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The training continues…. month 3

My word! I have been doing daily journaling entries like mad! Trying to catch up the lost time since September. Guess what? Life is busy happening while I try doing this, so my plan seems to be full of flaws…

Again I almost had a panic attack (this feels like it happens on a daily basis for the silliest things) about this training and HOW am I going to catch up on this??? I only have access for 12 months and my time is almost up….

Just as I was about to take out the brown paperbag to regulate my heavy and uneven breathing, I feel the Holy Spirit calm me down like only He can do. There is nothing that I can compare His calmness to….not Lavender, white noise or any other thing that has a calming, soothing effect.

My thoughts and anxiety and all the other emotions come to a screetching halt. You know, like when you were driving like a crazy person and saw the huge speed hump almost to late? Like that!

I felt Him drop into my spirit that I do not have to have all the journaling entries done at the same time, writing out a week’s journal prompts in 15 minutes. The purpose of this is, after all, to let you grow as a person. So no one is going to experience true growth if everything is rushed!! The journaling is a process that has to be done bit by bit and not necessarily in chunks like I am trying to do.

I sit back for a moment and think, true that! High five, fist pump and booty shake with the Holy Spirit for that revelation. But then I ask Him “So HOW am I supposed to catch up on the lost time?” His answer is simple. “Download the content that is currently available, work through the video’s and other material and do the online assessment.”

He continues: That should do it. The journaling is a process and a journey you are on, you are not supposed to rush that. The online assessments are like all other training. You can do many shortly after another. You will be storing the knowledge for use later.

I have not tried this yet and perhaps that should be my plan of action? To do it like that? I think it is time for watching videos and reading the material, while walking on the treadmill and then doing the assessments….

Die opleiding gaan voort…. maand 3
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Die opleiding gaan voort…. maand 3

Oh my hat!! Ek het my daaglikse joernaal inskrywings gedoen soos ek weet nie wat nie! Probeer opvang op verlore tyd sedert September. Raai wat? Die lewe is besig om te gebeur terwyl ek dit probeer doen, so my plan voel of hy propvol foute is….en nie deurgevoer kan word nie...

Weereens het ek amper ‘n panic attack (dit voel deesdae of dit daagliks gebeur vir die simpelste goed) oor hierdie opleiding en HOE ek veronderstel is om dit op te vang??? Ek het net toegang vir 12 maande en die tyd is amper op….

Net soos ek bruinpapiersak wil gryp om my asemhaling te reguleer, voel ek die Heilige Gees my kalmeer soos net Hy kan doen. Daar is niks waarmee ek Sy kalmte mee kan vergelyk nie….nie Laventel (hoe is daai vir ‘n properse Afrikaanse woord?), white noise of enige ander ding wat kalmerend is nie.

My gedagtes en angs asook honderd en tien ander emosies kom tot ‘n skreeuende stilstand. Jy weet, soos wanneer jy soos ‘n mal mens bestuur (kom nou – ons almal doen dit soms…) en skielik ‘n groot spoedhobbel amper te laat sien. Net so!

Ek voel hoe Hy in my gees laat val dat ek nie al die joernaalinskrywings op dieselfde tyd hoef te doen nie. Ek hoef nie te probeer om ‘n week se joernaalinskrywings in 15 minute te doen nie. Die doel van dit is mos om jou as ‘n persoon te laat groei. So niemand gaan ware groei ervaar as alles afgerammel word nie!! Die joernaalinskrywings is ‘n proses wat bietjie vir bietjie gedoen moet word en hoef nie noodwendig in groot hompe gedoen te word soos wat ek nou probeer doen nie.

Ek sit terug en dink vir ‘n oomblik en besluit true that! High five, fist pump en booty shake met die Heilige Gees vir daardie openbaring. Maar dan vra ek Hom so HOE is ek veronderstel om op te vang op verlore tyd? Sy antwoord is eenvoudig. “Laai die inhoud af wat tans beskikbaar is, werk deur die video’s en ander materiaal en doen die aanlyn assesserings.”

Hy gaan voort: “Dit behoort dit te doen. Die joernaalinskrywings is ‘n proses en ‘n reis wat jy op is, jy is nie veronderstel om deur dit te jaag nie. Die aanlyn klasse en asseserings is soos alle ander opleiding. Jy kan baie na mekaar doen. Jy gaan die kennis stoor vir latere gebruik.”

Ek het nog nie dit probeer nie en miskien moet dit my plan van aksie word? Om dit so te doen? Ek dink dis weer tyd om videos te kyk en materiaal te lees terwyl ek op die treadmill loop en dan die assesserings aan te pak….

The training continues…. month 3
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The song… finalé

I thought it was a good idea to start writing the closing chapter. The days fly past and the weeks even faster, I do not want to be caught off guard and out of time, not writing the final chapter before end of March.

When I started writing this chapter, there were two weeks left in March. Now it is basically one week (ok less than one week). I still wonder on a daily basis, why the time goes by so quickly and if God is shortening our time because we are in the Oppression times that the bible talks about?

Back to the song. The devil is still trying to steal my song and he thinks he is going to get it right. But, it is actually hillarious to me when things start to feel upside down for me, the way that it is sometimes, because then I KNOW that I am on the right path and that this ís what God wants me to do.

My heart is still singing different songs for God, all that other artists have written, and it is as if I cannot sing His praises enough. After all, He gave me life and the breath that I breathe, so I cannot do anything less than to sing His praises, can I?

Every so often, it feels as if my heart and spirit wants to sing its own song to God. I truly hope that His ears are not sensitive to off-tune songs (oh my word is off-tune even a word? I am sure you understand what I am saying here, in Afrikaans we call it vals sing – not quite keeping to the tune). In my opinion, my physical person does not sing very beautifully at all (even if I was selected for the school choir and revue’s AND even landed up in a recording studio to record songs – I often wonder if the teacher that chose me just liked me or did she really see the potential in my singing abilities?).

Anyway, I laugh at the thought of how I sound in God’s ears when I sing and whether He will like it; whether it will be on the right tune or not, and whether any of these factors have an influence over His liking it or not? I don’t think I have to sing perfectly for Him to appreciate it?

We are all imperfect humans, are we not? If this was the case (perfect singing) then everything in our lives must be perfect before He will accept us, and that is surely a lie!! God takes us as we are, broken and full of mistakes. As long as we accept HIM and His son is declared as our Saviour in our lives, then we are on the right track. And of course we have to live like this daily and strive to be holy like Jesus (and stop sinning the same sins over and over).

