my heart about the verse. Interesting how easy and quickly we can get distracted with that which God has showed you and then you start believing a lie rather than the truth…

I always say, God ALWAYS KNOWS BETTER. Read that again. Even if everything in your life feels distorted, not at all how YOU planned it to be. Rest assured. God knows better. We as humans are ALWAYS where we should be. The Holy Spirit also whispered to me, as I move around, thinking about this entry, that we as people, place our hope, happiness and plans on people rather than on Him. Shocking but true.

Our happiness, satisfaction with life and so many other things, are determined by people – so we think. Sometimes the people we think determines our happiness is ourselves, other times it is other people. But actually that is such a wrong outlook on life – that we will only be happy if this, that and the next thing happens….

Sometimes we stay in certain situations for longer, because we do not pass the test. We fall hook, line and sinker again for that which are our challenges. We must learn to listen, trusting Him and that He will provide us with everything we need and when we need it.

We do not always understand why things do not work out the way it should. But when I look back, I choose to see God’s hand in everything. Being grateful for my own personal growth in the process. And then to look forward and wait for His perfect timing. God is always terribly on time.

The whispering in my spirit continues….I know (with the emphasis being on I – this is God speaking by the way if you lost what I am trying to say here)…not Susan knows or any other name that you can think of. No, God speaks here in the first person is it? Because it is HE who knows. Like the verse from April, I do not think there are going to be chapters and chapters about this scripture.

No, this is as simple as that. Trust Him because He knows what plans He has for me and you. Plans of prosperity. Plans to give me and you a hopeful future. Hopeful. Keep on believing, dreaming and hoping I hear the Holy Spirit’s whispering in my spirit…

Want Ek weet…
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Want Ek weet…

Met ‘n ongelooflike dankbare hart, skeur ek Arpil (jip jy lees reg met ‘n spelfout) se bladsy af en gooi die GROOTSTE FOUT in die asblik. Waarvan praat ek? My desk pad kalender, deel van die Pienk Vere reeks wat ek ontwerp en verkoop het.

April se bladsy het woes gelyk. Omgekrul aan die een kant en vuil gesmeer soos dit maar aan die einde van elke maand lyk by my. My nota’s blok was die maand vol geskribbel.

Interessant hoe ek vir jare sonder een gewerk het en nou amper nie sonder dit kan funksioneer nie. Elkgeval. Terug by Mei maand se skrif en inskrywing.

Dit is seker een van my gunsteling verse. Die een vir Mei. Waar die Here sommer so direk met elke mens praat. Nie net sekere mense nie. Almal. Sy volk. Hy weet watter planne Hy vir ons koester.

Dit maak my kinderlik opgewonde, al voel ek soms gefrustreerd met goed en hoe die lewe werk. Ek weet wel dat die Here se planne vir my VOORSPOED is en nie teëspoed nie. Al voel dit soms meer soos teëspoed as voorspoed.

Ek wonder baie oor die bybelvers en wat die Here eintlik met dit bedoel. Voorspoed op aarde of voorspoed vir die res van ons lewens, na die dood ingesluit?

Ek dink dis van beide. Terwyl ons ‘n oogwink op aarde is en dan ook die oneindige ewigheid na ons tyd op aarde. Jy sien, ons dink dalk dat ons nou suffer omdat ons nie alles het wat ons wil hê nie en omdat dinge gebeur soos dit doen.

Maar ek besef opnuut, dat ons eintlik moet uitsien om te sterf ook. Die tyd ná ons tyd op aarde kan nie anders as om voorspoedig te wees nie. Ons gaan dan Hemel toe. Na Hom toe. Ek sê nou nie almal moet soos Depressie Hessie rondloop en mor en mompel oor alles hier en eintlik maar net wag om dood te gaan nie (soos my ouma-grootjie my altyd geantwoord het as ek haar gegroet het nie – dis ‘n storie vir ‘n ander dag).

Nee! Leef voluit! Spreek aan dit wat aangespreek moet word in die Gees en eis dit wat geëis moet word. In die proses moet jy vir mense wys wat dit is om ‘n ware Christen te wees. Hulle help om uit te sien na die voorspoedige planne van God af. Soms is ons as Christene so dik-bek (by gebrek aan ‘n mooier meer ordentlike woord) dat mense wat nie Christene is nie, net een kyk vir ons gee en dan by hulself besluit “Nee dankie! As dit is hoe ‘n Christen lyk wil EK nie een wees nie!”

