It is time for the Grand Finalé! Drum roll please…..The moment everyone has silently been waiting for, with the exception of one person, Lynn Grobler, who was prepared to share her curiosity on Facebook…..The great reveal! The reason for the delay in publishing this post will be better understood while you read this entry….
With that being said, I can stop the cryptic messages, I feel that now I may TALK with EVERYONE about the divine heavenly download that God laid on my heart! The Pink feathers was actually a clue with regards to the new season of Beroepsvrou and that which will start to form part of the logo and so forth.
Last weekend, Francis Hartzer (Woordkuns) guessed right about what she perceived the pink feathers represented. I tried to bluf, not sure if I got it right. It is a Flamingo. You see, these days, for some odd reason, I have this fondness and liking to Flamingos. The pink and the prettyness of it all just grabs my attention.
I did one of Woordkuns’ Bible journaling kits that had a Flamingo in it. But this was long before I started noticing the Flamingos. At that stage, I had this preset idea of not sticking ANYTHING in my new Illustrating bible. NO, I shall only paint and draw (I almost sound Shakespearian here…)
Ha ha, biggest joke EVER! Because I then attended the Adorned camp and then it was over. I got over my preset idea. Now you see, the kit from Francis, had a pink flamingo sticker that you can stick in your bible.
The scripture of the kit? Isaiah 60:1-2. The more I read the scripture, the better I understand the association that she had made with the Flamingo and why I decided to use that scripture as part of this project, to further connect the dots with a Flamingo so to speak. That is just one POWERFUL awesome scripture.
The main message in my very secretive project is from Colossians 3:23-24. ALWAYS do your work as if for God and not for man. You see, even if you report to a human being on earth, you still serve God. This is what I have taken out of this scripture – my dumbed down version if you want to call it that.
Is the blog not called Beroepsvrou? We all work for someone. Some for themselves and ultimately for the clients who support their businesses, others for bosses, others are what we call in Afrikaans tuisteskeppers or Home Executives (that just sounds better than stay-at-home-mom). But at the end of the day, we all have to report to someone on this earth. However, God remains above all so we are actually serving Him.
The purpose of this entry is to unravel that cryptic messages and to reveal the big secret. Soooooo……with that being said. God laid it on my heart to create items that will be printed and advertised with scripture on it – aimed at Business Women. Irrespective of what you do for a living and whether you feel you are only a secretary or only the head of a business. By the way, no one is just only somebody. You ARE someone.
Every month of 2022 will have a certain scripture and then God laid it on my heart to blog a bit more in depth on that scripture for that month. God wants to reach ALL business women, even if you do not sit behind a computer and desk the whole day long, there will be something that you can use.
I tried to think of a rhyme for 2022 but could not come up with one in Afrikaans, only English. You see, 2020 was the year of plenty – which ended up being plenty of washing, plenty of school work, plenty of everything we did not have planned.
2021 was no different, but I proclaimed it as 2021 the year we get things done. And it was like that! Still is! Things we wanted to do in and around our house, but never got round to it, happened, some even early in January. I stand in amazement when I look back at the year that passed, at everything that was achieved, and we still have a little less than 2 months left to continue achieving goals, climbing mountains.
So what will the rhyme be for 2022? I thought about it long and hard. The only thing I could come up with, was from a childhood nursery rhyme. Apparently I am the only one that knows this – my husband looked at me strangely when I said it, and someone else if not mistaken, but I cannot remember who.
2022 Buckle my shoe (from the rhyme One, two buckle my shoe, thre four, knock on the door….). I sit and think about this for a while, why buckle my shoe? Then the penny drops in my spirit. We must fasten our shoes to be ready to stand up against the enemy’s attacks and spread the word of peace. It can be found in Ephesians 6:15, if you were wondering where this is written in the bible…
Back to the items that are being made. The aim is to have an A3 sized desk pad calendar printed (this will be the one with the scriptures on). Then there will be a notebook, a mousepad and a small calendar that looks like a tent (which is called a tent calendar) and of course a few digital goodies to brighten up your computer and cellphone. At the Adorned camp, God also laid it on my heart to make aprons and to have them embroidered. I am pleased and excited to say that the first (small) order has arrived!
I will blog in more depth about the background and why I chose WHAT, else this blog will become too long to read. But here is a fun fact about Flamingos. One that I read in my son’s one facts book (he has been intrigued by facts since he was small and still is).
Do you know why the feathers of a Flamingo are pink? There is Beta carotene (I hope Google translate is correct here – the fact book is in Afrikaans) in their food. Should they be moved to another place with different nutrients in their food, their feathers will become grey. Flamingos in a Zoo get carrot juice to maintain the pink feathers. Source: Helen Lewis’ “Vinnige Feite”.
That brings me to the next thing that God dropped in my spirit (just like that). What are you filling your spirit up with? Do you present yourself grey to the world? How PINK are your feathers for God? Do you eat enough spiritual food to maintain the pink color of your feathers or do you eat very little or almost nothing that results in your feathers being dull and grey?
You must remember, you cannot fill your spirit sporadically with something spiritual. It is a constant feed, almost like a drip, directly to your veins, that will ensure that your feathers stay pink. I ask again – how pink are your feathers for God? The words from I am SOLD OUT are dancing around in my mind again. I certainly have PINK feathers for God and I am totally SOLD OUT to follow Jesus. Always, irrespective of the circumstances.
The platforms on which the said items can be acquired from will be made known soon (I am still working on some of them and hence the delay in the publishing of this final chapter) and I certainly do not want this to sound like a Verimark Ad….But wait, there’s MORE! With that being said I close off this Grand Finalé and know that everyone will be as excited as I am about the news that has just been made public knowledge!

Die Pienk Vere – Slot hoofstuk
Ah so exciting Elsie….love your passion and enthusiasm xx