My song will always praise God. Especially now in March (a very busy March for me) as I reflect on what happened the past year i.t.o. my blog. How I have grown, how God has just added and keeps on adding. I am so grateful that I was able to celebrate the first birthday on 23 March 2022. Grateful for the knowledge that He instilled in me and still does.

The wisdom that He gives me and people that He lets my path cross with, just to make everything even better for the purpose for which He has created this. What is your song? Do you have a song? It does not matter if you can sing or not and whether you can write or not. You must still SING for God! Does the devil try to steal your song? If that is the case, then you should be jumping for joy, because that means that you are on the right road!

I want to close off with a few songs that are on my heart, songs that I sing to God over and over. Songs that I search frequently on Spotify, while I am doing my day job AND preparing for the Easter Market that lies ahead…for those of you that is close enough, come and visit me at my table 1 to 4 April 2022 at Gerber Plaaskombuis in Skeerpoort. The first 7 purchasers each day will receive a free gift…

And just a last little thing to close off completely – I include my first two entries (in Afrikaans – sorry hope Google translate will work for you) of my blog as short cut links on this entry. Just so that we all can see where I was and where the blog is now – all the glory to God!

Welkom by my blad
Die Naam….
Die lied… slot

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Die lied… slot

Ek het dit goed gedink om maar die slot hoofstuk te skryf. Die dae snel verby en die weke nog vinniger en ek wil nie dat die tyd my vang en dan het ek nie geleentheid gehad om die slot hoofstuk te skryf voor einde Maart nie.

Toe ek die stuk begin skryf het was daar nog twee weke van Maart oor. Nou is dit basies een week (ok minder as ‘n week). Ek wonder elke dag steeds hoekom die tyd so vinnig vlieg en of die Here ons tyd verkort hier omdat ons in die Verdrukkingstyd is?

Terug by die lied. Die ou duiwel probeer steeds my lied steel, en hy dink hy gaan reg kom. Maar, dis eintlik vir my skreeu snaaks as dinge so deurmekaar is soos wat dit soms is by ons, want dan WEET ek net dat ek op die regte pad is en dat díe is wat die Here wil hê ek moet doen.

My hart sing steeds verskeie liedere vir die Here, alles wat ander kunstenaars geskryf en getoonset het (is dit ooit ‘n woord wonder ek?) en dis asof ek nie genoeg Sy lof kan besing nie. Hy het, after all, die asem in my liggaam geblaas, so ek kan nie iets minder doen as om Hom te besing nie kan ek?

Dit voel hier en daar of my hart en gees ‘n eie lied vir die Here wil sing. Ek hoop maar Sy ore is nie toonhoogte sensitief nie, want my fisiese mens kan nou nie mooi sing in my opinie nie (al was ek in die skoolkoor en revue’s EN in ‘n studio om liedjies op te neem – wonder ek maar steeds of die juffrou my net gelike het en of het sy regtig potensiaal gesien in my sang vermoë?).

Elkgeval, ek giggel maar as ek dink aan hoe ek vir myself klink as ek sing; en hoe dit in God se ore moet klink; en of Hy daarvan hou; en of alles mooi op die regte toonhoogte moet wees of nie, vir Hom, voor Hy daarvan sal hou nie? Ek dink darem nie ek hoef perfek te sing vir Hom om dit te waardeer nie?

Ons is dan almal mense wat nie perfek is nie. As dit die geval was (perfekte sang) dan moet alles in ons lewens seker perfek wees voor Hy ons sal aanvaar, en dis vir seker ‘n leuen!! Die Here vat ons soos ons is, stukkend en propvol foute. Solank ons HOM aanvaar en Sy seun as Verlosser verklaar het oor ons lewens, is ons op die regte pad. En natuurlik moet ons dit uitleef elke dag ook en streef na heiligmaking (en minder dieselfde sondes doen oor en oor).

My lied sal altyd God se lof besing. Veral nou in Maart (‘n baie besige Maart vir my) as ek terugkyk na wat die afgelope jaar gebeur het i.t.v. my blog. Hoe ek gegroei het, hoe die Here net bygevoeg het en steeds byvoeg. Ek is so bitter dankbaar dat ek die eerste verjaarsdag kon vier op 23 Maart 2022. Dankbaar vir al die kennis wat die Here in my ingesit het en steeds doen.

Die wysheid wat Hy my gee en die mense wat Hy oor my pad stuur, net om alles nóg beter te maak vir Sy doel waarvoor Hy dit geskep het. Wat is jou lied? Het jy ‘n lied? Dit maak nie saak of jy kan sing of nie en of jy kan skryf of nie. Jy moet steeds SING vir die Here! Probeer die duiwel jou lied steel? As dit die geval is moet jy op en af spring van opgewondenheid, want dit beteken jy is op die regte pad!

Ek wil afsluit met ‘n paar liedjies wat op my hart is, wat ek oor en oor vir die Here sing. Liedjies wat ek kort-kort gaan soek en speel op Spotify, so terwyl ek my day job doen EN voorberei vir die Paasmark wat voorlê…vir die wat naby genoeg is, kom kuier by my stalletjie 1 tot 4 April 2022 by Gerber Plaaskombuis op Skeerpoort. Die eerste 7 aankopers elke dag sal ‘n gratis geskenkie ontvang…

En net so laaste dingetjie om heeltemal mee af te sluit – ek sluit my eerste twee blog inskrywings ook in as kort-pad skakels op die inskrywing. Net sodat ons almal kan sien waar ek was en waar die blog nou is – alle eer aan God!

Welkom by my blad
Die Naam….
The song… finalé
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You are… part 2

Monday 14 March 2022 marks the second day that I had the privilege to hand out aprons and tell students more about the Pink Feathers and what it symbolizes. That morning I was awake at 3 am. It was probably the excitement or nerves (or both) for what was lying ahead for the day.

I had an appointment at a local school, Bekker High School, to have a 15 minute chat with the Home Economics (I have no idea what they call this subject in English these days) students, all in grade 12. I saw each class individually, which probably helped ease me into public speaking….as I have not done this for a very long time.

I think the last time I had to talk in front of people was our wedding and before that I was in grade 12. I am not counting the appointment in January I had at another local school, HaMaKom Private School. I was so nervous there I could not remember WHAT I said that day but pretty much told the same story that I told at Bekker.

Anyway, back to my original story. The first speech went well, I seemed to have the attention of all the students, remembered everything I felt that God laid on my heart. As the day progressed, the order of the speech changed slightly but the core message stayed the same.

The Home Economics teacher, Marié Booyse, added to what I said by saying that the aprons provide you protection. Not only physical (food stains on your clothes) but also spiritual protection. That was so true and another revelation to the meaning of the apron.