Ek het eers iets anders hier getik, heeltemal van die onderwerp af en besluit toe om dit uit te wis (hoe is dit vir pragtige Afrikaans?) en eintlik net meer te fokus op dit wat die Here in my hart vir my sit oor die vers. Interessant hoe maklik en vinnig mens eintlik distracted kan raak met dit wat die Here vir jou wys en dan begin jy die leuen glo…

Die Here WEET ALTYD BETER. Lees dit weer. Al voel dit hoe en wat en waar in jou lewe, glad nie soos JY beplan het dit moet wees nie. Wees gerus. Die Here weet beter. Ons as mense is ALTYD net daar waar ons moet wees. Die Heilige Gees het ook gefluister vir my, soos wat ek loop en dink oor die inskrywing, dat ons as mense, ons hoop, geluk en toekomsplanne eerder op mense plaas as Hom.

Ons geluk, tevredenheid met die lewe, en soveel ander dinge, word bepaal deur mense – so dink ons en gaan ons deur die lewe. Die mense is soms onsself en soms ander mense. Maar eintlik is dit so ‘n wan-persepsie – dat ons eers gelukkig sal wees as dit en dat en die volgende gebeur….

Soms vertoef ons langer in situasies, want ons slaag nie die toets nie. Ons val hook, line and sinker weer vir wat ookal ons uitdagings is. Ons moet leer om te luister, Hom te vertrou en dat Hy vir ons sal gee dit wat ons nodig het en wanneer ons dit nodig het.

Ons verstaan nie altyd hoekom goed nie uitwerk soos dit moet nie. Maar as ek terug kyk, kies ek om God se hand te sien in alles. Dankbaar te wees vir my eie persoonlike groei in die proses. En dan aan te hou vorentoe kyk en te wag vir Sy perfekte tydsberekening. God is always terribly on time.

Die fluistering in my gees hou aan… Ek weet…. (klem op die Ek in die sin – dis nou die Here wat hier praat as jy dalk nie volg nie) nie Sannie weet of enige ander naam wat jy aan kan dink nie. Nee, die Here spreek hier, in die eerste persoon is dit? Want dis HY wat weet. Soos met April se skrif vers dink ek nie hier gaan hoofstukke en hoofstukke wees oor die skrif nie.

Nee, dis so eenvoudig soos dit. Vertrou Hom want Hy weet watter planne Hy vir my en jou koester. Planne van voorspoed en nie van teëspoed nie. Planne om my en jou ‘n hoopvolle toekoms te gee. Hoopvol. Hou aan met glo, droom en hoop hoor ek die Heilige Gees se fluistering in my binneste…

For I know…
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Worrier or Warrior…. which one are you?

The other day I read a Bible plan on the application on my phone, something about being a worrier. That got me thinking. So much so that I COMPLETELY forgot to finish reading the article!

Back to being a worrier. I immediately got what they were implying. A worrier is someone that worries constantly, day in and day out. I then started this conversation with God in my head like I always do.

I don’t recall what was said from my side but just as I said Worrier I got a counter-offer so to speak from the Holy Spirit. I got the word Warrior. Now when you say both out loud they sound the same but they have such different meanings. Such words are Homophones are they not?

Of course it was me and Google again. The first attempt to find pictures for the two words failed and I was almost deflated that my blog entry will have a void. Luckily I tried again and managed to get what I was looking for.

Finding the correct images, was a challenge. But I managed to find what I perceive to be a correct reflection of the image and idea I had in my mind. Now this brings me to the next question. Which one are you? Worrier or warrior? You see, I don’t think God called us to be worriers. He called us to be warriors.

For those of you who do not know this yet – we, as humans, have been in a spiritual war ever since the beginning of time. Ephesians 6 tells us more about this and what we have to do to stay standing. The more I think about that scripture about the armour of God (typical of what a warrior would wear going to war and to fight a battle) the more it makes sense why Paul explained it like that.

