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The motivational speech

God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. Words that I uttered today at my VERY FIRST (yes you are reading this correctly) opportunity as a motivational speaker at a local school – Highschool Bekker. I don’t know who I quoted today, but two other people have said that to me and I can confirm – IT IS SO TRUE!!!

Just as I was about to leave this afternoon, I felt something at the pit of my stomach. Doubt was trying to do his thing with me, but, I saw him from a mile away and kicked him to one side, not giving him a chance to get close enough to fill my mind with lies and other things.

Inside of me, I feel that I am not a Public Speaker. When I told someone that, they laughed and said Moses also thought that he was not a public speaker. I thought about that for a moment and nodded my head in acknowledgement because I agree with it. Moses had so many excuses about why he could not talk to the Pharaoh.

Back at today’s event. The “feeling” was there, but I just prayed and asked God to place the right words in my mouth, words that He wanted me to give through to the people listening today. Not once did I feel as if my tongue and mouth was all dried up, unable to speak. I did not forget what I wanted to say, even if I did not prepare a formal speech.

AND I did not shake like a leaf in fear of people, like I normally do. God equips the called. That is all that He wanted me to do. He wanted me to get into my car, drive there, speak to the people and He will do the rest. I pray that it was so, because, I cannot remember everything that I said.

Normally when that happens (the part where I cannot remember what was said), I know that it is God that takes over. The long and short of my speech? It is the same thing that I said over and over this past weekend and what the whole Beroepsvrou blog is about…How pink are YOUR feathers for God?

What do you put into yourself so that you reflect pink for Him so that you are a light bearer in this world? Do you filter those things that the world throws at you, casting out the bad? Just like flamingos filter their food, we should filter that which is going on around us.

I pray that God’s message came through, that everyone listened and heard, and that the Holy Spirit will come and water the seeds that were sown so that they will grow. Seeds that will glorify Him.

Mr. Rademan – thank you for the opportunity to talk to your staff today. I pray that I did leave a little bit of something to motivate them, so that they will also have Pink Feathers for God. Because if they have Pink Feathers for God, then the children will start to see it and their feathers will also start to turn pink. This way God will touch everyone to have Pink Feathers for Him and not be ashamed to call them His children.

Lastly I want to sing my praises to God and give Him ALL THE GLORY for today. He equipped me today. I am called and I am His. He will show me the way. He will make a road in the desert, let a river spring forth in the wilderness, just like the scripture reads that is on my notebooks. God confirmed this again to me at the beginning of 2022 – how many more signs do I want? How many sheep skins do I have to put out like Gideon did or see wonders like Moses?

Always remember, God is always with you and if you struggle with something, just pray and ask for help and He WILL come through for you. He will guide you and show you the way that you must go. He’s got your back – that is why you only put on a breastplate that covers the front – you must protect your heart (and of course you must put on the rest of the armor too). God will protect you from behind – always. He has never disappointed me and never will.

He is the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow. I know I am SOLD OUT to Jesus!! Are you? How pink are your feathers for God?

Die motiverings-toespraak
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