As the week progressed, I kept on thinking about what was said on Monday, it is as if God dropped it into my spirit that the protection is similar to the Breastplate of Righteousness that Paul writes about in Ephesians 6.

That was very striking to me, as that is what I stand for. Trying to be righteous and ethical always, even when no one is watching. I further had a discussion with my sister from another mister Dora (my domestic worker if you were wondering). She saw the things that I was preparing for the Easter Market that I will be attending as a Vendor (early April), selling my items and making myself available to chat and tell people about that which God has laid on my heart to say.

Ok, back to the discussion with Dora. On the printouts that will be on display at my table at the market, I had some fun facts from my son’s facts book that I retyped for this purpose. One of them was (and this is the question I asked the students on Monday) Did you know that Flamingos are pink due to what they eat?

She told me that this made her think even more about the whole Pink Feathers range and that the Holy Spirit is working with her the whole time about this. Thoughts I left with the students on Monday was – what are we doing to make ourselves reflect pink to the world? Dora and I, then further had a discussion about what we are filling ourselves up with, reading, listening and eating (also something that I told the students on Monday).

The conversation then turned to, what I like to call, empty calories. In my conversations at Bekker I referred to eating too much sugar that will make you crash the whole time. All my friends know that I like to refer to chips, biscuits and chocolates as empty calories. Things that are jam packed with calories (which make us fat by the way) but lacks nutritional value to feed our bodies and build them up to be what they should be, as God intended.

Again this revelation came that we must fill our spirits and minds with things that are not empty calories spiritually. What are you watching, reading and listening to? If you binge read, watch and listen to something that is empty then you will remain empty and will not produce Pink Feathers and reflect pink for God to the world. The same is true for eating by the way, but that we all know…

After my discussions and handouts to the students, it was photo time. The kids seemed very chuffed with their gifts and I truly hope that everytime they wear those aprons, not only in grade 12, but also after they finish school, that they will remember what it stands for and symbolizes.

All the glory be to God always! He inspired the aprons, He gave me the vision and the people to produce an electronic logo and the apron. Without Him none of this would have been possible. I just know deep down in my heart, there is so much more to these aprons than just an apron….like we have already discovered and may still discover.

Just as I was closing off this blog entry, I read the scripture verse that forms part of my logo again. Proverbs 10:21. The lips of the righteous feed many: But fools die for want of wisdom. (KJV). Wow is all I can say….this ties in to the latest revelation of the aprons, what you are feeding your body, soul and spirit with and what Beroepsvrou stands for. All the glory be to God always!

Jy is… deel 2
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Jy is… deel 2

Maandag 14 Maart 2022 merk die tweede dag wat ek die voorreg gehad het om voorskote uit te deel en studente meer te vertel van die Pienk Vere en wat dit simboliseer. Daardie oggend was ek al 3 uur wakker. Dit was seker opgewondenheid of senuwees (of beide) vir dit wat voorgelê het vir die dag.

Ek het ‘n afspraak by ‘n plaaslike skool, Hoërskool Bekker, gehad om ‘n 15 minute gesprek te hê met die Huishoudkunde (ek weet nou dit word deesdae Verbruikerstudies genoem) studente, almal in graad 12. Ek het elke klas individueel gesien, wat my seker gehelp het om gewoond te raak aan public speaking want ek het dit lank laas gedoen.

Ek dink die laaste keer wat ek moes praat voor mense was by ons troue en voor dit toe ek in Graad 12 was. Ek tel nou glad nie die afspraak wat ek in Januarie, by ‘n ander plaaslike skool, HaMaKom Privaatskool gehad het nie. Ek was so op my senuwees daar, ek kon glad nie onthou WAT ek gesê het daardie dag nie, maar ek het min of meer dieselfde storie vertel wat ek by Bekker vertel het.

Elkgeval, terug by my oorspronklike storie. Die eerste toespraak het goed gegaan. Dit het gelyk of ek almal se aandag gehad het en alles onthou het wat die Here op my hart gelê het. Soos wat die dag aangegaan het, het die volgorde van die toespraak effe verander, maar die kern van die boodskap het dieselfde gebly.

Die Verbruikerstudie juffrou, Marié Booyse, het bygevoeg tot dit wat ek gesê het, deur te sê dat die voorskote vir jou ook beskerming gee. Nie net fisiese (kos en olie kolle op jou klere) beskerming nie, maar ook geestelike beskerming. Dit was so waar en nog ‘n openbaring oor die betekenis van die voorskoot.

Soos wat die week aangegaan het, het ek aanhou dink oor wat Maandag gesê was. Dit is asof die Here dit in my gees laat val het dat die beskerming soortgelyk is aan die Borsharnas van Geregtigheid waaroor Paulus skryf in Efesiërs 6.

Dit was baie treffend vir my, want dit is waarvoor ek staan. Om te probeer regverdig (hier klink righteous net beter maar toemaar) en eties te wees, altyd, selfs wanneer niemand kyk nie. Ek het verder ook ‘n gesprek met my sister from another mister Dora (my huishulp as jy gewonder het). Sy het die goedjies gesien wat ek besig is om voor te berei vir die Paasmark wat ek gaan bywoon as ‘n Verkoper (begin April), waar ek my items gaan verkoop en myself beskikbaar gaan stel om te gesels en met mense te praat oor dit wat die Here op my hart lê om te sê.

Ok, so terug na die gesprek met Dora. Op die drukstukke wat ten toon gestel gaan word op my tafel by die mark, het ek ‘n paar vinnige feite van my seun se feiteboek oorgetik vir hierdie doel. Een van hulle was (en dis die vraag wat ek die studente gevra het Maandag) Het jy geweet dat Flaminke pienk is as gevolg van dit wat hulle eet?

Sy het my vertel dat dit haar nog meer laat dink het oor die hele Pienk Vere reeks en dat die Heilige Gees met haar werk die heeltyd oor dit. Gedagtes wat ek by die studente gelos het Maandag was – wat doen ons om onsself pienk te laat vertoon vir die wêreld? Ek en Dora het toe verder ‘n gesprek gehad oor waarmee ons onsself opvul deur te kyk, lees, luister en eet (ook iets wat ek die studente vertel het Maandag).