The helmet of salvation – we have to protect our thoughts. What ever goes on in your mind will start becoming your actions and this will start changing your character…the devil is constantly trying to take over our thoughts because that is all he can do.

Breastplate of righteousness – this is my favourite piece of armour (if I can have a favourite). This is what I stand for and what God showed me the aprons that are sold on my online shop, also mean. Guarding your heart. Always being righteous, true, not false and deceitful.

Shield of faith – what else can keep away the lies that the devil tries to tell us daily? We must have faith that God WILL come through for us, that He is for us. Sword of the word of God (the Bible) – if we KNOW the truth that is contained in the Bible, we can destroy any lies and attacks thrown our way in this war. Remember – the character of the devil is that of a liar. He will bombard you with missiles called LIES. Hoping that they will reach your heart and thoughts causing you to explode into a million irreparable pieces.

Belt of the truth – oh man. This is HUGE. How many times do we tell half truths daily? Half truths are LIES! Do not tell the client that you have started with something when you have not even taken the file from the cabinet. Off topic – this makes me think of someone I worked for once, in a corporate environment. She once told me that I am too truthful. My word! Can anyone ever be too honest and truthful? Is that not what God expects from us? To tell the truth always?

Shoes of the willingness to spread the good news of Jesus – now this too I think is a favourite of mine! Actually the whole armour, but this one also stands out. What are you doing, when you walk around on this earth, to spread the word of God? Do your words AND deeds show that you are a child of God? Or do you say one thing and do another that causes doubt amongst people about your relationship with God?

Can people see that you are a child of God without you saying much? Are you telling them about what He has done for you? Are you giving your testimony of how He has changed your life for the better? Or are you doing a shady deal, under the table, cash, so that no one has to pay VAT? Or do you give your word that you will do something and then never do it? Do you go on luxurious holidays while you owe the whole world money? Or do you spend more time with other people and in the process neglect your own family?

With that being said, because I think that is a debate for another day… but… did you notice that you do not put on anything to protect your back? Have you thought about this and why? I have! It is because God has your back. He protects you from behind…. So which one are you? A worrier or a warrior? What are you choosing today? Are you going to let the devil bombard you with lies while you are a worrier, sitting in a corner? Or are you going to be ready for the battle like a warrior?

“Worrier” of “Warrior”… watter een is jy?
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“Worrier” of “Warrior”… watter een is jy?

Die opskrif is in Engels, bloot by gebrek aan ‘n soortgelyke standpunt in Afrikaans…maar terug by wat ek wou sê – die ander dag het ek ‘n Bybel plan gelees op my foon (in Engels), waar hulle iets gepraat het van ‘n worrier. Dit het my laat dink. Soveel so dat ek HEELTEMAL vergeet het om die artikel klaar te lees!

Terug by om ‘n worrier te wees. Ek het dadelik gesnap wat hulle bedoel en impliseer het. ‘n Worrier is iemand wat konstant bekommerd is, dag in en dag uit. Toe begin ek hierdie gesprek met die Here, soos ek altyd maak.

Ek kan nie onthou wat ek van my kant af gesê het nie, maar toe ek sê Worrier, kry ek, so te sê onmiddellik ‘n teen-aanbod, van die Heilige Gees af. Ek kry toe die woord Warrior. Nou wanneer jy beide hardop sê, klink hulle dieselfde maar hul betekenisse is so wyd versprei van mekaar. Ons noem dit mos homofone in Afrikaans doen ons nie?

Natuurlik was dit alweer ek en tannie Google. Die eerste poging om die prentjies vir die woorde op te soek was ‘n ramp en ek was amper in sak en as oor die stuk wat ek wou skryf, want dit sou nou voel of die inskrywing ‘n lugleemte in het. Gelukkig probeer ek weer en kry toe dit waarna ek soek.

Die prentjies was ‘n uitdaging. Maar, ek het gevind, wat ek voel, die idee wat in my kop was korrek deurgee. Nou dit bring my by die volgende vraag – watter een is jy? ‘n Worrier of ‘n Warrior? Jy sien, ek dink nie God het ons geroep om worriers te wees nie. Hy het ons geroep om warriors te wees.

