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Good Bye….

Saturday 4 December 2021. What a lovely morning. Slightly overcast and cool, something that is welcome after the intense heat that we had experienced the few days before. As per usual, the parents park their vehicles at Eden Leersentrum to attend the annual price giving and concert.

But this time it is different, different for our family. It is our children’s last price giving and concert at Eden. Why? you may ask. My answer? The children grow up. Franco, my eldest, is finished with primary school.

You see, we all knew that this day would come, since 2016 when we first enrolled our children, we knew that this day would come. Yet we decided to avoid this subject and not have a stare-down competition with it. Just not giving it any attention.

It is even more strange and different than usual, because I attended this alone. My husband could not attend as he tested positive for the virus and is self-isolating in the house, separate from us, so that we can attend the function. We also tested and the results were negative for the rest of us. We could attend the morning with a peaceful heart (for what it is worth).

My heart is broken on his behalf, because he could not see the last concert, he could not hear them say their speeches that they worked so hard on, hear the songs and see the dances they performed. He had to view everything via a video that I took with my cellphone, which was sent via Whatsapp to him. I keep my distance, keep the mask on, avoid physical contact with anyone. Another thing that is strange for me.

A friend walks closer and waves at me. I can see she wants to give me a hug. I stop her immediately. My heart breaks into even smaller pieces, you see, my love language is not getting the food it needs, especially on a day like this. One of the hardest days that I had secretly hoped would never arrive.

The concert, speeches and rhymes that the kids had prepared go according to their plans, everything was perfect, no one forgot their words. Everyone talks loud and clear while it continues to rain softly every now and then. Certificates are handed to the children, they stand proud with their teachers for photographs, holding their certificates that they had worked so hard for.

The morning goes by quickly, quicker than what one would expect. This is it. The time to say goodbye has arrived. With tears in my eyes, I walk to the first teacher, thank her for all that she had done. I cannot help it, the tears and emotions overwhelm me and take over everything.

I walk towards the other teachers, all emotional and crying I greet them and thank them for all that they had done. It is such a bitter-sweet moment. The kids grow up, we have to move on. This phase is over for ever. Yet it is so hard to say goodbye.

Michélle Nortjé – this is just a small something that I could give you from the bottom of my heart. Something to thank you for all that you had done over time and meant for our kids. May God bless Eden Leersentrum even more and may it grow from strength to strength.

This is certainly not a farewell, but just a goodbye. Until we meet again. The end of a season always arrives and we have to meet the new season with open arms. Bitter-sweet, this is how I would describe the transition to the new season….

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