Die gesprek het toe gedraai na wat ek van hou om te verwys as, leë kalorieë (liewe aarde – ek ken nie my spelreëls so goed om te weet of hierdie woord een of twee e‘s in het nie…so verskoon maar die wat taalkundig is en weet…). In my gesprekke by Bekker, het ek verwys na wanneer mens te veel suiker eet en dan die heeltyd crash (die woord verduidelik net die impak van suiker vir my beter). Al my vriendinne weet ek hou daarvan om na skyfies, koekies en sjokolades te verwys as leë kalorieë. Goed wat propvol kalorieë is (wat ons vet maak net so tussen ons) maar wat voedingswaarde ontbreek om ons liggame te voed en op te bou na wat dit moet wees, soos God dit bestem het.

Weer was hierdie ‘n openbaring dat ons moet seker maak dat ons ons gees en gedagtes vul met goed wat nie leë kalorieë is nie. Waarna kyk, lees en luister jy? As jy binge (wat sou die Afrikaanse woord vir dit wees?) kyk, lees en luister na iets wat leeg is, gaan jy leeg bly en sal jy nie Pienk Vere kan produseer om die wêreld te wys dat jy ‘n kind van God is nie. Dieselfde is waar vir eet net so tussen ons, maar dit weet ons almal….

Na my gesprekke en oorhandigings aan die studente, was dit tyd vir foto’s. Die kinders het baie in hul noppies voorgekom oor hul geskenke en ek vertrou regtig dat, elke keer wanneer hulle die voorskote dra, nie net in graad 12 nie, maar ook wanneer hul klaar is met skool, dat hulle sal onthou waarvoor dit staan en simboliseer.

Al die eer aan God altyd!! Hy het die inspirasie gegee vir die voorskote, die visie aan my toevertrou asook die mense om die elektroniese logo te kan produseer en die voorskote. Sonder Hom sou niks van hierdie moontlik gewees het nie. Ek weet net diep binne in my hart, dat daar soveel meer aan die voorskote is as net ‘n voorskoot….soos ons reeds ontdek het en steeds gaan ontdek.

Net soos wat ek die inskrywing afsluit, besluit ek om die skrifvers wat deel vorm van my logo weer te gaan lees. Spreuke 10:21 Die lippe van die regverdige help baie mense reg; maar die dwase sterf deur gebrek aan verstand. Die engels stel dit so mooi en ek sit dit ook in, want toe ek die inskrywing begin het, het ek díe keer eerste in Engels getik en nie Afrikaans soos ek normaal weg doen nie. Dit was in Engels wat ek die openbaring gekry het. The lips of the righteous feed many: But fools die for want of wisdom. (KJV). Wow is al wat ek kan sê….hierdie sluit so aan by die nuutste openbaring oor die voorskote, wat jy jou liggaam, siel en gees voed en waarvoor Beroepsvrou staan. Al die eer aan God altyd!

You are… part 2
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The song… Chapter 2

Sometimes I wonder about Mary. How did she feel after she heard that she was expecting the Messiah? You see, the Bible does not tell us about her emotions. Not everything. We do know that she sung a song and was excited about that which God called her for.

But…was she shocked before the song? Did she feel rejected by people? What did they say about her and what did they think about her? Did they discuss her like we, as people, like to do quite so often? Did she also lie awake at night? Sleeping for only 3 hours and then being awake the rest of the time while everyone around her is snoring away?

I don’t think it was easy for her. Similar to situations we find ourselves in at times. You see, perhaps you have a song in your heart about what God has planned for you and spoke to you over your life. But in other aspects of your life there is not necessarily a song in your heart.

I think sometimes God wants us to be impulsive for Him. To do things without overthinking it, something I do often. Just trust Him. Even if life presses hard on other levels, when I feel like I cannot breathe and cannot sleep at night. Even when the devil every so often tries to steal my song….I must stay impulsive for Him.

The song that God has laid on my heart for a while now, is Rooftops by Kim Walker-Smith. I feel I want to stand on the rooftops and just shout out His name and proclaim it over my life. Irrespective of the work requirements and work pressure. Irrespective of the fact that the devil tries to kill my song with things that happen from everyday life.

I shout out Your Name, from the rooftops I proclaim, I am Yours! I hear the words echo through my thoughts. I sing it even louder to mute the lies the devil is trying to tell me in my mind. I did not write my own personal song like Mary, but this one is close enough to something for ME. What is YOUR song that God placed on your heart? Do you sing it or do you allow the difficulties of life (let us be honest here – nothing these days are easy any more) to suppress your song and smother it?

What do you choose today? I choose to still sing and believe that God trusted Beroepsvrou and everything that goes with it, to me. This is what HE planned for my life. He did not plan for me to lie awake night after night, worrying about how I am going to get everything done work wise. Or that I lie and worry about our outstanding debtors and outstanding debts.

Surely there will always be someone that owes you money and you will surely owe someone money. You will probably never have enough money for everything. Or enough time for everything. The work that I do, will surely not become easier and the deadlines will certainly (not maybe or perhaps) remain. Will one ever have enough patience with your children? Will you ever not have days that you will feel despaired about HOW you are going to help your child through Grade 7?

At the end of the day, God IS and STAYS in CONTROL of EVERYTHING. We do not have control over anything else except our own actions and outlook on life. Why not do this with a song on your lips and in your heart? From the rooftops I proclaim, I am YOURS!!!!! I sing, amplified and on the loudest volume in my thoughts, just to be sure that the devil HEARS me.

Die lied… Hoofstuk 2
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Die lied… Hoofstuk 2

Ek wonder soms oor Maria. Hoe het sy gevoel nadat sy uitgevind het sy verwag die Messias? Jy sien, die Bybel vertel ons nie van haar emosies nie. Nie alles nie. Ons weet sy het ‘n lied gesing en was opgewonde oor dit waarvoor die Here haar gekies het.

Maar…was sy geskok voor die lied? Het sy verwerp gevoel deur die mense? Wat het hulle van haar gesê en gedink? Het hulle haar bespreek soos ons mense alte graag doen? Het sy ook wakker gelê in die nag? Geslaap vir net 3 ure en dan is sy wakker vir die res van die tyd terwyl almal om haar heerlik lê en snork?

Ek dink nie dit was maklik vir haar nie. Soortgelyk aan situasies waarin ons, onsself soms bevind. Jy sien, jy het dalk hierdie lied in jou hart oor dit wat die Here vir jou beplan en oor jou lewe gespreek het. Maar in ander opsigte en aspekte van jou lewe is daar nie noodwendig ‘n lied nie.

Ek dink soms wil die Here hê ons moet impulsief vir Hom wees. Goed doen net sonder om dit te overthink soos wat ek alte graag doen. Hom net vertrou. Al druk die lewe op alle ander vlakke dat ek voel ek kry nie asem nie en kan nie slaap snags nie. Al probeer die duiwel gereeld my lied steel…ek moet impulsief bly vir Hom.