Vir diegene wat dit nog nie weet nie, ons as mense, is in ‘n geestelike oorlog sedert die begin van tyd. Efésiërs 6 vertel ons meer oor dit en wat ons moet doen om staande te bly. Hoe meer ek dink oor die skrif in die Bybel van die wapenrusting van God (tipies wat ‘n warrior dra as hy oorlog toe gaan om te gaan baklei), hoe meer maak dit sin hoekom Paulus dit so verduidelik het.

Die helm van verlossing – ons moet ons gedagtes beskerm. Wat ookal in ons gedagtes aangaan, gaan ons karakter begin verander… die duiwel is konstant besig om ons gedagtes te probeer oorneem, want dis al wat hy kan doen.

Borsharnas van geregtigheid – hierdie is my gunsteling deel van die wapenrusting (as mens nou ‘n gunsteling kan hê). Dit is waarvoor ek staan en wat God my gewys het die voorskote, wat ek op my aanlyn winkel verkoop, ook beteken. Bewaar jou hart. Wees altyd righteous (dit klink net beter in Engels hier), opreg en nie vals en misleidend nie.

Skild van geloof – wat anders kan die leuens van die duiwel (wat hy daagliks vir ons vertel) afweer? Ons moet vertroue en geloof hê in God en dat Hy sal deur kom vir ons en dat Hy vir ons is. Swaard van die Gees van God (die Bybel) – as ons die waarheid WEET wat in die Bybel vervat is, kan ons enige leuens en aanvalle wat na ons gegooi word vernietig. Onthou – die karakter van die duiwel is dit van ‘n leuenaar. Hy sal jou bombardeer met missiele genaamd LEUENS. In die hoop dat dit jou hart sal tref en jou in ‘n miljuisend, onherstelbare stukke sal breek.

Gordel van die waarheid – o my jitte. Die is GROOT. Hoeveel keer ‘n dag vertel mens halwe waarhede? Halwe waarhede is LEUENS! Moet nie vir die kliënt vertel dat jy reeds met iets begin het as jy nog nie eens die leêr uit die kas gehaal het nie. Van die onderwerp af – ek het eenkeer vir iemand gewerk, in ‘n korporatiewe omgewing. Sy het eenkeer vir my gesê ek is te eerlik. Regtig? Kan iemand TE EERLIK wees? Is dit nie wat God van ons verwag nie? Om altyd die waarheid te praat nie?

Skoene om die bereidwilligheid van die evangelie van Jesus te verkondig. Sjoe, ek raak altyd uitasem as ek dit sê en lees. Nou die is ook een van my gunstelinge! Eintlik die hele wapenrusting, maar die een staan ook vir my uit. Wat doen jy wanneer jy oor hierdie aarde wandel, om die woord van God te versprei? Wys jou dade EN woorde dat jy ‘n kind van God is? Of sê jy een ding en doen jy ‘n ander wat mense laat twyfel oor jou en jou verhouding met God?

Kan mense sien dat jy ‘n kind van God is sonder dat jy veel praat? Vertel jy vir hulle wat Hy vir jou gedoen het? Is jy besig om jou getuienis te gee van hoe Hy jou lewe vir die beter verander het? Of doen jy ‘n skelm deal onder die tafel, kontant, sodat niemand BTW hoef te betaal nie? Of gee jy jou woord vir iemand dat jy iets sal doen en kom dit nie na nie? Of is jou prioriteite verkeerd? Gaan hou jy luukse vakansies terwyl jy die wêreld geld skuld? Of spandeer jy soveel meer tyd met ander mense en skeep jou huisgesin af?

Dit daar gelaat want ek is seker dis ‘n debat vir ‘n ander dag….maar…het jy agter gekom dat jy niks op jou rug sit nie? Het jy al daaroor gewonder hoekom dit so is? Ek het! Dit is omdat God ons van agter beskerm. So watter een is jy? ‘n Worrier of ‘n Warrior? Wat kies jy vandag? Gaan jy toelaat dat die duiwel jou bombardeer met leuens terwyl jy worry en in ‘n hoekie sit? Of gaan jy reg staan vir die oorlog soos ‘n ware warrior?

Worrier or Warrior…. which one are you?