Die lied wat die Here weer vir ‘n ruk al in my hart gesit het is Rooftops deur Kim Walker-Smith. Ek voel ek wil op die dakke staan en Sy naam uitroep, proklameer oor my lewe. Ongeag die werksvereistes en werksdruk. Ongeag die feit dat die duiwel die lied probeer smoor met alledaagse dinge in die lewe.

I shout out Your Name, from the rooftops I proclaim, I am Yours! Eggo die woorde deur my gedagtes. Ek sing dit sommer harder om die leuens wat die duiwel vir my in my kop vertel te probeer uitdoof. Ek het nou nie my eie persoonlike lied geskryf soos Maria nie, maar die een is vir my nagenoeg aan iets vir MY. Wat is JOU lied wat die Here in jou hart gesit het? Sing jy hom of laat jy toe dat die lewe se moeilik (kom ons wees eerlik, niks is meer maklik deesdae nie) jou liedjie onderdruk en versmoor?

Wat kies jy vandag? Ek kies om steeds te sing en te glo dat die Here Beroepsvrou en alles wat met dit saam gaan aan my toevertrou het. Dis wat HY vir my lewe beplan het. Hy het nie beplan vir my om nagte om wakker te lê en te bekommer hoe ek alles werksgewys gaan doen nie. Of dat ek lê en bekommer oor ons uitstaande debiteure en ons uitstaande skuld nie.

Daar gaan altyd seker maar iemand wees wat jou geld skuld en jy gaan seker altyd iemand anders geld skuld. Jy gaan seker nooit genoeg geld hê vir alles nie. Of genoeg tyd vir als nie. Die werk in ons bedryf gaan seker nooit makliker word nie en die deadlines gaan vir seker (nie net seker nie) daar bly. Gaan mens ooit genoeg geduld hê met jou kinders? Gaan jy ooit nie dae hê wat jy moedeloos voel as jy nie weet HOE jy jou kind gaan help deur Graad 7 nie?

Op die ou einde van die dag IS en BLY God in BEHEER van ALLES. Ons het nie beheer oor enige iets behalwe ons eie optrede en uitkyk oor die lewe nie. Hoekom dan nou nie dit maar met ‘n lied in die hart doen nie? From the rooftops I proclaim, I am YOURS!!!!! Sing ek sommer amplified en op sy hardste in my gedagtes, net om seker te maak die duiwel HOOR my.

The song… Chapter 2
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The empty bath

Just yesterday morning, as I was getting ready for the day ahead in our bathroom, I noticed the bath in our bathroom. I see the stickeez on the side of the bath, used to pull out the plug (purely because we have not had time to fix the mechanism that has broken). Then my eyes wander further and I see a lost sponge number (nogal number 7), that the kids always play with when they bath, pushed into the shelf above the bath.

But it is as if the stickeez and the sponge number have teamed up against me, mocking me. They are mocking me by accentuating the empty bath, the bath that, every now and then, has a few bugs in and a layer of dust due to little or no use. Then it is as if they stab my heart with a knife, twisting it. The pain shoots through my whole body when I realise – the children are now almost grown up.

Gone are the days sitting next to the bath, playing, teaching numbers, alphabet letters and colors. Gone are the moments that, at times felt too long and torturous (God knows my heart and EVERY mother feels like this at times, that I am confident of!). These moments felt that way, especially when I got very little sleep due to breastfeeding through the night, or long hours of work (or both). It was not the children’s fault that I felt like that, yet some days, the moments that I had to treasure, (especially when I was very tired and slept badly) where too much for me to handle.

Earlier this week I had a conversation with a friend. She tells me that someone told her that they only have 7 Christmases (this spelling looks wrong but I am leaving it here because I have no idea how else to spell it) left with her eldest living with them in the house, then that time is over. I look at her in total disbelief, as if she is lying to me. I then start to think, doing some calculations myself. I have less than that left with my eldest child!! When I have months, weeks and weekends like we have had since January right up to now in March, when I slave away behind my computer (what feels like days without end) just to get things submitted on time and to get through the work load, then deep inside of me, there is this rebellion that builds up against my work. (My goodness WHAT a LONG sentence, but I do not think I can break it up more?).

I feel more than angry, because I feel that my work steals from me and my children. To top it all off, sometimes the working, days without end, week in and week out, working on weekends, is not even rewarded with a payment. Many clients (not only one) just shine like a bright little star not paying our accounts, even though they receive the statement, which is sent very patiently and politely month after month. Unfortunately Pastel does not have that little man that is on his knees, crying with the words Please pay, overdue that you can insert on the statement. Not like the old days, where an admin tannie (aunty if you are wondering) prints out the statements, stamping them with Mr. Please Pay Overdue, folding it neatly and then posting it. No, now it is just very convenient and easy to leave e-mails as unread.

But there I am losing my plot again about what I actually want to say. You see, this rebellion actually starts to create bitterness and bitterness makes you ill and tired. It wastes so much precious energy. So back to the empty bath. I think about it the whole day while driving to Johannesburg to see a client, and back again. I wonder by myself just WHY God made me aware of the bath?

Then I start to think, when last DID the kids bath in our bath? Somewhere between last year and this year, they started showering in their own bathroom. In the beginning it was nice to have my bathroom back to myself (and my husband of course). No toys lying all over the show. But suddenly I realise that it is over for ever, the toys lying all over the show. That which was the biggest irritation to me at times (not always) is now gone and that implies that the kids are growing up and are moving into a new phase.

I also think back to a conversation I had with another friend (also earlier this week, and YES I talk alot!). She tells me that her eldest is at University. Again I stare at her in total disbelief (and again as if she too, is lying to me). She is only 42, how can she have a child at University? Then I realise she is right. He is 18 already! She tells me that I must enjoy the time I still have to sleep and lie next to the kids at night. I must tolerate it, bear it. When you see again, it is over.

With tears in my eyes I realise that at least I only have an empty bath. She has 3 things that are empty – a bath, a bed and a room. I feel the Holy Spirit working on my heart, gently removing the knife that was turned and twisted. The reality of the empty bath does not hurt less. But He reminds me that I still have 2 of the 3 items in my house. “Treasure it” I feel the whispering in my spirit. “Have more patience and just trust me with the work and everything that bothers you so much” He continues to tell me.

“Leave everything at the feet of Jesus” words that I keep on repeating to myself and which I also hear other people say to me and I, myself, even utter to people that are feeling discouraged. “It is HARD God!” I almost want to shout back to Him. “Everyone expects something from me, every moment of every day. I am just ONE person. By the time that the kids arrive home in the afternoons, I am finished.” (In Afrikaans we say ‘op soos ou brood’ but a direct translation of this just does not sound right). “Where do you scratch out some patience? I don’t even have crumbs to spare? Plus my kids deserve more than just crumbs.” I continue reasoning with God. As if He knows NOTHING that is going on in my life.

I remain silent for a moment and see the bath again. The bath that is empty. Then I see the rooms that are full and the beds that we share every evening with our kids. I know it is ok to do it in this manner. Even if it is frowned upon by other people, I know it is ok for us. This is the little bit that we can give back to our kids for all the nights, weekends, holidays, days, weeks, months that we had to work, missing out on time with them, not being able to assist with studying and tasks that have to be done, the list is LOOONG. For all the ungrateful work that we have ever done for people. For all the unpaid statements, without Mr. Please Pay Overdue on.

I feel a calmness coming over me and I know, God knows my heart. I am doing the best that I can with that which I have available to me. My best will probably never be good enough in my own eyes, because I have this expectation, an expectation about how life should be. Not how life really is. I truly hope that my best is good enough for my kids.

I then also leave my unpaid accounts, without Mr. Please Pay Overdue on at the feet of Jesus, with my work and the pressure that comes with it, together with, what feels like 10 million other things. I hear an echo through my mind – I need only to be still, for the Lord will fight the fight for me. God is fighting, even if it does not feel like that. Exodus 14:14 (KJV) The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. I place the last little piece of something at Jesus’ feet – the empty bath. Then I turn around in search of crumbs, scraping them together so that my kids can experience more than just crumbs from this afternoon and every other afternoon and evening from now on.

Die leë bad
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Die leë bad

Net gister oggend staan ek in ons badkamer, besig om reg te maak vir die dag wat voorlê, toe my oog die bad in ons badkamer vang. Ek merk die stickeez op wat langs die bad staan om die prop uit te trek (bloot omdat die meganisme gebreek het en ons nie noodwendig tyd het om daardie probleem te probeer oplos nie). Dan dwaal my oog na die verlore sponsnommer (hoeka nommer 7) wat in die rakkie ingedruk is, waarmee die kinders altyd speel as hulle bad.

Maar dis asof die stickeez en die sponsnommer ‘n sameswering het en my koggel. Hulle koggel my deur klem te lê op die leë bad, die bad wat elke dan en wan ‘n paar goggas en stof in het van min of geen gebruik. Dan is dit asof hulle die mes dwars draai in my hart. Die pyn skiet deur my hele lyf soos wat ek tot die besef kom – die kinders is nou groot.

Weg is die dae van langs die bad sit, speel, syfers, alfabet en kleure leer met die einste sponsletters en -nommers. Weg is die oomblikke wat soms vir my te lank en uitmergelend gevoel het. (Die Here ken my hart en ek is oortuig dat elke ma sulke dae beleef het). Ek het so gevoel, veral wanneer daar min geslaap was a.g.v. borsvoeding deur die nag, of lang ure se werk (of beide tegelyk). Dit was nie die kinders se skuld dat ek so gevoel het nie, tog het dit vir my gevoel of die oomblikke wat ek moet koester, net sommige dae (veral as ek baie moeg was en baie sleg geslaap het) net een te veel was vir my om te hanteer.

Ek gesels vroeër die week met ‘n vriendin en sy vertel my dat iemand sê vir haar hulle het net nog 7 Kersfeeste (is dit die regte woord?) oor saam met haar oudste in die huis, dan is dit verby. Ek kyk haar in ongeloof aan, so asof sy vir my jok. Ek begin dink en somme maak. Ek het minder as dit oor saam met my oudste!! Wanneer ek maande, weke en naweke het soos wat ons gehad het van Januarie af tot nou in Maart, waar ek my dae omwerk, naweke omwerk net om deur alles te kom en betyds ingedien te kry, raak ek hier diep binne in my opstandig teen my werk.

Ek raak verby kwaad want ek voel my werk steel by my en my kinders. Om alles te kroon, is sommige kere se dae, weke, naweke omwerk nie eens beloon met vergoeding nie, want die mense (baie, nie net een nie) skitter in hul afwesigheid om betaling te maak op die staat wat geduldig, maand na maand per e-pos uitgestuur word. Ongelukkig het Pastel nie die mannetjie wat op sy knieë staan en huil, met die woorde Please pay, overdue wat jy kan opsit nie. Nie soos die ou dae se state wat die kantoor tannie gedruk het, gestempel het met Mr. Please Pay Overdue, netjies opgevou en gepos het nie. Nee, nou is dit net te gerieflik en maklik om die e-posse ongelees te laat.

Maar daar verloor ek alweer wat ek eintlik wil sê. Jy sien, hierdie opstandigheid skep weer bitterheid en die bitterheid maak mens siek en moeg. Mors kosbare energie. So terug by die leë bad. Ek dink daaraan die heeldag terwyl ek Johannesburg toe ry na ‘n kliënt toe, en terug ook. Ek wonder by myself juis hoekom die Here my attent gemaak het op die bad?

Ek begin dink, wanneer laas HET die kinders in ons bad gebad? Iewers tussen laas jaar en hierdie jaar het hulle net begin stort in hul eie badkamer. Aan die begin was dit vir my lekker om my badkamer weer terug te hê vir myself (en my man natuurlik). Sonder speelgoed wat die wêreld vol lê. Maar skielik is die besef daar dat dit vir ewig verby is, die speelgoed wat rondlê. Dit wat die grootste irritasie by my veroorsaak het is nou weg en dit impliseer dat die kinders groot word en ‘n nuwe fase in beweeg.

Ek dink ook terug aan ‘n gesprek met ‘n ander vriendin (ook vroeër die week, en ja, ek gesels met baie mense gereeld). Sy vertel my haar oudste is op Universiteit. Ek kyk haar in ongeloof aan (weer asof sy óók vir my jok). Sy is dan 42, hoe kan sy ‘n kind op Universiteit hê? Dan besef ek sy is tog reg, hy is reeds 18. Sy vertel my net dat ek die lê langs die kinders in die aande moet geniet, duld en verdra. As jy weer sien is dit verby.

Met trane in my oë besef ek dat ek ten minste nou net ‘n leë bad het. Sy het nou 3 goed wat leeg is – ‘n bad, ‘n bed en ‘n kamer. Ek voel hoe die Heilige Gees aan my hart werk, die mes wat dwars gedraai is sagkuns uithaal. Dit maak nie minder seer nie, die realiteit van die leë bad. Maar Hy herinner my dat ek nog 2 uit die 3 goed het in my huis. “Koester dit” voel ek die fluistering in my gees. “Hê meer geduld en vertrou my net met die werk en alles wat jou so pla” praat Hy verder.

“Los alles by die voete van Jesus” woorde wat ek oor en oor vir myself sê, en ander mense ook vir my sê en ek selfs uiter aan ander wat mismoedig is. “Dis MOEILIK Here!” skree ek amper terug. “Almal verwag iets van my elke oomblik van elke dag. Ek is net EEN mens. Teen die tyd dat die kinders by die huis kom in die middae is ek op soos ou brood. Waar krap mens dan geduld uit? Ek het nie eens krummels oor nie? Plus my kinders verdien meer as net krummels.” redeneer ek hier met die Here verder. So asof Hy NIKS weet wat in my lewe aangaan nie.

Ek raak weer stil en sien weer die bad. Die bad wat leeg is. Dan sien ek die kamers wat vol is en die beddens wat ons elke aand deel met ons kinders. Ek weet dis ok om dit so te doen. Selfs al frons ander mense vir jou, weet ek dis ok vir ons. Dis die bietjie wat ons kan terug gee vir ons kinders vir al die nagte, naweke, vakansies, dae, weke, maande se werk en uitmis op tyd saam met hulle, nie tyd kry vir help met leerwerk en take nie, die lysie is LAAANK. Vir al die stank-vir-dank werk wat ons al vir mense gedoen het. Vir al die onbetaalde rekeninge, sonder Mr. Please Pay Overdue op.

Ek voel ‘n rustigheid oor my kom en weet, die Here ken my hart. Ek doen die beste wat ek kan met dit wat ek het. My beste sal seker nooit goed genoeg wees in my eie oë nie want ek het hierdie verwagting, ‘n verwagting van hoe die lewe moet wees. Nie hoe die lewe in werklikheid is nie. Ek hoop regtig dat my beste goed genoeg is vir my kinders.

Ek los dan ook my onbetaalde rekeninge sonder Mr. Please Pay Overdue op by die voete van Jesus, saam met my werk en die druk wat saam met dit gaan, saam met wat vir my voel soos 10 miljoen ander goed. I need only to be still, for the Lord will fight the fight for me eggo dit deur my kop. Die Here veg al voel dit nie so nie. Hy veg want ons kan dit nie in eie mag doen nie. Exodus 14:14 (KJV) The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. Ek sit die laaste stukkie ding by Jesus se voete neer, die leë bad. Dan draai ek om en gaan soek my geduld krummels, skraap bymekaar sodat my kinders darem meer as net krummels kan ervaar vanmiddag en elke middag en aand van nou af.

The empty bath

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The song… Chapter 1

Just like that, February 2022 came and went. We survived another big deadline. At times it really felt as if the ball and chain that I was wearing at the Accountant’s Inn, was heavier than what it was supposed to be. Some days were harder than others. I paced myself to work, at what felt like a snails pace, during February, just to get through everything. I did not work long hours on one day, but rather more days in the week.

Then, suddenly, on 28 February 2022, it was as if I could feel how the key was being turned in the lock so that I will be released earlier than planned. By 12 noon, I clicked on the submit button on my last IRP 6 return. I sit back and think – HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? This has NEVER happened before? In previous years, we sit and work so hard, the only sound you can hear are our fingers typing away at our key boards and mouse clicks flying like they are going out of fashion (I wonder how many clicks we do on a mouse in a day??), echoing in our ears, as we struggle to get everything submitted in time.

Other years, I usually submitted the last returns around 9 or 10 at night, sometimes even just before midnight. I still recall my daughter (now 8) at a younger age, bringing a pillow and blanket to sleep on the floor in the office while I was working to get everything submitted on time. Suddenly the load is just lighter.

Everyone gets into bed at a reasonable time. It almost feels wrong, as if we forgot someone or something. We review the control list again – no, we did not forget anyone, all have been submitted. I realise again, as if it is a new revelation, that we made the deadline because we have a set of hands that WORKS and KNOWS what she is doing. Someone we can trust to do the work and to do accurate calculations. Bringing her side, pulling her weight, irrespective of her circumstances.

Come 1 March 2022, I woke up and I almost want to say with a song in my heart. The song is not quite there for my work (although I thoroughly realise that if I do not work, this blog will not exist, amongst other things, other than the obvious provision for our basic needs), but the song is there in my heart, for what God has planned for me and what He is revealing bit by bit.

You see, God is revealing more and more to me while I start to advertise the Beroepsvrou platform more and doing new designs, everything between the day job. On that particular day (March 1st) I saw a client. I was not stationed at my desk and that is just what happened that day. I was recovering from working almost 9 days in a row (even if it was not 7 or 10 hours every day), just finding my feet in the next task that had been staring at me, waiting (im)patiently for me to finish it off.

I wondered the whole day WHAT the scripture for March was, I truly could not remember it. Eventually I got to tear off the dirty page for February. It was as if it reflected HOW hard I worked by being extra dirty. Water marks, ink that smudged, you name it, that was what my February calendar looked like. Eventually I sat down to read the verse. I think it was only on the second of March.

I read it and for a fleeting moment it did not make sense. I wondered by myself WHY I chose THAT verse? It does not make sense, the sentence starts blunt and in the middle of something. I decide to view it on the bible app on my phone. I read it and still it does not make sense. I decide to start reading from a few verses before this one.

Finally I understand! I grasped it!! I could not fit EVERYTHING on the calendar, plus this particular verse was on a key ring that I purchased some time ago. It was said in such a beautiful way on the keyring and hence the reason for choosing this scripture. If you are perhaps wondering why I cannot recall the scripture that was chosen – the last time I worked on these designs were in October / November 2021.

Six years’ time has passed (that is how it feels to me in the mere 6 months that actually passed). My brain cannot remember every single little bit of detail. Ok so back to the verse. I start reading from verse 45. My eye catches the heading just beneath verse 45 – The Magnificat. At first I looked at this thinking WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? (Remember I read this in Afrikaans first and there it is clear what this is).

Anyway, I compare the scripture to other versions in my application on my phone and the New Living Translation has extra words, Mary’s Song of Praise, next to it. (I also Googled the word Magnificat and there it refers to the hymn of the Virgin Mary.) Wow, that is very interesting. I feel as if I have a song in my heart and here is the scripture that refers to a song that was sung by Jesus’ Mother. WOW that is coincidence – or is it? I know with God NOTHING is ever a coincidence.

Luke 1 : 45 – 49 And blessed [spiritually fortunate and favored by God] is she who believed and confidently trusted that there would be a fulfillment of the things that were spoken to her [by the angel sent] from the Lord.” And Mary said, “My soul magnifies and exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has looked [with loving care] on the humble state of His maidservant; For behold, from now on all generations will count me blessed and happy and favored by God! For He who is mighty has done great things for me; And holy is His name [to be worshiped in His purity, majesty, and glory]. Amplified translation.

There is so much more to this scripture than what I can even begin to think or realise… I almost feel like I have to break up this scripture and analyze it a bit further. There is so much power captured in this. So many promises for me and for each one who believes and stands on that which God has called them for and that which He has disclosed to them of their calling.

To be continued…

Die lied… Hoofstuk 1
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Die lied… Hoofstuk 1

So het Februarie 2022 gekom en gegaan. Nog ‘n sperdatum was oorleef. By tye het dit regtig gevoel of die ball & chain wat ek by die Accountant’s Inn gedra het swaarder was as wat hy veronderstel was om te wees. Sommige dae was moeiliker as ander. Ek het myself teen ‘n, wat vir my soos ‘n slakke pas voel, laat werk in Februarie, net om deur als te kom. Nie lang ure op een dag noodwendig nie, maar eerder meer dae in die week.

Skielik op 28 Februarie 2022,was dit asof ek kon voel hoe die sleutel in die slot gedraai word en hy vroeër as beplan losgemaak gaan word. Teen 12 uur die middag click ek submit op my laaste IRP 6 opgawe. Ek sit terug en dink by myself – HOE HET DIT GEBEUR? Dit het NOG NOOIT gebeur nie? Elke ander jaar tevore sit en werk ons dat die spoeg spat en tik dat dit al klank is wat jy in jou ore hoor eggo, saam met die muis se click geluide (ek wonder hoeveel keer click ‘n mens se muis daagliks?), soos wat ons spartel om alles betyds in te dien.

Ander jare dien ek gewoonlik hier teen 9 of 10 uur die aand die laaste opgawes in, soms nog later en net voor middernag. Ek onthou nog hoe my dogtertjie (nou 8) haar kussing en kombers gebring het en op die vloer by my geslaap het terwyl ek sit en werk. Maar skielik is daardie las net ligter. Ons almal kom teen ‘n redelike tyd in die bed.

Dit voel amper verkeerd, so asof ons iets of iemand vergeet het. Ons gaan weer deur die lysie – nee, niemand vergeet nie, almal ingedien. Ek besef opnuut dat ons die sperdatum gehaal het omdat ons ‘n stel hande het wat WERK en wat WEET wat sy doen. Iemand wat ons kan vertrou om werk en berekeninge akkuraat te doen. Haar kant te bring ongeag haar omstandighede.

So staan ek 1 Maart 2022 op, ek wil amper sê met ‘n lied in my hart. Die lied is nog nie daar vir my werk nie (alhoewel ek besef dat as ek nie werk nie, hierdie blog nie sal kan bestaan nie en natuurlik weet ek dat my werk in ons behoeftes voorsien), maar die lied is wel daar vir dit wat die Here vir my beplan en wat Hy vir my so stuk-stuk begin wys.

Dit alles terwyl ek Beroepsvrou se platform meer bemark en nuwe ontwerpe doen, en tussen werk deur. Ek sien ‘n kliënt die betrokke dag (1ste Maart) en sit nie eintlik by my tafel om te werk nie, dis maar net wat daardie dag gebeur het. Ek recover so bietjie van die amper 9 dae se werk aaneen (al is dit nie 7 of 10 ure elke dag nie, dis steeds werk elke dag) en vind net my voete in die volgende taak wat vir my lê en loer….en (on)geduldig wag tot ek dit afhandel.

Ek wonder die heeldag WAT die maand se skrif vers is, en kan dit wragties nie onthou nie. Uiteindelik skeur ek Februarie se vuil bladsy af. So asof die bladsy weerspieël HOE hard ek gewerk het deur ekstra vuil te wees. Waterkolle, ink wat smeer, jy noem dit, dit is hoe Februarie se kalender aan my kant gelyk het. So gaan sit ek UITEINDELIK weer en lees die vers, ek dink hoeka dit was eers 2 Maart.

Ek lees en vir ‘n oomblik maak dit nie sin nie. Ek wonder by myself HOEKOM op dees aarde het ek nou DAARDIE skrif gekies? Dit maak nie sin nie, die sin begin so stomp en in die middel van iets. Ek trek dadelik my foon nader en lees op die Bybel toepassing (hoe is daai vir ‘n fêncy Afrikaanse woord vir application?). Ek lees, maar steeds maak dit nie sin nie. Ek besluit om so paar verse vroeër te begin lees.

Uiteindelik het ek dit! Ek snap dit!! Ek kon nie ALLES inpas op die kalender nie, PLUS die skrif vers is op ‘n sleutelhouer wat ek een keer gekoop het. Dit was vir my so mooi hoe dit op die sleutelhouer was en daarom dat ek hom gekies het. As jy dalk wonder hoe ek nou nie die skrif wat EK gekies het kan onthou nie – ek het Oktober / November 2021 laas aan die ontwerpe gewerk.

Ses jaar se tyd, voel dit vir my, het sedertdien in die kort rukkie van ongeveer 6 maande verloop. My brein kan net nie elke liewe detail onthou nie. Goed, so terug by die skrif vers. Ek begin lees van vers 45 af. My oog vang die opskrif net onder vers 45 – Die loflied van Maria. Sjoe, dis nou vir jou interessant. Ek voel of ek ‘n lied in my hart het, en hier is die skrif ook ‘n lied wat deur Jesus se Moeder gesing was. WOW dis nou vir my toevallig, of is dit? Maar ek weet dadelik met God is NIKS ooit toevallig nie.

Lukas 1: 45-49 Gelukkig is sy wat glo dat in vervulling sal gaan wat die Here vir haar gesê het!” En Maria het gesê: “Ek besing die grootheid van die Here, omdat Hy na my in my geringheid omgesien het. Kyk, van nou af sal elke nuwe geslag my gelukkig noem, omdat Hy wat magtig is, groot dinge aan my gedoen het. Heilig is sy Naam! Afrikaans 1983 vertaling.

Hier is soveel meer aan hierdie skrif as wat ek kan dink of besef….ek voel amper ek moet dit versie vir versie opbreek en analiseer. Daar is soveel krag hierin. Soveel beloftes vir my en vir elkeen wat glo en staan op dit wat die Here openbaar aan my en hulle oor dit waarvoor ons geroep is.

Word vervolg…

The song… Chapter 1